Chapter 1238 Angry Saber



It was Saber who silently followed Emiya Shirou.


If she was left alone, she would definitely follow her all the way to school.

You have to say it categorically here.

"Saber. Didn't I tell you to wait at home? You don't listen to what the Master says, do you?"

Emiya Shirou stopped and turned around.

Saber stared at him for a while, as if she really wanted to say something.

"─────I don't know. The servant will not obey the master's instructions. I think it's because he didn't hear it?"

Saber turned away with an unhappy look.

He ignored Saber and walked down the ramp.

Behind her, of course, was Saber who continued to release her pressure wordlessly.

"Don't go too far and go back quickly. If you follow me again, you will cause trouble for me. Do you have to make it so clear?"

Emiya Shirou glared at the person behind him, who was exactly five meters away.


Not sure why she was dissatisfied, Saber just protested silently.

...Can't stand it.

Emiya Shirou didn't know why he was so angry, but this guy was definitely angry with him.

"────Really? That's up to you."

This time he really ignored Saber and walked out.

Walked up the ramp leading to the school building.

Miyama Town is a town with many slopes, and this slope is particularly long among them.

From the school building, which is located on a high ground, you can have a sweeping view of the entire town.

It was after about one o'clock in the afternoon.

Fortunately, no students were seen on the way to school.

On Sunday, people who are busy with club activities are still taking a lunch break.

"...Good luck is good luck. But there's nothing you can do about it from the front, right?"

Alas, Emiya Shirou sighed, he couldn't hold on any longer.


Turned around.

Stopping, Saber slowly walked up while glaring at him.

...Is it because he has been ignoring her since then? Saber's displeasure has escalated to a higher level.


"What's the matter? You told me to do whatever I wanted, so I did."

"...Hmm. You just listen to what you want to hear."

"Of course. Because I am a servant and I cannot just watch my master be exposed to danger."

"────Really. I know, I give up. Now that you have given up, let's go to school together. This way you will know that school is safe. Also, I'm sorry for scolding you just now."


"Now that we've decided, let's come up with an excuse. Saber is dad's relative. Is it okay to drop by for some sightseeing?"

Side by side with Saber, we walked up the slope together.

"Ah────Okay. If this is convenient for Shirou, I have no problem."

"Okay, then it's decided... As you said, we have to meet sooner or later anyway, so it's the same as introducing them now, right?"

That's right, that's right.

Since Saber lives at home, she will face Tou-san and Sakura.

"By the way Saber. I forgot to ask you, what's with that suit?"

"Rin gave this to me. She said that since she can't become a spirit, she needs clothes for daily life, right?"


This is quite surprising.

Tohsaka was well prepared, so it was more surprising that the dress that looked like the one worn by the daughter-in-law was from Tohsaka.

"What about that suit of armor? Is it at home now?"

"No. That armor was woven with my magic power. To disable it means to make it disappear. When it comes to fighting, it can protect my body immediately."

"Hmph~ What, does it mean that the set of weapons can be taken out and disappeared at any time?"

"Yes. So please don't worry. Even if you are attacked by enemies here, I will protect Shirou."

"That's right. Well, that's really reliable."

Is it because I have been silent for this until now? I accidentally said such true words.

Saber didn't respond to his gaffe and slowly walked up the slope.

Arrived at the school gate.

Since we have no choice but to go in here, we just treat the transfer students on a tour of the campus.

"Saber. If someone calls you, don't say anything, just shake your head. It would be best if you can show that I don't speak Japanese."

Emiya Shirou turned his head towards Saber.


"Saber? What's wrong? You have a scary expression on your face. Don't be scary."

"Huh...? No, I'm not looking at Shirou. It's just that the remnants of the magic power are a bit powerful, so I'm a little surprised."

"Remnants of magic power? Really?"

Although Saber said this, he felt nothing.

...No, if it wasn't a very powerful magic power, he wouldn't be able to sense it in the first place.

"Yes. Even so, it's not a surprise to Shirou. Rin is in the same grade as Shirou, right? This is a place where a magician of her caliber has stayed for more than a year. There should be more or less Studio, so no matter how you hide it, the magic will leak out.”

The magic power Saber felt seemed to be the scent left by Tohsaka.

"Hmph~ She's quite confused too. She actually let Saber sense the magic power before going in...wait, is she in there now!?"

"No, Rin herself doesn't seem to be in there. If she were in there, she would feel it even more intensely. There is no one who looks like a magician in this land... There is a worrying feeling that something is wrong, anyway. There is no danger."

"So I just said there is no danger. Okay, you have to follow me when I'm going inside."

"Hey, it's Emiya. What's wrong? Could it be that he's delivering food?"


It's so convenient to have a close friend at times like this.

The leader of the Kyudo Club, Ayako Mizusumi, looked like she could see through Emiya Shirou's intentions just by looking at his face.

"Thank you for your hard work. Just as you expected, I came to deliver the food. Is Sister Teng in there?"

"Yes, yes, yes. Oh, I'm really saved. Teacher Fujimura is so energetic on an empty stomach, it's very troublesome. The school cafeteria is not open, so I have no choice but to hesitate whether to go out and buy something."

"It's so serious. Are you talking about going out to buy it? Are you going to go down there alone, Fengyue?"

"Where else can we go besides there? We already have a lot of money on spare supplies, so it's inevitable to buy emergency food, right?"

As expected of a beautiful woman, she hates unnecessary expenses.

By the way, Fengyue is the name of a supermarket located in the shopping street.

In the Kyudo Club, idlers who are resting their wrist muscles are asked to go shopping in the name of running.

...It is a contradictory routine to run to rest your wrists, but when you come back, you are carrying a bunch of things.


"...That's really miserable. Take it, the lunch box. Although it's a bit late, help me take it to Sister Fuji."

Emiya Shirou handed over the paper bag.

"Oh, the luxurious three-tiered set. It's really nice. I haven't seen it for a long time. Emiya is very good at being careful like this."

I don't know what she is happy about, Meizu smiles with satisfaction.

...Speaking of which, this guy is very good at mass production.

Most of the dinners during the training camp are hosted by cosmetologists, and everyone is stunned every time.

For example, the potato curry with only the skin turned out to be surprisingly delicious. The world of cooking is really unpredictable.

...Well, let’s not talk about that first.

Meizu just peeked inside and did not accept the paper bag.

"Hey. If you're being sarcastic, don't worry, hurry up and get it. Isn't Sister Teng having a temper and getting into dire straits inside?"

"Yes. Since you think so, you should go in quickly and hand it over to Mr. Fujimura with your own hands. Besides, if I said you were at the door and went back, wouldn't she be even more awkward? I don't want to be beaten by Mr. Fujimura. Damn it. Okay, now that you’re here, just accept your fate and go in.”

Pointing at the dojo with his chin.


Indeed, if you don't take the opportunity to show your face, you will be in trouble later.

He is not here to hold the bow, he just needs to hand over the lunch box and leave quickly.

I really had no choice but to give up my mind and walk towards the bow dojo.

"But Mizuchi. You've been here for so long, so you might as well take advantage of the morning to check on Sister Fuji's lunch boxes. The consultant is looking around at the students' lunch boxes. It's a bad image."

"No, that's because I was very tired this morning. I've been a little busy lately and don't have much time. But it's useless to complain to you──────"

At this time, Meizu suddenly came close to me, and came close to my ear as if she wanted to whisper,

"... Emiya. Who is that? It's a beautiful woman who said, do you know her?"

Say this with tension.


That's right... Usually people would be surprised when they see Saber.

And it was even more surprising that she was silently planning to follow him into the dojo.

"What's going on, Emiya? Do you know that?"

"It will be very complicated to explain, but it would be best if you could regard her as my friend... By the way, in order for her to go in so as not to cause a commotion, if you can help convince everyone, I will repay your kindness. ”

"... OK. Although it's a bit concerning, I like the exchange. Emiya, don't default on your debt from now on."

Open the door.

Saber silently followed in the footsteps of Emiya Shirou and Meisui.

Entered the dojo.

... After the lunch break, the archery dojo seemed to be in turmoil like a battlefield.

"Teacher Fujimura! Misaki-san said he had a stomachache so bad that he was about to die! What era did the dry bread just come from!?"

"It's just an ordinary stomachache! The teacher we ate with is fine, so Misaki-san asked him to drink some kombu and drink it down!"

"Teacher Tiger! I want to practice shooting at the grass target, please move the heater! It's so cold in the corner of the dojo -"

"Okay, let me roll up your trousers and run three laps on the track for such a talented person. Give me a good chance to correct your bad habits."

"Teacher! It's bleeding. Beiko-san was cut on the face by the bowstring!"

"Hmm, you don't need to go to the health room for that little injury. Just apply it with the aloe vera planted in the back mountain."

"It hurts. Oh really, why is this bow so recurved? Wouldn't it make it difficult to draw it?"

"Ah, over there! Don't hold the deadlift from above. It's still very new. If you find it difficult, just do it with two people. If you turn over and the bowstring falls off, I will break your neck. Like this, That's what I'm going to do to a student who breaks an important bow!"

"Teacher! There is no anti-slip powder! My hands are slipping!"

"Eh, really? Who will go to the storage room to get the inventory—"

"Teacher, there is no inventory! I think the reason is that the teacher forgot to declare it a few days ago!"

"Ah~ the first graders will go to the baseball club and steal their anti-skid fans!"

"Wow, this teacher is so messed up!"

The first-year students were in mourning.


Oh my god.

The scene here really hasn't changed.


You can't always look at this Abi and call hell.

"Oh, just right. Hey—Sakura!"

Emiya Shirou called to the female student who was putting on the finger guard.

"Hey, senior...!?"

Sakura lowered the bow in her hand and ran over with a look of surprise.

"Senior! Why are you here today? Could it be..."

"Yes, I'm here to deliver a lunch box to Sister Fuji. Sorry, please help take away the teacher who is talking nonsense over there."

"Ah────Okay, that's right... It seems that the teacher has called me."


The smile she had just now disappeared, and Sakura huddled her shoulders dejectedly.

"That's it. Sister Fuji, she's hungry, so she's forcing herself to do something difficult. It's not necessarily a bit late, but anyway, I made a bento, so let her eat it. Also, I'm sorry for coming back late yesterday. Thank you for your help I'll make dinner."

"...Yes, I am very happy to hear the senior say that, but..."

Sakura looked behind me for a moment.

Standing there was a blond girl who was incompatible with this archery dojo.

"...Um, senior?"

"Huh? What's wrong? Is it really too late? I also did Sakura's part, so this still doesn't work?"

"Ah, no, that's not the case. I-I'm hungry too... Well, because I gave half of mine to the teacher."

"Yeah, that's what I guessed. I made Sakura's portion and can eat it right away, so it shouldn't take much time... In this way, even if the dish is extended again, there won't be any complaints, right?"

"That's what I said. Well, thank you, senior... Senior, will you stay in the dojo today?"

"That's true. It's a rare trip. I will stay at school until the end of club activities. And I skipped work yesterday, so I will cook dinner today. Sakura, please come and eat too."

"────Okay, I'm happy to do that. Well, I'll call the teacher right away. Senior, can't you just leave your lunch box and run somewhere else?"

Sakura quickly went to call Sister Fuji.

When I turned around, I saw Meizu going around explaining to the club members who saw Saber making a commotion.


In short, the original purpose was achieved.

"Ah! My stomach is so full. The sugar has also been transported to the brain, so I can finally regain my energy!"


Sister Fuji was drinking tea and eating yokan as a snack.

Is it because Sister Fuji has become more calm? The sound of strings and arrows squeaking in the dojo was quiet.

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