A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1049 1049 The ‘weapon’ created by God

In the upper echelons of the country, there are also people who are related to us and the Holy Church.

However, no clear information could be obtained from those people. After analyzing the situation, the Templar Church believed that the other party might be planning to use only the people on the inside to forcibly handle the matter.

On the TV screen in front of Hansa, the image of the water in the river next to the White House being swept up like an explosion, and the satellite image of the Arctic ice disappearing in a round shape were repeatedly played. It's not unreasonable to think that the shady would want to wipe out the entire town.

"...Though before that, it looked like the hurricane might uproot the town and blow it away."

Even Hansa, who had relatively low qualifications as a magician, could feel the strong aura approaching from the west.

Most of the magicians in this town, even if they still don't understand the true identity of the hurricane, seem to have had a huge influence on them because they realized that "it is a magical hurricane that carries unusual magic power". of panic.

Not to mention thunderclouds or low-pressure hurricanes, if there was magic that could control such a huge hurricane, it would be close to the realm of magic.

According to the information about the Holy Grail War heard from the Intelligence Department of the Eighth Mysterious Society, Fuyuki's Holy Grail War does not seem to stop at the duel between heroic spirits.

When the fighter jet was shot down and a huge monster appeared in the river, I heard that there was also a big riot from top to bottom in the Holy Temple Church. If the collapse of the building and the subsequent fire were included, it would be better to just let the huge hurricane destroy everything. It might even be easier to deal with it that way.

You should leave this town temporarily and focus on dealing with the aftermath after everything is over.

Although such a notice came, Hansa deliberately ignored it.

——It would be great if I could live indifferently like Master...

——But it’s a pity that Sir Diro’s influence will not disappear so easily.

There are three people Hansa regards as his relatives: his mother who raised him in the mountains, Archbishop Dilo who brought him out of the mountains, and Dilmiro who trained himself as a deputy.

Hansa was brought out of the rather unique environment of the mountains and learned a general sense of morality. Even after training as a representative, Hansa retained this in a strange form. Morality.

Therefore, even in this situation, he still stayed in this town and this church.

Although he was prepared to leave as a last resort, considering that the nuns were still there, he still believed that he should at least listen to the voices of those seeking protection until the end.

Or, maybe the loss of Flatt, who he had actively communicated with, had some impact on him.

In order to dispel such naive thoughts, Hansa was drinking coffee with devil pepper powder still floating on the surface while thinking about countermeasures for the forest to the west. At this time——

"Hansa, we have guests. They are waiting for you outside."

One of the four members of the nun quartet returned and reported the incident.

"! Could it be the Master?"

——If you consider the possibility, he might be the Master of Saber.

——Although her magical power is very abnormal, she doesn’t look like a magician after all...

Even if Saber has not retreated yet, the possibility of seeking protection depending on the situation is not impossible.

Hansa predicted so, but——

"Well, I heard he is the master of the cavalry."


——Cavalry...a heroic spirit from the cavalry profession?

——Of course it can’t be Miu Qiuchun.

——In that case...is it another heroic spirit different from the Pale Knight?

After all, since Hansa was an overseer but not a master, he didn't know whether the Pale Knight was a real cavalry.

Facing him who was surprised, the nun continued speaking in a calm tone.

After listening to her words, Hansa's head was full of questions: "How come you are still here at this time?"

"He actually said that he wanted to declare to the supervisor that he wanted to participate in the Holy Grail War..."


West of Snowfield, in front of the Temple of Ishtar.

"This place has been blessed by the splendid goddess Ishtar as a new temple of Ishtar. Ishtar-sama is a great person who can accept people regardless of whether they are pagans or aliens." Sir, if you want to go on a parade, please line up quietly."

Seeing the woman who spoke like a tour guide in an art museum or a ruins, both the nameless assassin and Jesta hesitated.

But, that was only a moment.

I don't know if it was because he judged from the concentration of divine energy on that woman that she was not a 'god' as the Prelates said, so Jesta immediately pounced towards her.

It's unclear whether he intended to use her flesh and blood to recuperate, to use it as a hostage for assassins, or for some other purpose entirely.

However, no matter what his plan was, it was absolutely true that his idea failed.

Countless green projectiles appeared from the woman's back and penetrated Jesta's body.


Although he was weakened, Jesta still thought he could deflect some half-baked magic easily. He was shocked by the unexpected impact of his body being attacked, and was caught by the pursuing blue projectile.

Then he experienced severe pain in his right hand and one of his fingers melted and fell off.


Not only did he inflict actual pain on himself as a Dead Apostle, but he also inflicted further damage on his body.


After analyzing the changes in his body, Jesta immediately understood that the attack just now was not a purely destructive attack.

——That is a very powerful hypnotic poison!

——My soul rejects it and makes it appear as pain!

I'm afraid that the melting of the fingers is a reaction caused by rejecting the hypnosis that reflexively affects the soul directly.

Jesta gritted his teeth and used his eyes to confirm the figure of the thing that wanted to eat away at him.

His true identity is Bee.

Not just a bee.

The exoskeleton of each one was dyed cyan, just like an exquisite bee stone statue cut out of lapis lazuli.

——Golem! ?

——No, that’s not right! This...is actually a real bee? !

There are absolutely no glazed bees in this world.

There are also several species of bee insects that have a beautiful blue color, such as the East Asian matless bee.

However, these bees are different.

The large bees that were supposed to be based on bright yellow and black colors now seem to be wearing armor made of glazed stone, as if they have completed their evolution.

——The texture of the magic power controlled by the bees... seems a bit familiar...

Jesta instantly waved the bees away, strode backwards and shouted.

"You bastard! Are you... the successor of Oded Bolzak!?"


The face of the woman, who had looked calm up to now, appeared slightly shaken.

"...Do you know my grandfather?"

"Ha! After all, whether as a magician or as a compatriot, that guy is famous among us. Although it seems that because of this, he was hunted down by humans with a bounty, and he was destroyed and decayed in the end!"

"...Dead Apostle"

"Don't be so vigilant. That guy and I are not hostile."

Jesta, who was face to face with the woman in front of him, was on guard against the assassin and had several thoughts in his mind.

——The successor of Ord.

——But this guy is not our compatriot.

——The Command Seal on the left hand.

——Is this guy the Master?

——Where is the Servant?

——Did this guy inherit the bees that turn people into Death Apostles?

——In this case, it can be used.

- No inheritance is more likely.


——The same thing happens if I use my power to turn these bees into death disciples from now on!

The 'Bolzak' that Jesta knew was a Death Apostle like himself, and he also controlled special poisonous bees that could turn humans into Death Apostles.

As long as you use this poisonous bee to multiply your own corpses in the entire city of Snowfield, you can restore your strength and at the same time cast a shadow on the assassin's heart.

——Although I had previously deliberately avoided multiplying compatriots in a state where magicians roamed the streets...but if I could use this poisonous bee, this problem could be avoided——

He immediately threw his head back.

The place where his head was originally was penetrated by the black-haired blade.

"Hahaha! Are you jealous, beautiful assassin! Don't worry, I have no intention of hooking up with this woman! This is all a way to love you more!"


The assassin remained silent and continued to attack, but the girl who used the swarm became more wary because of Jesta's words just now.

"Assassin...!? Why did the Servant and the Dead Apostle...?!"


The assassin who heard these words immediately understood that the female Venomous Bee user standing on the stone steps in front of him was also someone related to the Holy Grail War.

Of course, since it is in such a temple, it must be related to something, but the assassin has also become more wary of female magicians.

——But that comes later.

——First of all, there is only this monster——

The assassin did not change the order of objectives and continued to attack Jesta.


"Whether you are a Servant or not, it's the same to me!"

Because Harley was eroded by Ishtar's magic, her spirit has gradually begun to change in the direction of a performer of sacrifices.

She originally only saw herself as a tool to use the Holy Grail War to destroy the magic world, but her priority over the Holy Grail is to protect the temple of the goddess Ishtar——In other words, her purpose is gradually becoming Ishtar. Shtar plays.

"My name is Harley. As the chief priest who has been given life and responsibility by Lord Ishtar... you will never be allowed to continue to wield your violent power here!"

Because as long as the world is dyed with the color of Ishtar, it will be equivalent to destroying the world where many magicians live.

Although there were some contradictions in this idea, Harley did not notice that even her soul was slowly being charmed by Ishtar's magic.

No, even if she was not charmed at all, she might say the next words because of Ishtar's kindness in saving her life.

Those words should have been announced from the very beginning, regardless of whether there were Dead Apostles and Heroic Spirits making a fuss here.

"I command you with a command spell!"

In an instant, the command spell in Harley's left hand glowed.

——Are you going to use the precious Command Seal because of the Servants and Dead Apostles who appeared in front of you?

——Are you planning to definitely kill me or the assassin here?

Just when Jesta had doubts about this——he heard her next order and accepted it calmly.

If this is an order, it is a natural usage for the Master who has dedicated everything to this temple.

"As the gatekeeper of this forest and temple, guard it forever!"

As the Command Seal shone, Harley's left hand lost one of the paintings.

In an instant, the ground began to shake——

From the forest, a huge, extremely huge steel monster appeared.

It wasn't because of 'that''s footsteps that the earth was shaken.

The 'that one' whose figure and aura had been eliminated either by concealment magic or something else, shook the forest itself greatly with the aftermath of the released magic power.

That was too huge and dense magic power.

Jesta understood immediately.

"Is this guy... the guy who appeared in front of the hospital at that time!"

It was an existence that would make people wonder "Is it possible that the Holy Grail can summon something like this" just by its breath?

But now, its aura is expanding at a scale that is several times or even dozens of times greater than at that time.



It was a cry similar to the one heard in front of the hospital.

Although Jesta's cry sounded the same, the assassin noticed it.

Compared to the previous complaint that sounded like it was cursing everything in this world, this cry was almost like a cry of joy heard at some kind of festival.

Following this roar, all winged creatures in the forest flew into the air and disappeared above the forest while being blown by the strong wind.

"……What's this?"

As one of the Dead Apostles, Jesta is trying to understand and deny the 'that' that appears in front of him.

"If it is a man-made thing, then my body can deny its existence... But, that's not right!"

From the magic power felt on the skin to analyzing the various elements contained in 'that', Jesta came up with a hypothesis.

"It turns out that... while he is a human, he is also a weapon created by God...?!"

"You guessed it wrong!"

Negative words sounded from the depths of the temple.

Click, click, accompanied by human-like footsteps, a female figure appeared at the top of the stone steps where Harley was standing.

"Not all of the gods from my hometown use that child as a weapon to create."

Harley knelt beside her and lowered her head respectfully to the woman.

In response to her, the giant beast that appeared in the forest also lowered its body, lowering its head as if to bow down to the woman.

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