The old man was so angry that he had to wait for the next experiment.

[It is impossible to stop the experiment. ]

Marvin said firmly in his heart.

No matter what, he will not stop his experiment. This is related to his only obsession. He can't give up.

[However, the selection of experimental subjects does need to be more precise. ]

Marvin doesn't care much about the punishment of the family, because that may be to cut some welfare allowances.

Without the allowance of the family, for him, it will only be a short-term reduction in funds for purchasing experimental materials, which is not a big problem.

With Marvin's current level of refining potions, it is not difficult to make money by selling alchemical potions.

But what Marvin is really worried about is that the family will transfer him away and replace him with a pharmacist to stay here.

Glenbagen is a big family, and also a noble family of the Hartwin Kingdom. The family is not short of low-level alchemical potions such as [Physical Potions].

The reason why the family sent him here is -

First, being able to refine potions is always much more economical than buying them.

Second, the family members saw that he had not made any contribution to the family, and had been wasting the family's resources on some random things, so they simply arranged him to the training camp to make some contribution to the family.

Marvin was very grateful to the guy who suggested arranging him to the training camp, although that guy might just be unhappy with him.

But after coming here, with a continuous and large supply of experimental products, his research progress was much faster than before.

Marvin took out the stack of information from his briefcase and flipped through it, and found a few sheets of data he needed and put them on his workstation.

Marvin took a pen and marked the key points on these papers, indicating that they were his main research objects in the future.


Marvin circled this name.

"He is the only experimental subject with spiritual talent in the training camp, and he has the same "weak spiritual talent" as me."

"The experimental results obtained on him should be of great reference value to me."

Marvin pondered.

"It would be great if we could just catch him and observe his changes at all times, but unfortunately that rigid guy Renakin will not agree."

"Although he doesn't care about the lives of those slaves, he thinks his job is to train those slaves and make them the sharp blades of the Glenbargen family."

"At this point, Renakin will not allow others to interfere with his training plan."

"But as long as it doesn't touch his bottom line, he shouldn't care what I do."

"Let's refine normal [physical potions] later... The materials for experimental research will be added separately to the food of those experimental subjects."

"The key point is that Reens... Should I talk to Renakin?"

"Let him let him go a little during training and don't kill that slave."

Marvin muttered to himself as he sat in front of his workstation.


Two months passed in a blink of an eye.

The intensity of the training camp was increasing as expected.

To date, 13 people have died in the training. Some of them died suddenly during the training, some were beaten to death, and some were killed by the instructor because of resistance.

Fortunately, Ben was not among the dead.

Otherwise, Reens would have lost his daily "story meeting".

Reens had to admit that Ben was indeed very eloquent. After two months, his "story meeting" had become a pastime for Reens.

Reens asked Ben how he practiced his eloquence?

Ben's answer was that he liked chatting with people since he was a child, liked to collect all kinds of rumors and family information, and his biggest dream was to become a bard.

However, due to his family conditions and his own appearance, he was unable to take steps towards his dream in the end.

As for how Ben became a slave in the end?

He didn't say it, and Reans didn't want to open his friend's scars.

I forgot to mention that Ben was one of the few trainees in their class who could read from the beginning.

Every dead trainee would be dragged away by the guards. I wonder where their bodies would be dumped in a mass grave?

Anyway, Reans didn't find any place to bury the bodies in the training camp.

But if they were thrown outside the training camp, Reans had never seen the gate opened for this.

Of course, the gate of the training camp was not always opened.

Every once in a while, a team of carriages would transport a large amount of food into the training camp.


They came in through the gate, just like the carriage that brought them in more than two months ago.

Reens was not surprised that the training camp needed to import a lot of food from outside.

After all, it was impossible to achieve complete self-sufficiency with the conditions of the training camp. It didn't even have a farmland.

Food must rely on external supplies.

Unless there is some special magic in the training camp that can conjure food... For example, the wizard in World of Warcraft can consume mana to make water and bread.

However, it is impossible for slaves like Reens to take this opportunity to leave the training camp.

Because every time there is a lot of guards, even instructors will be stationed at the gate.

There is basically no cover at the gate, and it is difficult to sneak to the vicinity without being discovered.

Reens tried several times in the dungeon, and was basically caught by the instructor.

After confirming that he couldn't leave the training camp in this way, Reens stopped paying attention.

With this energy, it is better to continue practicing swordsmanship.

Two months later, Reens' swordsmanship became even more sophisticated.

Relying solely on swordsmanship, Reens could defeat or even kill every guard he encountered using only a wooden sword.

Even if they besieged him, Reens could remain undefeated for a short period of time.

If he got a real sword, Reens could completely kill a friend with one sword like the instructor.

However, even if Reens already had such combat power, he could only hold on a few more swords when facing the instructor.

Every time he faced the instructor in the dungeon, Reens could deeply understand the sentence - "The body is the foundation of swordsmanship."

Strength, speed, reaction, explosive power... In any aspect, Reens was far weaker than the instructor.

To be honest, Reens was really discouraged by this situation.

There was a feeling that no matter how much he improved, he could not cross the mountain.

However, this illusion was quickly thrown away by Reens.

Reens knew very well that the discouragement was just the negative emotions accumulated from failure after failure.

He is very good. In just over two months, he has become the second in command of this training camp.

Except for the instructor, no one is his opponent... although only he knows this fact.

Moreover, Reens has not reached the point where he needs to stop in swordsmanship.

Until now, Reens has not reached the first realm of swordsmanship mentioned by the instructor.

That realm is more difficult to enter than Reens imagined.

Two months ago, Reens felt that he had a tendency to swordsmanship and thought that he would soon develop his own style of swordsmanship.

But as Reens went further in his swordsmanship tendency, he always felt that he was still a little short.

Reens didn't know what he was still short of.

Although he could always feel his progress, that feeling in the dark told him that he had not yet entered that realm.


In the morning, physical training in the square.

Reens, who was training, inadvertently saw a guard walk up to the instructor and tell him something.

Then, soon after listening to the guard's speech, the instructor quickly left the square.

Reens looked at the direction the instructor left, which seemed to be the direction of the gate.

[Is the food convoy coming again? The time doesn't match. ]

While doing the training, Reens thought to himself.

Now it is not so difficult for Reens to complete the training.

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