A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1099 1099 People who play games for the sake of games

The so-called understanding and judgment itself give people a sense of majesty.

Yes, I can't find a suitable word to describe the charm that Ryuunosuke possesses - if I have to say it, then "very COOL" should be able to explain everything about him.

Let's take an example.\\nFor example, go to a bar or club to have fun in a cool way. When you're not used to that place, you don't know what's going on there, and you don't know how to have fun. But as long as you go there more, gradually master the rules there, and become a regular visitor there and become popular, you can even influence everything there with your words and deeds. This should be called a COOL lifestyle.

For Ryunosuke, he is completely accustomed to and enjoys sitting on the chair called human life. He is a person who plays games purely for the sake of games. He is constantly looking for his next victim as if he were trying out a new cocktail recipe, and takes great pleasure in doing so.

In fact, there is no need for any metaphor. When it comes to the romantic field at night, Ryunosuke is like a bright light that attracts moths, and he can always attract the attention of the opposite sex to him. His suave free and easy and mysterious majesty, these pure charms are all fatal temptations for women. As a result of these charms, he always lives in the pleasure of feasting and feasting. The girls he really likes often become pieces of flesh covered in blood, thus becoming his closer friends.

The streets at night are Ryunosuke's hunting ground, and the prey do not feel the threat of Ryunosuke as the hunter at all until they are captured.

Once, when he saw a cheetah in the Animal World program, he was deeply moved by the cheetah's elegant behavior. He was extremely impressed by the cheetah's distinctive hunting method.

close. This beast called a cheetah is a creature that fully meets the definition of COOL in his consciousness.

So after that, Ryunosuke always imagined himself as a cheetah in his consciousness.

Even the clothes are decorated with leopard symbols everywhere. Tops and trousers, hats and shoes, even socks and underwear, handkerchiefs and gloves. The amber opal ring, if not worn on the middle finger, must be in his pocket, and the necklace made of real leopard teeth never left his side.


However, even a murderer like Ryunosuke Uyu. Recently I have also fallen into the trouble of "having no passion".

He had seduced more than thirty victims and had already tried almost all kinds of executions and torture methods, but now he no longer felt anything new.

Ryunosuke has tried every method he can think of. No matter how cruel and humiliating he is to his prey, he can't regain the excitement and emotion he once experienced.

In order to be able to return to the starting point and regain the feeling of the past, Ryunosuke returned to his hometown after five years of absence. In the dead of night when both his parents were asleep...\\nHe walked alone into the backyard. Earthen barn. Hidden inside this earthen warehouse is his first victim who gave up on family ties.

The sister she hadn't seen in five years, apart from a slight change in appearance, had been waiting for her brother in this earthen barn. Facing his sister who had no complaints, Ryunosuke felt that his trip was in vain and felt discouraged. At this moment, he found a book among the piles of rags in the warehouse. A slightly musty old book.

This is an ancient Japanese-bound book full of wormholes, and it is not a printed matter but a personal note. The date inside reads the ninth year of Qingying. It seems that this was written during the late Tokugawa period, more than a hundred years ago.

For Ryunosuke, who had read through Hanshu when he was a student.\\nIt is not difficult to read this notebook - but it is not easy to understand the content written in it. Those small words were piled up in a mess on the paper, and what they wrote was simply nonsense as absurd as witchcraft. But judging from the scattered words about Christ and Satan on the page, it seems to be a description of Western gods and monsters. Offering human bodies as sacrifices to demons from another world to summon shikigami is a world like a fantasy novel.

Western science was classified as heresy in the late Edo period. The most heretical among them is this kind of book describing Western gods and monsters. Although the credibility of the things written in it is not high, Ryunosuke did not care about the authenticity of the content described in this book at all. Just looking at the ancient books found in the warehouse in my hometown is already very cool and fun.

The most exciting thing is when a murderer regains his passion for killing.

So Ryunosuke quickly moved his base to the "land of spiritual veins" recorded in the book.

He began his nightly hunt again. Although he didn't know what magical place there was in the land now known as Fuyuki City, Ryunosuke had already begun to make preparations to reproduce his murder plan as faithfully as possible as described in the ancient books.

The first step is to take the first step.\\nTo use a girl who doesn't come home at night as a living sacrifice to heaven in an abandoned factory, this is simply more exciting and interesting than imagined. This kind of ritual killing, which he had never experienced before, completely attracted Ryunosuke. Unable to stop, he continued his rituals one after another. This once peaceful local town now fell into an abyss of terror.

Then...\\nIt was the fourth crime - this time the target was a family of four in the middle of the residential area. Ryunosuke sneaked in.\\nAlthough he was intoxicated with the incomparable joy of committing crimes and couldn't extricate himself, after all, The same crime was committed for the fourth time, and the impulsive enthusiasm cooled down a little. In the corner of his mind, rational warnings began to quietly echo in his ears.

Be a little restrained, maybe you went a little too far this time.

So far, Ryunosuke has been killing people in various locations across the country. He never kills anyone twice in the same place and disposes of the bodies very thoughtfully. Among the people who died at the hands of Ryunosuke, more than half are still considered missing. It seems that the search work is still ongoing.

But like this time, the body and evidence were not hidden at all, and the serial killings caused a conversation. If you think about it carefully, it is a very stupid behavior. Because I was too stuck on the style recorded in the book, I completely forgot about my usual caution. Especially this time it was very difficult. The first three times so far have all failed because there was not enough blood to complete the magic circle. So this time in order to complete the magic circle, we can only get more blood, but killing all the sleeping family, Maybe a little too macabre. In this case, the police will definitely pursue the criminals red-eyed, and the vigilance of local residents will also increase to varying degrees. In any case, this is not how a clandestine Leopard behaves.

In short, we will leave Fuyuki City after tonight - Ryunosuke made up his mind.

Although he is very fond of this dark ritual and wants to continue doing it in the future, as the saying goes, it is better to think carefully about it.

After a little tidying up, Ryunosuke concentrated again and started the ceremony.

"Fill it up, fill it up, fill it up, fill it up, fill it up. Repeat four times - hey, five times? Oh, it's just a little less charging... is it? Hmm..."

Ryunosuke hummed a summoning spell in his nose. While using blood, he traced the pattern of the magic circle on the floor of the living room. Maybe the real ceremony should be more solemn, but the depressing atmosphere is not in line with Ryunosuke's way of doing things. For him...\\nRather than imitating the atmosphere of the ceremony, it is less important than being in a comfortable mood.

Today's magic circle was successful once it was drawn according to the pattern recorded in the book. If I had known that today would go so smoothly, those preparations would have been a waste of time. For this time, the parents and the eldest daughter were specially killed.

"Fill it, fill it, fill it, fill it, fill it. This time it's five times. 0K?"

He artistically applied the remaining blood to appropriate locations on the walls of the room. Then he walked towards the little boy who was still alive huddled in the corner - gagged and tied with a rope. He leaned close to the boy's face to see his reflection. The boy's crying eyes stared at the remains of his sister and parents.

"Hey kid, do you think there are real demons?"

Ryunosuke asked the trembling child, tilting his head and looking at him while pretending to think. Of course, he didn't want the gagged child to answer his question, he just wanted the child to experience fear more personally.

"Newspapers and magazines often refer to me as a devil. But isn't it strange? I can kill so many people by myself, but a bomb can surpass me in an instant."

The kids are great. Ryunosuke loves children the most. The kind of cowardice and crying that adults sometimes show is considered inappropriate and ugly, while when it happens to children, it is seen as naughty and cute. Even bedwetting is tolerated because of his young age.

"Oh, forget it. Let them say I'm a devil. But if there are real devils in this world besides me, wouldn't it be a shame to the real devil? That kind of thing is not That’s great. Is it okay to pretend like ‘Ryuunosuke Uyu is a demon’? If you think so, you have no choice but to admit it now. Do real demons exist?”

The more Ryunosuke talked, the more excited he became, and he became closer to the frightened and trembling child. He is usually taciturn, but whenever he sees blood - especially when he is near the dead, he becomes very talkative.

The little boy was left unkilled because the health of the three people was enough to complete the magic circle, and there was no other intention. He planned to wait for the ceremony to be completed before thinking about another interesting way to kill the child——

"But, if the devil really appears, we are not prepared at all and just have a tea party with the devil, it would be a bit too idiotic, wouldn't it? So, boy... if Mr. Devil really appears, Do you want to be killed once and see?"


Regarding the abnormalities in Ryunosuke's words, even young children can fully understand the meaning. Looking at the child in front of him who wanted to scream but couldn't, and could only open his eyes full of fear but couldn't escape, Ryunosuke couldn't stop laughing.

"What would it be like to be killed by a demon? Would it be eaten in one bite, or would it be torn to pieces? Anyway, I think it would be a very valuable experience. It's definitely not meaningless - ah, okay pain!"

Suddenly there was a sharp pain. Bringing Ryunosuke back to reality from fantasy.

The back of my right hand...\\nAlthough it didn't touch anything, it felt like it was soaked in poison. Although the pain was fleeting, the aftertaste of pain still remained on the surface of his skin, making the back of his hand numb.

"...This? What is this..."

On the back of his right hand, where the pain had not completely subsided, a pattern similar to a tattoo was carved on the back of his right hand.


After seeing this pattern, Ryunosuke not only did not feel nauseated or uneasy, but instead felt that the pattern was very beautiful. Although I don’t know what the painting means, the pattern of these three snakes entangled together looks really beautiful as a graphic tattoo.

However, just as he came back from this intoxication, he suddenly felt a flow of air behind him, and Ryunosuke turned around even more surprised.

The wind is blowing. There should be absolutely no airflow in this completely enclosed room. This airflow quickly turned from a gentle breeze at the beginning into a fierce whirlwind, blowing the entire living room into a mess.

The magic circle drawn on the bed began to emit a faint phosphorescence at some point, and Ryunosuke stared there with an expression of disbelief.

Regarding the occurrence of this abnormal situation, he even had expectations for its further development - such an obvious strange phenomenon was completely beyond his expectation. This is simply like the exaggerated performance in the horror movies that Ryunosuke has always looked down upon. But this kind of effect that makes people laugh even if they want to, and deceives children, has become a real reality.

In the blink of an eye, the airflow in the room developed into a tornado that was dangerous even to stand in. The TV and vases in the living room were blown up and shattered by the wind. A mist gradually rose in the center of the glowing magic circle, and there were faint lightning and sparks flying inside. Facing this unseen sight in this world, Ryunosuke Uyu felt no fear at all. Instead, he watched quietly like a child full of expectations for magic. ()

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