A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1131 1131 Don’t talk about martial ethics

Chapter 1138 Don’t talk about martial ethics

"Hey, Caster. I don't mean to talk too much about your love affair. If you must make Saber give in and take her away, then go ahead and do it. It's just——"

The handsome warrior's eyes were full of sorrow and he said boldly.

"I will never allow you to defeat the 'one-handed Saber' without me, Diarmuid! If you don't retreat, my gun will replace Saber's 'left hand' from now on."

Thinking back on it, this was the second time Saber looked at the spearman's back like this. Last night, when he faced Berserker's fierce attack, Lancer inserted himself in the same way. Is all this done to finally end the relationship with her who once fought against her?

"Lancer, you..."

"Make no mistake, Saber."

Lancer stopped Saber from continuing with his sharp eyes.

"The only order I was given by the Master today was to defeat Caster. I did not accept any instructions for you. In this case, I judge that it is best to fight together here. What do you think?"

Lancer's statement was not the first to explain Saber's crisis. The spearman doesn't need to do this. He can also choose to sneak behind the enemy while Caster is concentrating on dealing with Saber.

Saber didn't ask him why. He just nodded to Lancer who was smiling and stood to his right.

Saber stopped paying attention to the left and held the sword towards the right. Now she has the most trustworthy left arm.

"Let me be clear first - Lancer, I can defeat a hundred of these fish with just one left hand."

"Hmph, it's no big deal at this level. Just pretend you're left-handed today."

The two heroic spirits joked with each other and rushed towards the gathered monsters. The sword and two magic spears cut through the large group of tentacles extending from all directions.

"Unforgivable... Don't get carried away, common man!!"

The grimoire in Caster's hand pulsed strangely, as if echoing his roar, and kept turning the pages. Suddenly, the number of monsters doubled. A swarm of tentacles seemed to flood the forest and rushed toward Saber and Lancer.

The second act of the fiercer and more tragic battle began.


It was pure luck that Kayneth Elumeroy Archibald caught Caster in Fuyuki City.

Although people were stunned to see a figure wearing an anachronistic pitch-black cloak casually walking down a residential street at dusk, but when he saw him stopping a passing light truck, he gave a hint to the driver, and then led him as if he was leading a kindergarten outing. After taking the baby on board. The tracking began.

The only way to engage in a Servant battle was in a deserted place, but the car carrying Caster was heading towards the mountains far away from the city. Although Kayneth snickered because he was getting what he wanted, he began to hesitate when he understood that his destination was the Einzbern Forest.

During the previous investigation, I had heard about the Einzbern territory near Fuyuki. Since it is the territory of the magician, there are corresponding barriers, making it a place where it is difficult for others to fight advantageously. Having said that, the reason for Caster’s expedition to this place is obvious. The intention to challenge the power of Einzbern is obvious. In this case, there may be an opportunity to take advantage of the battle. Kayneth made up his mind and stepped into the forest with Lancer.

As expected, Caster and Saber appeared to fight and started fighting. From his erratic words and actions, it can be seen that Caster, who is already in a state of rage, acted alone, but Saber's Master has not yet appeared. Probably because he judged that since he was in his own territory, he could protect himself alone even if he didn't stay with the Servant. So I decided to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers at the rear stronghold.

So Kayneth decided on his own course.

Give Lancer the order to attack Caster. For Kayneth, who had already consumed a Command Seal...\\nHe wanted to get the reward for defeating Caster proposed by the supervisor no matter what. But even if Caster is defeated here, the result will be a common front with Saber. The Master of Einzbern should also be given a special command spell. This was by no means what he wanted to see.

Therefore, Kayneth decided to hand over Caster to Lancer to deal with, while he sneaked into Einzbern City alone. If you want to monopolize Caster's head, just eliminate Saber's Master at the same time.

Although it is a bold challenge, Kayneth has unwavering confidence. No matter what kind of defense Einzbern made, he was determined to break it with the name of Rod Elumeroy on the line. If he wanted to make up for the shortcomings that Sora pointed out last night, he would have to show this level of courage. For Kayneth, getting his fiancée to withdraw her insult is his most important issue now.

Kayneth's fighting spirit was boiling as he moved all the way into the depths of the forest. Although the enchanted forest was cast under an illusion, Kayneth's rare knowledge and intuition allowed him to make accurate guesses and easily find the location of the enchantment center. His reputation as one of the top geniuses in spiritual science cannot be overshadowed.

"If Einzbern's magic is only of this level, it will be clear how well the city is defended."

Kayneth had the grace to snicker like this. Although many magic tools brought from England were lost due to the collapse of the hotel, the "ceremony" as the strongest ace was always carried with him. So he doesn't feel that his combat power is insufficient.

The trees that blocked the view suddenly disappeared, and the ancient stone city appeared in front of Kayneth. I see. As expected of the famous Magician of the North, the scale of the relocated castle is unconventional. However, Kayneth is also the legitimate son of the famous Archipelud. Even if its majesty could overwhelm others, he would only feel scornful.

"It's not bad. After taking care of Einzbern, it would be good to occupy this city as a new stronghold..."

Kayneth, who lost his Hyatt Hotel suite, now uses an abandoned factory on the outskirts as a temporary secret base, hiding Sora there. Of course, the fiancée was in an extremely bad mood. After all, this is an environment that Kayneth's pride cannot tolerate.\\n

If this is decided, the damage to the building should be kept to a minimum as much as possible.

Kayneth smiled arrogantly and placed the large ceramic bottle held under his arm on the ground. As soon as it left his hand, the bottom of the bottle sank heavily into the ground. The actual weight of this bottle, which was carried using a weight-reducing technique, was close to 140 kilograms.

"Fervor, mei sanguis." (Boil, my blood)

As soon as he chanted the incantation activated by magic, the contents of the bottle spilled out from the mouth of the bottle in a sticky manner. The liquid that radiates a mirror-like metallic luster is a large amount of mercury. The mercury, which has a capacity of about ten liters, flowed out of the bottle like an autonomous protist, vibrating and forming a spherical shape.

This is the "Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid" that Elumeroy of Rhodes is proud of - the strongest one among the large number of rituals he holds.

"Automatoportum defensio (autonomous defense); AutonlatoporIunl quaerere (automatic detection of enemies); Dilectus incursio (automatic attack)."

As Kayneth chanted in a low voice, the piece of mercury rustled on the surface as if in response, and then followed him at his feet as he approached the castle gate.

Kayneth possesses the dual attributes of "water" and "wind" which are rare even for mages. He is very good at the "fluid manipulation" technique common to both. The unique battle costume he created was able to use mercury filled with magic as a weapon and operate it at will.

Mercury, which does not have a certain shape, can also be shaped into any shape——


Under Kayneth's drink, part of the mercury ball suddenly turned into a thin and long ribbon extending upward, and then, the mercury ribbon slammed towards the door like a whip.

Just when it was about to hit, the whip of mercury suddenly compressed into a thin plate with a thickness of only a few microns, becoming a razor-sharp mercury blade. As a result, under the sharp blade of mercury, the thick door latch was cut in half like cutting tofu, and the door fell inward with a heavy sound.

Mercury is a very heavy liquid substance at normal temperature. When it moves at high speed under high pressure, it will have powerful motion energy. Moreover, mercury can be transformed into whips, guns, knives and other shapes at will. Its sharpness can even surpass that of laser rays.

Perhaps it was with the confidence that he would succeed, because in front of Rod Elumeroy's Moon Spirit Essence Liquid, no matter how strong the defense was, it was useless. Be it titanium alloy or diamond, nothing is cut forever.

After clearing the obstacles in front of him, Kayneth walked leisurely towards the hall in the city. The crystal chandelier in the hall exudes bright light, and there is no flaw on the polished marble floor. The air also seemed unusually quiet, with only the aura of Kayneth in it - of course, no one came out to greet him.

"See you, the ninth generation successor of the Archibald family, Kayneth Elumeroy!"

The majestic Kayneth announced loudly in the deserted hall.

"Magician of Einzbern! For the Holy Grail you pursue, risk your life and honor and come out to meet me!"

Although Kayneth made a provocative declaration, no one responded. It was as if he was not looking forward to the duel with Kayneth. Kayneth sighed contemptuously and walked towards the center of the hall with heavy steps.

Just when Kayneth walked to the center of the hall, the four vases placed in the four corners of the hall suddenly burst into pieces with a huge roar. But what flew out in the explosion were not pieces of porcelain, but countless metal beads. These metal beads suddenly flew towards Kayneth like bullets.

This mechanism was not set up by magic at all, and Kayneth did not notice any magic activation. Then, this must be the mechanism installed in the vase by Emiya Kiritsugu. This is a type of anti-personnel mine called CLAYMORE, which is a cruel set bomb. When each bomb explodes, it will release more than 700 steel balls with a diameter of only one or two millimeters. And these steel balls will all be launched in a fan shape in all directions. It is said that this is a terrifying weapon invented to destroy the infantry group in one blow. When it explodes, everything present will not have time to escape, and the target in the center will only be beaten into a sieve.

——Of course, this is when the target is not a magician.

At the moment when 2,800 steel balls hit Kayneth. The place where he stood was surrounded by a silver semicircle. The piece of mercury that was originally entrenched under his feet turned into a semicircle shape in an instant.

Kayneth is surrounded by a watertight mercury film. Although its thickness is less than one millimeter, the tension of the mercury film can reach the same strength as a steel plate when charged with magic power. The rain of bullets emitted by the CLAYMORE mines did not even hit Kayneth. Instead, they were all bounced back to various places in the hall, only to knock all the facilities in the city to pieces.

This is the "auto-defense" mode of Moon Spirit Essence Liquid. This preset magic can automatically react when Kayneth is threatened, instantly opening a powerful defensive membrane. That kind of reaction speed can prevent even bullets. When the Hyatt Hotel collapsed, it was the defense system created by the Moon Essence Liquid that protected Kayneth and Sora. The freely transformable mercury serves as a complete offensive and defensive weapon.\\nIt can be used as either Kayneth's sword or Kayneth's armor.


After removing the defensive membrane, Kayneth couldn't help but sneer at the vulgarity of the mechanism just now after seeing the tragic situation around him. Even Kayneth, who didn't know much about military weapons, now understood that what attacked him just now was not a magic attack, but just a normal weapon using explosives.

In Kayneth's mind, the truth of last night's unpleasant experience finally became somewhat clear.

You can know this without analysis. Among the remaining six groups of Masters, the only one who wants to eliminate Kayneth first is Saber's Master Einzbern. However, as a magician of the prestigious Einzbern family with high prestige, how could he use such obscene methods? Kayneth, who was also proud of his famous magic family, could not believe this fact no matter what.

But - now he couldn't help but not believe it. The demolitionist who used despicable means to destroy Kayneth's workshop last night is now lurking in the city.

"...Have you fallen to this level? Einzbern."

Kayneth muttered, his tone more of a sigh than anger. The person who did this despicable method probably wasn't Saber's Master himself, it was probably a despicable guy they hired from somewhere. But even this is a very depraved thing. How could they hire irrelevant guys on this sacred battlefield? This is absolutely unforgivable.

"——Okay, then this is not a duel, but my crusade against you."

After reviving his murderous intention, Kayneth walked deeper into the enemy's formation.

Through the CCD camera installed in a hidden part of the hall, Emiya Kiritsugu completely observed the power of the Moon Spirit Essence Liquid that Rod Elumeroy was proud of.

Manipulating mercury through spells to achieve the purpose of automatic defense - although I have heard of it before, I never expected that the real thing would have such a powerful ability. Even the shock wave of CLAYMORE mines is not as fast as its defense. If this is the case, you cannot expect to win with guns.

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