A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 130 123. Who else doesn’t know how to get bloody?

Chapter 130 123. Who else doesn’t know how to get bloody?

Chu Zihang and others walked through the Coral Sea, hoping to find a way to break the situation.

The whole mountain looked extremely strange.

"This was once an ocean."

Susie makes a point.

There is no doubt that this is the dragon's Nibelung root, so why on earth does it want the Nibelung root to maintain such a weird appearance.

Even for dragons, it's not easy to change the laws of nature, right?

"Ararat, legend has it that Noah's Ark ran aground here. After that, Noah took his wife and the creatures on the Ark to multiply here, and Armenia was born next to it."

Chu Zihang started to think.

He pointed at the corals that were scattered all over the hillside at this time and said, "God sent floods to the earth to destroy all living things on the earth. So, this place was once flooded by very deep water, so that Noah's Ark could be stranded. Now, now Is the scene like it was when it was submerged? But why does it spend so much effort to maintain this appearance?"

"This should be a huge alchemy matrix. As for its purpose of building this place...I don't know very well, but judging from the current situation, if the ice below spreads, then this place will probably become a restricted area for life again... "

Hoshino Aoi frowned. She could clearly see that ice was surrounding the bottom of the mountain and it was spreading upwards. She had a premonition that when the entire mountain was frozen, something terrible would appear. They We must get out of here now.

"Let's try it first."

Chu Zihang said, pulled out Cun Yu and opened the way ahead.

Murasame slashed on the coral reef without any hindrance. These were ordinary corals. Although the color was blood red and weird, there was no mystery behind it.

Chu Zihang was the only man among the three, so of course he had to go in front, and he thought he should also be the strongest among the three. This is not a mockery, it is a fact. Hoshino Aoi's speech spirit is a dust-free place and is biased towards defense, and Susie's combat power is definitely not as good as his.

In addition, he was not a newbie at this time. When he was in the academy, he had shamelessly asked Xuan Hao for many things, and he also got something unexpected, a technology. , a technology that he can call his trump card - violent blood.

He has studied this technology, and even if no one reminds him, he can understand the danger of this thing, so he can only use it as a trump card.

"There's...a door down there!"

Chu Zihang looked into the distance with some surprise.

This is a door made of ice and snow, which is integrated with the ice below. Even from this distance, he can only vaguely see an outline, but he is sure that it is a door.

But this door was probably not meant for people to walk through...it was the wrong size, and even from such a distance, he didn't feel that the door was very small.

"Maybe it's the exit?" Susie frowned, "Or maybe it's the gate to hell?"

Susie regretted a little. It was entirely her fault that they came here. She was the one responsible for exploring the data and looking for clues. If she hadn't come up with some stupid clues like investigating the 'ecosystem' here, this wouldn't have happened. Accident.

Because of her mistake, they are now trapped in the Nibelungs. Everything is unknown. They don't even know whether there is a way out behind this door. They can only hope that there is a way out, right?

"No matter what it is, we have to hurry up." Hoshino Aoi's expression changed and she looked nervously at the ground.

"What's wrong?"

Chu Zihang felt the people behind him stop and looked back at the two of them, wondering why their expressions were so bad.

Susie pointed to the coral on the ground.

The cracking sound of "ka-ka" kept coming. It was the ice below that spread up. The ice froze the corals. The extreme cold caused them to make a cracking sound, and the broken corals were dyed red like blood. The ice was so thick that the entire frozen area seemed to have turned into blood-stained jade.

The blood flowing in the 'jade' was like crimson amber, spreading towards the mountain. The strange thing was that the three of them could not feel the temperature at all!

"This isn't ice...it's crystallizing!"

Chu Zihang frowned. If it was ice, then he could use 'Jun Yan' to try to see if it could melt. But these things are more like amber sealed in the ground, and fossils are often sealed in amber!

"President, is there any other way for dragons to be resurrected besides turning into cocoons?" Chu Zihang asked.

"No..." Hoshino Aoi shook her head, "At least there is no record, but there is a special situation..."


"It means that the dragon is not dead. If it is just hibernating, there is no need to turn into a cocoon. Dragons have a long lifespan." Su Qian explained that Chu Zihang was still a freshman, so it was normal for him not to know some things. If it weren't for his outstanding performance, the freshman would not be exposed to tasks frequently.

The current situation is troublesome. If their expectations are correct, maybe they are standing on the body of an ancient dragon at this moment! When the mountain is completely crystallized, the ancient existence sleeping below will break these crystals and reappear in the world!

This is the place where a certain being is sleeping. Their arrival has disturbed its sleep. The vision at this moment is just a precursor to its awakening!

Just as they thought.

The crystallization is getting faster and faster. It was not clear before, but when the area of ​​these crystals becomes larger and the blood-colored coral fragments, the red color begins to seep downward like blood. It is not only the surface of the earth that crystallizes, but also the soil below! The entire mountaintop is gradually becoming transparent, and in the deepest part of the crimson crystal, a dark shadow is gradually emerging.

"What kind of dragon will be sleeping here? I'm asking, which level will it be? Third-generation species, second-generation species, or dragon king?" Chu Zihang asked. Although he had previewed the dragon genealogy course, he was still unsure about it. The sight in front of me is somewhat unclear.

"God once sent down floods to submerge the world, and humans could continue their lives by riding on Noah's Ark." Susie frowned and looked at the scene in front of her, "That is to say, the ocean once flooded this place. Although the god who sent down floods in the creation myths and legends was God Jehovah, but if you want to connect it with the Dragon Clan..."

"There is only one king among the Dragon Clan who has the power to submerge the world and is worshiped as a god - the King of Ocean and Water!" Hoshino Aoi's forehead broke out in thin cold sweat, "According to records, his death The Super Word Spirit - Guixu, can induce a huge amount of sea water and cause a huge tsunami. If it is this Dragon King, it will be easy to submerge this place."

"Then... the one sleeping below is a dragon king?" Chu Zihang was a little surprised. He didn't know if it was because of his big heart or something else. When he saw the shadow under the crystal, he didn't feel particularly scared. This figure gave him The feeling of oppression was far less than the figure he saw on that rainy night, and now he even felt a little eager to try.

"It's not clear... but even if it's not the King of Ocean and Water, it should still be his disciple." Susie shook her head, "It's sleeping here, using Nibelung roots to maintain the past scene, probably for Waiting for the return of the 'King'!"

"We are not its king..." Chu Zihang roughly understood, "Its 'king' has not come back, but us being here at this moment should be a blasphemy to the 'king' it respects, so it is waking up. , it wants to keep us? Maybe as a sacrifice to the 'king'?"

"Now is not the time to talk about this!" Hoshino Aoi was going crazy. How could his two teammates be so calm and still in the mood to 'make up lessons' here? "Quick! Find a way to leave!"

The crystals on the ground were spreading crazily. The mountain was very big. It was originally a rugged mountain road, but now it was as smooth as an ice rink due to the crystals. This made it easier for them to escape. The three of them ran all the way down, but in the end Still blocked in front of this door.

They couldn't get out. This trap didn't seem to be as easy to escape as they imagined. That's right. How could the dragons be so kind to let them leave here so easily?

This is a giant door engraved with ancient dragon inscriptions. The two sides of the giant door are steep and smooth crystal walls. It is impossible to climb up. This door cuts off the entire world. They don't know if there is a way to survive on the other side of the door. But this is definitely a dead end!

"Smash the door?" Chu Zihang confirmed.

"Smash the door!" The other two people said nothing nonsense.

Chu Zihang swung his knife and cut off a large piece of crystal from the crystallized mountain wall next to him. There was nothing else that could be used here. It was obviously unrealistic to open such a large door with his body alone.

His body sank slightly, his arms exerted force, his eyes ignited with golden light, and his muscles bulged - he was bleeding for a time!

The sound of breaking wind sounded, and huge crystals shot out like cannonballs.


It shattered, and the whole crystal hit the door. They saw the door shaking slightly, but obviously, it was unrealistic to break it open with such a thing.

"You..." Hoshino Aoi looked at the changes in Chu Zihang and seemed to understand something. She was the president of the Lion Heart Society. Of course she could tell that this young man had just become violent, but now was not the time to talk about this.

"Huh?" Chu Zihang turned his head and was confused.

"No, it's nothing... let's find a way to leave first."


Chu Zihang didn't like nonsense, so he turned around and continued to think of ways to open the door.

It's not that he hasn't thought about splitting the door directly, but judging from the size of the door and the movement he just made when he smashed the door, Murasame would probably break it before it opened. This is what dad left behind. Although he knew it was not an ordinary sword, he had already asked the equipment department to test it. It was an alchemy sword, but he couldn't mess with it casually.

"You guys stand back."

Chu Zihang took a deep breath. He wanted to try to see if his speech spirit could open the door.

After the two women retreated to a safe distance, the ancient spirit of words chanted in his mouth, and a pair of blazing golden eyes radiated even brighter, igniting in this crystalline world. Under the reflection of the crystal, the firelight was even more dazzling than usual.

Yan Ling·Jun Yan, sequence 89, is a high-risk Yan Ling.

This is the first time that he has shown his speaking spirit in front of others. Schneider once reminded him that his speaking spirit is dangerous and he should try not to let others see it, but now is obviously not the time to think about this.

Golden flames burned the huge door, but it wasn't enough.

There wasn't much time left for him to think about it.

The violent blood is rising, and the second violent blood is on! The dragon's blood boils in his body, his heart beats like a war drum, and power instantly emerges from his limbs and bones. This is power! He began to become a little intoxicated. He knew that this technology was dangerous, as poisonous and seductive as a poppy. Once he was fascinated, he could never quit.

Fine lines began to appear on the surface of his body, which was a sign of the beginning of dragon transformation. This was the first time that he suffered a second violent blood attack, and he began to lose control of his power. Jun Yan became more and more violent, and the burning flames seemed to burn out everything around him. The giant door in front of him showed signs of being melted by the high temperature.

"Chu Zihang! Stop!"

The cold voice pulled Chu Zihang back. He gradually realized what he was doing and began to stop singing.

Thinking back to himself just now, he was a little scared. If he continued to bleed like this, what would he become?

"You... who gave you this technology? Didn't he tell you the dangers of this technology?" Hoshino Aoi frowned, although now is not the time to ask this, maybe let him continue burning this technology. It's not certain that the door can really be opened, but if she doesn't stop it, before the ancient dragon revives, the boy will be swallowed by the dragon's blood first, and she and Su Qian will be burned to death first.

"Yes... classmate Xuan Hao gave it to me when I asked him for advice." Chu Zihang calmed down and answered truthfully, "He seemed a little bored at the time, so he just threw a secret book to me..."

Hoshino Aoi heard all the bad things, she shouldn't have given the bloody information to that guy! He threw such a dangerous thing to others casually! Don't you know that an accident with this thing could kill you?

Well, actually Xuan Hao, an unscrupulous guy, probably didn't think so much. Anyway, he didn't have any side effects. He probably subconsciously thought that others were the same as him. It seems that he still thinks too highly of these people.

"Listen, in the future, use this technology as little as possible unless it is a last resort."

As she spoke, she stepped forward, planning to open the door herself.

"But... isn't this the time of last resort?" Chu Zihang was a little confused.

"If you go berserk, we can't stop you..."

Hoshino Aoi sighed helplessly.

Not sure if it would work, she looked at the door in front of her nervously, her golden pupils lighting up in her eyes.

There was a bloodbath.

A dust-free place.

The hemispherical field enveloped her. This field was not as gentle as when she usually used it. The ground around the field began to be split. She moved forward step by step, and the field moved forward with her, as if she wanted to slap the fan in front of her. The door opens.

President, didn’t you say you shouldn’t lash out casually? Chu Zihang complained silently, somewhat speechlessly.

Although he saw that the president was working very hard, the giant door in front of him didn't seem to be opening. Maybe only an ancient giant could push this door open, right?

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