A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 180 173. How did he survive until now?

Chapter 180 173. How did he survive until now?

"Every girl wants a birthday gift." Nono said, "This will make her appear to be valued..."

Only in this way can you feel less lonely. Lu Mingfei seemed to understand the meaning of this girl's words, and there was some pity in his eyes. But he didn't dare to look at Nono now.

Because such a look should make this girl feel uncomfortable, right?

Apparently, he was not the only one who suffered in the past, everyone was similar.

"Will Caesar come eagerly to give you a gift tomorrow morning? Maybe he will lower his head and admit his mistake." Lu Mingfei tilted his head and said.

"Gifts should be given to the person not sooner or later, and they must be given to her while she is waiting, and they must say 'Happy Birthday.'" Nono said, "Otherwise, it would be meaningless."

Lu Mingfei was stunned. He seemed to be able to understand this feeling... It was like he had lived for eighteen years and no one had ever said "Happy Birthday" to him on his birthday, and he would never mention such a thing. , but sometimes my uncle and aunt suddenly think of it, and they will say to him, "Sorry, Mingfei, I was busy with work and forgot, happy birthday." ’ Then give him some extra pocket money.

Just like Nono said, there is no point waiting to make up for some things if you miss them, and for most things, if you miss them, you won’t even have the chance to make up for them.

Lu Mingfei thought he was miserable enough, but he didn't expect anyone to be as miserable as him.

But now he seems to be getting worse, because this person like him is now asking him for a birthday gift...

Nono took out his cell phone and placed it on the ground next to him. The screen lit up, but there was no message.

"I was born at 9:15 in the evening. Let's wait and see if anyone remembers my birthday." Nono said calmly, without any expectation in his words.

Nine fifteen? Lu Mingfei was stunned. He suddenly remembered that it was 8:15 when Lu Mingze found him before, and told him that the 'best time' would be in an hour, which meant that the time was coming soon...

The world suddenly became quiet.

Neither of them spoke anymore, just waiting for the passage of time quietly.

The only sound Lu Mingfei could hear now was probably the beating of the hands of the watch on Nono's wrist.

"Da da da……"

The pointer stayed at nine-fifteen, and Nono's eyes fell on the phone.

Nothing happened, it seemed that the whole world had forgotten her birthday, and even Caesar was too busy dealing with the intruders to send his blessings.

How miserable, Lu Mingfei thought.

He felt that he should always be pitied by others, but he never expected that one day he would actually sympathize with others.

The hands are still ticking, and time is passing second by second. When the second hand completes one circle, it will be missed.

"Alas..." Lu Mingfei sighed.

"Why are you sighing?" Nono asked, "It's not you who didn't receive a birthday gift."

"Nothing." Lu Mingfei shook his head and took his feet out of the lake.

The water on the top of the mountain at night was so cold that he couldn't stand it anymore. He had better go back quickly... and get under the covers in his dormitory.

He stood up after thinking about it, "It's just a little emotional. I've never received a birthday gift before."

At least you still have someone to celebrate your birthday. The dance tonight was prepared by Caesar for you, right? Lu Mingfei didn't ask. He felt that Nono was lucky. At least she had a boyfriend who loved her. Although her boyfriend was very busy now, it wasn't his concern.

He feels that he is also very lucky to be here, so many people are willing to help him, and he has even received gifts, although they are not birthday gifts.

"Then we have sympathy for each other?" Nuonuo smiled mockingly. Still sitting by the lake without getting up.

"It doesn't count."

Lu Mingfei walked on the lawn with his shoes.

"Because you were lucky enough to make new friends today. You said we can be considered friends!"

"Huh?" Nono turned around in surprise.

She saw a key shining brightly in the sky flying towards her.

"Is this?" Nono was a little confused, "Why did you throw the key to me?"

"This is Caesar's thing," Lu Mingfei said without looking back, "I gave it to you on his behalf. Is it considered a birthday gift?"

"You can at best return the property to its original owner..." Nuonuo found it a bit funny. What is this called? Borrow flowers to offer to Buddha? She doesn't like this kind of thing, but thinking about it, if it were Caesar, he would probably give flowers and luxury cars, right?

"Happy birthday." Lu Mingfei turned his head and said, "Isn't it too late to give you a gift?"

Nono was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the time, "It's not too late, there are still twenty seconds."

"Twenty seconds is enough." Lu Mingfei turned back and walked down the mountain again, "Look up at the sky..."

"Showmetheflowers..." He murmured softly, his voice was very low. The distance between him and Nono was getting farther and farther, and no one heard what he said.

Only a faint chuckle came from somewhere in the dark night, "Copy that."

Like a rising star, a ray of light streaked across the night sky and then exploded high in the sky.

Those are the fireworks blooming in the sky. They bloom wantonly in the dark night and illuminate the entire night sky. The entire sky is shining at this moment.

Lu Mingfei walked down the mountain with his shoes. He heard the sound of fireworks blooming, but did not look back. This was not his thing and he was not interested in it.

The flowers Lu Mingze was talking about turned out to be fireworks, which were quite romantic. Unfortunately, he didn't confess his love, but when friends are friends, they still have to give gifts.

Nono stared blankly at the sky, "Fireworks..."

She had never seen such grand fireworks, lighting up her eyes and the whole world. Her cheeks shone with faint spots of light under the light of the fireworks, and there were thin traces of tears.

When the last firework took off and bloomed on the very high zenith, the colorful fireworks spelled out the text on the dark night background: "NoNo, Happy Birthday!"

"It's so beautiful..."

After a moment of silence, Nono turned his head and looked at the figure walking down the mountain alone.

The figure from behind looked very lonely, but also seemed to be free and easy. She felt that this person was really contradictory. She began to be confused. What kind of person was Lu Mingfei? Everything is clearly written on his face, and he seems to be able to see through him at a glance, but he always does something unexpected, but...


In Cassel College, in a shadowed corner, a dark figure flashed past. He held a black shotgun in his hand. This was a murderous weapon. Even a mixed-race person would have to fall down if he was hit head-on. There was a confident smile on his lips, as if he was determined to win this mission.

He turned on his mobile phone and dialed a number. The other end of the phone immediately gave instructions, "On the 13th, your target is the Hall of Valor. Use the prepared ID card to sneak in. It can help you pass the access control. After entering, you can find the central computer room. Listen for new instructions then.”

"Hall of Heroes..." No. 13 muttered the place name silently, "Where is it?"

He, who was originally full of confidence, was immediately hit hard.

He thinks he is the best among the people who have infiltrated this academy this time. Don't ask him why he is so confident. Confidence comes from his strength. He has never failed in the tasks he takes on. It's like the goddess of luck is his wife and will always look after him. Looking at him.

But being so good has his only flaw, he is a road addict... But that doesn't matter. He believes that he can always find a way, just like when he went on missions in the tomb before, with his luck, he can always find the right one. road.

He has always had confidence in himself.

The defense of this academy is tighter than imagined, but it still cannot stop No. 13.

Because he didn't take the ordinary route at all, he carried a rope gun, which he bought at a high price from a brother who was engaged in weapons research and development in the army. With this thing, he was able to stand in this academy full of classical buildings. Able to fly over eaves and walk over walls as if walking on flat ground.

No. 13 relied on it and flew over the heads of those stupid young people who looked like they were still students. No one focused on the air.

Of course, he didn't know that someone was actually watching him from above.

In another more secret corner, the shadows were hiding tightly against the wall, not daring to move rashly.

The Hall of Valor and the Rhine Hall are twin buildings. There is a gap less than twenty centimeters wide between them. It is usually impossible to fit an adult in, so no one will patrol here.

But who would have thought that twelve people would be forced into it at this moment.

They are professionals and have received strict training, including this method of hiding themselves. They can shrink their ribs and make themselves thinner, similar to the rumored 'bone shrinking skill'. They hide in this unknown place. Go into the twenty centimeter wide gap and listen to the footsteps passing by outside.

There are searchlights flashing outside from time to time, but this is a blind spot and no one will shine the light here.

"Captain, this is different from what was planned... isn't it just an academy? Why is the security so tight?" A dark figure whispered to the slender figure at the front.

"Shut up, you ask me how I know?" the captain scolded in a low voice, "The boss said we can 'sneak in' head-on, we just need to follow the boss's plan and execute it!"

"Boss, have you played too many games of Dynasty Warriors? There are no assassins who invade head-on..." Someone complained in a low voice.

"It's bad, we seem to be missing someone?" Someone else said, "No. 13 seems to be lost..."

"Shut up, why are you making such a fuss? What if you are discovered?" The captain became impatient.

"Mai, are you playing hide and seek here?" A cold voice came from the end of the team.

At some point, a thirteenth person appeared here, but it was not number 13. She was thin and wore a mask, and her voice became extremely mean through the mask, sounding like a taunt.

Everyone except the captain couldn't help but sweat broke out on their backs. When did this person come? They didn't feel anyone approaching at all. It was like a ghost appearing out of thin air. If it was an enemy, they would have been completely wiped out.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed across the sky.

"It's the 13th!" someone whispered, "What is he doing? Isn't he coming to gather?"

The captain heard the voice and looked up at the figure parked on the roof of the library not far away. The figure didn't seem to notice anyone looking at him.

"What an idiot, what is he doing?" the captain asked in a low voice, "Who told me before that the guy from Brooklyn is a master?"

"Well... looking at the mission resume, this guy has never failed before..." someone replied in a low voice.

"Who can tell me how he succeeded in being so stupid?" The captain raised his head. Since they can easily see this guy, it means that there are probably many people who can see him.

"Why did the boss find such a showman?" the captain cursed in a low voice, "How dare you run around without knowing the road!"

She saw that this guy had circled the library several times. A normal person would be able to tell that this guy was probably lost...

On the roof of the library, this guy was posing in a very professional and handsome posture, lowering his body and crawling around like a gecko. He had been crawling on it for a long time, and he didn't seem to know the direction yet.

This guy was their missing No. 13. According to the original plan, they should have dispersed their actions after the invasion, dispersed the enemy's firepower, and then gathered at the Hall of Valor to prepare for the next move. And No. 13 didn't seem to know which building the Hall of Heroes was. He was clearly in front of him and was still wandering around above. I don’t know how he managed to remain undiscovered despite such strict security!

"It's obvious that you, the person in charge, didn't make good preparations when this happened. How did such a person pass the review?" The person at the end said coldly.

"How do I know? This is the person chosen by the boss, right?" The captain also had a headache.

She took out her phone and now in this situation she had to ask her boss for help.

"Hello? Boss? Think of a way! We are trapped now and cannot move... This place is not as easy to invade as you said. And the person you chose is not very reliable. No. 13 is lost now."

"Well, I know, it's all in my plan." A calm voice came from the other end of the phone.

"???" The captain was a little confused, "No. 13 got lost. Was that part of your plan?"

"Of course." The tone of the person on the other end of the phone sounded very relaxed and comfortable, "I have long known that the security inside must be tight, and it will be difficult to sneak in no matter how you try, so I specially arranged the 13th."

"That idiot? Please, boss, stop joking!" The captain couldn't understand the boss's thinking.

"The best way to break through the tight security is of course to create chaos." The boss said, "I deliberately didn't give him a map. According to my investigation, this guy drove out from his home to buy a burger two blocks away. He is a road idiot who can get lost, so he can only find ghosts in the Hall of Valor."

"I'm curious how he survived until now..." The captain was speechless.

"It doesn't matter." The boss said, "I have already prepared the bait for you. This little white mouse doesn't know the road, but it wants to complete the task. It will inevitably cause chaos. Then there will be an opportunity."

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