No, that shouldn't be called a tattoo. For the Master of the Holy Grail War, he knew what it was at a glance.

"These are the things that were recovered from the past Holy Grail War and entrusted to me as the supervisor of this Holy Grail War. The inheritance of the Masters who lost their Servants before the decisive battle - the Command Seals that they have not used up. "

Seeing this evidence, no one doubted Father Li Zheng's authority as a supervisor.

The command spells that the Masters in the past had no time to use are now kept by him as the manager.

The Command Seal is also called the Stigmata, and is proof of the fate of participating in the Holy Grail War. It not only contains the meaning of destiny, but also a control device for Servants.

The phenomenon of the Command Seal itself can be called a miracle. However, although this kind of engraving on the Master's body has very powerful energy, it is only a type of consumer physical enchantment after all, so it can be transplanted or transferred through spells.

"I can transfer these preparation command spells to anyone at my own discretion. For those of you who currently control Servants, you should know the importance and value of these seals, right?"

Although he was facing familiars who were only responsible for conveying what they heard to their masters, Father Risei gradually entered a preaching state and began to get excited.

"All Masters, stop all current fighting, and do your best to annihilate Caster first. Furthermore, I will choose the person who annihilates Caster and his Master, and give him the additional Command Seals as a special measure. If it is a single If it is completed by one person, it will only be given to that person, but if it is completed by multiple people, it will be given to everyone who contributed. When it is confirmed that Caster has been eliminated, the Holy Grail War will start again."

After putting down his sleeves, Father Risheng added.

"Well, if you have any questions, ask them here."

There was a commotion in the darkness. The sounds of moving chairs, getting up, and leaving were mixed together, and then gradually disappeared.

Now that the supervision notice has been fully understood, there is no point in staying here any longer. For the current Master, there is nothing to ask at all. Everyone is busy preparing for new competitions.

In the church that finally returned to its true deserted state, Father Li Zheng smiled slightly while thinking about the future development.

After all these things have been explained - just wait, the four hungry hounds will definitely drive Caster to the dead end.

Although we now know the appearance of the target Master and the location of Caster's workshop. If all these are told to other Masters, it may increase some efficiency. However, doing so may also alert others and arouse suspicion. So now is not the time to make the information obtained through Assassin public.

How long can Caster last? For Risheng and the others, they did not think that the situation would immediately turn into a six-on-one siege. It would be difficult for other Masters to follow the supervisor's instructions and only target Caster. action. Because to them, Caster's hunting battle is just an episode. Their real goal is to win in the subsequent melee.

Everyone is eager to get more Command Seals. But if the enemy gets the same thing as you, then you will have no advantage at all.

Therefore, for these Masters, instead of cooperating with others to obtain the Command Seal, it is better to kill Caster alone to gain exclusive advantage. Although the former is a simpler method. Moreover, they may even hinder each other in order to compete.

If so, that would be troublesome. If they hinder each other like this, it might be detrimental to Archer's actions.

All the Master's movements were visible to Assassin, who was almost forgotten by them. Kirei did a great job indeed. As a magician who had learned magic for a few days while sharpening his skills in battle, being able to control his Servant with such superb means was something that even Tokiomi, his teacher, could not have imagined.

For his own beliefs, for the creed of the church, and for the agreement with his deceased friend, this confident child did his best to use his talents. This is an achievement that even his father failed to achieve.


Go straight west from the bustling streets of Fuyuki City for about thirty kilometers.

There is a national highway that runs east-west and crosses the inaccessible mountains far away from the villages. There is a dense forest on both sides of this national highway. This forest area seems to have been forgotten by the turbulent land development boom.

This land may be state-owned land, but according to the land registration book, it is private land belonging to a foreign-funded company, and whether this foreign-funded company actually exists is not yet certain. If one had to investigate this land, the first puzzling thing would be this magical urban legend.

Legend has it that there is a "mythical city" in the deepest part of this dense forest.

Of course, this legend is just a boring legend. Although this forest has not yet been developed, it can be reached in less than an hour's drive from downtown Fuyuki. If there really was such a strange castle, everyone would definitely know about it. In fact, several people have conducted land surveys in this primeval forest several times in the past, but no traces of artificial structures were ever found.

But every few years, someone always mentions the legend again.

A group of children walked into the forest half for fun and half for adventure. There was also a lost hiker. They saw an ancient city suddenly appear in the mist. This castle was made of rocks and was very magnificent. No one lives in the castle, it looks like an abandoned city. However, the facilities in the castle are complete and everything is in order, making people feel like someone is living here. It is said to be an extremely bizarre ancient city.

Of course no one would believe this legend. At best, it is just a story told in a one-page page in the summer special issue of a third-rate magazine that suffers from no news material.

Only a handful of magicians know that this castle is real.

This castle only welcomes an owner who enters the castle to participate in the war every sixty years. In short, it is a magical castle.

The castle is shrouded in multiple layers of illusions and magical wards, and will never be revealed except in extremely rare circumstances. This is a strange space. People who know the existence of this castle call this dense forest "Einzbern Forest".

At that time, the Holy Grail War was being held in Fuyuki City. The patriarch of the Einzbern family, Yubusta Kuhayed, felt that it was inappropriate to establish a stronghold in the direct territory of the rival Tosaka family. Therefore, he made full use of his family's financial resources and bought out the spiritual land closest to Fuyuki City as the base of the Einzbern family. It was the eve of the Third Holy Grail War and also the tense period before the outbreak of World War II.

This vast primeval forest was shrouded in a barrier and completely isolated from the outside world. The Einzbern family moved all their original castles to this forest. This shows that the Einzbern family's huge financial resources and dedication to chasing the Holy Grail are extraordinary. At that time, the Tohsaka family made various negotiations to purchase land in Fuyuki and worked hard for covert work in the local area. Compared with the Einzbern family, these actions can only be laughable.


The dull air made Irisviel sigh several times.

"——Are you tired? Alice."

Kiritsugu asked. Alice hid her melancholy expression, smiled and shook her head.\\n

"It's nothing, I'm not tired. Just go on."

Alice urged Kiritsugu. Kiritsugu continued to tell various information about Fuyuki City. On the table in front of Kiritsugu, a map depicting the entire Fuyuki City was spread out. ’

"——There are two places that are the center of the entire region. One is the residence of Second Master Tohsaka. The other, as everyone knows, is Mount Enzo. All the spiritual veins in the surrounding area are gathered on Mount Enzo. The detailed situation is just like what Chief Ahad told-"

The servants came to the castle before Irisviel and others, prepared everything for the venue, and then left. So the venue where the meeting was held was impeccable. Everything was spotless from the table legs to the teacups, and the vases were filled with vibrant flowers. It is completely unimaginable that no one has lived here for 60 years.

To say I'm not tired would be a lie. But Irisviel still rested in bed for a while. But Kiritsugu never rested for a moment. It was almost noon when Kiritsugu and his assistant Kuu Maiya arrived at the castle. However, as soon as they arrived at the castle, they received a summons from the Fuyuki Church, operating familiars, confirming notices from supervisors, etc. Kiritsugu was busy dealing with various chores non-stop. Last night, after the Battle of Warehouse Street, Kiritsugu and others attacked Lancer's Master Kayneth, and even encountered Kotomine Kirei. Another fierce battle ensued. But Kiritsugu didn't show any sign of haggard, so Irisviel had no reason to complain about being tired.

No, there was another reason behind Irisviel’s sigh.

"——Set a strong barrier with Ryudou Temple on the top of Enzo Mountain as the base point. In this way, except for Servants, other natural creatures can only enter the barrier through the mountain road. Saber should pay attention to this when acting .”

If you want to remind Saber to pay attention, just say it directly to Saber. But Kiritsugu still didn't look at the girl in men's clothing standing behind Irisviel.

There are two reasons why the air becomes heavy. One is that Saber showed a firm rejection of Kiritsugu. Saber's attitude is not new now, but has become more obvious since arriving at Einzbern Castle.

"Furthermore, in addition to these two places...\\nThere are two other important places in the new capital where the earth lines are concentrated. One is the Fuyuki Church on Minami Hill. The other is the emerging residential area to the east of the urban area. All in all, there are four spiritual sites in Fuyuki City that are capable of conducting Holy Grail seances."

"In that case, in order to be more secure against Caster, shouldn't we first defeat Lancer?"

But faced with Alice's questions one after another, Kiritsugu shook his head.

"After Caster appears, we don't need to confront him head-on. You just need to maximize the advantage of the geographical location so that Saber can escape and disrupt the enemy's line of sight."

Irisviel was shocked. After Saber heard what Kiritsugu said, she was so angry that she was dumbfounded.

"Aren't you going to fight Caster...?"

"All the other Masters have already targeted Caster. Without us taking action, others will deal with Caster. There is no need for us to do anything extra.

For those Masters who have bloodshot eyes chasing Caster, Caster is a big piece of fat. Caster has his sights set on Saber. As long as Caster makes any movement, one or two of the Masters chasing Caster will definitely step into this forest. We will attack those Masters from the side. The Master, who was focused on chasing Caster, never imagined that they would change from the role of hunter to the role of prey. "

I see, this is indeed Kiritsugu’s tactic. In Kiritsugu's eyes, there was neither human ethics nor pride as a magician. He was just a hunting tool derived from the law of the jungle and the strong.

Originally, Kiritsugu had no intention of coming to this castle, so why did he suddenly change his policy and join her? Irisviel finally understood Kiritsugu's intention.

"Master, despicable do you want to be?!"

Saber shouted angrily, and Irisviel felt a dull pain in her heart. Saber's anger now is different from the anger she had last night when she was ridiculed by Rider and caster's nonsense - in a sense, it is a more intense anger.

"Master, you are insulting heroic spirits. I joined this war to avoid bloodshed. Fight for the Holy Grail, do not bleed unnecessarily, keep sacrifices to a minimum, and one person should bear the fate of thousands of troops. To compete here... this is what we Servants should do.

Why don't you leave the responsibility of participating in the war to me? The same thing happened when you attacked Lancer's Master last night. One wrong step can lead to tragedy. I have made an appointment with Lancer to fight again! You don’t have to resort to such despicable methods - or Master, do you not trust me as a Servant?"

Kiritsugu didn't answer. He kept a cold silence, as if Saber's fierce words were just innocuous words. Kiritsugu's indifferent expression, which seemed to be wearing a mask, disgusted Irisviel.

That man was not the husband she knew.

She did know that Emiya Kiritsugu had a dual personality. She realized that Kiritsugu, on the one hand, poured all his affection into his wife and daughter, but on the other hand, he still had scars from the past hidden in his heart. Alice also knew what kind of life Kiritsugu lived before joining the Einzbern family. But is this the decisive factor that causes the estrangement between the two of them?

Moreover, what prompted Alice to realize this was the woman in black attending the meeting. The woman remained silent, silently entrusting everything to Kiritsugu. That woman was another reason why Irisviel felt melancholy. ()

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