A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1124 King 1124’s Experience

Chapter 1131 King’s Experience

"——I see, that's of course."

As long as Kirei's Assassin is around, it's easy to time the final blow to Caster. Even if the rules have changed now. The tactics of the Tohsaka camp remained unchanged.

"Then quickly make preparations to recruit other Masters."

After deciding on the policy, Father Li Zheng stood up and walked out of the basement. Just when Kirei stood up to leave, he was stopped by Tokiomi's voice.

"——By the way, Kirei.\\nI heard that you seemed to have left Fuyuki Church last night to take action."

Kirei had long expected that Tokiomi would ask him. on the surface. His disciples had clearly been defeated in the Holy Grail War and sought protection from the church. So there should be no further action at all.

"I'm very sorry. Although I also know that it is dangerous, I found spies around the church, so I had to deal with it..."

"Spy? Is it targeting you in the church?"

Tokiomi's voice became increasingly serious.

"Please don't worry, I have killed the spies. No secrets will be revealed."

Kirei replied with a cheerful voice. Kirei himself was extremely surprised that he could lie to his master so calmly.

"Why didn't you use Servant?"

"I think it's just a trivial matter, and there's no need for the Servant to take action."

After a moment of silence, Tokiomi said a little unhappy.

"...You are indeed a highly skilled agent, and I know that you are very confident in your abilities. But in this situation, doesn't your approach seem a bit rash?"

"Yes. I will definitely act more cautiously in the future."

Kirei lied again.

From now on, Kirei may go to the battlefield countless times. In order to trace the traces of Emiya Kiritsugu until the moment he was found.

After the communication machine fell into complete silence, Kirei stood up and walked out of the basement.

Just when he opened the door to his room on the first floor, he suddenly felt an incongruous feeling as if he had entered the wrong room.

It's not a change in smell or temperature, it's just that the overall feel of the room has changed to a great extent. Kirei's room, which was originally a simple room, now seems to be filled with the luxurious and elegant feeling of a palace.

There are no changes in the furnishings or lighting in the room. The only difference is that there is a man sitting on the bench in the room, watching no one else.

This man who occupied someone else's house for no reason was a person that surprised Kirei a little bit. He frowned slightly in surprise.


Her blond hair stood erect like burning and her ruby ​​eyes. The person who appeared in front of Kirei was none other than Tohsaka Tokiomi's Servant, the Hero King Gilgamesh. What the heroic spirit was wearing was not his original golden armor, but a modern-looking patent leather jacket and leather trousers with fur.

Ever since he was summoned, this heroic spirit, which has relied on its ability to act alone, has been wandering around as it pleases. Recently, it suddenly got tired of traveling in its spiritual form, so it simply appeared in its physical form and put on a "play suit" at night. The streets began to strut. Although Tokiomi had already heard about Archer's idiotic behavior, Kirei never imagined that he would appear in his room.

Archer not only did not show the slightest embarrassment about his behavior of entering other people's rooms casually, but casually took out a bottle of red wine from the closet, opened it, poured it into a glass, and took an elegant sip.

"Although the quantity is not large, compared to Tokiomi's collection, yours is even more exquisite. What a shameless disciple."


Kirei, who didn't know the purpose of Archer's visit, looked at the empty wine bottles placed side by side on the table.

It seemed that Archer took out all the wines in his house and tasted them one by one.

Although it seems a bit surprising at first glance, it is not surprising if you think about it carefully. Kirei has a habit of buying the best wine whenever he hears about it.

If you look into things like wine carefully, it is a profound world with no end. In other words, wine can fill the emptiness in the heart through taste. When you are feeling empty, it is a good idea to use alcohol to get yourself drunk - this seeker who is walking in a dead end thinks so half seriously.

But so far, he has never tasted it once. Just keep increasing the amount of wine. Even when entertaining guests, I never thought of taking out these fine wines. Not to mention the current drunkard who drank all the wine from other people's collections. Even if he praised his own collection of wine, Kirei had no welcoming attitude toward him.

"What's the matter with you?"

Faced with Kirei's emotionless inquiry. Archer picked up the wine glass and looked at Kirei with meaningful eyes.

"It seems that there are others besides me who feel bored."


Upon hearing this answer, Kirei immediately noticed Archer. The meaning contained in the words——

Although it is not known when Archer found out, this heroic spirit already knew about Kirei's act alone against Tokiomi's wishes last night.

"What's wrong, Kirei? Do you feel unsatisfied just following Tokiomi's orders?"

"...Are you not satisfied with the contract until now? Gilgamesh."

Kirei did not answer Archer's question, but asked back with a bit of annoyance. Although the opponent is the legendary King of Heroes, there is nothing to be afraid of for Kirei. No matter what Tokiomi thinks personally, a Servant is a servant of the Master. No matter who this heroic spirit is, Archer is just a Servant, subordinate to Tokiomi. Compared to myself, who is Tokiomi's direct disciple, we are both equal. There is absolutely no need to worry too much about him.

Archer didn't care about Kirei's attitude. He just snorted and took another sip of the wine in his glass.

"It was Tokiomi who summoned me here, and it was him who provided me with magic power. So no matter what, I must treat him with the courtesy of a minister."

Just after this unexpected speech, Gilgamesh's red pupils flashed with a hint of melancholy.

"But frankly speaking, he is a really boring man, there is nothing interesting about him at all."

"...This sentence really shouldn't come out of your mouth as a Servant."

In Kirei's heart, which was a little surprised, there was some anger that Archer was rude to his teacher. At the same time, he also felt a little bit about Archer's purpose of coming to him this time. In the atmosphere that became slightly more relaxed, Kirei gradually accepted the fact that Archer existed in his room.

"Is it that boring? Tokiomi-sensei's order."

"Ah, it's so boring. What do you mean by reaching the all-powerful wish machine 'Source Vortex'? This is simply a wish that has no meaning at all."

All the things that magicians dream of were taken away by the King of Heroes with a smile. But for Kirei, it was understandable.

"The desire for the 'root' is unique to magicians. Therefore, it is incomprehensible to others."

"If that's the case, you must be someone else, Kirei. As far as I know, you were originally on the opposite side of the magician, right?"

Archer seems to have heard about Kirei's complicated stance. Although this man seems to be aloof all day long, he has surprisingly sharp ears.

Kirei crossed his hands and thought silently. If I look at it not from the perspective of Tosaka Tokiomi's disciples, but from the perspective of the representative of the Holy Church.\\nThe Eighth Secret Society, what is the significance of Tokiomi's Holy Grail War?

"...The road leading to the 'root' can be said to be the 'outside' of the world. In other words, it cannot have any impact on the 'inside', that is, the world. So for only focusing on' As far as the Inner Church is concerned, the magi's pursuit is simply meaningless. We can only understand this behavior as a meaningless attempt."

"I see. Indeed, I am only interested in this universe as my garden."

A declaration as if the whole world belongs to oneself. He is worthy of being the King of Heroes, with such an arrogant attitude.

"I have no interest in areas beyond my control. So I don't care about the 'roots' at all."

Kirei smiled bitterly. This Archer is simply on the opposite side of the magician. As for Tosaka Tokiomi, who is an out-and-out magician, it is not unreasonable to feel helpless against him.

"If Fuyuki's Holy Grail only exists as a specialized device to search for the 'origin', no matter how hard the magicians fight for it, the Holy Church will just sit back and ignore it. Unfortunately, the Holy Grail can only The wish that comes true is 'omnipotent'. The Holy Grail has infinite mysterious power that can change even the 'inside' of the world. If this powerful power falls into the hands of heretics, it will become a threat to our faith. So the Holy Church The church chose Tohsaka. Rather than letting it fall into the hands of heretics, it would be better to let it be wasted on 'boring and meaningless' things - However, it seems that my father also had some other purposes in the beginning. .”

"So that means that Masters other than Tokiomi compete for the Holy Grail for purposes different from Tokiomi's?"

In response to Archer's question, Kirei nodded.

"Tokiomi is a typical representative of magicians, and he is also the most right-wing one among magicians. In this day and age, there are no longer those who pursue pure magic like him. All the other guys pursue is nothing more than the world. Just flashy favors. Prestige, desire, power...all are wishes that can be achieved 'inside' the world."

"Isn't this great? They are all things I love."

"You are just the king who reigns at the apex of these worldly things, Gilgamesh."

Archer smiled noncommittally and drank the wine in his glass. It seemed that he didn't feel any insult from Kirei's comments.

"What about you? Kirei, what wish do you hope to achieve with the Holy Grail?"

When asked this question, Kirei hesitated for the first time since the beginning of the conversation.


Yes, this is the biggest question, why does Kotomine Kirei have a Command Seal engraved on his left hand?

"I... don't have any special wishes."

In response to Kirei's vague answer, Archer's red pupils shone seductively.

"How is that possible? Doesn't the Holy Grail only summon those who have wishes?"

"It should be like this. But...I don't know why. Why did the Holy Grail choose me to participate in this battle, who has no ideals or wishes to achieve?"

"Is this kind of thing that confusing?"

Looking at Kirei's solemn expression, Archer couldn't help laughing.

"It's not for ideals or wishes. Isn't it enough to just pursue pleasure?"

"Damn it!"

Kirei's angry voice was basically made unconsciously.

"As a servant of God, you want me to pursue pleasure? How can I do such a sinful and depraved thing?"

"Sinful? Depraved?"

Looking at Kirei with a serious look in front of him, Archer felt more and more interesting. Then he smiled maliciously.

"This is a leap of thought, Kirei. Why do you associate pleasure with sin?"

"This is because……"

Kirei didn't know how to answer. And Kirei didn't know why he was in such an embarrassing situation as he had never been before.

Looking at Kirei who was silent in front of him, Archer said with an even more triumphant expression:

"It is indeed wrong to obtain pleasure through crime. But humans can also obtain pleasure through good deeds. You say that pleasure itself is a sin. What exactly does this mean?"

It’s just a question of this level, why can’t he answer it? Kirei doesn’t know the reason. It was as if there was an unknown realm in his heart imprisoned with indifferent uneasiness.

"——Pleasure or anything like that doesn't exist in my heart. So I don't want to pursue it."

Kirei was finally able to answer, but his answering voice was not like his usual speech, but sounded very unconfident. It seems that he can't find a suitable answer and can only find a random sentence to deal with it.

Archer's red pupils seemed to be carefully appreciating Kirei as he stared at him, and then he laughed proudly.

"Kotomine Kirei——I suddenly became interested in you."

"……What do you mean?"

"Just saying, don't pay attention."

Archer poured red wine into the glass again, leaned his back on the sofa again, and said loudly.

"Pleasure is fundamentally a part of the soul. There is no difference between 'having' and 'not having'. There is only a difference between 'awareness' and 'unconsciousness'.

Kirei, you just haven't discovered what's deep in your soul yet. Realize that pleasure is what it is in the first place. "

"Servant, are you meddling in other people's business? Educate me."

"This is not an ordinary education. It is the experience of a king who has enjoyed the luxury and happiness of the entire world. Just listen to me honestly."


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