Chapter 162 155. Game

The sound of crackling keyboards sounded in the dormitory, and Xuan Hao was playing games with Lu Mingfei.

But Lu Mingfei suddenly hung up!

"What's going on?" Xuan Hao frowned, "Lu Mingfei, are you sleepwalking? The whole family will be killed if you hang up!"

After calling for a long time, there was still no response. Xuan Hao looked at Lu Mingfei staring blankly in the direction of the window. Well, he probably understood. Lu Mingfei was probably dragged out on a date by Lu Mingze again.

"Let me go back quickly!" Lu Mingfei looked at the boy sitting on the window sill in front of him in a panic, "md if I dare to hang up and cheat Xuanhao, I will be hammered to death!"

"Brother, this game is no longer important. There will be more exciting games later. He won't blame you."

Lu Mingze was still wearing his little black suit that had remained unchanged for a century, sitting on the window sill and looking at Lu Mingfei with a smile.

"Can you please stop dragging me here for no reason every time..." Lu Mingfei scratched his hair, "What on earth is this place? A dream?"

"It depends on how you divide dreams and reality." Lu Mingze shook his head, "Everything here is real, including you and me. You see, the clocks on the wall are still moving, and the sunshine outside the window is also Extra warm.”

Lu Mingze opened his hands and let the sun shine on him.

"But why are the people next to me missing? Are you and me the only ones left in this world?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Of course it can be false," Lu Mingze said, "just like what I showed you before."

Lu Mingfei recalled that he had fallen infinitely in the darkness before, "I still don't quite understand..."

"It's okay if you don't understand. You don't need to understand this," Lu Mingze said. "I'm just here to remind you that next you will really come into contact with the world, so be prepared."

"To truly come into contact with this mean the Dragon Clan?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Yes, events related to dragons are happening. You have to behave well. After all, you are an 'S' class. If you don't behave well, you will be embarrassed."

Lu Mingze looked at him with a smile.

But Lu Mingfei couldn't help but laugh, "You want me to fight with the Dragon Clan like this? Are you kidding me!"

He had just come to the academy, and the 3E exam results hadn't been announced yet, let alone learning any dragon-slaying techniques or awakening any spiritual spirit. If he were to come into contact with the Dragon Clan now, wouldn't he be seeking death?

"Don't worry, it's not time for you to actually go on the battlefield, this is just a small game." Lu Mingze said meaningfully, "Games, isn't this what you are best at?"

"No, no, no, I'm only good at playing games like StarCraft! Isn't the dragon slaying you're talking about World of Warcraft?" Lu Mingfei muttered, "I didn't have the money to play World of Warcraft before, and it required cards. "

"Hey, brother, don't be so vain, okay?" Lu Mingze jumped off the window sill and kicked him, "Just go and play with confidence. Since it's a game, no one can beat you, right?"

"That's what you said," Lu Mingfei looked downcast, "I just lost to Xuan Hao before."

"Uh..." Lu Mingze was stunned, "Don't you know? He cheated.\

,"Lu Mingze looked like I thought you already knew.

"???" Lu Mingfei looked confused, "Good guy, I asked you how can you be so strong! It turns out it's cheating! I don't accept it!"

"What can you do if you don't accept it?" Lu Mingze shrugged, "Speak as if you can win."

"If you can't beat him, then join!" Lu Mingfei said confidently, "If he cheats and I cheat, isn't that fair? And if I can beat him, it's because I'm stronger! There's nothing wrong with that, right?"

"Hahahahaha, there is nothing wrong with it." Lu Mingze smiled happily, "Brother, as a professional player and a good player who never cheats, do you know the cheating password?"

"Tch, who are you looking down on?" Lu Mingfei sneered, "poweroverwhelming means invincibility, showmethemoney means adding money, and blacksheepwall means opening up the map!"

"Hey, brother, you've been exposed!" Lu Mingze joked, "I just said you were a good player."

"Come on! You're talking like you've never done anything before..." Lu Mingfei muttered in a low voice, "Does this have something to do with what's going to happen next?"

"Of course, in this next game, to be honest, although brother you have grown a bit and are not as timid as before, you still can't win." Lu Mingze stated a very hurtful fact.

"Okay, okay, stop scolding. I know I'm a noob." Lu Mingfei was already numb.

"It's good to be able to clearly understand your own talents." Lu Mingze said, "But have you ever thought about how to reverse this situation?"

"Does this sound like you are praising me?" Lu Mingfei asked with some uncertainty, "Reversal? This situation is impossible unless cheating, right?"

"Of course I am praising you, but I am sincere." Lu Mingze said, "Of course I understand the situation very well, so in order to give you a chance to win this time, I have prepared a gift for you."

"What gift? Could it be that you want to help me cheat?" Lu Mingfei said.

"Yes." Lu Mingze said, "Then make your own choice now? Which one do you want among the three passwords you just mentioned?"

"Ah..." Lu Mingfei was confused, "Is it possible that we are going to play StarCraft next?"

Lu Mingze shook his head, "Of course not, but the cheating tips I gave you are always useful. You have to think carefully about which one you need most."

There was a brief silence between the two of them.

"Are you sure it's a game, right?" Lu Mingfei asked suddenly.

Lu Mingze could see that Lu Mingfei was full of information at this time, and even had a smile on his face.

"I am sure."

"Okay." Lu Mingfei said, "Invincibility seems to be the safest, but I'm sorry, I don't need it! It's too boring to play the game like this."

"Cheats poweroverwhelming option exclusion." Lu Mingze, like a system, began to clean up the options that Lu Mingfei had excluded.

"Since we are in a game, I can manage the economy on my own," Lu Mingfei looked at the boy in front of him firmly, "It's not necessary."

"The cheat code showmethemoney option is excluded." Lu Mingze also smiled, "It seems that you are quite confident? So there is only one option left. Brother, are you sure?"

"Sure." Lu Mingfei affirmed.

"Why did you choose this one?" Lu Mingze asked. "This seems to be the most useless one. In the game, as long as there is absolute economic suppression or invincibility, you can easily crush the opponent."

"You know nothing!" Lu Mingfei scolded with a smile, "Have you ever played StarCraft? Do you know how important early exploration is? And I have been passive for so long. How can I not take the initiative in a game?"

"Well, I don't know much about it." Lu Mingze shrugged, "But I'll give you this secret! Since you are so sure, you will definitely use it well, right?"

"Of course." Lu Mingfei said, "But how do you use this thing?"

"Have you seen "Harry Potter"?" Lu Mingze asked.

"Of course I've seen it... Do you want to shout out loud?"

If he really had to shout out the secret manual in front of everyone, Lu Mingfei would feel ashamed.

"You don't have to be loud, you just need to be able to hear it." Lu Mingze said, "But there is a limit to the number of times this secret can be used, so you'd better use it at the right time."

"Huh? So incompetent?" Lu Mingfei muttered.

"Be content, brother, not everyone has such a chance to make a comeback." Lu Mingze jumped up and patted his shoulder, "Then, I wish you good luck..."


A violent hammer hit Lu Mingfei on the head, causing him to wake up instantly.

"Ah! It hurts!" Lu Mingfei held his head.

"You finally came back?" Xuan Hao said angrily, "I thought you were reluctant to come back."


There was another loud noise, and Lu Mingfei subconsciously dodged, but found that no one seemed to hit him.

He listened carefully and realized that it seemed like a bell was ringing outside.

"What kind of bell does this ring?"

Lu Mingfei asked suspiciously. He found that Xuan Hao seemed to have hung up and didn't seem to continue to hit him. What must have happened.

"Just look outside and you will know." Xuanhao said and opened the dormitory door.

The hurried footsteps of students sounded in the corridor of the dormitory, the red light on the ceiling flashed, and the harsh buzzer echoed throughout the college. This was an alarm, but Lu Mingfei didn't know what was going on.

"What's going on? Fire or earthquake? I didn't feel it!" Lu Mingfei looked around, "Why are you running in such a hurry? It's like rushing to reincarnate."

"Brother Shi, you can tell whether you have studied hard at this time." Fingel suddenly came over and closed the door, because the impact of leaving the door open was not good. He likes to sleep naked. If someone sees him, he will be sued for ruining the school spirit.

"The first thing you should do when enrolling in Kassel College is read the "Emergency Manual". This is the plan that the college has prepared to deal with various emergencies and dragon invasions since its establishment. This alert means that there is an urgent emergency task. "We have to summon high-level students to the library for a combat meeting," Fingel explained. "It seems like you haven't studied hard. Look at me, even an 'F' grade student can study better than you."

At this time, Fingel's tone was so proud and arrogant when he said that he was an 'F' class, because he didn't have to go to the gathering at all!

"As an 'S'-level student, junior brother, it is your duty to go now!"

"My bloodline assessment hasn't been determined yet?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"No, no, no, junior fellow student, it is basically a certainty that you are an 'S' class," Fingel shook his head. realm!"

"..." Lu Mingfei was speechless, "Then you are great, good-for-nothing senior brother."

"Thank you for the compliment." Fingel felt proud rather than ashamed.

"Okay, change your clothes and come with me."

Xuan Hao threw Lu Mingfei's school uniform to him.

A minute later, Lu Mingfei was dragged out of the dormitory, buttoning his coat as he walked, like a little girl who had just been bullied.

A group of people rushed into the library and entered the main control room.

Only Xuan Hao and Lu Mingfei arrived late.

Xuan Hao yawned and walked slowly into the control room. He turned a blind eye to the serious looks of the people around him. This is probably the so-called emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is, right? I don’t know what these ‘soy sauces’ are all worried about? Can you still turn things around without the protagonist?

But Lu Mingfei didn't have as good a mentality as Xuan Hao, so he followed the boss in behind him nervously.

Seeing that everyone seemed to be in place, they were waiting for the two of them. It was indeed a bit like an 'S' level lineup, but everyone looked bad, which made him feel that the situation was not good.

Caesar and Chu Zihang were already in place. They led the elites of the Student Union and the Lion Heart Club to divide the entire control room into two camps, sitting on the left and right sides, and they did not interfere with each other.

This made Lu Mingfei deeply aware of the strength gap between the student 'factions'. It seemed that the elite academy was divided into two factions, and he seemed to be an orphan now. Even Xuan Hao seemed to be a member of the Lion Heart Society.

Why not consider joining them?

However, Xuan Hao didn't seem to intend to go to the Lion Heart Club camp. He sat directly in the center, not caring about other people's eyes. At this moment, it seemed that he was the center of the world.

Lu Mingfei followed him and unconsciously sat in the middle. The entire control room was roughly a circle. It is divided into three sectors.

The console occupies a large part, and there are the professors for this meeting, and there are more professors than students. It can be said to be a very strange thing, but it also shows that there are excellent students in the college. There are really not many, and the students who can come here are the best of the best.

Professor Guderian, Professor Manstein and Executive Professor von Schneider sat above the console with serious expressions.

The other two small groups are the Student Union and the Lionheart Club.

So now Lu Mingfei and Xuan Hao are facing the professors, in the center of the circle, right in the middle of everyone.

Xuan Hao didn't care, but Lu Mingfei was nervous. Is this the so-called C-position debut? So fucking exciting.

"There are 14 students, 12 'A' level, two 'S' level, and 27 professors. Everyone is here." Professor Manstein finished counting the people and said to Professor Schneider.

"The situation is urgent, start the meeting immediately."

Professor Schneider nodded, and his hoarse voice sounded in the control room. Everyone quieted down and listened carefully to what he said. They all knew that this ferocious-looking professor wearing an oxygen mask had difficulty speaking and his temper was not very good. Who would If you dare to interrupt his conversation, you will end up badly.

"Everyone, the commissioners who are currently on mission need your help. At this moment, two members of the executive department are trapped in a dragon ruins in distant China. They found important samples, but they were also trapped inside. , life may be in danger at any time. It is underwater, and their oxygen may be exhausted at any time. The ruins are like a maze. If you can't find a way out, you will never be able to get out. Even Principal Angers can't do anything there. .”

Professor Schneider's voice was low and he spoke very fast. It was impossible to imagine how his mouth with almost necrotic muscle tissue could speak so fast.

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