"Just make a wallet. It's the kind that stinks of age."

The man in an apron looked at Leyan Temple in front of him and decided with a grin.

On the other side, the singer is still on her way.

"I understand, Nishimiya, you continue to stay where you are married. Don't worry, Miss Miwa Youmei is watching."

With that said, she hung up the phone and thought.

Fortunately, the radio waves were not blocked, allowing her to contact and direct Nishimiya Momo to launch the rescue.

But considering the effect of the 'account', this is natural.

After all, if you want to restrict Gojo Satoru, other aspects of functionality must be abandoned.

"It doesn't seem to be a misunderstanding."

There are people in high schools who are colluding with curse masters or curse spirits.

Suddenly there was movement from behind.

The man with a ponytail suddenly appeared behind the singer, swung the sword in his hand and struck her head mercilessly.

The singer's eyes narrowed and she lowered her head to avoid the slashing attack.


The man seemed a little confused about cutting the air.

"I thought I could definitely cut it. So, I...this is pretty good, right?"

As he said this, he showed the sword in his hand to the singer.

It was a sword with a human palm as its hilt.

"It was Tanzhao who made it for me. Didn't you touch him just now? He said, 'You don't have any strength, so just let the knife hold you.' I said, little sister, what can you give me?"

The singer looked inexplicably at the Curse Master who suddenly appeared to attack her and suddenly started talking to herself, her face expressionless.

"No one likes you, right? You just talk about your own business as soon as we meet, but you will be charged for it."

Suddenly, an angry voice came from behind.

She turned around and looked slightly happy.

It's Kugizaki Wild Rose and Zenin Mayi.

Although both were eliminated, they seemed fine.

"How can you have the magnanimity to be a paid listener?"

Zenin Mayi complained about Kugizaki Rose's speech.

"Shut up!! Stop making trouble for me now!!"

Whenever the two of them are on good terms, they are quite difficult to deal with.

"Both of you."

Although the singer was very happy, she felt a little speechless watching the two of them bickering.

"Wow~ there are so many girls, I'm so popular~"

The curse master opposite smiled happily and seemed to completely ignore the sarcasm that Rose Kugizaki had just made.

"Did you listen to what others were saying?" Kugizaki Wild Rose looked at his self-righteous look, and veins popped up on her forehead.

"Leave the rescue to me, please be careful not to get accidentally injured." Chanyuan Zhenyi on the side waved his hand wordlessly, preparing to distance himself for rescue.

"Then you are the one who should pay attention!" Kugizaki Wild Rose replied.

At this moment, An Song Ji noticed the changes in the sky.

"The 'tent' has been broken!"

"Isn't it? It's not even 30 minutes yet?" The curse master on the opposite side looked a little surprised at this scene.

So he turned around and ran away.

"The situation is not good, run away~"

On the other side, the man in an apron, Tan Zao, was also a little surprised and complained about the situation in the sky.

"Hey, hey, hey! A great clothes drying rack appears in front of me."

He saw the white-haired man suspended in the sky, that was his long-awaited target - Gojo Satoru.

"So... where to start?"

Gojo Satoru looked down from a high position, thinking lightly.

"It seems that this is the end." The first time Hua Yu saw Gojo Satoru, he realized that the situation was not good for him and began to prepare to evacuate.

"Teacher Gojo!!"

Xuan Hao shouted towards the sky.

Gojo Satoru heard the sound and looked over.

He noticed that Xuan Hao's level had improved a lot.

That's right, it's Aoi.

Indeed, that guy and Xuan Hao are very compatible.

Although it seems that he is fighting with the special class, but judging from the current situation, there is no need to worry.

Gojo Satoru made a judgment immediately.

"Then, what should be solved first is——"

"You are."

At the same time as the words fell, Gojo Satoru's figure appeared almost instantly behind Tan Zhi who had not yet reacted.


Tan Tan was slightly startled.

Then he excitedly turned around and swung his ax at Gojo Satoru.

"Coat hanger!! Clothes hanger!!"

However, looking at the man attacking him, Gojo Satoru just smiled.

"Keep them alive!!"

The principal of Leyan Temple on the side quickly reminded him when he saw this.

"There's still a lot to ask this guy."

And Gojo Satoru didn't need to be reminded, he was very measured in his actions.

The next moment, before he could rush in front of him, the tanned limbs were crushed out of thin air and fell to the ground limply.

"Give him first aid quickly, don't let him die."

As if he had done something trivial, Gojo Satoru smiled and warned the old man beside him.

The old man's face was slightly angry, because Gojo Satoru used him as if he were a servant.

Gojo Satoru himself continued to sense the surrounding situation.

"!! The breath of the guy on the singer's side has disappeared. It seems that he has already made plans to escape."

"There's still that special grade left...that guy is also good at escaping. It's a bit far away from Xuanhao, so there's nothing we can do..."

"Let's mess around a little bit."

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and started to form seals.

"The technique is reversed to 'Cang', and the technique is reversed to 'He'."


"I'll withdraw first."

On the other side, in front of Xuanhao and Todo Aoi, Hanayu prepared to retreat after sensing Gojo Satoru's arrival.

The roots rise from the ground and gradually wrap around it.

"I'm not arrogant enough to pick Gojo Satoru as my opponent."

"Are you kidding!?"

Xuan Hao roared and tried to stop him, "What on earth do you want to do?!"


However, Todo Aoi stopped him in time.

"Dongtang. Why did you stop me?" Xuanhao, who hadn't sensed anything was wrong yet, was a little confused.

"Don't go any further, you'll get sucked in."

Dong Tang Kui's perception of the power of the curse is certainly better than Xuan Hao's.

He had already noticed that Gojo Satoru in the distance was using terrifying techniques.

"Virtual style '茈'."

I saw a dark red spherical wave sweeping past.

In an instant, deep scars were left on the ground, like an abyss.

And the path happens to be where Hua Yu is.

"Done! Yeah!"

Gojo Satoru looked at his masterpiece and smiled with satisfaction.

But the smile only lasted a moment and then disappeared.

As if he sensed something, one of his eyes that lifted the blindfold became a little cold and glanced in a certain direction.

"It seems things are not that simple."

At the same time, on the other side, the real person had successfully invaded the place where the high school stored the two-faced Su Nuo fingers, defeating their purpose of invading the high college.

"Is Huayu okay..."

He looked towards the direction from which the terrifying wave of spell power came, and asked worriedly.

But soon the worry on his face turned into an indifferent smile.

"No matter, anyway, the mission is accomplished."


Deep underground.

The ponytailed man who escaped from the high school had a bored expression on his face.

"It turns out I didn't do anything. I wonder if I will be punished. But compared to me, you are overworked."

As he spoke, he looked at Hua Yu, who was slowly being sent by tree roots from the wall.

At this moment, Hua Yu had lost half of his body and looked miserable.

Although he saved his life under Gojo Satoru's spell, he looked seriously injured.

"Oh my, what a pity. Let me give you a good time."

The man looked at His embarrassed appearance, licked his lips excitedly, held the sword in his hand, and seemed to be planning to do something.

However, at the next moment, his hand was held by someone.

Someone put an arm around his shoulders and said calmly: "Thank you for your hard work."

He is a real person who has returned from a mission.

In this state, he can use inaction transformation at any time to turn this human curser into his own toy.

"You're just a human being, don't make your own decisions, or I'll kill you."

"It's annoying, don't I mean well to help him?" The man responded innocently, "Don't you understand the subtle consideration in this?"

"What about the stuff?"

Seeing that he had put down his murderous intention, the real person loosened his grip on his shoulders.

Take out the loot this time.

"It's all right."

other side.

On the beach in the barrier.

Xia You and Clepsydra were discussing their goals for this operation.

"The 6 fingers of the special-grade cursed object 'Liangmian Sunuo' retained by the expert. As well as the 'Nine-Phase Chart of the Cursed Fetus' Nos. 1 to 3, which are also special-grade cursed objects."

"The temples, shrines, and pavilions in the high school are basically used to confuse people. Under the influence of Tianyuan's barrier technique, their positions will change every day."

"Among those thousands of doors, there is only one door that leads to the warehouse where extremely dangerous cursed objects, including 'fingers', are kept."

"Only Tianyuan himself knows which door leads to the warehouse that day. So no one should be in the way."

"Who is Tianyuan?" Clepsydra asked in confusion after listening to Xia You's explanation.

"A conjurer with immortality techniques." Xia You responded calmly.

"Immortal!?" Clepsydra was a little surprised when he heard this, "Then who is stronger than Gojo Satoru?"

"Although he is immortal, he is not ageless." Xia You explained disapprovingly, "Just think of him as a tree or something. Tianyuan will basically not interfere with the present world except for the use of barriers. You really don't need to worry about him."

"The finger that was previously recovered by the high school specialist was affixed with a charm made of a real person's magic power. It was affixed to the inside of a seal, so it would not be discovered."

"The real person should be able to find it easily."

"What about the janitor?"

"There are two close guards of Tianyuan on the way from the gate to the warehouse. They are all rubbish."

Xia You chuckled and commented.

"More importantly, I hope that the real person can deal with a few more magicians who are on standby in the high school as little as possible before the 'account' is lowered. This will reduce Hua Yu's burden."

"Why don't you put Gojo Satoru in the 'tent'?" Clepsydra asked again.

"Because I don't want him to notice the key person."

Xia You explained matter-of-factly.

"If we don't let him do something real, we can't do the 'account' test. So it's more convenient to lock up the students."

"Can I kill everyone except Su Nuo's container?" Clepsydra grinned.

"...It doesn't matter." When answering this question, Xia You hesitated, "But I don't recommend it."

"?" Clepsydra showed a puzzled expression.

"Su Nuo's actions are a little different from what I expected. Although this is just my speculation, I'm afraid there are some students who are mines for Su Nuo."

"If you step on it by accident, the worst case scenario is that this operation will be completely ruined."

"Then why don't we just capture Sukuna's container first? It's a chess piece that can be used anyway." Louhu was a little confused.

"No, Sukuna's container... Sukuna himself is also a bomb." Gouyu explained with a dangerous look, "Whether it's for us or for the high school. When we need to make the situation more chaotic, we will stimulate him."

"October 31, Shibuya. In order to seal Gojo Satoru, it's best to keep everything that can be used."

"In addition, there will be several curse masters accompanying us, and the group house tanning, this guy can be ignored. That guy is not someone who can act honestly according to the battle plan, and he will get in the way in the future."

"The test results of the entrustment-style 'account' will be arranged for someone else 1 to be responsible for observation. Get along with him."


"Okay, get up, Hanami. Let's go back."

Majin smiled and helped the injured Hanami to evacuate.

"Master. If you suppress the killing intent in your heart, it is easy to accumulate pressure."

Hanagi seemed very unwilling to accept today's failure.

"Hanagi, you are getting more and more like a curse."

Henri listened to this and smiled faintly.


"The next is the loss of personnel."

On the other side, the Jujutsu High School is summarizing this incident.

"Three level 2 magicians, one quasi-level 1 magician, two Jiku guards, and five auxiliary supervisors, all of whom took separate actions with Gojo Sensei and Principal Yega. Magicians on standby in the high school."

"The specific situation still needs to wait for Miss Ieiri's report. But it is basically certain that it was the work of the curse spirit that Mr. Nanami encountered before."


Gojo Satoru curled his lips slightly after hearing this.

"Is it better to inform students and other magicians about this matter?" asked An Utahime.

"...No." Principal Leganji was the first to object.

"It's better to keep the news within our upper level." Principal Yega also nodded in agreement. "We don't want the curse masters to know about the outflow of special curses. Did the captured curse masters confess anything?"

"That man is not very tight-lipped, but his mental state is obviously abnormal. Most of his remarks are confusing. Regarding the attack, he claimed that he just made a deal. He was just following orders."

"'I want to make a clothes drying rack, and then the monk called me. I don't know his name. He is a white-haired ghost with a doll's head.' These are his original words."

"I really can't hear any clues."

Mingming is a little confused.

"A little monk with a doll's head of unknown gender? Do you have any impression?"

"No——" Gojo Satoru shook his head, "He made it up casually, right? Is there any magician who is good at interrogation?"

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