Chapter 15 10. Chess game

The "Kama Weasels" dance wildly in the wind. These ethereal wind monsters will bring back all the information around them exactly. Lu Shanyan relied on them to avoid looking directly into the Dragon King's golden eyes and fight with his hearing.

But the situation was not as smooth as he imagined, because the "Kamaitachi" were afraid! They did not dare to get close to the dragon, which resulted in Lu Shanyan's perception range, which seemed to be blank out of thin air, like a piece of paper stained with ink, with a hole hollowed out in the middle. He could clearly feel it. There is an invisible realm next to the Dragon King, and all Kamamaitachi who come close will be torn apart.

This is "kingdom"! A domain that only dragons of the first generation and above can possess. These dragon princes, known as the "Four Lords", are naturally more powerful than ordinary dragons. All the words and spirits have minimal effect on them. Therefore, among the dragon kings, The battle has never relied on the spirit of speech.

Lu Shanyan regrouped, as long as he could hold off for a while, that would be enough!

"Bang! Bang!..."

Gunshots rang out one after another.

Lu Shanyan shook off the revolver of the revolver, threw his hands back, and the cartridge case fell to the ground, with steam rising from the rain hitting it. These are special alchemy bullets with ancient dragon inscriptions engraved on the shells.

"Soot" is dead, but the cannon he fired with his life has begun to take effect. The gunpowder is mixed with silver amalgam, which is toxic to any living thing. This thing is especially effective against dragons. The mercury rich in silver ions evaporates at a high speed. , the air began to be filled with poison.

Now is no longer the era in the past when you could only slay dragons with a long knife... With the development of the times, the emergence of various weapons has allowed the Secret Party to gradually suppress dragons. The irony is that these weapons were originally invented by humans to interact with each other. The massacre... has now become the basis for dealing with dragons, but this is the first time when facing the Dragon King.

This is probably the first confrontation between human civilization and dragon civilization.

Lu Shanyan is not afraid of death, but he hopes to die meaningfully. The Dragon King has just woken up, and now is his most vulnerable time. Killing him now is the only chance! No one was willing to face a complete Dragon King. Even if he risked his life, he planned to keep this boy here.

But "fragile" is only compared to its "complete body". Compared with humans, it still has an absolute advantage, with god-like majesty and power.

The air trembles violently. This is the breath of a dragon. The Dragon King compresses and releases a huge amount of air at an extremely fast speed. This air will expel the silver ions in his body. These poisons are not enough to kill him in a short time.

Lu Shanyan didn't have the ability to detoxify like dragons. Although mercury poisoning was much more harmful to dragons, he didn't think he could drag the Dragon King to death by stalling for time. He will be the first to fall. The longer the time goes by, the stronger the Dragon King will become. This is an unfair game. The "Kama Weasels" were gradually getting tired, which was the impact of Lu Shanyan's physical exertion.

"Fuck" Xuan Hao cursed in his heart. He couldn't figure out why Lu Shanyan would use mercury vapor to deal with the Dragon King. Who would be tougher than the Dragon King? It is completely meaningless. In the final analysis, it can only weaken the power of the Dragon King and make Lu Shanyan qualified to confront the Dragon King head-on. But it was Lu Shanyan's fault to make him feel uncomfortable.

Lu Shanyan let him go. Originally, he planned to leave here directly. These guys were beaten upside down and had nothing to do with him, but he found that he didn't know the road...

This is a manor in the wilderness, and there is the wilderness outside. The Cassel family is so damn rich, let alone the manor, he has never even lived in a villa. He does not think that a Chinese who is unfamiliar with the place and does not understand the language can return to China smoothly.

Moreover, even though he's here, he still feels like he's at a loss if he doesn't do something. He won't die anyway, so he's just a fool!

Xuan Hao has been wandering around the battlefield, he is searching, he knows Lu Shanyan's trump card, ghost.

The ghost is a sniper, and Lu Shanyan has been letting her hide in the dark. In her gun, there is the key to turning the tide of the war, a bullet, and a bullet ground with red crystal stone.

The Secret Party calls it the "Philosopher's Stone"!

This is the only "Philosopher's Stone" they currently have. There is only one chance. As long as the "ghost" can accurately shoot this bullet, it is enough to kill this "incomplete" Dragon King! The outcome will be reversed in an instant.

"The night I was born, it was raining in the sky and on the ground." A deep voice sounded in the manor.

The boy did not rush to take action, but spoke to Lu Shanyan in ancient and pure Chinese, with a calm and arrogant tone, as if everything was under his control.

"Human, can you understand? I hate rain. Rain seems to separate us from the whole world. Can you understand the loneliness of isolation?" the boy said.

"Humans and dragons are obviously creatures living in this world. Hybrids, you stand between humans and dragons. You enjoy the gift of God and have power far beyond ordinary people. Why do you choose to side with humans? You would rather stand on the side of humans. Hiding his identity, living in the shadows like a mouse, and unwilling to admit that our blood is flowing in his body?" The dragon's voice seemed to be filled with magic, like the whisper of a devil, and he was trying to brainwash Lu Shanyan.

"Do you think those humans will thank you for slaughtering your ancestors for 'world peace'? No, to humans, you are always a foreign race. They will fear your power, avoid you, be jealous of you, hate you...and then kill you Kill you. Only we will admit your existence!"

"Then you turned me into a deadpool and served you?" Lu Shanyan said disdainfully.


In an instant, huge coercion came from all directions and spread to the entire manor. The Dragon King snorted coldly. The "king's domain" was expanding. It was compressing Lu Shanyan's speech and spirit domain. The "scythes and weasels" were afraid and began to lose control. , flying around in an increasingly smaller area. Lu Shanyan tried to control them, but the Dragon King's power became stronger and stronger, and the pure spiritual power hit Lu Shanyan's mind, as if it was about to explode.

Blood spilled from the corner of Lu Shanyan's mouth, and the terrifying mental power in his head was trying to control him.

"There are two mice." The Dragon King said calmly. His "King Domain" covered the entire manor. Of course, the "ghost" and Xuan Hao could not escape his perception.

"You really like hanging out with humans..." The boy's face was full of disdain.

"Haha, so what?" The corner of Lu Shanyan's mouth cracked, and he wiped a handful of the blood that spilled out, and he actually smiled.

Lu Shanyan never thought that the "ghost" could escape the Dragon King's perception, but he didn't expect that the "human" had not left yet, and now he was more sure.

The "Philosopher's Stone" only has one shot. To hit, he must control the Dragon King, and the only way is to use his body to lock the Dragon King's retreat.

He has been worried that the "ghost" will hesitate. This is the only variable.

But the man didn't leave. With such a good opportunity for revenge, even if the "ghost" made a mistake, the man wouldn't miss it, right?

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