A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1067 1067 It’s not easy for you either

I hope Enkidu will not forget his own affairs, our affairs.

The ever-changing self may forget everything soon. The girl fears forgetting more than death.

It is for this reason that she hopes that Enkidu will ‘not change’.

The girl hopes that at least one person can always remember her (plural) things.

Enkidu made an appointment with her.

He or she, who has not yet acquired a human form, learned the system of 'promise' for the first time after being created, and made it his own foundation.

In fact, Enkidu remembers the girl's words and prayers.

Every time she meets a girl, she will ask herself happily or lonely, "Do you still remember me (plural)?" ’, Enkidu listened with disbelief.

However, the time of separation will eventually come.

According to the will of the gods, Enkidu left the girl who was his first friend and was sent to the forest on the side of Uruk city.

Despite this, Enkidu kept listening to the girl's words.

Because it has been agreed upon.

In order to imprint their information into his own memory field, Enkidu activates the auditory sensor and memory module every day to carefully record the girls' words.

But, the day of separation.

The last words Enkidu heard from the girl were——

——‘...you are...who are you? ’

After that, Enkidu met many humans represented by Shamhat (the divine prostitute of Uruk), changed his form, broke away from the control of the gods, and started his own adventure.

However, Enkidu will never forget the words of the first 'human' he saw - the girl, and the records of their lives.

While eating and living with Shamhat.

When he was sent out of the forest by Shamhat and met the king.

During the fierce battle with that king for three days and three nights.

Enkidu would never forget about the girls and the others.

While running through the wheat fields of Uruk.

While rafting along the Pratum River on a reed raft.

While running through the forests of Eridu.

When Gilgamesh announced that he would open up the Lebanese cedar forest.

When he knew that the guardians of the forest were his first friends - those children.

He firmly believes that if he kills the watcher against God's principles, he will die miserably one day.

When hostile to the Watchers.

When Gilgamesh was nearly killed by the forest guardian.

When he defeated the Watcher with his own hands.

Even during the process of disintegration by his own hands, until the form of his former friend disappeared——

Enkidu will never forget the girls.

Among the ambiguous past records, or memories, only the words of the girls were clearly imprinted on Enkidu’s body and soul.

However, there are also things that I can't remember.

The color of the flowers that bloomed when I first met the girl before exchanging promises.

Unable to remember the color, Enkidu's system kept making strange noises.



Temple of Ishtar.

"...I have something to ask you now...If you don't shut up Ishtar, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do it."

With slightly lonely words, Enkidu's blow was blocked by the light of disaster.

Although the light shines brightly, what it contains is a torrent of energy that condenses the concepts of disease, heat wave and war that are in line with modern disasters.

If he switches to an offensive stance, he can destroy the magic of a corner of the city with one strike, but all the berserkers switched to a defensive stance and withstood Enkidu's attack.

This was the correct judgment in the face of Enkidu, a divine weapon.

Even with Harley's magical power, which was protected by the goddess Ishtar, she was already trying her best just to defend herself.

Because the command spell was used before, the power of the guardian monster was brought out to the maximum. However, the original result of 'failure to complete the guardian' has been imprinted on the world - the current opponent is the legendary one who defeated the guardian. That hero himself.

This is the worst situation in terms of appearance, but the Berserker managed to withstand the attack and prevented Enkidu from breaking through the temple. This was largely because this place was not a cedar forest in Lebanon, but the temple where the goddess Ishtar was seated. front.

The Berserker uses its unimaginable agility for its huge body to deal with Enkidu. Whether Enkidu breaks through head-on or launches an attack on a weak point, it can continue to resist it with a slight difference.

It is unclear what kind of offensive and defensive battle the two sides launched.

The fight was inextricably linked, and at the moment when the fight between the Venomous Serpent and the Bull of Heaven was about to end——

An indescribable sense of disharmony ran through Enkidu's body.

"This is……"

This is a wonderful feeling that I have never experienced before, including my own life.

Things that should not have existed seconds ago suddenly seeped into Enkidu's amplified aura perception field.

Different from the instantaneous movement caused by the command spell, it seems to deny the cause and effect of 'non-existence' and rewrite it into the form of 'existence', which makes people shiver down the spine.

What surprised Enkidu the most was——

The place where ‘someone’ appeared was directly behind the goddess Ishtar herself who was controlling the surrounding space at the top of the temple.

Judging from the goddess's appearance, she seemed to have noticed some kind of existence that appeared a few seconds later than Enkidu.

The goddess's consciousness turned behind her, as if she was saying something.

"Surprising. That person's stealth ability can actually hide from my radar?"

While sincerely admiring him, Enkidu speculated that it was a being with an assassin's spiritual power.

Although it was also confirmed that other assassins' spiritual bases appeared in Snowfield, that one was completely different from the pseudo-assassin. He was an ambiguous heroic spirit with an unusually heavy presence.

Despite having such a huge presence, it was completely hidden from the world until just now.

This fact alone is enough to imagine that the assassin possessed extraordinary powers.

Regardless, things are likely to change.

After Enkidu analyzed this, he used the power of 'change' to change his abilities.

The magic power immediately increased incomprehensibly, and he began to absorb Mana bit by bit.

No matter what happens at any time, the strongest blow can be struck on the goddess Ishtar at that moment.


Over the Temple of Ishtar.

"What the hell? That guy..."

Tia Eskaldes analyzed the current flow of magic power and was surrounded by slight shock.

The flow of magic power around the temple that he observed changed dramatically at a certain moment.

The most important thing is that the woman with divinity distorted the space and created a human being, with shadows emerging behind her.

From the shadow of the temple, it quietly appears in the world in the form of penetration.

The appearance of a human figure was such a simple thing, but for Tia, who had eyes that could accurately see the flow of magic power, she noticed that the colors of the world seemed to be repainted from that moment on.

It seemed as if the world had returned from day to night in the blink of an eye. Tia was so shocked that she fell into brief chaos.

"...If it's Flat, will he understand what's going on?"

I can't help but want to look for the half of my body that no longer exists.

Tia stared quietly at the temple, then turned her gaze to the canyon.

This is where the place where dozens of people gathered just now has changed.

Most of them disappeared, leaving less than ten people in that position.

"...Faced with such a fierce battle, don't you want to escape...El-Melloi Classroom?"

Tia thought back to Frat Escardus' beloved 'place'.

He was silent for a moment, letting a small satellite orbit around him.

Tia quietly waited for the opportunity while creating several satellites whose magic power would change drastically every time they rotated.

Depending on the situation, be prepared to turn everything on this land to dust.


Upper part of the Temple of Ishtar

"What?!...Lord Ishtar!"

Harley noticed something strange behind her and wanted to step forward to protect Ishtar.

Ishtar said while stopping her with her hand.

"Okay, Harley, you continue to suppress that loser. Even if there is a slight loophole, he will rush in directly."

"Okay, okay!"

Although the uneasiness remained in her heart, Harley did not disobey the goddess's instructions and concentrated on providing magic power to the Berserker.

Ishtar turned her back to Harri, looking towards the darkness inside the temple.

The goddess immediately admitted it.

The 'something' that appears in front of you is an existence that has dangerous power for you.

Still, the goddess is the personification of the sky.

Facing the shadow mass with a skull mask seeping out of the world, a fearless smile appeared on His face, treating the visitor with an arrogant attitude.

However, the charming state of the surrounding wind and earth was still not lifted. The churning earth and sticky wind blocked the spear head that still intended to penetrate the goddess in the air.

In other words, what was once charmed really has a self. There is no need for Ishtar's intervention. As a pseudo-life form, it moves according to its own will.

"Are you talking about... the evening bell?"

Ishtar repeated the visitor's words and narrowed her sharp eyes.

"The guardian of the valley who calls himself Gil Ursudra...is a shadow connected to that guy."

His tone also became serious, and his level of vigilance gradually increased.

If the warning against Enkidu is full of aggression based on hatred and disgust, then the warning against the person in front of him is a real warning, brewing strong hostility, and wanting to see through everything about his opponent.

The goddess should know.

As long as he is the guardian of the 'Valley Temple', he can implant (give) the concept of death into the body of a god.

"You don't allow me, who is in a foreign land, to call myself a 'god'...is that what you mean?"

The goddess asked provocatively, and Shadow shook his body quietly.


It gives people the illusion that all the 'shadows' in this space are shaking.

No, actually, that may not be an illusion.

"My journey out of the deep valley only understands the reason."

As soon as the words fell——

The skull mask flipped over, and Hassan created a dark shadow in the sky.


Underground northwest of Snowfield.

In the artificial cave dug according to a certain proportion, there are many figures moving around.

The swordsman and Ayaka, as well as the cavalryman and her masters, used magic to illuminate the darkness while marching through the cave.

"I never expected that there would be such a large underground passage..."

In response to the swordsman's words of admiration and surprise, the cavalryman nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'm surprised too. In just a few days, such a large-scale project was completed from the valley to the desert in the south."

"Oh, among the seniors in our classroom are experts in digging and manipulating earth veins. Coming to participate in the Holy Grail War this time is really a big help."

Rin said with a relaxed expression, and Ayaka asked in surprise.

"Could it be that...did you dig this cave yourself?"

"If you say that using magic power means 'reliable by one's own means,' that's true. However, the underground around the Great Holy Grail seems to be covered with barriers, so I couldn't dig it out as I wanted."

"Have you even mastered the location of the Great Holy Grail?"

"Well, it's easier to understand than Fuyuki. Speaking of which, they don't even have the intention to hide it."

Rin replied with some displeasure.

A magician born in Fuyuki has a high probability of being an experiencer of the Holy Grail War.

The swordsman already knew what happened in Fuyuki in the past through the illusion "King Arthur appeared in Fuyuki" displayed by Prelati.

So, has the magician named Tohsaka Rin seen King Arthur with his own eyes?

"I've been paying attention to this matter since just now. Ayaka told me, 'We'll talk about this later!', so I've been patient."

Although the swordsman's expression was serious, the topic began to tilt towards him from an unexpected angle.

"Speaking of which, the cavalry is completely used to that hairstyle..."

Hearing the words of the young man named Cores, the swordsman tilted his head.

"Oh? Was it a different hairstyle originally?"

To this question the marching cavalryman himself answered.

"Well, when I was summoned to appear, I had the same hairstyle as I had before, wearing the decorations of that era... The Master thought that look would be very conspicuous when I materialized in the city, so he asked me to re-comb my hair."

"That's right...Oh, I often wear clothes from modern society, and I understand the reason."

The swordsman nodded in realization, and then said this sentence smoothly.

"Is this why your hairstyle is similar to that of my ancestor?"

Tohsaka Rin suddenly stopped moving forward and stared at the swordsman sharply.

Facing Rin's gaze, the swordsman expressed his speculation.

"Oh, I already know the real name of Mr. Cavalry. More importantly, if I want to style the hair of someone who is also a noble person, I think the one I can think of should be my ancestor."

"I was very concerned about it just now... Are you really a person related to the Round Table?"

"If fans can be considered related people, then of course they are related people! The related people of the ancestor King Arthur...sounds great! Thank you for the compliment!"

After seeing the swordsman give a hint that was close to his real name without any hesitation, Rin looked at Ayaka with pity.

"...It's not easy for you either."

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