A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1019 1019 Recognize you as a ‘human being’

10pm, Snowfield Central Church.

From a geographical point of view, Snowfield Central Hospital and the police station face each other across the city's largest casino, Crystal Hill, and the Central Church is built not far from the hospital.

Although the history of this city is not long, the church's appearance looks quite majestic, so there are always many devout people and tourists coming here.

But now, the usually bustling church has spread its barrier to repel people, turning it into a space that ordinary people would never want to approach.

The priest who was still in the church late at night smiled bitterly and said, "You are not here to seek protection, are you? I also want to tease the director."

This is the very distinctive priest wearing an eyepatch - Hanse Cervantes.

Four nuns stood beside him. Although they were wearing monastic uniforms instead of battle uniforms, they were in a ready-to-fight stance, staring at the visitors warily.

Because the person who came was none other than the "Twenty-eight Monsters"—about twenty-five members headed by Vera entered the church.

The director only left a few members with him to sit at the police station and direct the operation. He believed that the church could be used in this operation against the hospital.

"I understand the whole story, but do you think I will agree?" Hansa was very puzzled.

Vera replied: "We are not here to ask for support. According to the plan, we only need you to help us protect one person here."

"The unconscious Master and the Servant acting alone... Whether as a supervisor, as a priest or as a person, I agree to protect the Master, but first she must be willing to withdraw from the Holy Grail War. As for this time In this situation, the key lies in whether you can negotiate with that servant, isn't it?"

"Yes, if things don't go well, we may directly eliminate the servant. But doing so would be beyond your scope of responsibilities as a supervisor, so we will not ask for your help."

"I see. Although I feel that I have been cleverly used by you, this is the fate of the supervisor."

Hansa replied with a shrug. At this time, he suddenly discovered that next to the police, a young man was staring at him intently.

"By the way, he... doesn't look like a policeman."

Hearing this, the young man named by Hansa - Flatt quickly took a step forward.

"Ah, nice to meet you! My name is Flat, and I am the master of the Berserker. I feel honored to have the opportunity to help you all this time. Supervisor of the Holy Grail War, please give me your advice!"

"Oh, finally there is a master who is willing to honestly admit that I am the supervisor. My name is Hansa Cervantes, and I would like to ask for your advice."

Hansa smiled to himself.

Flatt looked him up and down and asked: "If I made a mistake or offended you, then I'd like to apologize first... Mr. Hansa, did you fight with anyone in the parking lot of the police station the day before yesterday?" One? About 70% of your body is made of machinery..."

"Can you tell?"

"Well, the flow of magic in several places changes in geometric shapes. Because I can't understand it, I guess it's a machine! Wow, it's different from the dolls of Mr. Langar and Miss Orange... It's amazing. I'm still the first Meet the cyborgs once! Can you fire a rocket punch? Or a drill or something?"

Hansa shook his head at Flatt who saw through his physical characteristics: "I can't shoot with my fist. As for the drill, I'll keep it a secret. However, I can stretch one arm up to three meters and can also shoot grenades. Quietly. Let me tell you, I have sanctified chainsaws attached to my feet.”

"I'm so touched! If you don't mind me being the magician of the Clock Tower, please shake my hand!"

"Of course, you are very sensible. If you are tired of magic, you can convert to the Holy Church."

The Clock Tower magician and the agent of the Holy Church, who were obviously natural enemies, showed appreciative smiles to each other and shook hands solemnly.

While the police were confused, the nuns standing together in pairs began to whisper to each other.

"Father Hansa will tell the magician all the details...is that okay?"

"He's always like this. There's nothing we can do about it, Hansa's mental age is that of a child."


Dark location.

Bazdilot abandoned his workshop in the industrial park and is now staying at the backup base prepared by the Scladio family.

A "communicator" in the shape of a Ouija board slowly moved in front of Bazdilot, and letters appeared on it one after another, forming a text.

After reading this passage, Bazdilot said to the darkness with an expressionless face: "Alcides, can you move?"

Alcides untied his spiritual transformation, appeared in the darkness, let the strong magic power flow throughout his body, and replied firmly: "Of course."

"The 'rat' within the police contacted me, let's go to the hospital." Bazdilot ordered Alcides in his usual, emotionless voice, "It's time, I need you to go Tackle a kid.”


Alcides didn't seem to hesitate at all.

Bazdilot was very satisfied with this, but also had a question.

"It may be a little late to say this now. Although the deal with the warlock did us no harm, you retreated so neatly. I thought you would insist on killing the goddess."

Bazdilot had already used all the command spells, and there was no way to stop Alcides. Therefore, he was mentally prepared to waste this tempting deal, but he did not expect that Alcides put away his bow.

"She...is not the God I know."

"But there is essentially no difference between them."

"No, that's not what I meant. She is not the original body or a clone... I'm afraid it's a curse that is imprinted on other people's personalities, a curse that spans the ages."

Alcides calmly adjusted his equipment and walked towards the exit of the temporary workshop.

"Although I hate God, the curse left by God is secondary. Sooner or later, I will still get rid of her. Before that, I have to get rid of the demigod who calls himself the King of Heroes. It's that simple."

"Then, please finish your work tonight."

Bazdilot watched Alcides leave with sharp eyes, and informed him of the benefits of this job.

"If things go well, then the element of uneasiness when fighting the King of Heroes will be greatly reduced, and you can freely tarnish the name of the God who took everything from you."

After hearing the Master's words, the archer turned his back to him and agreed calmly.

"You don't need to tell me. I only exist to tarnish his name."


Church rooftop.

Part of the roof of the central church is a rooftop, where you can overlook the starry sky and part of the night view, as well as the beautifully decorated bell tower.

Flat, who was waiting for action here, let out a sigh of relief.

"Ah, great... finally the deal was successfully negotiated."

After hearing this, Bennett, who transformed into a watch, replied: "This is all the credit of your magician teacher. The investigation he stated in front of the police chief and the subsequent negotiation methods, I can't find anything other than perfect. Other words to describe it.”

Although Bennett was just listening, the monarch El-Melloi II on the phone was like a detective lying in an easy chair. Although he was not at the scene, he told the story of what happened in the city clearly.

He said that the girl was probably possessed by the Servant and had made a contract with him in a deep psychological state or in a dream.

Judging from the fact that she was eroded by bacteria created by the Caoqiu family, the heroic spirit she summoned was either a heroic spirit related to pathogens, or something that was used as a symbol of disease in an era when there were no concepts such as bacteria and viruses. thing. Could the abnormal phenomena occurring in the city now be caused by a very special kind of magic - bacteria-like magic that consciously selects the target of infection? After the monarch El-Melloi II made the above speculation, After conducting various negotiations with the Director, he was able to get behind the scenes of the Snowfield Holy Grail War while still in England.

"In the clock tower, no one can defeat the professor in this kind of inspection and negotiation without using magic. Ah... However, if the other party uses blackmail during the negotiation, it will be difficult to deal with..."

Perhaps it was because a lot of things had happened in the past. Frat propped his elbows on the edge of the rooftop and spoke in a nostalgic tone.

"There are many factions in the Clock Tower, and it's very troublesome. This kind of thing seems to me to be extremely inefficient. I can't understand that the professor also said that doing this is very stupid, but he still manages to get along well among these people. He When they accepted me, they seemed to have encountered many problems.”

After speaking, Flatt was silent for a moment, and then said to Bennett: "I hope the girl in the hospital can be saved."

"Yes." Bennett responded and suddenly asked, "There is something... I have always been curious about."

"What's up?"

"Why do you want to save that girl?"


Flatt could not immediately answer this most basic question.

"You do have a gentle temper unlike a magician, and I understand that you don't want to kill a girl for the Holy Grail War. However, you do not hesitate to expose your identity to other Masters who are enemies of you to save her, even if you are from From an ordinary person’s perspective, it’s a bit unreasonable, right?”

"Seeing people in need and wanting to help is..."

"It's not natural. Master, although it depends on the situation, this kind of thing is not natural. Human beings are not that strong. There must be some reason why they want to become stronger."

Hearing this, Flat nodded suddenly, then looked up at the night sky and fell into thinking.

After a while, he seemed to have sorted out his thoughts in his mind, nodded sharply, and then said: "Actually, it's very simple. It's because of the professor."

"Oh, are you really influenced by him?"

"If it were the professor here, I think he would definitely save the girl even if there was no reward. You are right. Although I don't understand why, in my eyes, although the professor is not very good at magic, he is a very good one. A strong person. Not only me, but also my classmates in the classroom, and even several people who hate the professor, all admit this."

Flatt showed a ashamed wry smile and mentioned his own affairs to the Heroic Spirit watch on his left wrist: "Before... I caused a big trouble and caused trouble for the professor."

"After hearing so much, I feel that you are always causing trouble to others..."

"Yeah, but the trouble was different at that time... A friend named Lu Xi'an and I were caught by a magician named Atram. Ah, I thought we were dead at the time."

Even life and death can be talked about without taking it seriously. Flatt laughed at himself and said: "But the professor saved us with a big gamble. The professor has a friend who has been separated. Even if it takes a lifetime, he still wants to see the other person again. And meeting that friend requires a prop, but in order to save us, the professor put that important prop on the gaming table."

Tools needed to meet the other party——

Bennett immediately thought: Is it a catalyst used for summoning? The friend that the professor wants to see is probably the same as me - the heroic spirit he met during the Holy Grail War. If that was the case, the value of that prop was definitely not something others could determine, but he put it on the gambling table in order to save the students. It turns out that he does look like Mr. Flatt, and he does things differently from ordinary people.

Having said this, Flatt probably came to the conclusion, and a lonely smile that could be seen from time to time appeared on his face.

"If this matter only concerns me, then I will fight to the death of that girl for my own purposes. Or I may kill her first like other ordinary magicians."


"But before I was the magician of the Escardes family, I was first the El-Melloi classroom's Flatt Escardes."

El-Melloi Classroom - The moment he said this name, the lonely look on Flatt's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a confident expression.

"Since I am a student in El-Melloi's classroom, my life is not my problem alone. If I do nothing to save that girl here, it will be equivalent to betraying the professor and the classmates in the classroom. Yes. To me, that's as scary as... losing my purpose as a magician."

"So that's it. You even expressed your fear, so I have to accept it."

Hearing this, Flatt asked Bennett: "What about you? Why don't you oppose me?"


"If you want to win the Holy Grail War, you don't have to go out of your way to save that girl, right? If you firmly objected, I could only use the Command Seal, but you agreed very simply."

After hearing Flatt's words, Bennett shook the hands of his watch with an attitude of "What, that's what I was asking."

"It's very simple. I was just influenced by your teacher, His Excellency Lord El-Melloi II." Although Flatt was taught a lesson by El-Melloi II when he called him. Two hours, but Bennett also got the opportunity to communicate with II.

After Bennett explained his characteristics as the 'incarnation of human will', he heard Nii's smooth voice slip into his heart easily, as if he was attending a magic class.

"I believe that what is called human nature is gradually formed through encounters with other people."

"It doesn't matter if you're a murderer in 19th-century London, a vampire duke, or anyone else."

"From my communication with you, I can see that you seem confused, but it seems that someone has given you a general direction, so your behavior is quite calm. You are the one who appears next to Flatt with such a calm temperament. Man, I really appreciate it.”

"Whether it's good or bad, if you can have a little influence on my stupid student, I will be very grateful to you. Of course, if you can learn something from him, that would be even better. This can also be regarded as a relationship between people. Help each other, right?”

"I promise you, I will remember you as a person, not as an 'incarnation of human will'. You are a living 'person'. What I remember is that you are a follower of Flatt. The person who showed him the way forward in just a few days is also the person I am communicating with now."

"So, please take good care of my stupid student."

"I don't have command spells or other means of coercion, but I still want to ask you willfully... to protect him."

"Oh, I have said before that if I continue to talk to him... I will really be won over by him. Maybe he is a dream demon disguised as a human being." Thinking of the conversation at that time, the watch-shaped Bennett couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He finally understood why Mr. Xuanhao said that he could learn how to be a human being in this world.

What the man really wanted him to learn was not Flat, but to make progress together with Flat.

He is very similar to Flatt. To a certain extent, they are both freaks walking around in human skin.

And the person who guided them... was the monarch who had certain qualities.

"One of his words touched my heartstrings, which is equivalent to my life being slightly manipulated by him, that's all." Flatt said with an innocent smile: "Then Mr. Bennett is also El-Melloi. students in the classroom.”

"I am the human will born with human malice. If a great evil person becomes a student, your teacher will also find it very troublesome."

These natural words made Flatt shake his head and deny: "There are similar people among the graduates, so I think it shouldn't be a problem. Besides, I don't think you are a big evil person."

"It's not like it's not a problem at all." Bennett smiled wryly and shook the pointer, then said in a serious tone, "There is still a huge flaw somewhere in your heart. No, it's not a flaw. Maybe you didn't realize it." , there is a huge deviation between your heart and the world. Even I feel terrible."

Bennett continued to the uneasy Flatt: "But I am relieved now. It is not because you have such a magician as a teacher, but because you are in awe of his attitude towards life. As long as you have this ambition , you can overcome the deviation from this world.”

"Is that so? I don't quite understand, but I more or less understand that I have deviations from magicians... and ordinary people."

"Don't worry, it's the same for me. This is a common issue for us. All living people are feeling the deviation between themselves and the world. I don't know if it's appropriate to say this in my current position - take the clock as an example, there is no such thing in the world Clocks that have no errors at all and are completely consistent with the actual time. It’s just that some people have been working hard to correct the time for them.”

After hearing these words, Flatt smiled and said, "Mr. Bennett, maybe you will become a poet in the future."

"Are my words that grandiose?"

"Yes. No wonder you signed 'from hell' on the letter you wrote to the police."

"...I know how to talk."

The two of them didn't laugh heartily, they just smiled slightly at each other and then turned their attention to the hospital. "It's almost... starting soon."

"Well, because we can't get rid of all the patients in the hospital, we have to use wide-area magic to make the patients fall asleep, causing the doctors to have cognitive impairment and not see the police coming in... Wait, something is wrong."

Flatt followed Bennett's voice and looked from the church's rooftop to the road in front of the hospital.

I saw the police there pointing at a certain place and shouting something.

Flatt used magic to strengthen his vision and looked where they were pointing——

Then saw "it".

I accidentally saw "it".

A three-headed dog the size of an adult elephant exhaled blue breath. The man was wearing a strange long cloth, holding a bow in his hand, and standing leisurely on his back.


On the rooftop of the Central Hospital.

"He came with Cerberus... What is the origin of that archer?"

The person standing high up and looking at the giant beast is the vampire who has returned to his youthful appearance—Jesta Caltore.

The wounds caused by Hanse seemed to have not yet healed, and the skin exposed under the clothes still bore fresh scars from the holy water burns.

"Interesting. What other great men and monsters are there in this Holy Grail War? Who should I let that beautiful stalker dance with? I have to sit down and choose carefully."


The main road in front of the hospital.

Because a large area of ​​​​repellent barriers has been set up, the main road at this time is extremely deserted to the police officers who are usually responsible for patrolling.

However, something broke the silence and came out from the depths of the road.

It was a giant dog with three heads, and poisonous gas flowed from between its sharp teeth.

It may take some time for the police to realize that it is "Cerberus" who has appeared countless times in mythology and movies.

This is enough to prove that the sense of oppression and terror possessed by this monster far exceeds the Cerberus they knew.

The thick magic power seemed to freeze the air.

The archers on the monster's back were also bathed in magic power, but their expressions remained normal. If he had held a sickle instead of a bow, anyone would have believed that he was the God of Death and would have screamed crazily.

The huge hell guard dog stopped in front of the policemen, lowered its head and glared at them.

The archer asked the stunned policemen in a low voice: "Where is the young son possessed by the heroic spirit...?"

As he spoke, his body had turned towards the direction of the hospital. I am afraid he was asking the girl exactly where on the floor she was.

One police officer plucked up the courage to ask, "What are you going to do to her if we tell you...?"

"Of course, according to the rules of the Holy Grail War, kill them head-on."

The police couldn't help but scream.

Just by looking at it, you can understand that it is different from ordinary heroic spirits in power——

The coercion and coercion exuded made the stalkers who had fought with them in the past few days look pitiful and cute——

Such a person talks about "frontal massacre" of an unconscious young girl.

"What are you shooting-" After understanding what the archer was saying, a policeman made an angry voice without thinking.

But his anger was interrupted by the explosion.

In order to frighten the opponent, the archer shot an arrow across the asphalt road, exploding a large crater with a radius of ten meters.

Several nearby police officers were directly involved in the explosion and lost consciousness.

"It doesn't matter if you don't answer, don't hinder me."

After saying that, the archer fully drew the bow.

The police immediately understood that the archer was going to use his bow and arrows to destroy the ten-story hospital.

The arrow he shot casually just now was just to scare others, but it left a big hole in the asphalt road. This power made it clear to the police that the archers were definitely not doing anything stupid.

The arrow had already left the bow before the police could stop him.

"Tsk! You actually did this!"

Jesta immediately sensed the archer's intention and crushed the water tower he was on with one kick. Then he used some unknown power to freely control the overflowing water and block the incoming arrows with all his strength.

The water flow exploded, and under the illumination of the street lights, the water droplets spread out like fireworks.

The arrow, which narrowly missed, cut off part of the hospital's rooftop and eventually disappeared into the sky.

"Oops, what's wrong, what's wrong, policemen? You have to work harder, otherwise it will be difficult for me."

Not long ago, Jesta almost destroyed those policemen with her own hands, but now she was encouraging them. Jesta sneered, then sighed: "If I turn Caoqiu Chun into a member of my race, she can avoid this difficulty... But in this case, the stalker will kill her without hesitation. Tsubaki. It’s boring and annoying.”

After talking to himself, he realized one key thing and shook his head again.

"No, judging from her physical strength, her body shouldn't be able to hold on, and she will probably die before she changes..."



Alcides stood on Cerberus's back, looking at the man who had just created a thick water shield. Seeing that the man exuded an aura that was different from either a heroic spirit or a god, Alcides jumped to the ground warily.

"If anyone gets in the way, bite him to death."

The three-headed dog of hell (Cerberus) was summoned by Alcides using the Noble Phantasm - King's Order. It was a magical beast that he captured in trials in the past and did not exist in the human world.

After giving the order to the huge monster, he raised his bow seriously again in order to destroy the hospital and carefully observed the "enemy" on the roof of the hospital.

"That aura is indeed not a Servant, nor is it the same as the woman who claims to be a goddess. I'm afraid it's a beast born from the planet or something else...is it a Nemean Lion in human form?"

Thinking that the fur covering his face also came from a lion, Alcides further increased his vigilance.

He was thinking about whether to use the Twelve Glory to summon another thing, when he suddenly felt a slight shock on his back.

"Slight" is just Alcides' own perception. In fact, its power is enough to penetrate the body of the tank.

What was blocked by the Nemean lion's fur was a spear thrown by a policeman.

"Damn it...how could it be blocked...why is it like this again? Why! What's going on! Are you also a Dead Apostle? Bastard..."

As if echoing the policeman's cry, other policemen launched long-distance attacks one after another that were suspected of being Noble Phantasms.

"too weak."

Alcides blocked the attacks one by one with his bow, took advantage of the gap and shot an arrow, blasting a big hole in the ground again.

"What is Cerberus doing? He clearly ordered to kill those who interfere, but not a single member of the police force has been reduced. No, there have even been more people."

Only then did Alcides realize that there were indeed more police than before.

But Cerberus was indeed following Alcides' orders. It held several human bodies in its three big mouths. It had more than a dozen policemen trampled under its feet, and the policemen who were trampled were still resisting desperately.

Seeing this scene, the police also realized something was wrong.

"Hey, this..."

"Who are those people in its mouth...?"

The confused whispers of the policemen made Alcides frown——

Then dozens more policemen appeared in front of them, leading the charge towards Cerberus.

None of them had weapons similar to Noble Phantasms in their hands. They just held pistols and batons and rushed towards Cerberus in a chaotic manner.

It was almost like they were scrambling to be eaten.

"Impossible, this..."

"Nothing is Impossible."

Alcides turned his head when he heard the sound and found an ordinary policeman standing behind him. As he watched countless police officers dressed the same as him being eaten one by one, he said with a crazy smile: "I am a sinner who is said to have come from hell, a murderer with no way to atone for my sins. It is just right for me. Bitten to pieces by hell’s guard dogs.”

The officer engaged in a confrontation with Alcides.

He still only had a pistol and a baton, but he faced a demon more ferocious than Cerberus alone.

"You can actually control that demon dog in the underworld. Although I think it's impossible, I still want to ask, are you Hades?"

In an instant - dark anger emerged from Alcides' body, and he made a voice full of hatred towards the police: "Weak person... Even if you know that my power is far stronger than you, you should not compare me with fools like the gods. . If you make the same mistake again, I will make you pay a price heavier than death."

Hearing this, the policeman smiled fearlessly: "I just wanted to test you. If I offended you, I apologize. So, you really don't look like a god. If you are a relative of a god, I may be able to forcefully connect cause and effect." , turned into your appearance..."


"It seems that I can't become you. But it's not because I can't but because I don't want to... I already understand your essence. You are not Hades, but you carry Cerberus and hate the gods. By clicking on it, you can roughly guess your identity. I didn't expect to see 'you' in this world, no... you are not him... the great hero who denies the gods. He obviously has the same name, but he is older than you I understand that righteousness is much greater..."

I don’t know what method the police used, but it seemed that they had detected Alcides’ spiritual power.

Knowing that Alcides was a strong man, the man dressed as a policeman still raised his weapon to challenge.

"You who are willing to fall are not worthy of that name...I will kill you!"


"That's not an illusion... What's going on? A real entity was created and was eaten by Cerberus."

Jesta frowned as she looked at what was happening on the main road in front of the hospital.

Just when he was hesitating whether to seriously fight or grab Chun and run away, this mysterious policeman appeared.

He originally thought that the other party was heading towards Cerberus, but he saw identical police officers appearing one after another, blocking Cerberus' mouth and trapping its movements.

Not only that, he also attacked the unusual archer, adding more clones while fighting.

"Is there a heroic spirit with that kind of characteristics in this world...Which country is he a hero?"


"What exactly did I see?"

John Wingard, one of the "Twenty-Eight Monsters", couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

John returned to the battlefield soon after putting on a new prosthetic leg. Now, a man wearing a police uniform appeared in his field of vision, but he was not a comrade.

The policeman appeared around the archers, was knocked down, disappeared, and then unknowingly reappeared in his healthy form. No matter how many times his body was twisted or how many times he was shot with arrows, the police continued to challenge the heroic spirit.

Watching him fight, John regained his senses.

"What am I doing? I have to support him quickly..."

As John tried to run over to help, a hand fell on his shoulder.

John looked back and saw a man standing behind him, who looked exactly like the policeman who was fighting the archers.

"That's my 'prey', don't snatch it from me, retreat to a safe place."


"Your job is to protect Miu Qiu Chun. Please don't let my master's determination be in vain."

Only then did John realize that this man was Flat’s heroic spirit.

The members of the "Twenty-Eight Monsters" present were thinking, although they didn't know what kind of abilities this heroic spirit had, would it be more appropriate to leave it to him here?

At this time, the archer spoke.

"You weak person...please sign up."

Hearing this, the policeman took a step away and replied with a wicked smile: "I didn't have a name originally. The name I have now was given to me, but... you are depraved and don't deserve to know it."

At this time, the police suddenly became two people, and the other person said in the same voice: "A great hero, he changes his attitude with the times, and continues to exist in the legends of the Gods while building great achievements. I, as Snap Finger The only thing that this insignificant human will that is about to be destroyed can say to you is——"

The number of police officers continued to increase, becoming four.

The four police officers pointed at the archer from four different directions at the same time and asserted: "You must have some reasons to make such a firm determination... But, if you want to use this awareness to deny the power of God, If you do that! If you deny all God’s evil deeds and good deeds, and if you throw away yourself as God no matter what, then you are destined to lose to me.”

The guy who was fighting the archers in front of him not only transformed into a 'policeman', but also turned into the appearance of other people. More voices, from four to eight, eight voices on the urban road. There was an echo on it.

"To deny a certain stage of oneself is to fall!"

There were more voices again, sixteen.

‘They’ seemed to be shouting at the archers in front of them with their souls.

"You are not the 'god' who taught me how to be a human being! You will definitely be defeated by me!"

Although he had fought and won against a god with the same name as the one in front of him, Bennett did not consider it a victory.

After all, that guy had expectations for him to the end, guiding his path forward as a human being.

Maybe he was too excited, but he had to be so excited, after all, the man in front of him was using that man's name to fall.

It was his duty to make things right.

Thirty-two fearless figures surrounded the archers.

Then, those figures disappeared as if they were absorbed into the original person again.

Then, in front of the police officers and the red and black archers, one by one

The berserk warrior who was given a name shouted out the name of his Noble Phantasm as if to carry out the will given to him——

It was a Noble Phantasm created to correct the lost man in front of him who had the same name as the great hero he was familiar with, but who had gone astray.

"It's been a while. We met in London, right? Let's end with London."

After the extra figures disappeared, Bennett looked at the Avengers in front of him with a smile.

"——'The evil fog will disappear with the dawn of London (From Hell)'!"

Hell on earth immediately appeared between the hospital and the church.


"It's... it's actually like this? Is that what happened?"

Jesta's eyes were sparkling on the rooftop, and her face was filled with a smile of infinite surprise.

"Jack...Jack, Jack, Jack! Is it Jack the Ripper?! No...Jack wouldn't say the words 'the name was given'. Who is this guy? He can actually use Jack's treasure Tool?"

According to the name of the Noble Phantasm called out by the other party, Jesta saw the shadow of the murderous Jack the Ripper in this heroic spirit.

But the other person was obviously not Jack.

"Things seem to be getting more and more interesting~" Seeing the "world" displayed in front of him, Jesta smiled intoxicatedly and shouted unwillingly: "Ah! Ah! Beautiful stalker! Why aren't you here now? Why aren't you enjoying this scene with me!"

He couldn't help but want to use the Command Seal, but the desire rolling deep in his guts still barely controlled his rationality.

"No, no, I can't waste any more command spells. In order to make her fall into despair and finally die in love with me, I have to leave two strokes no matter what..."

Jesta groaned regretfully in her heart for a moment, and then shouted passionately: "Then, I will remember this picture firmly! Tell her about it then!"

His praise for the heroic spirit in front of him who was suspected to be Jack the Ripper echoed on the hospital rooftop: "Ah, Jack! Jack! Jack! The most impure curiosity in the world! A pure nightmare born of human delusion!"

The vampire Jesta spread her arms and circled happily, her face full of joy, and she fully praised the long-standing urban legend.

"A weak anti-hero, a folk legend that can color the darkness of night with fear! It is the embodiment of evil, spreading fear to the whole world at a speed that even 'Wallachia Nights' can't catch up with! Let's see, when faced with the real 'Legend', will you perish miserably, or will you fight back with a new form of darkness?

That's why the world is so interesting! Beautiful stalker! I will dedicate this funny hell to you! "


While the vampires screamed, hell emerged between the hospital and the church.

Thick fog shrouded the surroundings, and all the trees on the roadside turned into blue-black plants that had never been seen before.

The crater blasted by Alcides was filled with bright red magma, emitting toxic vapors.

Human-faced bats flew in the air, and the flames turned into imps, surrounding the signal lights.

The phantoms of countless smoky high-rise buildings appear one after another, although they are reminiscent of London alleys——

But there was no sign of anyone.

There are no hungry children who steal bread, no gangsters who beat children to death and steal bread, no drug dealers who allow drugs to spread, and no police officers who extort money from drug dealers.

Only the Gremlins use puppets to imitate human actions for fun.

In other words - this hell is, at best, a funny puppet show.

The jack-o-lantern in the fairy tale smiles mischievously under the street lamp without any sense of reality. However, this scene is also the embodiment of people's desires in the era when Ripper Bennett was born.

If it were Bennett's other side, this place might become "a hopeless hell caused by people's living malice."

But the hell Bennett now presents is "the fall of mankind caused by the absolute evil of the devil." All tragedies and human malice are attributed to the idea that "everything is the work of the devil." It can be said that this is a man-made hell born from twisted wishes.

In this twisted and childish hell - the only "genuine" has slipped into it.

Alcides comes face to face with "the thing."

The height of "that thing" is about five meters.

It stands in a "hell" like a puppet show, with a real sense of flesh.

The purple skin seemed to be a mixture of blueberries and poisonous insects.

The unusually developed hands have claws that shine like sabers.

The face seemed to have changed from a skeleton to a monster, with long curved horns and sharp teeth.

The wings spread out behind it slowly swayed like the black smoke of a burning corpse, creating dark shadows around "that thing".

Cerberus immediately rushed towards "that thing".

I saw the thin skin on the chest of "that thing" bulging, and its heart released a strong light, and the pulsing sound suddenly echoed around.

As the pulse becomes faster, the eyes of "that thing" glow red——

The laser beams emitted from his eyes instantly pierced Cerberus' body.

The three heads shouted a scream that sounded like it came from the bottom of hell. It was so deafening that even the twenty-eight monsters on the road almost couldn't resist it. However, Hell's watchdog did not stop fighting.

The blow just now inspired the fighting spirit of the monster. It drove its huge body to jump up, trying to bite the body of "that thing" with the sharp teeth in its three mouths.

However, the second before its fangs touched the opponent——

"That thing" swung its claw from top to bottom, splitting Cerberus' body diagonally in half. The monster's fur turned blood red due to the rupture of its internal organs and spine, and was eventually torn into pieces together.

With a "boom", Cerberus' huge body fell to the ground.

The twenty-eight monsters were stunned. Hansa Cervantes, who was watching the battle from the church window, frowned and whispered: "That's not a true demon... It's a fantasy species that appears temporarily... Ah, even if it's temporary, it can become like that. So cruel..."

Hansa pressed his blindfold and looked at Flatt's heroic spirit, which at this moment turned into what most ordinary people called a "demon". He muttered to himself: "If I didn't know he was a heroic spirit... I would have buried him in the trap." Please come over."

"Without Hades's blessing, wouldn't it be possible to reach the level of a divine beast?"

Alcides glanced at Cerberus, and after saying this with disgust, he turned back to the huge black figure standing in front of him.

"I don't understand what you are talking about at all... Weak man, do you think that the transformed monster can defeat me? Or is this your full strength?"

Hearing Alcides' provocative words, Bennett moved his pure white eyes that no longer looked like humans and smiled.

Just laughed.


Bennett is an existence formed by human will. He can incarnate into anything humans think of. His power comes from fantasy.

This is just the beginning.

Seeing the devil's eyes flash again, Alcides put on a defensive posture.

However, the attack coming towards him came from a blind spot - from the sky behind him. Alcides looked back along the laser that penetrated his shoulder - another identical demon fell from the sky.

"Human beings cannot defeat us. Human beings are both fools and wise men. They created us - but they are just bait for cannibalism."

At the same time, a claw flew from the other direction, driving Alcides' body deeply into the ground that turned into a stone road to hell.

This is where the real hell begins.

Alcides, who fell to the ground, looked at the sky——

The enemy heroic spirits turned into demons and turned into an army of dozens or hundreds flying in the air, looking down at everything.

Bennett is indeed using Jack the Ripper's Noble Phantasm "The evil fog will destroy and disappear with the dawn of London."

This is a Noble Phantasm he created after he came to this world based on the information given by the Holy Grail and the legend that "Jack the Ripper's true identity is a demon from hell."

It is said that Jack left a sentence "From Hell" in his handwritten letter. When this word spread from the city to the countryside where superstitious ideas were deeply believed, the idea that "Jack the Ripper was a devil, or a person possessed by a devil, or a devil worshipper" was deeply rooted in people's hearts. root.

After using this power to become a demon——Bennet used another Noble Phantasm.

——It does not deserve to be the end of the tragedy (Natural Born Killers).

This Noble Phantasm is based on the anecdote that "Jack the Ripper was not a person, but a group."

It includes everything from bizarre theories such as "The murders committed by Jack are actually different people, and anyone in the world can become Jack the Ripper" to the rituals performed by a powerful cult organization at the time. various elements.

The maximum number of people in the Noble Phantasm will change according to the master's magical strength - Bennett has confirmed that when he partners with Flat Escardus, up to five hundred and one people can be "dispersed" at the same time. Twelve people.

But no matter what, with two Noble Phantasms deployed at the same time, it would be impossible to reach that number - but Bennett still easily transformed more than 200 demons, and all attacked the "Alcides" Humanity".

Before Alcides, who was standing on the ground, could take any action, combo attacks followed. Since those attacks were not initiated by weapons, the power of the "Nemean Lion's Fur" could not be blocked at all, and Alcides was severely damaged.

Because he was already very strong, he was not torn to pieces, but part of the attack still penetrated his body, and the devil's claws and heat poison spread to his lungs.

The continuous combos were like pouring rain, as if he was not allowed to stand up again.

If there was such a thing as hell, it would be like this.

The police officers who were watching on the side held their breaths when they thought of this, and even their fear was forgotten.

The sight of an absolutely strong man in the air suppressing another strong man even made the audience feel full of beauty.

"Hey, did...did you do it?"

"I said...is that...really on the same side as us?"

Several policemen murmured in cold sweats.

Is that thing really controlled?

What about the Flatt who is the master?

They looked toward the church rooftop uneasily, but did not see Frat Eskaldes.

This further intensified the fear in the hearts of the police, and no one was speechless.

Has the archer lost his original appearance?

The moment someone came up with this idea - the situation changed.


A low but clear voice spread around. I saw that the center of the asphalt road was smashed into the shape of a garlic mortar, and Alcides was exposed to the claws of the devil.

With a dull sound, the claw dug deeply into Alcides' shoulder. Everyone around him felt that this might become his fatal injury.

However, Alcides held down the demon's arm that was grasping his shoulder, and with his other hand grasped the demon's fang that was stabbing him.

The other demons fired lasers together, but Alcides still refused to let go.

Then he said something appreciatively.

He acknowledged this unworthy hero.

Acknowledge that this 'human being' who does not possess even a hint of divinity is your enemy, and give him sincere appreciation.

"...Wonderful, weakling, how can you force me into such a situation, how can you climb to such a height."

"what are you saying……"

Bennett, who had transformed into a demon, had an ominous premonition and asked.

Alcides ignored him and continued: "What you have built is indeed valuable. It would be good to fight with Nine Lives... but your power is not the kind that can only be defeated. Boring stuff.”

"what you up to?"

"O nameless man, I will usurp it from you with respect. You have value for me to rob."

The Avenger activated his Noble Phantasm.

That is neither the twelve glory nor the killing of a hundred heads.

It is the hidden third Noble Phantasm that can only be activated after being twisted into an Avenger.

"Reincarnation Pandora."

In an instant, fate switched places between hope and despair.

The groups of demons that were flying in the air instantly turned into weak humans, and countless Bennetts who lost the ability to fly fell to the ground one by one.

"Damn...could it be..."

Bennett, whose claws were still dug into Alcides' shoulders, turned back into an ordinary policeman.

Bennett's eyes widened as he saw——

The same demonic horns emerged from Alcides' long cloth, and black smoke-like wings sprouted from his back. The most important thing is that Alcides' whole body exudes magic power that is several times denser than before.

In the words of the priest, this situation is simply a matter of compatibility.

He is the embodiment of human malice... But he doesn't know that the man in front of him has fallen because he was contaminated by the 'black mud'. They have the same nature and are both a collection of malice.

As a result of this situation, his power was taken away.


Jesta Caltore has a panoramic view of the battle. At this moment, the smile completely disappeared from his face.

Instead, there was a deep look of wariness, which he never showed when he saw the decisive battle between Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

"It's actually...a Noble Phantasm that takes away other people's Noble Phantasms?"

Despair dominates the main streets.

Hansa looked outside the church. The scene at this time was completely opposite to the one just now.

Bennett turned back into an ordinary human, and in front of him stood a demon who had given up his divine power and was now not even a human.

A true degenerate.

"It's getting more and more troublesome." Hansa thought as he took a sip of the can of coffee he had held in his hand at some point.

Since the water tower of the hospital was right in the blind spot of the window, Hansa had not discovered that the vampire he was tracking was in the hospital.

But Hansa was still vigilant, narrowed his eyes and murmured: "I see, this is the so-called Holy Grail War, the so-called battle between heroic spirits. No wonder Lord Kotomine died as a result. It seems that I also have to do everything well. Just be prepared."


"Did you take away...my power?"

The faint voice of the berserker echoed hollowly along the road.

Hell disappeared without knowing when, and all the aura from before surrounded Alcides.

Alcides looked down at the berserker who fell to the ground with exhaustion and replied: "Hate it if you want. As a usurper, I am already used to being blamed."

"Haha...how come? Shouldn't the hero's usurpation act be called a legend?"

"That's a really mean-spirited sarcasm. But there are no heroes here, just terrible villains who are about to strangle young people."

After saying this firmly, Alcides picked up the intact bow that had fallen aside.

Then, he drew his bow and said in a pity tone: "Farewell, weakling, this competition is wonderful. I never thought that being an enemy of humans would make me use so much strength."

"Do you think...I look like that as a human being?"

"Appearances don't matter. Although I don't know your name, I promise you that I will keep this battle in my heart."

Bennett lay quietly on the ground, waiting for the final moment.

He was a little relieved to find out that the guy in front of him was not really depraved. In fact, he knew everything in his heart, but he still decided to go all the way to darkness.

Although I don’t know exactly what it was for, it was probably... some kind of extremely firm determination.

What should I say?

"As expected of...the person who has the same name as the person who recognizes me as a human being."

Bennett smiled bitterly and narrowed his eyes, and saw Alcides loosening his bow——

The moment the arrow reached the heart, Bennett's figure disappeared without a trace.

"I almost forgot, the only stupid person who would use the Light Command Seal at this time is my Master."

At the critical moment, the master decided to use the command spell to forcefully transfer and save the servant - this move made Alcides admire that master.

Then, Alcides slowly looked around, and the only ones left were a group of policemen holding suspected Noble Phantasm weapons.

They were still in a daze at first, but soon remembered their duty, and one by one they raised their weapons and approached Alcides.

"Noble Phantasm? I don't know why there are so many, but this is a rare opportunity. Let me confirm whether they are genuine."

Hostility surged through Alcides' body.

Alcides had not taken the police seriously before. But after the battle just now, he would no longer scornfully assume that they were just mere humans. ()

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