The old man was still asleep.

Riens opened his eyes dimly and looked at Ben who woke him up.

"Is the break over? It's so fast!"

Riens asked Ben for confirmation.

Then he quickly got up from the ground, patted the dirt off his body, and tidied his clothes.

The watered version of [Healing Potion] worked well. The small wounds on his body had begun to scar, and he could hardly feel the pain if he didn't touch them.

But the bloody clothes on his body looked a little scary.

If Riens appeared on the street at night in his previous life, he would be directly regarded as a murderer who had just killed someone.

Although, it seemed to be true.

However, the outfits of other people were basically the same, so there was nothing special about Reans.

People really need to stand in a crowd that matches their characteristics. When everyone is abnormal, then the abnormal is normal.

"Well, it's time, let's go."

Ben responded.

There were no accidents in the following duel.

Reans still showed the strength he should have shown. He admitted defeat when he met someone he should not have beaten, and won when he should have won.

He went on the court, then got injured and went off the court, wandering back and forth between the winner and the loser.

In short, while letting the water go, he ensured that he would not be seriously injured in the duel.

"It's finally over."

Ben breathed a sigh of relief and said with a tired face.

"It's still early."

"It's only over this afternoon, there's tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow... Who knows when the graduation exam will come?"

"The instructor didn't say it clearly... Alas, eight people died this afternoon alone."

"When was the last time there were more than this number of people? I'm afraid it was only that incident."

Rians showed a helpless expression and hit Ben.

What was that incident?

Of course, it refers to the instructor killing more than 30 trainers who tried to escape from the training camp.

Rians brought up this matter at this time to pave the way for the next conversation.

"Don't say such depressing words, at least we are still alive now."

"Besides, since the instructor has said it will be soon, it should be a few days."

Ben encouraged Rians.

Ben didn't want his friend to lose hope at the last minute, but at the same time he was reminding himself.

Don't give up the coming dawn because of the coldness of the long night.

"Yes, we are almost there, just hold on a little longer."

"I wish we can all get out alive, not like the thirty or so people that day."

Rins hoped.

The reason why he talked to Ben about this was to give Ben a deeper impression of himself.

An impression of someone who still has hope for the future, remains rational, and will not do anything impulsive.

And all this is preparation for the action tonight.

Any action cannot leave no clues.

But as long as Reens is careful enough, those many flaws can be eliminated.

And Ben is under the same roof with Reens after all. If he has doubts, he may still find out Reens's doubts.

By then, Reens can't just kill Ben, right?

Let's not talk about whether he wants to kill or not, just say that killing Ben will make him more suspicious.

So, what Reens is doing now is to reduce the possibility of Ben's suspicion of himself.

Although I don't know how much this preparation can help, doing more can also give me more hope of survival.

"After we finish eating, it will be time for class soon."

"Will it be cancelled?"

Rians asked Ben casually.

"I don't know, but the instructor didn't say it was cancelled, so I should still go to class."

"You'll know when you go to the classroom."

"If there is a class, Teacher Marvin should be in the classroom. He always arrives early."

Ben responded slowly.

"It's time to go and see. Teacher Marvin is probably the only one in the entire training camp who really treats us as human beings."

"Besides, if it weren't for his teaching, I wouldn't even be able to write my own name."

"Not to mention understanding history and geography."

Rians said with a grateful look.

"Ha, didn't I tell you a lot? Why are you grateful to me?

? "

Ben deliberately made an expression of dissatisfaction and teased Reans.

"You said that they were just some stories and rumors, which are not as professional as what Mr. Marvin said."

Reans said to Ben with contempt.

Ben knew that Reans was just joking and didn't really dislike his story, so Ben certainly wouldn't be angry.

However, Ben still showed an angry expression and said: "Okay, you kid actually dared to dislike my story, it seems that I have to teach you a lesson."

"Watch it! God's Strike!"

Ben casually swung a punch and hit Reans's uninjured part.

"You actually used the legendary 'God's Strike', it seems that I can't hold back."

"Watch it, the mercy of the saint! "

Riens also responded in a serious manner, and also gently swung his palm.

Then the two of them punched and slapped each other, and kept reciting various second-year moves.

Sometimes, friendship is enhanced through mutual jokes.

And second-year behavior is also one of the reasons why Reans and Ben became friends.

The others on the side looked at the two people's actions and felt a little speechless. They thought that the two were like fools.

"Teacher Marvin, will you come to the class in the evening?"

"That's your last class."

Riens, who was wrestling with Ben, said in his heart.


Marvin did not disappoint Reans' expectations after all.

When Reans and others came to the classroom, he was already waiting on the podium in neat clothes.

"It seems that everyone is a little embarrassed, um... there are a few less people."

"In that case, let's talk about some light topics today. "

Marvin looked at the students, who were already less than 30 in number, and said hesitantly.

"I wonder if you have heard of the rumors about magicians?"

Marvin coughed a few times, as if adjusting his voice, and continued.

"It is rumored that magicians can control fire, hurricanes, rivers, and the earth."

"You can summon various monsters to drive, and even directly transform into powerful monsters."

"You can know people's minds and even control their minds."

"You can know everything in the world without leaving your home, and you can reach any place in the world with one step."

"In the rumors, magicians are really almost omnipotent, just like gods."

"Do you think this is possible?"

"You can feel free to speak out your ideas and discuss them together."

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