Chapter 1171 Knight Showdown

It has been like this since I left the river. Although she tried her best to hide it, others could tell at a glance that she was forcing herself.

"...Don't worry, Saber. As long as you're next to me...

Ah, look. That building. Probably that one. "

A long time ago, when the Shinto area was not yet described as a new residential area, this area was probably a place for wood manufacturing and the like. That place, abandoned by the wave of development and forgotten by the new bustling streets, stands quietly in the hinterland of a hill covered with lush foxtail grass.

Slowly walking through the open gate into the clearing, Saber turned off the car's engine. There was silence all around. Irisviel, who was standing outside the car, carefully watched the surrounding situation and then nodded.

"——There are indeed traces of the magic barrier. But the strange thing is that it seems that it has not been carefully managed, and it has begun to show flaws."

"No, this is the place. Irisviel."

Saber, who got out of the car a little later, asserted with a calm expression. This swordsman with superb swordsmanship must have already smelled the decisive battle through his keen intuition.

Sure enough - as if to verify Saber's declaration, a handsome figure holding a spear suddenly appeared in front of the silent ruins.

"It's not easy for you to find this place, Saber."

"My—partners told me after investigation that this is your stronghold."

The fact that she almost blurted out the word Master without saying it showed the subtle fluctuations in her emotions that even Saber herself was not aware of. Of course, in principle, it is to conceal the truth about who is her real Master. However, the most fundamental reason was that she subconsciously did not want to admit that Kiritsugu was her master.

Lancer's expression was heavy, very different from usual. He hesitated for a long time as if choosing words in his mind, and then asked the visitor a question.

"Where is my master's fiancée now?... Saber, you won't say you don't know, will you?"

Both Saber and Irisviel looked at each other with confused expressions.

"I don't know—what happened?"

"It's okay. Just pretend I didn't ask."

Lancer let out a long sigh, which contained far more relief than disappointment. He didn't plan to ask Saber this question originally. If someone who was his great enemy resorted to such despicable tactics as kidnapping hostages, Lancer felt disgusted just by imagining it.

"——By the way, Saber, are you okay? I don't think you came here just to chat with me. But didn't you consume a lot of energy in the battle against Caster?"

"Concerning this, I think other Servants are also like this."

Saber brushed it off as if nothing had happened. Indeed, as she said, in the previous battle on the river bank, every Servant consumed a lot of magic power.

"So I estimate that everyone will not take the initiative to attack tonight, but should take a defensive stance - because of this, there is no need to worry about irrelevant people interfering in the duel tonight."

Saber's whole body was filled with calm fighting spirit and she took a step forward. Her slender and short body gave people a sense of majesty, and this aura, accompanied by dazzling magic power, transformed into a brilliant armor that enveloped her whole body.

"It's almost dawn... There is still a little time in the night. If we miss this great opportunity, I don't know when we will have another chance to compete like this without any worries. I don't think it should be Miss this opportunity - what do you think?"

Lancer, who had lost his usual handsome expression due to inner worries, finally showed a smile.

"Saber...the only thing that can blow a refreshing breeze into my heart right now is your fighting spirit without any distracting thoughts."

In fact, Saber was secretly surprised just now as to why Lancer had lost his former dominance. It wasn't until I saw his smile that I realized that my worries were unfounded. A man with such a smile really doesn't need any worries or concerns. That kind of smile can only be possessed by those who overcome all difficulties and always stick to their beliefs.

Lancer waved the red spear as if to drive away all the sorrow and lamentation in his heart, pointing the tip of the spear directly at Saber.

Saber also released the Wind King's barrier, revealing a golden sword in the center of the whirlwind. In front of Diarmuid's "Demon-Breaking Red Rose", there was no point in using air pressure to hide the sword.

And the most important thing is that the King of Knights firmly believes that this powerful enemy who was originally in a different time and space but accidentally met in this world is a heroic spirit who is qualified to receive the brilliance of the sword that combines all the glory in him.

The morning light is faint and the sky is reddish. In the fresh air, the two Servants focused all their fighting energy on silently and nervously attacking. If you are a person with particularly keen senses, just standing in the middle of the whirlpool of two people's fighting spirit will feel as painful as being hit, and it may even cause heart paralysis.

All the cells in Irisviel's body trembled with the premonition of death. Not to mention her breath, even her blood was stagnant.

Then - both sides took a step forward at the same time, their momentum was like a rainbow, and their sound was like cracking the silk.

The two heroes, who had not had a chance to show off for three days, finally had the chance to show off today, and a fierce battle took place again.

Tonight's battle was, on the one hand, a replay of the duel in Warehouse Street a few nights ago, but the hand-to-hand battle between the two was more intense than the first battle - more violent, more direct, and more tragic. A head-on confrontation of force and force.

The two of them no longer tested each other, nor did they use tricks to confuse their opponents. Lancer only had one spear from the beginning, and Saber's sword also fully exposed its edge. Neither man resorted to intrigue or subterfuge. Faster and more solemn. After one party performs a move, the other party immediately goes all out to launch a counterattack that can surpass this move. It was purely a technical contest, with the sword tip and the spear tip facing each other, becoming more intense and intense.

The sword and the magic spear were intertwined, facing each other tit for tat, and the sparks flying out were simply dazzling. The legendary treasures driven by power and speed far superior to humans clash with each other beyond the speed of sound and close to the speed of light. Observation has lost its meaning. At this moment of fierce battle, the magical skills that have reached their limit are engaged in a superb battle with each other. Contest.

I don’t know how many rounds have been played, maybe dozens of rounds, maybe hundreds of rounds. It's impossible to tell with the naked eye. After the two men clashed with each other with guns and swords, they finally separated and put some distance between them.

"Saber, you-"

Lancer stopped talking as soon as he started speaking, with a bitter and confused expression on his face.

Although there was only a slight change in Saber's swordsmanship tonight, it was indeed a little lighter and a bit sluggish than the first time. Lancer wouldn't be unaware of this. This was not due to Saber's physical exertion, but to a change in her swordsmanship itself.

Saber clenched the thumb of her left hand tightly in the palm of her hand, not holding the sword. The remaining four fingers gently hold the sword, and the left hand only plays a supporting role in controlling the sword. When attacking, the wrist strength of his left hand was not used at all.

Obviously it was Saber who took the initiative to announce the decisive battle, but she deliberately did not use her left hand and held the golden sword with only one right hand.

Of course, Lancer understood the reason.

Indeed, Lancer once used the magic spear "Destructible Yellow Rose" to seal the power of Saber's left hand. However, in the decisive battle against Caster last night, Lancer destroyed the cursed yellow spear and voluntarily gave up his lead. But the arrogant Saber would not be willing to accept Lancer's concession, so she deliberately did not use her left hand. This is truly chivalrous behavior.

But - even though it was a noble and respectable concession, Lancer did not welcome this move from the bottom of his heart.

If the action of abandoning the "Destroyed Yellow Rose" caused unnecessary worries to Saber.

Judging from the final result, this means that Lancer's actions poured cold water on the duel between the two. There are no regrets for each other, and doing their best to show off is what Lancer expects. If Saber sticks too much to formal fairness and shows mercy, Lancer will feel a little uneasy about the outcome this time.

"——If you misunderstand, I will be very troubled. Lancer."

Saber seemed to have guessed what Lancer was thinking, and gently shook her head with a stern and calm expression.

"If I were left-handed, my shame would definitely make my sword dull. Faced with your superb marksmanship, this would be a fatal mistake."


"So, Diarmuid, this is my best strategy to defeat you with all my strength."

Saber said resolutely. The long sword was indeed a bit heavy to hold with one hand, so Saber lowered the long sword slightly and took a good posture.

All that shines in his eyes is the awe-inspiring and clear fighting spirit. There was neither carelessness nor indecision.

Maybe for her, the extent of the injury to her left hand was just a minor issue in the battle. Perhaps the most important reason why Saber's sword can achieve victory is its clear fighting spirit and passion for fighting that have been honed without any impurities.

In order to cut off her confusion, she would rather give up her left hand - the pride hidden in her heart is her greatest weapon.

This is the most noble thing about the King of Knights.

There is no doubt that Saber is now determined to burn the boat. She also hoped to fight it out in this situation - after Lancer understood her intention, he felt a very intense and comfortable electric shock in his body.

"...The sword of the King of Knights shines with glory. It's great that I can meet you."

Both of them want the same path.

If it is a single-plank bridge where there is no room for humility, the person who takes the first step will be seen off with respect by those who are lagging behind.

Because of this - this is a battle without worries, without any distracting thoughts, risking your life, and exploring the true value of guns and swords.

Both of them looked very nervous and serious, but they both had a smile on their lips.

"The chief knight of the Fiona Knights, Diarmuid Odina—is about to attack!"

"Well done. Arturia Pendragon, King of Britain, faces—!"

The two men were approaching again, their swords clashing, and fire splashing out. From it, one could even see the joy of those who made martial arts the meaning of their existence shining brightly.


Kayneth hid in the shadows deep in the abandoned factory, watching the battle outside. The thoughts in his heart were contrary to the incorruptible consciousness of those knights, and he was just suffering from anxiety.

As the outcome was still uncertain, his anxious thoughts made him increasingly restless.

Why can't you win?

Despite being so underestimated by Saber, why can't Lancer's gun hit Saber?

If you think about it carefully, the answer is obvious - Lancer is weak, far inferior to Saber.

At this time, he felt extremely regretful about not getting the heroic spirit Iskandar.

If the King of Conqueror had been accepted as a Servant according to the original plan, it would never be like this. At a critical moment, the holy relic was stolen, and he had no choice but to summon Diarmuid as a substitute. Even if the level of the heroic spirit drops, as long as he has a first-class, genuine Master, he can make up for the slight disadvantage. What a Servant lacks is made up for by his own talent, and Rod Elumeroy has such a fearless spirit.

But now that he has lost his magic circuit, Kayneth no longer has the confidence he had before. If you want to survive the battle with the only remaining Command Seals and inferior Servants, you have to be more cautious than before.

If there is no sure chance of victory, one should simply escape with the Master. Although he has not yet asked Lancer how he lost the "Destroyed Yellow Rose", but now that Saber's left hand has recovered, the chance of winning against her is even slimmer.

Now is not the time to focus on fighting, Lancer should have other tasks that need to be completed first. For Kayneth now, there is no way he can find and rescue Sora by himself. It is completely impossible not to command a Servant.

But - how stupid can that Lancer be? Can’t you even judge a situation of this level?

Anxious Kayneth scratched his head vigorously. It would be great if I could use the Command Seal now. Why do I only have one Command Seal at hand? It was such a pity that Sora took away the two Command Seals. If only she could trust Kayneth...

At this time, Kayneth suddenly felt an unnatural flow of air on his neck.

A piece of paper fell beside him. It was just a very ordinary letter, but Kayneth stared at the concise words on it.

"——If you don't want your lover to die, just look behind you quietly——"

Kayneth's eyes widened in confusion, and he moved the wheels of his wheelchair to change the direction of his body. Deep in the dark abandoned factory, the light from the skylight illuminated a place like a spotlight.

In the faint and cold light, the outline of a woman who fell to the ground like a drowsy figure emerged.


No matter how dim the light was or how far away the distance was, Kayneth could not misjudge that appearance.

Although the pain and haggardness on Sola's livid face showed that something had obviously happened, a strand of hair near her mouth trembled like a breeze. That was breathing proof that she was still alive.

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