Chapter 1233 Fierce Battle

"Good evening, brother. This is the second time we have met like this."

The girl said with a smile.

She was so innocent and creepy.

The girl's figure really doesn't match the alien behind her.

It's like having a nightmare.


No, it's not as simple as being creepy at all.

Not to mention the body, even the consciousness is completely frozen.

That's a monster.

Obviously they didn't meet each other's eyes, they just stayed there,

It makes people unable to move───

"───It's amazing. In terms of pure ability, it's still superior to Saber. Well..."

Tohsaka clicked his tongue while staring at the monster above him.

Behind her, one could feel the same despair as Emiya Shirou and───the unmistakable spirit of never giving up.

"Archer, that opponent is not something that can be dealt with with brute force. Your original fighting style should be implemented here."

Whisper softly.

Faced with this sentence, the red knight replied.

"I understand. But what to do about defense? Rin can't prevent that attack at all."

"There are three of us here. But if we want to stop them, there should be a way."

As if agreed.

The aura following Tohsaka disappeared to nowhere in an instant.

"───Emiya-san. You are free to escape or fight...but if possible, I hope you will find a way to escape."

"The discussion is over? So, can we start?"

A light laugh.

The girl politely pulled up her skirt and gave a very inappropriate salute.

"First meeting, Rin. I am Ilya. Ilya Sufir von Einzbel, so you know that, right?"


Have you ever heard of that name? Tohsaka's body was slightly shaken.

Are you satisfied with Tohsaka's reaction? The girl smiled happily,

"───Then I will kill you. Go ahead, Berserker!"

As if singing, he ordered the alien behind him.

A huge figure leaped up.

The shadow called Berserker jumped down from a distance of dozens of meters in front of them from the ramp────!

"───Shirou, step back...!"

Under the moonlight.

Several meteor-like bullets were fired towards the falling giant...!

"Bang bang bang——"

Is that accurate? Is this what you are referring to?

The silver light that shot through the huge falling shadow at high speed was undoubtedly an arrow attack.

No, saying it was an arrow is simply ignorant.

Just like machine gun fire, the power contained in each shot can even penetrate the rock.

────Eight rounds were fired in succession like that.

One or two houses can easily be turned into a honeycomb bar attack, but...

"No way, since it doesn't work─────!?"

Tohsaka Rin's magic had no effect on the black giant.

Swords clashed fiercely with swords.

Berserker's big sword held the falling 'arrow' to the ground with his body, and Saber's sword rushed towards the place where he landed, sparks flew away...!



Conflicting swords and swords.

Even though she was suppressed by Berserker's sword, Saber did not let her sword slow down.

───Silver light running in the darkness.

How much magic power is covering that little body?

Saber was obviously at a disadvantage in terms of strength, but she never took a step back.

Seeing the giant's sword like a whirlwind in her eyes, Saber caught it, bounced it back, and slashed it down from the front.


The sound of swallowing was probably not just Shirou Emiya's.

The giant's girl master, and Tohsaka, who was looking at Saber blankly beside him, were all attracted by that figure.

"...Hmm! Archer, support...!"

Tohsaka suddenly shouted.

In response, silver light was emitted from somewhere again.

The silver light hit the giant's temple mercilessly.

Archer's arrows flying through the atmosphere were powerful enough to match the tank's bombardment.

No matter who the giant was, there was no way he would be fine with such an attack on his temples.


Saber slashed the invisible sword horizontally without any hesitation.


Such an attack was so vicious that the man and his sword were all bounced back.


Saber was ejected and slid onto the asphalt road.

Chasing the past black whirlwind and,

Several streaks of silver light stopped his pursuit.

But it has no effect.

The three arrows fired accurately and without any loss of control were all defeated by the giant's body.


Can't stop the giant.

The sword was swung out, and Saber caught it instantly with her sword...!


That kind of shouting has no meaning.

Saber received Berserker's blow and was thrown away like a ball───

Land in the center of the ramp.


Was he dazzled?

Saber fell to her knees and remained motionless.

"─────The last blow. Kill her, Berserker!"

A girl's voice sounded.

The black giant rushed towards Saber at a nightmare speed.

"Archer, follow...!"

While yelling, Tohsaka ran out.

────Are you planning to help Saber?

Tohsaka took out something that looked like a stone and ran up the ramp.

"Gewicht, um zu Verdoppelung————!"

Tosaka spread obsidian in the air,

And countless silver lights falling from the sky.

Even after enduring those attacks, Berserker's charge could not be stopped.

"─────What is that?"

Monster, ah.

...At this point, Emiya Shirou could understand the abnormality of that figure.

That giant doesn't have a sense of solidity in this dimension.

An immortal body that seems to be protected by laws woven with magic power from far and wide.

"It doesn't matter. Don't pay attention to those annoying things. Anyway, Archer and Rin's attacks cannot surpass your Noble Phantasm!"

A girl's voice sounded.

The giant's great sword swept past.

Hit that one.

Keeping her piercing eyes and bearing it with her sword, Saber was greatly thrown away again.

───Being bounced dozens of meters above the ramp.

Saber went straight down the ramp and hit the wasteland in the distance like a speed ball.


That collision made Emiya Shirou think she was dead.

One hit would be enough.

However, there was no way he would be fine if he withstood that giant's sword twice.

The black whirlwind moves.


The victory has been decided, but haven't we fought enough?

The giant named Berserker roared loudly and rushed towards the wasteland on the slope.


will die.

Even if Saber is still alive, she will definitely die if she does this.


As long as he continues to stay here, he will definitely be killed.

"If possible, I hope you can find a way to escape."

The figure of Tohsaka who said these words was missing.

She ran after Berserker.

Does she still want to challenge her opponent who has made so many attacks and is still unscathed?



...Should we catch up?


Emiya Shirou knew that it would not help if he went.

Even so─── there is still her touch on this hand.

"Please give me more advice in the future."

Not long ago, she held the hand he held out tightly.

In this case───

"Ah~ Really, isn't this a natural thing...!!"

As long as you climb up the slope and catch up with the giant, you will be killed.

He calmed down his trembling body knowing this fact and ran up the slope with all his strength.



Emiya Shirou rushed into the wasteland.

……at this time.

The scene that awaited him there was vastly different from what he had expected.

Headstones were flying.

Every time the roaring giant flashed his sword, he broke the heavy tombstone in half as if joking.

────In that.

On top of the dancing tombstones, there is a knight bravely walking through them.

A blow from the axe-sword that stirred up the wind.

The tombstone was blown up with a thumping sound.

Within that, Saber faced off against Berserker with the same power as before───no, a power above that.



The positions of the two have now reversed.

Her advantages are nothing compared to Berserker.

Berserker was hindered by the obstacle, and Saber acted as if the obstacle didn't exist.

For Berserker, this level of obstacles should be insignificant.

However, it cannot be said that there is no impact.

On the battlefield, it's just a slight difference, but it's just this difference,

It will tip the balance between the two────

"Come here...! If you stand too far in front, you will be affected!"

"Eh, wait...!?"

"What are you thinking...! Didn't I tell you to run away!? Or what, didn't you hear it!?"

Tohsaka Rin yelled at Shirou Emiya angrily.

"Ah───No, I heard it. But I can't do that, right?"

"What? Why do you come to the conclusion that you can't do that! Emiya-san has no fighting skills, and staying here is just a hindrance, don't you understand!? Even if you try a lot, you are still going to die. There is nothing you can do, but nothing has been done. If you were killed, wouldn’t it just be a wasted death?”


...Although I don’t know the reason, Tohsaka is really angry.

However, what was incredible was that he didn't feel dissatisfied even after being yelled at like that.

"───Let me tell you. Does Tohsaka need to be angry about that kind of thing? Even if I die in vain, it has nothing to do with Tohsaka, right?"

"Of course it does matter! Since I said I will let you go all day today, it will be very troublesome for me if I don't let you go home!"


...It’s really more and more incomprehensible.

Tohsaka is really pretending to be honest in school.

"────I can't bear it. Anyway, while you're still okay, escape from here as soon as possible... That kid named Ilya Sufer really wants to kill us all!"

"I know that. But there is no reason for me to escape. Saber is fighting like that, how can I leave alone?"

"...Those are the lines spoken by people who are skilled in kung fu. If no rescue can be done, your death will be in vain even if you stay here────This is the last time. Just leave it alone and run away quickly. !”

"There is no such thing. As long as people are still alive, there should be things they can do. And, Tohsaka. Do you want to push others to do what you can't do?"


Tohsaka looked at him with a serious face and said, "...that's right. I'm the only one who has no shame in forcing you to do things you can't do."

Tohsaka turned his face to the side.

"────However, it is true that there is no need to escape. And if it goes like this, Saber won't lose, right?"

Hiding in the wooden shade, Tohsaka watched the situation in the cemetery.

The battle between the two remains unchanged.

Berserker's attacks were all in vain, destroying the surrounding area like a typhoon.

In that gap.

Amidst the whirlwind and flying clods of earth, and the severed tombstones falling in the rain, Saber stepped out without even a speck of armor on her, and struck Berserker with a knife.


There is no magical skill above this.

Seeing this battle that flesh and blood cannot do, the fear that existed just now has disappeared.

No, to be honest, it’s fascinating to watch.

Even though it was said to be the Holy Grail War, there was no sense of reality, and I felt uneasy.

However, that kind of thing disappeared after looking at her.

The sword danced wildly.

In the midst of the whirlwind that was about to turn into pieces of flesh at the slightest touch, there was the figure of a knight who challenged the enemy without hesitation.

...Maybe that's why he accepted everything.

After this, even if there is something waiting for Emiya Shirou.

Since she calls herself Saber, he is sure that she can defeat even if her opponent is a ghost───

"...Sure enough. I was still wondering, but it turns out that taking Berserker's sword was intentional."

Tohsaka whispered in an emotionless voice.

"...Is that to bring Berserker here?"

"You know very well. Fighting that place without shelter is simply asking for death. For this reason, Saber chose this place as a battlefield. It is also natural to keep Berserker away from Emiya-san. She is just It’s just pretending to be cornered.”


...That's really the case.

When Saber was walking on the slope, she had already thought about whether this place was a suitable place for fighting.

"Of course, if the battle situation changes like this, we can't expect reinforcements. But after all, the opponent is a monster that can even neutralize Archer's arrows. Such reinforcements are meaningless from the beginning."

Tohsaka thought this while observing the battle between Saber and Berserker.

"...Archer's arrows..."

Emiya Shirou just cared about those words.

There is no trace of Archer here.

If that guy is an archer as his name suggests, he really doesn’t know how to fight in vain───

"We've entered──────!"

Tohsaka snapped his fingers.

Just as she cheered, it was Saber's sword that touched Berserker, or Berserker lost her footing.

Berserker's body, which had not wavered so far, suddenly lost its balance.

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