The two hundred yuan mission is simpler than the novice mission of 100 contribution points of Reans.

The mission target is the management of a gang.

This was specially selected by Reans, although it is not difficult to kill ordinary people.

But there are better choices, and Reans is of course willing to kill the guy who deserves to die.

However, there are basically no ordinary people on the target of the Glenbargen family's mission list.

After all, Reans's mission alone is worth almost one gold coin.

How can an ordinary person spend so much money to buy his life?

Ordinary people can't even get a gold coin by selling themselves as slaves.

Back to the topic.

When Reans arrived at the mission location, the target was sleeping soundly at home.

From the red lip prints that had not been wiped off his body, and his disheveled appearance.

Reens seriously suspected that this guy might have consumed too much and lay down as soon as he got home.

In any case, the task process was very simple. Reens directly wiped his neck while he was asleep and sent him to hell smoothly.

During this period, no sound was made and no one noticed.

Reens came quietly and left quietly, and no one realized that a murder had happened.

After submitting the task, Reens returned directly to the dormitory and entered the dungeon.

After reading the rewards of those tasks this morning, he lost interest in "saving money" to exchange for [Element Baptism Potion].

The speed of saving money was too slow. He might have to work hard for the Glenbargen family for several years to barely save enough contribution points.

During this period, he could not be seriously injured, otherwise it would be an extra expense.

Moreover, it would be ridiculous if he died because of the danger.

Therefore, it is more suitable for him to use some evil methods.

Since he can't afford it, he will try to steal or rob in the dungeon. Anyway, he only needs to drink the [Element Baptism Potion] and he doesn't need to care about the consequences.

With the idea determined and ready to go... Reens went directly to the warehouse this morning.

When returning the "Exchange Order", Reens asked the guy who was resting behind the counter: "Is there any [Element Baptism Potion] in the warehouse?"


The guy at the counter responded very straightforwardly.

"If there is no inventory, then if someone exchanges it, how can the warehouse take out the potion to the person who exchanges it?"

Reens continued to ask with a little surprise.

"This kind of precious things are made by the family again after someone exchanges it, so there is no inventory."

"Even if there is, it is not something I, a service staff, should know."

The guy at the counter looked up at Reens and said impatiently.

"I still don't believe it, I want to confirm it myself, so can you help me point the way."

"See where the precious items or potions are stored in the warehouse?"

Rians said to the boy at the counter with a faint smile.

"What are you talking about? You fucking..." Is there any end to it?

The boy at the counter was annoyed by Reans's continuous questions. He was about to scold Reans, but the long sword on his neck stopped him from talking instantly.

"Is it okay?"

Rians asked him with a faint smile.

This scene shocked everyone present.

No? What happened? Why did the secret guard put the sword on the staff's neck?

"Brother, don't get excited. If there is anything you can't say, why do you need to use a sword?"

"I admit that my attitude just now was a little bad. If I have offended you, please be magnanimous and let me go."

"Really... I was just too tired from work and spoke a little rashly. I really didn't mean to offend you."

The boy at the counter stiffened slightly, and his angry expression slowly turned into mourning. He begged for mercy from Reans.

"Reans, don't get excited, calm down, this is a warehouse, don't be impulsive."

Ben and Harriman also tried to dissuade him.

They also didn't understand why Reans put his sword on someone's neck after just a few words?

"Didn't you hear what I said just now? Lead the way."

Reans ignored Ben and Harriman, and continued to talk to the boy at the counter.

"Uh... what, I understand... I'll take you into the warehouse now."

The boy at the counter just showed a puzzled expression, and Reans's retracted long sword figured it out, and he neatly


After hearing this, the people present realized that it was not the staff who offended the secret guards, but someone wanted to be a robber.

Suddenly someone couldn't help laughing...


Then soon, the whole warehouse was filled with laughter.

This can't be blamed on their low sense of laughter. The main reason is that a family's secret guards actually wanted to rob the family's warehouse, and they were robbing in broad daylight.

Brother, at least choose a time when there are fewer people.

"Okay, okay... Don't make such a joke, put down the sword, and talk nicely."

A secret guard with a rough figure and appearance, trying to hold back his laughter, walked up and spoke to Reens.

In response, Reens used a sword.

Reens took back the long sword on the counter boy, turned around, and instantly drew the sword, slashing upward, cutting off the secret guard's neck.

Then, he put the sword on the neck of the boy at the counter again and said lightly: "Hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

As Reans' voice fell, the walking figure immediately fell down.

The head rolled to the ground, with an expression of disbelief still on it, and the gushing blood spilled on the people around the body and the floor.

The warehouse instantly changed from laughter to silence, and the blood flowing from the body eventually slowly gathered into a pool of blood.

Someone is dead, for real...

Everyone stood there watching this scene, and those who reacted quickly immediately left the warehouse.

I don't know whether to notify others or simply think that staying here will be affected.

"Why do you do this?"

Ben stood silently with Reans and asked him.

He didn't know why Reans did this, but as a friend, he chose to stand with Reans.

"Are you crazy too, Ben?"

"Do you know what you are doing?"

Harriman shouted on the side.

"I want to see if there is any [Elemental Baptism Potion] in the warehouse?"

Riens explained to Ben.

He was not surprised that Ben chose to stand with him, because this situation happened in the training camp.

At that time, when Reans chose to kill crazily, Ben also chose to fight against the siege of the guards with him without knowing it.

This is also one of the reasons why Reans recognized Ben as a friend.

It is also the reason why he wanted to solve it for him as soon as he heard that Ben was in danger.

Ben is the first and only true friend Reans has met.

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