The stalker used this ability to find the location of the power source and successfully destroyed it.

Then, she first targeted the place with the strongest magic power, rushing down the stairs like a waterfall.

In a blink of an eye, the stalker arrived at the place where the flow of magic power is most chaotic in the police station, which is the largest space in the police station - the reception hall connected to the main entrance.

Almost at the same moment that the stalker broke into the hall, a uniformed man standing in the center of the hall performed light source magic on each lighting position.


The stalker made a prompt decision and immediately transformed into a spirit.

But even if a stalker is a first-class assassin, the speed of spiritual transformation is still not as fast as the speed of light. In the blink of an eye before she disappeared, her figure was still exposed to the eyes of several people, including the magician.

The shadow that blends into the light——

This was the only description the police could think of after seeing the undead-like figure that appeared at the entrance.


"Is it a Servant?"

As a Master with a Command Seal, Orlando was able to determine the opponent's "Servant" identity with just a glance.

"Not a swordsman. Although I only saw it once, but that kind of physical ability... it's that of a stalker!"

As long as the Master directly sees the Servants participating in the Holy Grail War, he can obtain a certain degree of "intelligence".

This information will appear in the master's mind in the form of a page from a magic book or a piece of parchment, and will be adjusted according to the master's consciousness. Even if you can't see content such as the real name, you can still read the other person's general physical abilities and some characteristics.

Although nothing could be analyzed based on the fleeting figure, Orlando still noticed that the other party was good at concealing his presence and acting secretly. And even judging from the dark attire he saw before he disappeared, it is more likely that this servant is a stalker.

"Tsk...were you sent here after seeing the swordsman on TV? This master's movements are really fast." Orlando cursed in his heart.

Although I had expected something like this to happen, I didn't expect someone to act so quickly.

Since the servants have turned into spirits, Orlando and the others cannot launch physical attacks.

However, the Servant probably won't stay here in a spirit form forever.

Because the heroic spirit cannot take any offensive or defensive measures when it is in the spirit form, if the magician and the master have a way to attack the spirit body, the heroic spirit may be destroyed unilaterally.

For this reason, it is not a good idea to remain in a spirit state around hostile Servants and hostile Masters.

The moment when the spirit body and the physical body switch, it will also become a fatal flaw in this kind of battle where the outcome is determined in an instant.

Therefore, maybe this servant has become an entity and is hiding somewhere.

This is a reception hall that runs through three floors. Including the passages on the second and third floors that extend inward, there are countless places to hide people.

Thinking of this, Orlando looked around cautiously.

"The Command Seal is hidden under the glove. How likely is it that the other party will find out that I am the Master?"

Considering that the opponent's target might not be the swordsman but himself, Orlando began to figure out the next step in his mind——

Hansa, who had moved to the pillar in the corner of the hall at some point, uttered such a sentence, which greatly narrowed Orlando's next move.

"Oh, Mr. Director, was that your servant just now?"

With such a concise sentence, Orlando instantly understood Hansa's intention. He couldn't help but glared at Hansa and cursed angrily: "Asshole... Is this what you should do as a supervisor?"

"Don't you need a church overseer?"

Hansa smiled evilly and leaned against the pillar with his arms folded. As if to say that no matter what happens next, he will only be a bystander.

"This is just my small act of defiance against those in power who threaten ordinary people."

"Pagan priest?"

If he is a supervisor who comes to confirm the existence of the Holy Grail, then he is someone that stalkers should be wary of.

But if he is really just a neutral person sent to confirm the authenticity of the Holy Grail, then he is just like the ordinary heretics in the city and is not the target of the stalker's life.

However, the Diver would never let go of the "Director" who was greeted by the supervisor with "Are you your servant?"

Judging from the several layers of barriers set up outside the police station and the fact that the master is a person in an important position, even if the stalker does not understand constitutional politics, he can easily deduce that this "director" may be related to promoting this Related to key figures in the Holy Grail War.

The stalker mentally adjusted his primary target, changing from "the knight of the opera house" to the "police commissioner" in front of him.

"It's not too late to seize the police chief and ask for information about the mastermind behind planning this Holy Grail War, and then deal with him."

After making up his mind, the stalker turned into a physical entity in the passage on the third floor - a blind spot in the field of vision that was invisible from downstairs, and aimed at Orlando.

She switched stances and prepared to use the Noble Phantasm best suited to capture the magician.

At this time, the stalker still thought that the only enemy was the police chief.

It wasn't until an arrow carrying evil demonic power shot through the air that she realized her mistake.

That was an arrow shot from the blind spot of the stalker's vision.

If it weren't for the fact that the stalker had a keen five senses that made it easy to travel through the night, so he could detect the magic power fluctuations in the space and the slight friction sound of clothes when pulling the bow, otherwise she wouldn't have noticed it before the arrow pierced her body. Become the target of others' attacks.

The stalker bent his joints at impossible angles and twisted his body to avoid the arrow aimed at his heart.

The arrow, which had lost its target, continued on its trajectory - piercing the wall as far back as the shooter could see.

The wall hit by the arrow immediately exploded in an astonishing way.

A large hole was blown out of the reinforced concrete wall, completely exposing the room separated by just one wall.

The stalker had no idea how the arrow caused the wall to explode.

All she knew was that the power of that blow could definitely kill a person or an ordinary heroic spirit.


single cell

"...What was that sound just now?"

Although the roar sounded far away, it was indeed coming from this building.

Ayaka, who was in the darkness, noticed that the ground was shaking slightly, and asked the swordsman with some worry: "Is someone coming to kill you?"


As soon as the swordsman finished speaking, a faint light lit up around him. A soft light like fireflies enveloped the single cell, illuminating Ayaka's blank expression.

I saw water balls the size of glass balls floating in the air, and the light came from there.

"Can you still use magic?"

"It's not magic; it's magic."

"What's the difference?"

The swordsman explained nonchalantly: "Things that can be reproduced by human hands as long as it takes time and effort are called magic; and things that create miracles that modern people can never create are called magic, so I guess. I'm not a magician, and I don't know the specifics. But with the advancement of science, it is said that many magics have now become magic."

Ayaka looked at the water ball that released the light, still showing a puzzled expression.

The swordsman shook his head with some regret and said frankly: "Do you want to understand the principle? Sorry, I don't know, because I didn't actually release it."

"Huh? That's it"

Before Ayaka could finish her question, the swordsman suddenly disappeared from her eyes.

"Ah, don't go..."

Ayaka was left in the cell with the glowing water ball. She sighed and lay down on the bed again.

Ayaka sat up again after lying down for a few seconds, because she heard a soft knock from the cell door, and then saw the swordsman sticking his head out of the door.

The swordsman shook the large bunch of keys in his hand and smiled evilly.

"I quietly borrowed the key."

"Is this called borrowing..."

"This is the legendary prison escape! Haha, it's so exciting!" The swordsman looked excited.

Ayaka said helplessly: "Where has your reputation as a knight gone?"

The swordsman blinked his shining eyes happily and said decisively: "Of course I will compensate for the damage to the Opera House, and I will also abide by the agreement with the officials and accept house arrest until dawn. But before that, I have to let you Escape to safety.”

"...Maybe this cell is the safest place."

"It's hard to say. This police station is very strange. It seems like there are barriers everywhere."

This statement made Ayaka frown and asked: "Are you not sure...could someone else tell you that?"

The swordsman smiled nonchalantly and opened the cell door.

There was no guard outside the door, and only the noisy protests of prisoners could be heard coming from other cells.

The swordsman grabbed Ayakashi's hand, let the glowing water ball float in front, and walked outside the cell area.

"That's right, it's a bit complicated to say."

"I don't quite understand what the barrier is about? Is there a magician in this police station?"

"Not only are there magicians, the structure of this building can be called a huge barrier. I originally thought that maybe everyone here is a magician, but judging from the interrogation just now, this should not be possible."

Then, the swordsman changed his expression to a more serious one and continued to Ayaka: "However, this police station was indeed built for magicians. If this disturbance is related to the Holy Grail War, that is not a good sign. "

"Why do you say that?"

"They may have wanted to ask you to cooperate with me at first, or to inquire about some information... But if the shock just now was caused by an attack launched by other servants, and you have not formed a cooperative relationship with them, there may be danger at any time. Maybe you are an enemy of them, so they naturally want to get rid of you first to avoid worries later. I don’t say this without evidence.”


The swordsman was silent for a moment, and some distance away from the single cell, as if protesting to someone, he muttered in a low voice: "Hey... why didn't you tell me earlier? If I had known, I would have Break out the door."

"Who are you talking to?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, just think I'm talking to myself."

After the swordsman apologized casually, he still answered Ayaka's "evidence" with uncertain words.

"The ceiling of the cell just now seemed to have been tampered with, and a spell was buried there. The other party could use this to manipulate the composition of the air, causing the people in the room to die from lack of oxygen at any time."


reception hall.

While dodging the arrow, the stalker also saw clearly the person who fired the arrow.

It was a young woman wearing a police uniform. She carried a quiver on her back that was completely inconsistent with the style of the police uniform, and what she held in her hand was not the pistol and baton equipped by ordinary police officers, but a long bow that was almost as tall as her.

"Noble Phantasm! That woman... is a servant of the "Police Commissioner"."

The stalker recognized the bow as a "Noble Phantasm" at a glance, and from this she concluded that it was an archer servant who had made a contract with the director, wearing a police uniform and sneaking into the police.

At first glance, the female police officer's aura is similar to that of an ordinary magician, but maybe she has the skills to hide her identity as a heroic spirit. If it were a Master with a Command Seal, he would be able to tell it at a glance, but I don't have a Master, so I can't confirm it.

Thinking of this, the stalker determined that the female police officer in front of him was a Servant, and immediately changed his posture to prepare to counterattack her. The Stalker controls his body's center of gravity so that he can move as soon as he hits the ground.

The moment the stalker landed—

She heard a very small sound of the soles of shoes scraping against the floor next to her.

A chill ran through the stalker's body. She neither approached nor moved away from the policewoman holding a bow, but jumped directly upwards with all her strength.

The stalker flipped his body half a turn lengthwise and jumped directly to the ceiling. She then saw a black man, also wearing a police uniform, holding a weapon similar to a long knife, sweeping across the location where she had just been.

If she had moved back and forth just now, she might have been hit by the knife.

"That knife... is also a Noble Phantasm... what's going on?"

Although his mind was full of doubts, the stalker did not stop his movements, kicked his feet to the ceiling, and kicked towards the man with the long knife.


The opponent blocked the attack with the handle of the knife at the critical moment, but was still kicked deep into the passage.

"It feels wrong. Isn't it a heroic spirit?"

Although the opponent was holding a Noble Phantasm, she didn't feel like a heroic spirit after contact. At least if he was a heroic spirit, he wouldn't be kicked away by the kick just now.

The stalker's thoughts suddenly became confused. While paying attention to the policewoman's bow, she jumped to other positions. She looked towards the front of the passage and saw a door leading to the lounge on the wall facing the atrium. Door.

However, as soon as the stalker landed, the door was slammed open, and a tall man holding a large shield rushed towards her.

The strong man protected himself with a large shield and approached her menacingly like a cannonball.

What makes the stalker feel a sense of crisis is not the strong man's height of nearly two meters, but the amazing density of magic power on the large shield that is almost the same size as the strong man.

"This is indeed a Noble Phantasm! What happened? When did the Noble Phantasm become so worthless?"

This sentence seemed inappropriate for her to say, but that was the situation at the moment. ()

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