A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1160 1160 The sword of victory! ! !

Chapter 1167 Oath—Sword of Victory! ! !

However, an unpleasant, curse-like roar resounded through the night sky as if denying everyone's hope - no, that roar that was definitely not human was nothing else, it was the roar of a crazy jet engine. .

Saber looked up and saw the embodiment of hatred in the sky. The frantic heroic spirit rode on the iron bird that was eroded by the dark magic, and once again showed its ferocious fangs to the King of Knights.

"Ah - Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

Following Berserker's chilling roar, the six-shot muzzle of the 20mm Balkan machine gun suddenly burst into flames.


Emiya Kiritsugu secretly clicked his tongue while paying close attention to the unexpected development.

The ship has moved to the designated location and dropped anchor, and the lifeboats with engines for escape are also ready. Saber also successfully retrieved the ultimate Noble Phantasm. All he needs to do next is to recall Rider to liberate the sea demons - just as he was thinking this, Berserker, who had been in an inseparable fight with Archer, suddenly turned around and attacked Saber.

But thinking about it carefully, this is the second time Saber has been challenged by Berserker for no reason. When they first met in Warehouse Street, Berserker had just lost his target and charged at Saber like a hungry beast. If it was just this one time, it could be explained as an accident, but now that a similar incident has happened again, this argument no longer works. What's more, this time the opponent completely ignored the existence of Archer, who was the original target, and suddenly changed.

Of course, for Archer, whose self-esteem is far beyond ordinary people, this rude behavior is undoubtedly the greatest insult to him.

"Are you crazy? This crazy dog!"

Archer cursed while controlling Vimana to accelerate, and soon he was close enough behind Berserker to kill him with one blow. At this time, the distance between the two sides was so close that no matter how superb the opponent's manipulation skills were, it would be impossible to avoid the projection of the "King's Treasure" - but this judgment harmed Archer.

I saw countless scorching fireballs like will-o'-the-wisps slowly and continuously shot out from the bottom of the F15's body, attacking Vimana who followed closely behind.


This device, called the Flare Dispenser, was originally fired as an induced heat source to get rid of the enemy's heat-seeking weapons, but after being eroded by Berserker's magic power and going berserk, it transformed into a tracking-type incendiary bomb. Through previous air battles, Archer had already concluded that the enemy had no means of attacking from behind, so he had no time to react to this sudden counterattack. I saw Vimana dove headlong into the raging fireballs, lost control surrounded by the red lotus fire, and just spun and fell towards the river.

Although he finally achieved the result of knocking down Archer, in the eyes of the current Berserker, he regarded it as nothing. The Bird of Steel ignored the whereabouts of Archer who fell into the river, and just chased Saber tenaciously, raining down 20mm shells on her head mercilessly.

For Saber, although the F15 piloted by Berserker was an unprecedented weapon, her sixth sense, which was almost a prophetic ability, allowed her to correctly understand the nature of this threat in the first place. Even before receiving the initial machine gun fire, Saber realized that this attack method would cause large-scale destruction. He then decided that if he stayed on the embankment any longer, Irisviel would be dragged in, so he jumped onto the water again and looked for an escape route into the river.

This was a helpless move, but it also put her in an even more embarrassing situation.

Although Saber made full use of the amazing leg power possessed by her Servant and flew across the water at a speed comparable to that of a jet fighter, for the Black Knight who was strafing from above, the vast river surface had no cover. Undoubtedly the best hunting ground.

The bullets that poured down like a torrential rain passed behind the speeding Saber, splashing water high like a waterfall.

No matter how large the caliber is, pure ammunition does not pose any threat to the Servant. Especially since Saber's physical ability is so high, not to mention she can dodge effortlessly. If she wants to, she can even hit the projectiles back with her sword blade. But - no matter how extraordinary the Heroic Spirit's abilities are, they are powerless against the 1,200 rounds per minute rate of fire of the M16 machine gun that General Motors is proud of. What's more, this weapon has been given the attribute of a Noble Phantasm after being handed over by Berserker, so just one shot is enough to be fatal.

"It's hard to use my left hand..."

Saber felt a little regretful. She could have attacked with her Noble Phantasm without any worries and knocked down the Berserker in the sky in one fell swoop, but the enemy's stubborn and uninterrupted attacks left her with no room for counterattack. Berserker's tactics seemed to have seen through Saber's inner thoughts, which were accurate and meticulous. If you want to hunt a lion, the only best option is to chase it until you tire it to death without giving the lion a chance to fight back. And today's Berserker is like a hunter who knows this.

Suddenly, violent shaking spread from the river bank to the surrounding area. Only the magicians present knew what this unexplained vibration meant - the source of the earthquake probably came from within the inherent barrier deployed by Rider. The strong earthquakes caused by the rampaging sea demon finally began to affect the real space. And this also indicates that Rider's barrier is finally approaching its limit.

Rider must be informed of the situation here. Having made this decision, Waver began to concentrate on summoning his Servant. For Weber, who had no experience with code words, he could only use spoken language to express his will. However, Rider, who knew this well, did say, "I will leave a messenger for you."

The space beside Weber suddenly began to distort, and a cavalryman appeared.

"I am Mitrines, who belongs to the personal guard, and I am here to take orders on behalf of the king!"

The capable heroic spirit bowed slightly. Weber was shocked by the opponent's momentum and was speechless for a moment.

But he immediately realized that now was not the time to care about this, and mustered up the courage to give instructions to this heroic spirit who had never met before.

"As soon as I send the signal, I will untie the barrier and place Caster at the designated location. Can you do it?"

"It can be done - but please hurry up. Our army in the barrier is almost unable to stop the sea demon..."

"I know! I know very well."

While Waver grumbled, he watched Saber with a prayerful heart as he continued to avoid the Black Knight's attacks.

"Asshole, that guy Berserker...is there no way to stop him?"

"—Let me go."

Lancer said resolutely, grabbed the remaining red gun and disappeared. The temporarily spirited spearman accurately materialized again on the F15's fuselage, grabbing the steel wings flowing with black magic power with one hand to stabilize his body.

"That's it! Berserker!"

As soon as Lancer finished speaking, he raised the "Demon-Destroying Red Rose" in his right hand high and stabbed the alien machine with the tip of the spear.

The flash of the red spear that can cut off all magic circulation is the nemesis of Berserker's weird ability.

But the Black Knight has fully understood the power of this move after the battle on Warehouse Street. The mysterious Servant who was violent yet meticulous did not repeat his past mistakes in front of Lancer's Noble Phantasm.

When the red gun was about to hit the fuselage, Berserker decisively gave up on the F15, used his arms to twist off key parts of the fuselage, and jumped high into the air. Then, the fighter plane stabbed by the "Demon-Breaking Red Rose" immediately turned into a pile of scrap metal, and fell down together with the Lancer on the wing, causing a huge splash.

The last aircraft part Berserker captured was the part equipped with a Balkan machine gun. It avoided the machine cannon at the tip of Lancer's gun at the last moment, and the dark magic power that was filled in advance is still flowing, and it has not lost the properties of the Black Knight's Noble Phantasm.


Berserker carried a total of 200 kilograms of six-barrel gun barrel and barrel magazine on his shoulders, and once again aimed at the Saber below from the air. The revolving cannon strengthened by magic power accelerated in an instant, and just when the cannonballs were about to pour out, Saber realized that she was at the end of her rope.

Berserker jumped out of the plane this time, aiming at Saber as he fell. The distance between the two is much closer than before. Saber had no time to dodge before the shells left the chamber. No matter which direction she dodge, she could no longer escape the scope of the downpour of bullets.

"I had no choice but to take a chance and watch it...!"

When preparing to use the Noble Phantasm, Saber was prepared for the worst. Just when she was about to swing her sword, she saw a flash of silver light from an impossible angle, directly hitting Berserker who was in the air and unable to avoid it.

Sledgehammers, axes, and crossbows pierced the pitch-black armor, and the scythe cut the cannon body in two. The rocket that hit the magazine even detonated the remains of the 20mm shell, and a huge red lotus blossomed in the air. Berserker, who was directly hit by the debris and the storm, was helplessly blown away, drawing a parabola in the air, and fell into the river like gravel.

Saber turned her head in surprise and saw Archer standing proudly on the vault of Fuyuki Bridge. Illuminated by the radiance of the surrounding Noble Phantasms, he showed a lewd smile like a backlight.

"Alright Saber, let me see it. Your glorious value as a heroic spirit will be judged by me."

Needless to say, Saber also had this intention - she silently glanced at Archer who was talking wildly, turned her eyes back to the river again, grasped the golden sword again and took a stance.

All obstacles have been removed. This moment is the time for the decisive battle.

Kiritsugu, who had witnessed Berserker's exit, sat on the lifeboat that was speeding towards safety, aimed at a point in the void and released a flare. The blazing phosphorus fire was directly above the line connecting Saber's current position and the ship Kiritsugu abandoned.

"That's right there! Directly below!"

Weber immediately saw the signal and shouted to the messenger who was standing by. The heroic spirit Mitrines nodded and disappeared immediately, returning to the inside of the barrier where the king and his companions were waiting.

Soon enough, the space that had been eroded by the thoughts of the heroic spirits returned to its proper state. First, a strange shadow covered the night sky like a mirage, and then the entity appeared, and the huge and ominous body fell into the water. This position was directly below the flare fired by Kiritsugu.

When the huge body entered the water, it stirred up violent splashes, hitting the river bank like a tsunami. However, Saber, the only one who faced off against the sea demon, didn't even get a drop of droplet on her. The magic power bursting out from her now rolled up a hurricane, and the huge air pressure density was enough to bounce back the water wall.

As the sea demon reappeared, Rider's chariot "Wheel of Divine Power" also jumped into the dark night sky again. His battered appearance showed the intensity of the battle taking place inside the inherent barrier, but his majestic flying figure remained undiminished.

"——Really! Why do you have to go to such trouble... Wow!?"

Rider was about to continue complaining, but when he saw the strange light emitting from Saber's sword, he immediately realized what was about to happen and made a sharp turn to leave the danger area. On the other hand, Caster's sea demon cannot perform such flexible evasive movements. The huge squirming piece of flesh had no other purpose but to scream and threaten this unknown light.

The time has come.

The King of Knights poured all his strength into his wrists that clenched the hilt of the sword, and raised Huang Jin's sword high.

Light is gathering.

As if illuminating this holy sword was his supreme mission, the brilliance condensed infinitely into a dazzling beam of light.

Under this intense and clear light, no one could say anything.

The figure of a hero who once illuminated the darkness of troubled times deeper than night.

It has been unyielding for ten years and undefeated in twelve battles. This meritorious service is unparalleled in the world, and this honor is unparalleled. They transcend time and space and are immortal.

This dazzling sword is the crystallization of the prayer called "Glory" that all the warriors who have disappeared on the battlefield throughout the ages have pursued and longed for throughout their lives.

Taking pride in upholding this will and fulfilling this belief as righteousness, the King of Knights now loudly chanted the true name of the miracle in his hand.

Its name is——

"Oath - Sword of Victory!!!"

The light is flowing.

The light roared.

The magic power was accelerated by the released dragon factor and turned into a flash of light. The gushing current stirred up countless whirlpools, swallowing up the sea demon and the night together.

In the seawater that evaporated instantly, every component of the demonic giant monster, which was the embodiment of terror, was exposed to the scorching impact, and the sea monster then let out a shrill scream.

But Caster, who was in the thick flesh and blood fortress of the Sea Demon Center that had not yet been burned out, just watched the moment of obliteration silently, as if his body and mind were taken away by the dazzling brilliance.


Yes - he had seen this light in the distant past.

In the past, didn't he chase this light as a knight?

That particularly vivid memory brought Gildre back to the distant past.

At the long-awaited coronation of King Charles in the city of Ulys, a ray of light shone through the stained glass of the cathedral.

The white light was like a blessing, gently wrapping everyone including Joan of Arc and Gil who were present as heroes of national salvation. Everyone was immersed in the joyful Ars Nova melody.

Ah, that’s right—it’s this light.

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