"...! What is he doing!"

Harley was extremely surprised, and her intuition told her at the same time.

If Enkidu were allowed to continue, the tug-of-war between the goddess Ishtar and the 'Shadow' would cease to exist, and Enkidu's power would likely increase significantly.

At this moment, if he is a little stingy, the heroic spirit will touch the realm of Ishtar.

"Berserker, I command you with a command spell!"

The chief priest of the goddess did not hesitate.

There is no absolute advantage.

From now on, one wrong step may lead to fatal injury. As a magician, as a body that has received Ishtar's protection, and as the master of the berserker, she is sure of this.

So she yelled.

In order to complete his mission, he would not hesitate to give up his life.

"Use all your strength to crush the enemy of the goddess Ishtar...that spearman!"

She didn't know how cruel this order was to the berserker.


The gap between the age of gods and the age of men.

Although the order of application is reversed, it is very similar to the period when the Babylonian civilization flourished.

Therefore, in the land of Snowfield, Humbaba, the real berserker, continues to wander around the world as if in a dream.

This is a nightmare, but also a pleasant dream, and it seems like a complete reappearance of the past.

Although she was unconscious and 'she' was swallowed up by the turbid currents of countless wild spirits, her consciousness suddenly emerged in the dream.

What catches the eye is the sky.

On the huge and beautiful golden bridge, there is a figure standing.

That was a friend that Humbaba was very familiar with.

It's completely different from the form I know.

But, she knew it.

It can’t be wrong, it must be——


While calling that name, the magic power of the Command Seal flowed into the girl's 'dream'.


The world was immediately smeared.

The girl's consciousness was smeared and covered with blocks of nearly three thousand 'voices', and was stuffed into the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Except for the girl, all the other 'voices' understood the form of the person they were seeing.

That is, the enemy.


That is the hateful enemy who destroyed us.

That is the terrible enemy who has not forgiven us.

That is the cruel enemy who has not saved us.

That's the stupid enemy who wants to save us.


It's all his fault, it's all his fault.

We become nothing.

Couldn't become human.

He failed to help the gods.

Failed to guard the goddess’s courtyard.

Even turning into a monster is not allowed.

"Take us..."

He must be killed.

That's the Master's order.

That is the order of the goddess.

That is the command of the gods.

That is a human command.

That is the order of the world.

That is the order of the forest.

That's what those kids ordered.

Everyone, everyone hopes so.


Kill it.

Destroy it.

Destroy that terrible 'human being'.

Let that outrageous 'mud doll' die.

There is no meaning, no compassion, no reason, just the disappearance of pain.



The roar of the berserker echoed around the temple.

Unlike the Bull of Heaven, its scale is not large enough to shake the entire world.

However, because of this, a strong murderous intent and crazy shouts came towards Enkidu.


Along with that roar came light divided into seven colors.

The ring carried by the berserker emits dazzling light, and seven colors of light pour down on Enkidu.

Enkidu, who avoided the attack at the critical moment, shuttled through the woods on the ground, trying to contain the berserker. However, the berserker who had been strengthened by Harley's command spell did not allow this to happen.

The light of disaster swept across the surrounding trees, shining down without leaving any blind spots.

Only the temple where Harley and Ishtar are located has not been invaded by the light of disaster, but the Berserker will not allow Enkidu to move to a safe area (inside the temple).

A chase scene depicting a divine weapon flying through the forest with seven-colored lights and golden trails.

The light of disaster created a fire tornado in the air as a disaster and an ice wall generated by the cold current, limiting Enkidu's movement range.

When Enkidu destroyed the icicle that appeared in front of him with his knife, he realized that the icicle contained another kind of disaster-that is, the plague.

Enkidu, who understood that the plague was fatal to him, tried his best to change his own movement trajectory - but the one who saw through everything was the watcher (berserker). He locked Enkidu and struck with all his strength.

The shock wave released from what appeared to be his right arm hit Enkidu's body hard.

Many big trees in the forest were overturned by this impact and hit hard against the wall of the earth that was raised due to Ishtar's charm.

Because he is the guardian of the forest, so far, even if he is swallowed by the turbid current, the Berserker has not taken any action to destroy the trees.

However, with the second command spell, that restriction was lifted.

Although Enkidu was injured, he was still far from destruction.

The berserker understood this and raised his left arm without mercy or hesitation, wanting to reduce Enkidu to the dirt——

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him.


The black hair spread in a radial pattern, entwining the limbs of the berserk warrior's huge body.

"Who are you……"

In response to Enkidu's words, the nameless assassin in the center of her hair was expressionless, but there was strong will in her eyes.

"...The covenant with 'you' should still be valid."

"This is……"

Just when Enkidu wanted to reply——

The ground in a corner of the forest suddenly rose upward, and the soil exploded like a volcanic eruption.

Then - a shining figure flew out of the smoke and broke through the black turbid current at an astonishing speed, cutting off the huge body of the berserker.

With a glorious blow.

The visitor cut open the skin of the berserker who had received the protection of multiple gods and had a hardness far beyond steel, while sending the slash into the sky.

Although it could not be called a fatal attack, the berserker lost his balance and fell on his back. The deafening sound caused by its huge body hitting the ground enveloped the Snowfield forest.

The unknown assassin then untied his hair and fell on the half-length beam floating in the turbid current.

Then, the man who slashed landed on a pile of rocks that emerged from the turbid current, and he smiled slightly.

"That's right...we are allies."

The swordsman put the decorative sword that had been cut off by the previous blow on his shoulder and said this to Enkidu.

"I took the initiative to form an alliance. If you are in danger, I will definitely come to help!"

The blond swordsman showed an innocent smile like a boy and asserted without timidity.

"Honestly, I almost forgot about it!"


Tens of seconds ago, over western Snowfield.

"You don't have to give me back the stuff you swallowed before."

Tia Eskaldes looked at the huge typhoon expressionlessly and said calmly.

Magic unleashed while fighting the Lancers in orbit, capable of destroying Los Angeles.

The Bull of Heaven swallowed the 'satellite' and absorbed the huge magic power it contained into his body.

Tia did not hesitate to activate the magic implanted in the other 'satellite' that she had just penetrated into the stomach of the divine beast.

"——'Fantasy/Forgetfulness is the coming of the festival A Clockwork Abbadon'——"

For a moment - part of the world stopped.

It's not that time stopped, just in a physical sense.

Tia, who manipulates matter, magic, and even the acceleration and deceleration of concepts through magic, relies on the magic implanted in the 'satellite' (bringing critical molecular motion to a state of stasis), and determines the heart position of the Bull of the Sky - that is, the place that produces The 'eye of the typhoon', the heat source of massive cumulonimbus clouds and strong winds, was directly cooled.

Although some human scientists have thought about "dropping dry ice on the typhoon to suppress the wind speed," according to calculations, it is necessary to accurately drop dry ice equivalent to a dozen large jets to control the wind speed. Wind speed of several meters.

However, Tia's secret technique, which destroyed most of the ice floes in the Arctic region, was used purely for cooling, and it had an explosive effect on the Bull of the Sky.

The energy contained in Gu Jialana becomes dull, makes strange noises, freezes, and stops.

The water droplets that came with the strong wind froze instantly and did not even have time to turn into snow.

While maintaining the shape of the typhoon itself, the world's largest ice sculpture began to be constructed in the air.

The huge typhoon that surrounded the entire state of Nevada stopped in place in a chain just because of a magic blow. It was such an extremely surreal scene.

But - Gu Jialana is a divine beast.

As the incarnation of the violent sky, it was given a form, and it was the embodiment of the "ravage of the gods".

Whether it is a cold wave or a heat wave, if it is an existence composed of the principles of the earth - then use the principles of beasts and gods to deny, distort, and trample it.

It is precisely because of being able to achieve such great deeds that Gu Jalana can exist in the sky.

No reason or reason is needed.

Because the results based on the power of the goddess are all, the so-called truth comes after that.

Thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of millions of thunderbolts illuminated the sky, and thunderbolts reminiscent of the beginning of the world or the end of the world began to roar across the world.

He turns all the magic power accumulated in his body into thunder and lightning, absorbing the surrounding Mana while making the whirlpools of cumulonimbus clouds surrounding him shine.

The whirlpool of lightning that compresses its existence to a total length of about 500 kilometers is really reminiscent of the golden armor wrapped around the Bull of Heaven.

"...What a monster."

Tia smacked her lips and made the 'satellites' floating around her spin.

I don’t know what kind of magic is contained in it, but the surroundings of the satellite began to be shrouded in bluish-white light——

Just before he unleashed the magic that caused the land of Snowfield to decay for tens of thousands of years and turn into a wilderness, a terrifying torrent of magic surged from beneath Tia floating in the sky.

"With god-like power...clothed with thunder?"

It was an Avenger holding a huge bow as long as he was tall.

"Has Poseidon forced the hide of Crete upon you?"

Tia, who was observing from a high altitude, discovered that it was the servant who had been shooting venomous snake magic arrows from the city's industrial area before.

——Did you reach here in just a few seconds?

In Tia's opinion, this was an extraordinary speed.

The Avengers' bodies have begun to separate from humans.

Although it was still in human form, to Tia, who could see its inner being, that Avenger was already an indescribable individual.

He fused the extra demon spirit base from Jack the Ripper with his own flesh and blood, suppressing divinity, black mud, snake venom, and even unusual magic power with a miraculous balance.

Those who can do this are no longer humans, applications, or gods.

In order to become an Avenger, he even gave up his spiritual power and wanted to become a new existence. The form of a monster appears here.

Words mixed with curses came from the gaps in the cloth made of Nemean lion skin.

"...I'm used to dealing with things like cows."

The Avenger's words sounded calm, but with a certain twist.

Is it the Bull of Heaven that is reflected in the eyes of Alcides, or the figure of the God King as the incarnation of thunder?

"You guys will never let out the thunder of the Star Split again."

Then, the arrow he shot did not produce the huge snake-like magic power as before.

Because the thin arrow was injected with enough magic power to create a temporary Hydra.

Symbolizing the impact reaching the speed of sound, strong winds whipped up around it.

However, the moment he realized this, the arrowhead had already touched the feet of the Bull of Heaven.

As thick as a small city, the right front leg of the Bull of Heaven.

The area around the divine beast's knees—between the sky and the earth—suddenly disappeared.

"As an offering to God, emerging from the sea, containing God's wrath, poor cow!"

It's just too ridiculous.

It was like a water balloon that had been fried by a needle and disappeared from there.

The moment the arrowhead hits the divine beast, everything contained in the arrow denies the existence of the Bull of Heaven.

Alcides injected the divine energy he stole from the God of War's military belt into the tip of the arrowhead, breaking through the shell of the divine beast that was also protected by the divine energy. The arrow contained a huge curse, snake venom and magic power - the three did not interact with each other. Devour, all functioning only to destroy the Bull of Heaven.

"As an offering to others, return to the land of Crete!"

The demon named Alcides, the Avenger, is being completed here at the moment.

Corrupted by snake venom and curse, at the cost of life and reason.

However, the once great hero fell into a deep and narrow spiral hole.

When the disaster is over, no one in the land of Snowfield can stop him.

There is only one——

Except for the queen with the power of a demigod who has the right to take revenge on the Avengers.


The upper level of the Temple of Ishtar.


In Harley's field of vision, a heroic spirit riding a giant horse appeared.

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