Chapter 1136 Anger

The barrier that spreads out in the forest is a circle with a diameter of five kilometers with the castle as the center. The location of Caster is at the border of this barrier.

If Caster goes one step deeper into the barrier, Irisviel can assist Saber in the battle. But Caster seemed to have seen through Alice's motives and began to wander around the perimeter of the barrier.

"Irisviel, the enemy is trying to lure us out."

Saber said in a firm tone.\\nIf she relied on her strength as a Servant,\\nit would only take a few minutes to reach Caster's location. Saber’s thoughts were also conveyed to Irisviel. Saber was extremely anxious at this moment and wanted to go out and beat up Caster.

But the King of Knights cannot act arbitrarily. The group of children gathered behind Caster——the source of uneasiness for the King of Knights.

"It's a hostage... it must be."

Irisviel whispered sadly. Saber nodded.

"If the traps and mechanisms set up are activated, those children will be harmed. Only if I go out directly and defeat Caster can I save those children."

The current situation is self-explanatory. But Irisviel also had reasons for hesitation. Saber's injury is very unfavorable, and the confrontation with Caster is a bit uneasy. Irisviel intuitively judged that Caster was a formidable enemy. Alice is unable to assist Saber at the outer edge of the barrier, leaving Saber to fight alone...

At this time, Caster's beast-like eyes suddenly looked upward. Could it be that he has seen through Irisviel’s “clairvoyance”!?

Caster stared in the direction of Irisviel. \\n He raised his arms and bowed to Irisviel with utmost sincerity. What a child's play for a heroic spirit who is a magician.

"I came to visit you as promised last night."

The surface of the hard crystal ball began to shake, and sounds came from the surveillance location.

"Now please give me an order.\\nLet me see that beautiful saint again."

Saber stared at Irisviel, urging her to issue an order quickly. As a Servant, the girl is ready to fight. But her master was still hesitant.

Caster seemed to have read through Irisviel's thoughts and showed a look of contempt. As if he was performing a one-man show, he sneered and continued:

"...Ah, it seems I still can't make up my mind. I'm also prepared to wait for a long time, so just take your time and prepare. Oops, it's such a boring game - can you let me borrow your territory? Where’s a corner of it?”

Caster snapped his fingers. The children who had been following Caster obediently just now opened their eyes as if they had woken up from a dream. The children looked around helplessly, as if they couldn't figure out where they were.

"Listen kids, we're starting to play hide and seek. The rules are simple. Just run away from me. If you get caught by me—"

Caster reached out his hand from the sleeve of his cassock and grabbed a child next to him.


Saber knew that her restraint had no effect, but she still couldn't help but scream.

The sound of skull crushing. Brains flying everywhere and eyes sliding in the air. Those nightmarish scenes were etched in everyone's minds.

The children let out heart-wrenching cries. Fleeing in all directions. Caster stood in the center and laughed happily, licking his bloody fingers with his tongue.

"Hurry up and run away. I will start chasing you after I count to a hundred. So Jeanne, how long do you have to prepare before I catch all the children?"

Seeing this situation, Irisviel no longer hesitated. It was impossible to hesitate any longer. She is also the mother of a child. The child who was killed and then abandoned, his petite and pitiful body was just the same size as his daughter Ilia.

"Saber, defeat Caster."

"As commanded."

The King of Knights' answer was unusually brief. When Irisviel heard Saber's answer, she had already disappeared from the conference room. But the wind blowing behind her was full of unusual anger.


Saber turned into a gust of wind and flew through the jungle.

Saber has no time to worry about the dispute with Kiritsugu now. Once on the battlefield, her heart becomes a sword. A sharp, polished sword. It was a sharp sword without any confusion.

Saber herself knew very well that she was running towards Caster's magic formation. The blood in her body was boiling, and the evil deeds committed by that demon made Saber furious. However, it was not excitement that drove Saber forward at this moment. Anger and hatred alone will not turn Saber's heart into a sharp sword.

Those children who were murdered. It's not like Saber has never seen these sights before. As long as you are on the battlefield.\\nNo matter how much you can't bear it, you will still see those young skeletons. This is a common situation for her who was once King Arthur.

So-called human beings, as long as they stand on the edge of life and death, will become extremely ugly, despicable and violent. Humans are two-legged beasts that rape women, kill young children, and prey on the hungry. There is a high probability that the blood-soaked battlefield will be filled with evil spirits.

But because of this, humans still have to "prove" themselves even if they are trapped in hell. Proving that no matter what adversity we find ourselves in, humans can survive nobly. Someone needs to be able to personally attest to this.

One person who can attest to this is the Knight. A shining star on the battlefield.

The knight must illuminate the entire battlefield with righteousness and high momentum. Let those souls who are about to fall into evil spirits regain their sense of honor and pride and become upright human beings again. Putting aside your own anger, sadness and pain, and focusing on the overall situation, this is the responsibility that a knight must bear.

Therefore, Saber must defeat Caster. This was not driven by anger but her responsibility.

Saber had to admit that such a move lacked careful consideration. There is nothing you can do about being accused of rash actions. But Saber is by no means a foolhardy person. Although she expected Caster to be a formidable opponent, she did not feel despair because she had no chance of winning. If there is a fight to the death, the one who laughs last must be herself - this is Saber's intuition.

We must defeat Caster. Unlike Kiritsugu, Saber had a reason to defeat Caster with her own hands. Even if you are seriously injured and your vitality is severely damaged, you must surrender that devil with your own hands. This is the responsibility of being the King of Knights, an unavoidable obligation. Saber will never let this guy go, a demon who tarnishes the meaning of war and a scum who insults human dignity.

The smell of blood became stronger. The mud wrapped around the armor stopped Saber in her tracks.

The dusty ground behind Saber was filled with enough moisture. The moisture was not caused by rain, but by red blood.

It was a disgusting stench. There was a sea of ​​blood all around. What kind of cruel killing did Caster commit to lead to such an unbearable scene? When Saber thought about this, she felt extremely painful in her heart.

And those who were killed were all young and lovely children. Saber thought of the children she saw in the crystal ball screaming out of fear. This just happened. It happened just a few minutes ago, before Saber flew into the forest.

At that time, he was still a living child. Now it has become a broken skeleton.

"You're finally here, Joan of Arc. I've been waiting for a long time."

Caster welcomed the motionless silver-white figure with a hearty smile. Caster's face was filled with a proud smile, as if he was very satisfied with the grand "banquet" he held. Caster stood in the middle of the sea of ​​blood, his dark robes stained with the blood of the hostages, making his smile even more terrifying.

"How do you feel when you see this tragic situation? Are you heartbroken? Can you imagine the pain those innocent and lovely children endured in the end?

But Joan of Arc, this cannot be called a real tragedy. Compared to after I lost you, in order to meet you again——"

Saber had nothing to say and no intention of listening to Caster's tirade. She wanted to split Caster into two pieces with one sword, and without a moment's hesitation, she took a step towards Caster.

Caster also sensed murderous intent from Saber's moving footsteps, stopped talking, and suddenly threw his hands out from the corners of his cassock.

The thing that had been hidden in Caster's arms once again stopped Saber's progress.

It was a child - the only surviving hostage. Caught in Caster's forearm, he was still crying softly. Caster kept him alive just to use him as a shield in the fight against Saber, right?

"——Oh Joan of Arc, your angry eyes are so moving."

Caster was leisurely and contented, smiling at Saber.

"Do you hate me that much? Yes, you should. I betrayed God's loving heart, and you will never forgive me. You are more pious towards God than anyone else."

"Let the kid go."

Saber ordered Caster with a tone as cold as a sword.

"This Holy Grail battle is to select the Heroic Spirit who is most qualified to obtain the Holy Grail. If you use tactics that tarnish the Holy Grail, you will be abandoned by the Holy Grail."

"Now that you are resurrected again, the Holy Grail is of no use to me... Joan of Arc.\\nIf you really want to save this child's life."

Caster couldn't help laughing, and then he gently let go of his hand with a disappointed look on his face and placed the child on the ground.

"Don't cry, child. You should be happy. God's devout believers have come to save you. The omnipotent God has finally appeared. All your friends have not been saved by God, only you."

The young child seemed to understand that the blond girl who was galloping towards her was her savior, and she cried loudly. At the same time, he ran straight towards Saber.

The child's little hands grasped the armor on Saber's legs. Saber gently touched the child's little hand with her fingertips. The only thing that could comfort her with her child in her arms was the surrounding mountains. Saber was now in a desperate situation. She could no longer prepare for battle while considering her child's safety.

"It's very dangerous here. Run away. If you run in this direction, you will see a big castle, and there will be people there to save you--"

There was a crunch and the child's back made a sound. The sobs turned into wails of pain.\\n

Saber was stunned as the young body in front of her exploded in half. Moreover, the blood spurted out of the child's body was not red.

It was a group of jet-black snakes, countless snakes coiled together - no, that thing was covered with suckers the size of rain gills, it was by no means an ordinary thing like a group of snakes. Is it a squid? Or is it the tentacles of a strange creature similar to a squid? The tentacles, which were as thick as Saber's wrist, instantly stretched out and wrapped around the silver armor, and began to tightly bind Saber's hands and feet.

The monsters summoned from another world still carry the flesh and blood of the hostages - there is more than one monster surrounding Saber. Countless tentacles protruded from the hostage remains scattered on the ground, and in an instant, dozens of monsters surrounded Saber.

These monsters are all about the same size. No limbs and no hips. It's beyond words. These countless tentacles have a ring-shaped mouth at their roots. The mouth is like a shark's mouth, with sharp blade-like teeth. Although the origin of these creatures is unknown, these are definitely not creatures of nature. It may be a creature living in another world.\\nAnd that world does not follow the laws of nature.

"I should have told you in advance, so be prepared when you see me next time."

Caster laughed, as if celebrating his victory. As he spoke, a thick book appeared in his hand. The book cover was wet and shiny. There was actually a piece of human skin attached to it. To the naked eye, it looked like an ordinary book, but Saber used her lightning-like senses to sense that a huge amount of magic was surging around the book, spreading towards the four dramas. There is no doubt that it is Caster's Noble Phantasm.

"This is the magic book left to me by my ally. With this book, I obtained the spell to command the demon army. How about it? Isn't there any army that can match the majesty of the demon army?"

Saber didn't answer. She was still tightly bound by the tentacles, and there were still bones in her hands that were so rotten and shattered that they didn't even have their original shape left. When the monster appeared, it also ate away at the hostage's body, so the hostage's skeleton had already lost any weight. The child was crying and grabbing the corner of her clothes just now, but now she was in this miserable situation.

"——That's enough. I no longer want to compete with you for the Holy Grail."

As a swordsman Servant, Saber whispered quietly. At the same time, she also released the anger that had been boiling and brewing in her chest.

The monsters began to retreat. Compared to the sound, the shock wave put more pressure on Caster's eardrum.

What burst out from the girl's thin body was a cry boiling with rage - and a huge explosion of magic power. The tentacles wrapped around Saber's body, but she couldn't stand it for even a second after the magic burst.\\nIt instantly broke into tiny pieces of flesh, scattered around and disappeared. There was no trace of the mucus attached to Saber's body, and the silver armor regained its brilliance. And among the hordes of monsters, the girl stood like a god of war, staring at Caster with burning eyes.

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