Chapter 1128 Green


Although he wanted to argue for a few more days, Kayneth couldn't even utter a word of rebuttal.

He couldn't help but feel a little timid about Sora's aggressive momentum.

"First of all, if you really think Saber is very dangerous——"

While Kayneth was silent, Sora continued.

"Then why did you leave Saber's Master alone? That woman of the Einzbern family who was standing by defenselessly. When Lancer attracted Saber's attention and the two sides were fighting fiercely, why didn't you What about attacking the opponent's Master? But what did you do at that just stayed invisible until the end, right? You are the one who can't explain it."

Looking at Sora who was sighing deeply, Kayneth could only stare at her silently without saying a word, although he was furious because of the humiliation.

If it had been anyone else, Kayneth wouldn't have endured such an insult. Even if Rod Elumeroy's prestige is at stake, this insult must be returned to the opponent twice as much.

But there is only one person in this world, with the exception of Sola Nazele Sophialy.

Not only because she is the daughter of Kayneth's mentor, but also because she is Kayneth's fiancée, and her wedding will bring Kayneth more fame and status, as well as the future he has been pursuing.

This arrogant and smart young lady who is like a huge gem is the only woman that Kayneth, as a man, loves in this world.

When they first met, Kayneth's heart was already captured by this woman without saying a word.

Perhaps he sensed Kayneth's depression. Sora softened his tone slightly and continued in a teasing tone:

"Kayness. Do you know what your advantage is compared to other Masters? That is you."

"Then - of course it goes without saying -"

"You are indeed a genius for being able to add your own design to the original contract system. You are worthy of being called the number one genius in sectarianism."

Even Kayneth, who was tired of hearing words of praise, still never tired of hearing these words when they came from Sora's mouth.

In fact, Sora's evaluation of him was not simply flattery. The secret technique that Kayneth prepared for this Holy Grail War fundamentally subverted the war rules set by the "Three Founding Families".

There is originally only one causal line between Servant and Master. The technology of separating the supply of magic power from the power of command spells, and mastering it separately by the two summoners, was impossible to achieve with the help of Kayneth's genius.

The magician who holds the Command Seal is Kayneth, and the person who supplies the Servant with magic power is none other than... Sora. They can be said to be a pair of Masters.

"——But Kayneth, although you are a first-rate magician, you are only a second-rate warrior. You were finally fully prepared, but you didn't make full use of it tactically. Isn’t it?”

"No, I..."

"Hey, why do you think I provide magic power to Lancer? These are things that should be your responsibility, why should I be responsible? All of this is not to make your battle develop in a more favorable direction. , so that you can win the Holy Grail War? Compared with Masters who also provide magic power to Servants, you have an overwhelming advantage. You can use all your magic power to carry out various actions."

"But... the war has just begun, so we should be cautious when making the prologue..."

"Oh, is that so? Then why are you so anxious for the result, Lancer?"


Although Sora's tone was gentler than at the beginning, the implication was still that he was mocking Kayneth for being timid. Kayneth's face became even more ugly.

"So before blaming Lancer, first reflect on yourself. Kayneth, tonight you-"

"Sora-sama, please stop here."

A stern but deep voice interrupted Sora's words.

It's Lancer. At some point he had raised his head and looked directly at Sora.

"If you continue to insult my master, as a knight you cannot turn a blind eye."

"No, I didn't mean that...I'm sorry. I went too far."

Sora, who had been as majestic as a queen until just now, immediately lowered her eyes as if ashamed and apologized after Lancer finished speaking. In everyone's opinion, this change is too sudden.

In short, in Kayneth's mind, the scene before him left a very negative impact. Sola always kept spouting advice to him, but he never listened to a word of his. He is the person who is about to become his husband. Sora is about to become his wife. But why do Senrant's words carry more weight than those of her future husband?

And from just now, Sola came to argue with him just to protect Lancer. Could it be that she just couldn't bear to see Lancer being scolded?

Kayneth looked at Sora who was looking at Lancer, and there was an emotion in his fiancée's eyes that he had never seen before. Then he turned his attention to Lancer——

The shining black mole under Lancer's left eye caught his attention. That would be Diarmuid Odina's "tear mole" that is said to be able to attract women...

Unfounded suspicion is foolish. Even ordinary people know that Sora is the daughter of the famous magic family Sophia Li. Even if he didn't inherit the magic mark, he still had quite strong resistance to this level of charm spell.

Unless she herself does not resist this charm, it will have the effect——

While Kayneth was thinking, the fire bell rang without warning, interrupting his thoughts.

"...What? What happened?"

Sora muttered in confusion.\\nThen the phone in the room rang. The caller ID was from the front desk.

Kayneth picked up the receiver calmly and listened to the service staff's words. After listening, Kayneth's eyes once again returned to the keenness unique to magicians.

"It seems that there was a fire downstairs, and the service desk told us to evacuate quickly."

Kayneth said to Sora as he put down the phone.

"It seems to be just a small fire, but the fire locations are very scattered. It seems to be arson."

"Arson? Tonight again?"

"Huh, I guess it's definitely not an accident."

Kayneth snorted disdainfully. The worry that was still anxious in my heart just now quickly disappeared.

"This is a tactic to drive away the crowd. The opponent is a magician. It seems he doesn't like to decide the winner in a building with too many people waiting."

Sora said with a nervous look on his face.

"So - an attack?"

"I'm afraid so. Maybe the guy who didn't have enough fun in Warehouse Street just now is here to cause trouble again. It's interesting. That's exactly what we had in mind, right Lancer?"

"Yes, indeed."

Lancer nodded affirmatively. As if looking forward to a confrontation with the enemy. Among the seven Masters, there was only one who was so eager to attack Kayneth - that was Saber's Master who was hit by the "Destroyed Yellow Rose". He must want to break this curse as soon as possible.

"Lancer, go to the floor below to fight. But don't dismiss them easily."

In response to Kayneth's instruction, Lancer nodded and said:

"Understood. Just cut off the attacker's escape route and drive him here, right?"

"Yes. Since the guests are here, how can we not let them have a good tour of my magic workshop, Kayneth Elumeroy?"

As the base of activities for Cayness, this hotel certainly needs to be completely renovated. This transformation is not physical, but refers to the strengthening of magic. In this thirty-two-story building, only twenty-four floors are covered by Kayneth's barrier. It can even be called the Magic Fortress. Moreover, there are three magic furnaces dedicated to Kayneth and dozens of evil spirits and sprites summoned in place of hounds. Even the sewers were not left out, Kayneth transformed the space under the corridor into another world.

Rather than rushing into the enemy's position, it's better to perfect your own position first. For the challenger who dares to step here, Kayneth will make him fully understand the true terror of Rod Elumeroy.

"Since the other residents have been evacuated, there is nothing to worry about anymore. You all use all your strength to fight."

Uncontrollable laughter came from Kayneth's throat. The knight, who was shaking with excitement, also rushed out.

All Kayneth needs now is action. Only actions and results can undo the insult Sora has given himself. Under the current situation, the only way is to give full play to his potential, which is called genius, and prove his ability.

Yes, Kayneth now thirsts for blood. Whose blood must be used to offset the black anger buried deep in his body. Unfortunately, the enemy who happened to be attacking now was about to become the most suitable sacrifice.

"You said I am a second-rate warrior, and I will ask you to take it back soon. Sora."

"Yeah. I'm looking forward to it."

His fiancée, who usually always made fun of him, looked at him with a smile only at this time. Kayneth's fighting spirit became even higher.

The tenants who were awakened by the fire alarm in their sleep and evacuated to the outdoor parking lot had ugly expressions on their faces because of the fear of the fire, their interrupted sleep, and the unhappiness caused by the cold night outside. Among these people, the hotel waiters were busy hurriedly.

"...Mr. Archipalud! Mr. Kayneth Elumeroy Archipalud! Are you there?"

Of the names recorded in the guest list, only the last one remained unconfirmed, and the hotel front desk shouted in an anxious voice. For this wealthy guest who has reserved all the suites on the top floor of the hotel, every waiter attaches great importance to him. In a sense, this is the person they least expect to be in danger.

"Mr. Archipelud! Are you there?"

"—I'm here. Please don't worry."

A loud voice came from behind the hotel receptionist, but when the receptionist turned around, he became confused. The person talking to him was a Japanese man wearing an old-fashioned coat.

This kind of joke would be too much. The angry front desk clerk was about to scold him - but was caught by the man's gaze.

There was an indescribable and wonderful attraction in the man's eyes. The front desk clerk couldn't avoid his sight, and couldn't even speak.

"I am Kayneth Elumeroy Archibalud. My wife Sora is with me."

The Japanese man, whom no one knew, said in a loud voice. The front desk clerk accepted this statement like a man possessed without any doubt.

"...That's it. Ah, yes. That's it."

The front desk clerk marked "Evacuated" in the name book on his hand. After finally confirming that all the tenants were safe and sound, he let out a long breath. The doubts and the sense of incongruity that I had when I was talking to Archibald just now disappeared without a trace.

After watching the hotel attendants continue to be busy taking care of other guests, Emiya Kiritsugu left the mixed crowd. The psychological suggestion just now, for ordinary people who have no ability to resist magic, will not be seen through in a short time.

Walking to a dark place some distance away from the hotel, Kiritsugu took out the mobile phone in his pocket while confirming that no one else was around. Mobile phones are very popular among the people and have given Kiritsugu considerable help. The simplest and most versatile radio communication device, and it will not arouse anyone's suspicion even if you hold it.

First, you need to contact Maiya who is in a surveillance position.

"Is it ready over there?"

"Nothing unusual. Standby."

Maiya's location is in a high-rise building under construction diagonally across from the Hyatt Regency Fuyuki. From there, you can clearly see the room where Kayneth and the others are.\\nThis is the location designated by Kiritsugu.

Kiritsugu sighed briefly, took out the cigarette case from his pocket with one hand, and pressed a series of numbers on his mobile phone with the other hand.

What Kiritsugu dialed was an empty number. But there was no response from the phone.

The modified communication loop was not connected to the phone signal, but to the detonating tube of the C4 bomb.

The explosion of the bomb was so small that the sound of the explosion did not even reach outside the hotel.

However, what echoed in the night sky instead was the terrifying sound of reinforced concrete beginning to fall apart and collapse.

The evacuees who noticed something strange around them screamed in horror when they saw the towering building mutate.

"The hotel, the hotel collapsed!"

The high-rise hotel, which was more than 150 meters high, remained upright and collapsed as if it was being sucked into the ground. Because all the outer walls collapsed inward, no debris burst out, only the dust generated by the collapse engulfed the surrounding streets.

Directional blasting - an advanced blasting technique mainly used to destroy large high-rise buildings. By destroying the load-bearing walls and key pillars, the building was pressed inward due to its own weight. Use the minimum amount of explosives to achieve complete destruction. For Emiya Kiritsugu, who is proficient in all blasting techniques at home and abroad, both ancient and modern, he has a very unique understanding of this art of destruction.

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