A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1114 1114 The knight will not die with his bare hands

"Please make a decision quickly!"

Kirei's firm urging voice came from the other end of the communicator.

Tokiomi gritted his teeth and stared at the armor on his right hand.

Archer stared at Berserker with eyes full of anger, and calmly changed his direction.

His gaze turned to the southeast. Over there are the hilly areas and high-end residential streets of Miyama Town. That's where the Tohsaka Prefecture is located. How many people have noticed this?

"Use your highness's words of advice to calm the king - my anger? You are becoming more and more bold, Tokiomi..."

Archer raised his lips in disgust and lowered his voice to say this. The countless Noble Phantasms spread out around him hid their brilliance and immediately disappeared without a trace.

"...Save your life, mad dog."

Although Archer's face was still angry, the murderous look in his red eyes had receded. But his proud expression remained unshaken, and the golden Archer looked down at the Servants present.

"Bastards. Before we meet next time, stay away from shady people! Only true heroes can see me."

After Archer's final spiel, his physical form disappeared. The golden armor lost its texture, leaving only some residual light, and then disappeared again.

This was an ending that no one expected. The showdown between Gold and the Dark Knight ended just like that.

"It seems that Archer's Master is not as strong and brave as Archer."

Rider muttered with a dull smile. But everyone else knew that this was not a place to be so leisurely. Berserker's threat is on par with Archer's, and Berserker is now standing in front of everyone.

Eyes of infinite light emitted from the depths of the gaps in the armor.\\nPerhaps he lost his original opponent and wandered boredly in the void... Then he found a new prey and started burning again.

His resentful eyes stared at Saber, causing a chill to rise behind Saber.


It was like a sound rising from the ground. It's like a monster is causing trouble and cursing. It is a groan full of resentment, without any meaning.

This was the first time anyone heard Berserker's voice.


The black knight was like a human-shaped curse, with murderous aura swelled all over his body, and he charged towards Saber, who was wearing silver armor.


Originally, a Servant not only had to use magic power to maintain his true form, but also spent magic power on every move he made. Especially during battle, the magic power consumed will increase exponentially. In order to provide the magic power required by the Servant, the Master will draw magic power from his own magic circuit and continuously supply it to the Servant.

And the so-called magic circuit is activated. For Matou Kariya, it was just the pain of having his body eroded by the engraved insects, making him worse than death.

After the Servant becomes invisible and becomes a spirit body, the consumption of magic power can be reduced to a minimum.

Even so, Kariya sometimes feels an increased heartbeat and dizziness.

However, the pain that Berserker's materialization brought to Kariya was unimaginable.

The foreign matter in Kariya's body was awakened and began to squirm, eating away at his flesh and crushing his bones. The false magic circuit imprinting insect in Kariya's body absorbs the maximum amount of magic power he can provide without any care and supplies it to Berserker.

At this time, using pain to describe Kariya's feeling was not thorough enough. The inside of his body was invaded by other creatures, and his magic power was plundered - the intense pain of being eaten away while alive made Kariya feel terrifying and creepy, and it increased exponentially.


Hidden in the darkness, Kariya desperately suppressed his screams and kept scratching his chest and throat. Kariya's skin was cracked and bleeding, and at the same time, the nails on both hands were peeling off.

The even more tragic thing is...\\nThe magic power required by the Berserker class is much higher than that of other Servants. Zouken forces Kariya to go berserk as a Servant, which is a perverted hobby only experienced and cruel magicians have.

Insects were gnawing at Kariya's back bones. The bugs merged into Kariya's nerves. Countless bugs that eat away at Kariya, bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs...

"Ah..." Kariya's cry when he couldn't bear it was just a gentle moan. Intense pain ran out of his throat. Kariya sobbed while enduring the ravages of countless crazy bugs inside his body.

As the offensive and defensive battle between Archer and Berserker unfolded on the street, Kariya was no longer able to monitor it. Although the pain gradually subsided, Kariya still could not quickly regain his thinking ability to grasp the battle situation.

"……Ha ha……"

Kariya breathed heavily to suppress the remaining pain. While once again borrowing the magical vision to observe the battlefield. There are now three people left on the battlefield. Archer has disappeared. The battle entered a brief pause.

Archer wasn't defeated. Perhaps Tokiomi realized that the war was not good for Archer and asked him to retreat.

Kariya's Berserker did not give in at all in front of the golden Archer who seemed to possess overwhelming magical power. Tohsaka's magic, which has been honed by generations of blood, and Kariya's magic, which he hastily cultivated in just one year, are evenly matched.

"...Huh, haha..."

The haggard and weak Kariya let out a cold, dry laugh.

I did it. Finally, that arrogant magician, that fellow magician who often looked down on ordinary people like me, Kariya, was disgraced. Kariya couldn't help but laugh at Tokiomi and Zouken in his heart.

I'm not a lost dog. I won't let others call me an ant anymore, etc. I can fight you, make you afraid, terrified...

Tonight's battle can end here. The old enemy Archer has now retreated, and Kariya has no reason to endure the pain and fight again. The other Servants can just let them fight each other.

Just when Kariya was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Berserker locked his next target, Saber, and began to charge towards Saber. The most embarrassed person at this time was Kariya himself.

"Stop...come back! Come back Berserker!"

Kariya called to Berserker, conveying his worry and anxiety. Such a simple instruction could easily be transmitted to Berserker from where Kariya was standing, but the Black Knight showed no reaction and remained calm. Instead, the need for magic power generated by Berserker's excitement aroused the newly calmed marking insects, and the marking insects once again attacked Kariya's body.

"Berserker! Stop it!"

It was so painful that Kariya's voice was almost like shouting. The command spell must be used, and now Kariya is no longer allowed to hesitate for a moment. Assailed by the torrent of pain, Kariya spent all his energy trying to wake up his gradually blurred consciousness.

The black knight's momentum like a beast kicked away the asphalt on the road and advanced towards Saber. There was only Saber in his eyes, and his whole body was filled with black murderous aura.

Needless to say, Saber did not dare to be careless in the slightest, and immediately took up the sword again and went into defense.


Berserker threw the "weapon" in his hand towards Saber's head with a terrifying momentum that clung to the ground.

Saber was not afraid to use her invisible sword to block Berserker's attack.\\nBut when Saber saw the true identity of that "weapon", she was stunned.

Iron pillar - where Archer was standing just now, the remains of a street lamp ball that was cut off by Berserker and rolled to the ground. Berserker probably picked it up casually at Saber's feet while charging towards her.

Holding the broken iron filings about two meters long in his hand like a gun, Berserker pressed towards Saber's sword with terrifying power. But what's surprising is not Berserker's arm strength, but that the so-called weapon is nothing more than a pile of iron filings.

Saber's sword, hidden in the Wind King's barrier, is the most precious sword among swords. An unparalleled supreme treasure. How can you compete with the iron blocks picked up casually on the roadside?

If it has the strength to compete with the Sword of Saber, the only thing that comes to mind is the Noble Phantasm of the Heroic Spirit. But……


Saber gritted her teeth to hold back her anger, but felt very suspicious.

The iron pillar that Berserker once held has been dyed black. The black stripes in the shape of leaf veins were wrapped layer by layer on the iron pillar, and they are still spreading on the iron pillar.

Invading the iron pillars.

The black stripes appear starting from Berserker's two hands. Starting from where the black hand armor was gripped, black stripes spread across the entire iron pillar like a spider's web.

That's the magic of Berserker - the magic of the Black Knight, soaked in murderous intent and hatred.

This magic power penetrated the entire iron pillar using the hand as a medium.

"Could it be...you are?"

Saber was shocked and understood the true identity of Berserker's Noble Phantasm.

Lancer and Rider, who were watching the battle, finally came to the same conclusion.

"...I see. Whatever the black guy holds, no matter what it is, it will become his Noble Phantasm."

Rider admired in a low voice. The Noble Phantasm of a heroic spirit is not just a tangible, fixed device.

Sometimes it becomes a variety of Noble Phantasms based on the "special abilities" possessed by the Servant. This Berserker is like that.

This is an amazing ability. Berserker seized countless Noble Phantasms dropped by Archer and freely controlled them. That astonishing skill, now I finally understand what it is all about. The moment Berserker grabbed those Noble Phantasms, the control of Archer's Noble Phantasms was transferred to the Black Knight.

Not only that, even ordinary iron filings once in Berserker's hands have powerful magical power that rivals other Noble Phantasms. Unlike the many Noble Phantasms possessed by the Golden Knight just now, Berserker possesses endless Noble Phantasms.

Two strikes, three strikes - Berserker used beautiful "gun throwing skills" to press Saber again and again. And Saber is just defensive. Saber's left hand holding the hilt of the sword had no strength at all. At this time, the injury caused by Lancer's Noble Phantasm "Destroying Yellow Rose" started to hurt again. Saber waved the sword in her hand with only one right hand and reluctantly fought with the support of magic power. However, in the face of the fierce attack launched by Berserker, she could only defend blindly. Saber couldn't find a chance to counterattack and gradually fell into a disadvantage.


Irisviel called urgently. Beads of anxious sweat broke out on the King of Knights' forehead at some point.

Emiya Kiritsugu was watching the battle from a distance and saw that Saber was in danger. But now, with Kiritsugu's weapons, he is unable to intervene in the duel between Servants.

If you could at least see through the position of Berserker's Master, there would be a way to deal with it... But Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't see Berserker's Master using two dark vision observers.

"...Maiya, can you see it from over there?"

"No, I can't see it."

Hearing Maiya's answer, Kiritsugu frowned. Kiritsugu and Maiya were in each other's blind spots. The reason why the Master cannot be seen may be because Berserker's Master also prioritizes the position of self-invisibility, rather than being in a position where he can give direct instructions to the Servant.

It seems that the opponent is more cautious than Archer's Master character. For Kiritsugu, a magician who is unassuming is more difficult to deal with than a magician who is excellent but reckless.

"The situation is not good..."

This is not a one-on-one battle between Berserker and Saber. Between them were Lancer and Rider, who were unharmed. In a battlefield where the jungle is strong and the jungle is strong, the worst situation is to be at a clear disadvantage. The Masters of other Servants probably have the same idea.

——In this case, Saber can be easily defeated by giving Berserker a helping hand.

Then remove the exhausted Berserker, which is a double kill. Lancer and Rider can defeat two enemies with the least amount of magic power consumed.

Kiritsugu picked up the pistol, looked at the sight, and reconfirmed the upper part of the gable crane. Assassin's skeleton was still sitting there. A slight oversight could kill Kiritsugu himself.

"...Damn it!"

Kiritsugu gritted his teeth. But we can only wait and see what happens.

One of Saber's fingers was injured, causing the sword to lose its flexibility, and Saber was anxious about this.

Of course she knew how dangerous her situation was. Rider, who is watching from the side, must also be restrained, and the confrontation with Berserker must be brought to a stalemate. The current situation is - she is no longer able to deal with Berserker.

Berserker, on the other hand, relentlessly launched a fierce attack that was more in line with the title of Crazy Heroic Spirit. Although the "Iron Pillar Guns" that Berserker threw one after another were as wild as beasts. But the throwing technique is superb and accurate.

It wasn't Berserker's momentum that overwhelmed Saber, but Berserker's fierce attack that left Saber unable to fight back. No matter how badly Saber suffered a hand injury, as the strongest Servant, Saber didn't even have a chance to fight back. And although Berserker's weapons were strengthened by magic, they were just crooked remains of iron pillars.

Berserker is by no means a simple rabid dog. Berserker's heroic spirit is a master of kung fu. After going crazy. He also has such unusual abilities.

"Who are you...?"

Of course, the Black Knight ignored Saber's question.\\n Instead, he threw the iron pillar with a sharp aura. The next blow was a masterstroke. The momentum of this blow seemed to hit Saber's short body——

However, the thrown iron pillar did not hit Saber.

An iron pillar about two meters long. It split open in the middle and flew down from the air. This is Berserker's fake Noble Phantasm.\\nIt's strong enough to compete with Saber's sword. What easily broke this fake Noble Phantasm was a flash of red light in the darkness.

Lancer turned his back to the surprised Saber. This beautiful spearman confronts Berserker in order to protect the Knight King Saber, who was his enemy just now.

"Please stop your pranks here, Berserker."

Lancer pointed the tip of the spear in his right hand - the "Devil-Breaking Red Rose" at the Black Knight, and coldly declared war on the Black Knight.

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