Chapter 149 142. Maze

Lu Mingfei didn't know how old the tree sticking out of the yard was, but he could see its thick branches from a distance. When he thought about the ancient house in front of him, he knew that the tree must be somewhat old. Year.

It is spring now, and this old tree has also sprouted green leaves.

Arriving in front of the mansion, Lu Mingfei felt as if he had traveled a hundred years ago. This mansion should be considered an antique. Well, it stands to reason that this shouldn’t be protected? Are there people still living in it now?

Lu Mingfei was a little confused. Didn't they come to see the senior named Xuan Hao? Does he live here? In Lu Mingfei's imagination, Xuan Hao must be a rich and powerful man. After all, he gave him that black card and bought the entire square without blinking an eye. The place where a young master like that lives must be a villa and mansion in the city center or a manor in the outer suburbs. How could he live in such an old mansion?

But there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with thinking about it. People who maintain such an 'antique' so well and can live in it as a home seem to be more awesome than those who live in mansions and drive sports cars. It's just that living here shouldn't be a problem. Too convenient? Lu Mingfei couldn't understand the thinking of rich people.

"Um...don't you need to knock on the door?"

Lu Mingfei looked at Ange and opened the door without even knocking. He was a little confused. Wouldn't it be impolite to just barge in like this?

"Follow me." Ange didn't answer Lu Mingfei's question, but just warned him.

"Senior, won't you go in?"

Lu Mingfei followed, but he found that Chen Motong didn't seem to want to go in.

"Uh...hahahahaha, forget it, I won't go in." Chen Motong laughed.

Are you kidding? Who wants to go into a ghost place like that again? A trace of cold sweat broke out on Chen Motong's forehead. After arriving in China, she came here to find Xuan Hao. When she walked into this mansion, it almost killed her. Now she is scared when she thinks about it.

Lu Mingfei followed Ange and walked in blankly.

There were many plants in the courtyard, not only the towering tree he saw from outside, but also some small trees and shrubs. Even though there was no wind, these trees and shrubs were swaying gently, as if they were given life.

Anger led the path extending from the door to turn right, bypassing the trees and bushes blocking the road in front. Lu Mingfei thought to himself, why is this guy planting so many trees in the yard? This is the first time he has heard of someone planting so many lush plants in the yard. Don't you think it's a nuisance?

They bypassed the bushes and arrived at the old fence. Here they still couldn't see what the main building of the mansion looked like. They could only see the big tree in the center. If it weren't for the big tree in the center as a coordinate, they would have Lost in this maze.

The layout of this mansion is so strange. The dense canopy of trees almost blocks the entire main residence. This layout seems to be designed to hide something. Only there seems to be an open space in the center, and there is a deep square mark on the ground there. There is also a small hole in the middle of the brand. It seems that something was once placed there, but it is no longer in its original place.

The vegetation seemed to have no pattern. Lu Mingfei thought that this place had been uninhabited for a long time, so it was covered with vegetation. However, Ang Tie's coming here showed that the senior named Xuan Hao must have lived here. .

Maybe people just love nature more? In order to experience an idyllic life, the house is laid out like this.

As he thought about it, Lu Mingfei realized that... he had lost track of him!

Angers, who was walking in front of him, had disappeared. He looked left and right but could not find the principal.

He turned back unconsciously, wanting to follow the original path, but when he turned around, he realized that the road behind him was gone and there was a large bush behind him.

Lu Mingfei swallowed, something wasn't right about this place... He carefully walked forward along the path between the bushes, turned a 180-degree corner, and so on! What the hell, a 180-degree turn... Damn it, he found himself spinning in circles.

The sky was getting darker and darker. Lu Mingfei subconsciously raised his head and looked at the half of the sky that was covered by the towering trees. Are the clouds covering the sky?

But it’s night now! Will clouds covering the sky affect brightness? Damn it, Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the sky. The clouds gradually drifted away, revealing the twinkling stars and the bright moon behind him.

The light of the stars and the moon illuminated the courtyard through the branches and leaves.

"Are there so many stars tonight..."

Lu Mingfei felt a chill behind his back. He had not seen such a beautiful starry sky for a long time, but he had no intention of admiring it now. This was too abnormal. There is often danger hidden behind beauty.

And the surroundings became silent, so quiet that he couldn't even hear the swaying leaves, but these shrubs were clearly swaying constantly.

He noticed that the trees seemed to be moving secretly!

An extremely strange feeling arose from the bottom of Lu Mingfei's heart, making him want to retreat. He thought about whether he should find a way to leave here?

But as he continued to move forward, he found that the bushes in front of him seemed to have given way to a path.

The new road is very simple, still a road surrounded by bushes, a straight line, as if leading to the towering tree.

According to this, it seems that he can get there?

Lu Mingfei took steps hesitantly, but ultimately did not choose to retreat.

But the further he walked, the more he found that he seemed to be getting farther and farther away from the center. He was clearly right in front of him, but he was unconsciously guided by these bushes.

The pace under his feet quickened unconsciously, and he quickly reached the end of the road, but this was not under a big tree, but at the wall. This was another corner. He seemed to have returned to the place where Anger led him to before. at the corner.

Behind the corner is the exact same road. Behind the 180-degree hairpin corner, a straight line is formed by bushes.

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the wall, wondering if he should just climb out? But the wall was a bit too high for him, and there was moss growing on it, so he probably wouldn't be able to climb it.

He looked at the road ahead again. There was no wild vegetation here. It was a carefully manicured maze.

And now, he is trapped in the maze.

"Why would you set up a maze in front of your house? What do you think?" Lu Mingfei felt scared. Did he think he was going to be trapped and die in it? Hopefully Angers will come back to him when he realizes he's gone.

"How about trying to get through directly?"

Lu Mingfei looked at the bushes in front of him, and then at the big tree in the center.

He thought about walking straight through. He was wearing clothes, so he wouldn't be injured, but it would just make his clothes dirty. This suit seemed quite expensive, and he was a little reluctant to part with it.

Lu Mingfei faced the dense bushes in front of him and hesitantly put his arms in front of his face.

As long as I rush fast enough, my clothes won't get dirty!

one two three!

"Didn't I tell you to follow me?"

The sudden sound made Lu Mingfei froze. He turned around and found Ange staring at him with a serious face.

How did Angers get behind him? Lu Mingfei was a little surprised. He didn't hear any footsteps at all, and he remembered that there was no road behind him.

"Don't get into it. The clothes someone kindly gave you will not be good if they get dirty or damaged."

Lu Mingfei heard Ange's words and quickly retracted his arm that was about to reach into the bushes.

"Don't lose me again, it will be very troublesome."


Lu Mingfei lowered his head in shame. If he hadn't been distracted just now, he probably wouldn't have been lost.

"What's going on here? I'm already dizzy." Lu Mingfei followed Ange.

"It's nothing, just some small traps and deceptions. They should be used to prevent theft." Ange shook his head. "It took me a long time when I first came here, but it was quite simple after I figured it out in the end."

"A blind trick?"

Lu Mingfei looked in disbelief. Such a strange maze, it felt like the bushes were still moving. Can a blind trick explain it?

"Don't ask, I can't explain it to you now, but you will naturally understand these things after you enter school." Angers walked in front, "Let's go, don't get lost this time."

Lu Mingfei didn't quite understand why he couldn't explain it to himself, but subconsciously followed Ange's pace, thinking that he couldn't lose track this time.

Following Angers to the road surrounded by bushes, the situation seemed different from what he had just seen.

As he walked, he was led forward.

And Angers was walking in front, and these bushes seemed to be making way for him!

Ange led Lu Mingfei and walked straight forward. Lu Mingfei didn't notice that Ange didn't look at the road at all when he walked. He just stared at the tall tree, and then Walk straight forward.

"When walking this road, you can't retreat or get confused. Find your target and stride forward in a dignified way." Ange seemed to notice Lu Mingfei's surprised eyes and said, "Only in this way can you be worthy of walking to him." in front of me.”

"Is that so?"

Lu Mingfei became even more confused. This can't be explained by blindness, right? It's simply metaphysics.

"This place is indeed used to prevent theft. Generally, people who come here to steal things will be cautious and have a guilty conscience, so they will always be trapped inside." Angers said.

"Then what if you just break in like I did just now?"


Angers smiled and shook his head, "I don't know, I haven't tried it. How about you give it a try?"

"Uh... let's forget it."

A chill ran down Lu Mingfei's back. Looking at Ange's malicious smile, he immediately forgot all about trying. His intuition told him that it was best not to try it, otherwise he would definitely regret it.

"Principal, I just wanted to ask, are there so many stars in the sky tonight?"

Following Ange out of the bushes, Lu Mingfei looked up at the sky, gradually lost in thought.


Angers shook his head, "Probably only in this courtyard can you see such a starry sky."

To be honest, this was the first time Angers saw someone using the Alchemy Matrix for decoration, but he knew that not every star in the sky was as beautiful as it looked. Those starlights might fall the next moment and kill the trespassers.

Every star is the core of this alchemical matrix. This entire courtyard seems to be a small Nibelung, but the person living here is a human being, he is sure of this.

Angers didn't think about this issue carefully when he first came here. He just thought that this was a simple alchemical matrix built to seal the Dragon Bone Cross and use its power. But now there is no longer the Dragon King's skeleton here. It made him a little confused as to what the current Nibelung used as the source of power. It seemed that Xuanhao had secrets that he didn't know about.

A fragrant smell came into his nose, and Lu Mingfei came back to his senses.

Only then did he realize that there was a small, simple table placed under the big tree in front of him.

There was a lit incense burner and a tablet on it. In front of the tablet were two jars of wine, the kind of jars of fine wine that are rarely found nowadays. Even with the lid closed, Lu Mingfei could smell a hint of the aroma of wine.

Who are you worshiping?

Lu Mingfei looked at the old tree, where a man sat cross-legged. The man also held a jar of wine in his hand and drank it one sip after another.

He knew this man, it was Xuan Hao whom he had met once. It's just that the feeling he gave him now was completely different from the feeling he had when they met during the interview that day. They were just two different people.

Lu Mingfei had never seen such cold eyes, like an abyss that could swallow people's hearts. Obviously when I saw this person before, he was still smiling playfully. He must have thought of something bad and was in a bad mood.

"What are you doing here?"

Xuan Hao raised his head and looked at Ange expressionlessly.

"Did I bother you?"

Angers asked with a smile.

"It's not too disturbing, but I never welcome guests here."

what's the situation? Looking at the two people talking, they looked confused. Aren't these two students related to the principal? Why does the atmosphere feel so heavy, and there is a sense of tension? There won't be a fight, right? etc! The students beat the principal violently, which was a bit exciting when he thought about it. Lu Mingfei swallowed his saliva.

"Do you think you have a chance of winning by bringing him here?"

Xuan Hao stared at Lu Mingfei and smiled.

Brother, don’t get me wrong, I am innocent! I was dragged here by force! This glance sent shivers down Lu Mingfei's spine. Looking at the smile on this man's face, he was really shuddering.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood." Angers still had a smile on his face, "I'm just here to report that I'm here. After all, you may be misunderstood if you step into this country without permission. By the way, I'm here to inform you, The college's inspection team has almost arrived at Kuimen and is ready to start exploring the location of Baidi City."

"Oh? Really? Do you need to inform me about this kind of thing?" Xuan Hao's face was expressionless.

"Of course, after all, this is your territory. We must get permission before we start construction." Angers said.

"Oh, don't do this with me," Xuan Hao took a sip of wine disdainfully, "Since I have agreed to let you investigate, you can investigate with confidence and go back on my word? Do you think I am like you old yinbi? Rory is so annoying."

Thanks: The name is indescribable, book friend 20190508183301433, the cold cloud will eventually fall into nothingness, book friend 20210301174453917, once upon a time there was a little book friend for the reward

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