A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1157 1157'Happy Future'

"Lower the height and get closer."

"Wait—Xiao Lin, wait."

Feeling an indescribable chill on his back, Lieutenant Yang Mu reflexively stopped his wingman. However, Lieutenant Kobayashi's F15 has completed a series of actions from slow rotation to descent.

"Come back quickly, Diablo II!"

"If you observe closely, you can know that——"

At this moment, the two fighter jets were no longer spectators.

The opponent was not a modern weapon such as anti-aircraft guns or anti-aircraft missiles, so Lieutenant Kobayashi could not estimate the enemy's attack range. The tentacles that can instantly stretch and retract freely within a range of 100 meters, I can't even think about it.

After the joystick suddenly failed, he couldn't understand what happened to him. The fighter jet seemed to have hit an invisible wall, spiraling down and shaking violently, making it difficult for him to even scream.

Even though it was such a way of death, in a sense, compared to Captain Yangmu who had witnessed everything, it could be considered a lucky end.

On the surface of the piece of meat on the river, several thick nets stretched out and entangled Diablo II. They did not care about the propulsion of the engine and forcibly pulled the body down. This scene can only be described as a nightmare.

It collided with a piece of meat, but the body did not explode. The F15, which was rolled into scrap metal, sank deeply into the huge protoplasm, and nothing was left behind.

"Xiao Lin——!"

After witnessing everything, Lieutenant Yangmu's brain went beyond the limits of thinking or understanding, and only had perceptions that were contrary to common sense.

Ah, that - was devoured.

"The command center calls Diablo I. What happened? Please report it immediately!"

"Eyes, eyes, many eyes..."

Despite the thick fog, Lieutenant Yang Mu could clearly see the wart-like eyes emerging from the surface of the piece of meat, opening at the same time and staring at the prey above.

Even in the sealed cockpit, Captain Yang Mu could feel that "sight".

That's exactly what happened. That thing is very hungry. After swallowing Diablo II, he aimed at the next prey and stared at it...

"——DiabloⅠ, the battle begins!"

"Wait, wait, Yang Mu, what on earth-"

He forcibly turned off the noisy communicator and disarmed all weapons. AIM7 Sparrow four rounds, AIM Sidewinder four rounds, M61 Vulcan 940 rounds, in good condition.

Kill the opponent before being eaten.

Yang Mu, who had lost the ability to think normally, grinned wildly. Holding the joystick of the F15, the world's most powerful fighter jet, he is the real god of death.

To avenge Xiaolin... knock down the monster and roast it into charcoal.

He turned the nose of the aircraft and locked the target with the HUD sight. The enemy is so huge that it will never miss. Saturation attack. All bullets fired at the enemy——

Violent vibrations shook the body.

Directly behind - Yang Mu's fighting instinct reached its limit told him this. However, looking back suddenly, judging from the result, gave his half-collapsed sanity the final blow——

On the other side of the cockpit cover, on the back of the aircraft that was exposed to subsonic air convection, a dark figure suddenly appeared. He was wearing a helmet, with fire radiating from his glowing eyes, and staring into the cockpit with endless hatred and madness hidden in his eyes.

In the sealed steel coffin with unlimited communications cut off, Captain Yang Mu gave a hoarse final cry. However, no one could hear it.

"That is……?"

Tokiomi Tosaka saw the fighter jet flying at high speed in the sky with his magic-enhanced vision.

A pitch-black figure wearing lead-colored Titan armor suddenly appeared on the back of the machine... Only Berserker could do that. Judging from the appearance, it is the Berserker mentioned in Kirei's report.

The black on the armor was like ink, eroding the outer shell of the fighter bit by bit.

It is the special ability of Berserker who once captured Archer's Noble Phantasm and can transform scrap metal into magic swords and magic spears. For him who can control all things, does the concept of ordinary "weapons" still apply?

The black magic power eroded again, and the sonic silver wings, the highest crystallization of modern science, instantly transformed into a strange shape.


Berserker, who had completely controlled the twenty-meter-long machine, clung to its back like a legendary dragon knight, and roared with resentment in the night sky.

Tokiomi has already listened to Kirei's advice on who is the priority target for Berserker and his Master to attack.

In an instant, the steel raptor, completely eroded by the dark magic power, turned around and rushed towards Archer's floating boat.

"Haha, is it that mad dog again?...Interesting."

Different from the first battle in Warehouse Street, Archer smiled evilly and accepted Berserker's challenge. Tokiomi had no way of knowing what had happened to the King of Heroes' state of mind, and he didn't want to speculate.

In any case, Tokiomi had been determined to defeat that enemy himself. Because it was an opponent who had more or less grievances from a personal perspective. He doesn't hate getting his hands dirty.

Tokiomi looked around from the side of the ship, looking at the highest place nearby, the closest place where Tokiomi and the others could be monitored - in the locked high-rise villa, the opponent appeared.

The man stood there, not trying to hide.

The left half of his face, twisted and stiff due to pain, was like a zombie, and the right eye burning with hatred was like a ghost.

His eyes met Tokiomi's and he silently declared war.

"King, I will be Master's opponent."

"Okay, I'll let you play for a while."

Kagushu glides through the air, bringing Tokiomi directly above the target. About eighty meters from the landing site. To a magician, this distance is nothing to fear.

"Well, good luck to you."

Tokiomi picked up the staff of civilization, straightened the corners of his clothes, and jumped from the air without fear.

Archer, who stayed on the Huizhou, once again ignited the murderous fire in his eyes, staring at the approaching steel fighter.

"A despicable dog who is only worthy of lying on the ground wants to rush to the sky where the king flies... He is so self-righteous. Bastard!"

Liberate the "King's Treasure" and project a six-hit combo of the Noble Phantasm. Spears and knives shining with dazzling light, trailing light and shadow like meteors, attacked Berserker.

The twin-turbo engines that received magic power roared like a strange bird. The black F15 doubled its relative speed with its jet force and rushed out of the barrage formed by the Noble Phantasm.

However, Archer's Noble Phantasm is not the kind of thing that loses its effectiveness once it is avoided. Three of the six pieces - the axe, sickle, and scimitar - immediately rotated and changed direction, forcing them towards the rear of the F15.

When it was about to hit, the black F15 flapped its auxiliary wings and tail fins like a living creature, avoiding the sharp edge of Archer's Noble Phantasm with an aerodynamically impossible evasive action. The violent horizontal rotation was repeated two or three times, causing all the pursuit of the Noble Phantasm to scatter in the air.

While avoiding all attacks, the F15 forced an Immelmann maneuver to point its nose at the Archer, spraying flames from the rocket launchers installed on the left and right wings. The two Sparrow missiles fired hit Archer's Vimana like a return gift. (Note: Immelman Turn: Immelman Turn consists of eleven high-thrust, vertical reversals. First, a low-thrust fighter plane raises its nose and rolls 180 degrees. After rising to a very high altitude, it performs a reversal, and finally flies in the opposite direction. The high thrust can expand the maneuvering range through vertical climb, perform an aileron roll during the vertical climb, and then complete a 180-degree roll. Turn. The Immelman maneuver causes the aircraft to make a 90-degree turn in the horizontal direction and displacement in the vertical direction.)

Even in battles where ordinary weapons are ineffective, as long as the weapon has been corroded by Berserker, it's a different matter. Twenty-six pounds of explosives with the magic of hatred, each shot has devastating power.

"I don't know the depth..."

Archer smiled contemptuously and put his hand on Vimana's steering wheel. Afterwards, the light ship suddenly accelerated and avoided the missile attack with graceful movements that could not be matched by the fighter jets controlled by Berserker. A flying Noble Phantasm that soars through the sky at the speed described in the narrative poem, and its movements have transcended the laws of physics.


The crazy black knight roared. As if in response to his ferocious roar, the canard wings of the second Sparrow missile suddenly twisted and flipped, and once again pounced on Vimana, who had avoided an attack. What was originally just an electronically guided missile guided by radar waves has now turned into a magic guide that tracks the object of Berserker's hatred like a hound.

However, Archer scoffed at the threat that came again and launched "The King's Treasure". He took out two shields and stood them in the air to shoot down the enchanted missiles. In the ship that was rocked by the explosive air currents, the red eyes of the King of Heroes gradually turned into a color of fanaticism.

"Interesting... I haven't played like this for a long time. A mere beast can actually make me so happy!"

Archer laughed loudly and let Vimana rise rapidly. Berserker's F15 is also closely behind. The two broke through the sonic barrier, rushed into the sea of ​​clouds at night, and launched a fierce battle of life and death.

The thick fog at night shrouded the icy air, and Tokiomi Tokiomi fell from the sky.

Self-disciplined descent with gravity operation and air flow control. It is not difficult for a skilled magician, or it should be said that the degree of proficiency is divided by the gracefulness of the posture.

Maintaining a completely vertical straight track, it landed as light as a feather. His clothes and hairstyle were not messy at all - seeing Tokiomi's exemplary skill, ordinary magicians would be sincerely amazed.

But Matou Kariya has become a different kind of person. He had absolutely no reverence or admiration for magic in his heart.

Awe turns to hatred, envy turns to anger. To Kariya, whose body was distorted into an extremely ugly figure, Tokiomi's elegance and magnificence should be cursed.

"You're like this all the time."

His speech, his demeanor, that noble demeanor. From the day he appeared in front of Aoi and Kariya, this man was "perfect". That kind of elegance and calmness always gave Kariya a sense of "gap".

However, this is only for tonight.

The elegance that this man valued most was nothing on the battlefield where they were fighting each other. The family motto that makes the Tohsaka family proud must be trampled and crushed here...

Kariya mercilessly injected all his magic power into Berserker who had already started fighting. The severe pain caused by the crazy marking bug in his body was like a file scraping his hands and feet, piercing the bone marrow, and he almost fainted.

However, such pain is nothing compared to the hatred that is gnawing at Kariya’s heart.

The sharp look in Tohsaka Tokiomi’s narrowed eyes shows his calmness before the battle, and he is challenging Kariya.

“You gave up the way of magic, but you are still obsessed with the Holy Grail, and you come back like this… Your ugly behavior alone is enough to bring shame to the entire Matou family.”

Kareya replied with a mocking tone, and the sound coming out of his mouth sounded like the chirping of insects even to himself.

“Tohsaka Tokiomi, I only have one question for you… Why do you entrust Sakura to Zōken?”

“… What?”

Hearing the unexpected question, Tokiomi frowned.

“Is this a question you should be concerned about now?”

“Answer me, Tokiomi!”

Tokiomi sighed and said to the excited Kariya.

“——You should know without asking. I just hope that my beloved daughter can have a happy future.”

“What… what?”

After receiving an incomprehensible answer, Kariya’s mind went blank temporarily. When Kariya was stunned, Tokiomi said in a flat tone.

"A magician who has twins will always have troubles - the secret technique can only be passed on to one of them. This is a dilemma that one of the children will always become mediocre."

Mediocre -

This sentence echoed in Kariya's blank mind. Sakura, who had lost her smile, and the way she played with Rin and Aoi... Tokiomi's words mixed into his small happy memories.

The mother and daughter from long ago - did this man give up with just one word "mediocrity"?

"Especially my wife, as a mother, is very good. Both Rin and Sakura were born with the same rare talent. Both daughters must be protected by a famous family of magic.

For the future of one, taking away the potential of the other - as a father, no one would want such a tragedy to happen."

Kariya could not understand the reasons that Tokiomi talked about - no, he was unwilling to understand. Even if he only understood a small part of this magician's theory, he felt that he would vomit on the spot.

"In order to continue the talents of the two sisters, one of them must be sent away as an adopted daughter. Therefore, the request of Mr. Matou is undoubtedly a gift from God. As a family that knows the existence of the Holy Grail, the possibility of reaching the 'root' is higher. Even if I can't do it, there is Rin, and if Rin can't do it, there is Sakura. There will always be someone who will inherit the wish of the Tōsaka family."

Why can he tell such a desperate fact calmly.

At the same time, if the goal is the path of "root", it means-

"...Fighting each other? Between two sisters?!"

Faced with Kariya's questioning, Tokiomi laughed out loud and nodded coldly.

"Even if it leads to such a situation, it is happiness for the last descendants of our family. If we win, the glory belongs to ourselves, and even if we lose, the glory will belong to the name of our ancestors. Such a worry-free duel is exactly what we dream of."

"You guys-are crazy!"

Facing Kariya who was gritting his teeth, Tokiomi just glanced coldly and shouted mockingly.

"It's useless to tell you. You don't understand the nobility of the magic, you once rebelled."()

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