Chapter 185 178. Peaceful CS?

In the Hall of Valor, the captain led the people quietly along the edge of the window. The 11 people clung to the captain's side, almost wishing they could become pendants on her thighs.

Not far away from them, two second-year students armed with Uzi submachine guns stared at the window, ready to welcome the intruding enemies at any time.

But they didn't notice a wisp of black smoke drifting past them.

The 12 intruders in Yanling Mingzhao's domain swaggered into the Hall of Valor in front of them, and some even made faces at them.

A group of people advanced slowly in the Hall of Valor. It seemed that all the students guarding here did not notice the invasion of this group of people.

Except for the man lying on the sofa with his eyes closed and concentrating.

He was wearing a white formal suit, and his golden hair was particularly eye-catching even in the dark night. His legs were crossed on the coffee table in front of the sofa, with a dark hunting knife in his hand and two silver ones beside him. 'Desert Eagle'. The hunting knives and pistols are both specially made. Their handles are inlaid with white ivory and engraved with the sterling silver family crest.

He was so conspicuous sitting there, like a sleeping golden retriever. When the captain passed by, he wanted to reach out and rub his hand.

Did they suddenly feel that this invasion was too easy? There didn't seem to be any obstruction from the beginning to the end. At this moment, they had broken into the Hall of Valor, which Cassel College is proud of. This is a place where the glory of heroes is displayed and cannot be desecrated. However, the students guarding this group are all useless, and even There are people sleeping on the sofa!

But just as they were preparing to take the next step, Caesar suddenly opened his eyes.

He raised his head and smiled in their direction, as if greeting an honored guest.

"You're here, aren't you ready to have a drink before leaving?"

Caesar raised the red wine glass beside him and shook it.

Everyone in the shadows stopped. They stared at the man blankly, holding their breath and saying nothing. Even the captain was surprised.

Facing Caesar's gaze, no one knew whether this man was deceiving them, because they had great confidence in the captain's 'Word Spirit Mingzhao'. In the dark night, the Captain's Word Spirit was invincible, and no one could Find them.

The captain frowned. There was no doubt that the man in front of him had indeed discovered them, but how could it be possible? It is impossible for human eyes to see them under the "dark light" in the dark, even if they are hybrids.

But this man was staring in their direction and had already raised his glass to invite them to drink.

So what to do now? Should I lift my spirit and go out for a big fight, or should I pretend that nothing happened and exit?

"Good luck to you, good luck to you!..."

The piercing sound of music penetrated the ears of everyone in the Hall of Valor.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

The students reacted one after another and pointed their guns at the source of the sound. There was no one there.

The corners of Caesar's mouth twitched, and it could be seen that he wanted to laugh very much now, and it was very difficult to hold it in.

The music stopped in the dark shadow, followed by the woman's angry voice, "Oh, God, what a blessing, who changed my ringtone?"

"Hello? Who is this? You're calling me at this time. Are you looking for death?" The captain felt that she had lost all her people. How lucky was she?

Yan Ling·Ming Zhao, relieved.

12 people appeared at the same time. They were all wearing pitch-black combat uniforms, holding submachine guns, and had short knives for close combat at their waists. A group of people looked like terrorists, with only one eye exposed. Except for the cursing woman among them, this woman looked like Compared with this group of men, they look much more upright and don't even bother to cover their faces.

The students reacted immediately and aimed their guns at the group of people. The infrared rays on the guns swept their hearts or heads accurately and quickly. They did not fire immediately, for Caesar raised his hand to tell them to wait.

The group of people being targeted seemed to be fearless. Although they were surrounded by a group of people, they were all desperadoes who had experienced hundreds of battles and were never afraid.

Both sides raised their guns and pointed at each other. If the bosses on both sides hadn't told them not to move for the time being, the Hall of Valor would have turned into a battlefield by now.

Caesar gracefully gestured to the woman to finish the call first.

But the woman who answered the phone frowned deeper and deeper at this moment.

"Unfortunately, there is really no one who can kill me so far." The voice on the other end of the phone was full of sarcasm.

"Why...why did you call me?" The captain seemed to be filled with questions.

She had heard this voice before. It was the voice of the boss's ally. There were many people involved in tonight's layout, and this person was one of them, but she didn't understand why this guy called to expose her? This is selling teammates!

"I just want to add some spice to the boring life. Come on, I'm optimistic about you."

On the high turret, Xuan Hao hung up the phone and glanced back and forth between the Hall of Heroes and the church. He saw a dark figure heading towards the church. A happy smile appeared on his lips inadvertently, "In the end, I couldn't help it anymore." ?"



The phone rang with a series of busy signals.

"What the hell!" The captain threw the phone to the ground angrily.

"It seems that you are not very harmonious internally?" Caesar asked with a smile. His speech spirit was always on. He heard everything the lady in front of him said, although he also knew that it was not good to eavesdrop on other people's phone calls. , but now the situation is special and he needs to obtain favorable information.

It's just that voice on the phone... I seem to have heard it somewhere? Caesar couldn't remember for a moment.

"Oh... there is no way. We are just wage earners. The bosses above all have different ideas. The plan has been changed again and again, and it is difficult for us to handle it!" The captain shrugged, "A noble man like you shouldn't You understand how annoying Party A’s father is, right?”

"Hmm... that's right," Caesar said, "I'm usually Party A. Since your boss is so troublesome, why not work for me?"

Caesar carefully looked at the woman in front of him. He had to say that such a one-in-a-million beauty was really rare. Even from an opposing stance, he inadvertently showed admiration. Such a figure was really rare. His white silk ballerina No one can compare with her.

Caesar thought he had seen many beauties, but this was the first time he had seen one with such a stunning figure. To describe it in one sentence, it would be...all the legs below the neck?

The tight-fitting black combat uniform on the woman's body showed her proud figure to the fullest. Her tall figure was close to the height of Caesar. Not only her figure, her face was also beautiful, but it was not the softness that usually belongs to oriental beauties, but with a... He has a sharp temperament and slender eyeshadow that makes the corners of his eyes look like scarlet razors.

"You don't want me to wear white silk stockings to dance ballet, do you?" The woman sneered, "I'm not interested."

"It seems you know us very well..." Caesar scratched his head, "This is a bit unfair. At least let me know your name, right?"

"It doesn't matter, Mai Shutoku, there's nothing to hide." The woman shrugged, as if her identity was not something worth keeping secret.

"It seems that you are very confident. You neither cover up nor hide your identity. It seems that you don't take Cassel College seriously?" Caesar said with a chuckle. Well, he doesn't take it seriously either. .

"You're just a desperado, who cares what college you are in?" Mai Shutoku sneered, "Are you going to start a fight? If you don't fight, will I leave?"

"I'm sorry, it's my mission to stay here. Since you are an intruder, I can't let you go." Caesar said with a smile, "Otherwise, you will be compared to others."

"How do you want to start?" Mai Shutoku asked.

"Wait until I finish this drink?" Caesar said, "I guess you won't mind?"

"Of course..." Mai Shutoku's eyes narrowed, and her whole figure became sharper like a sharp blade ready to be unsheathed at any time.

Caesar drank the red wine in one gulp and threw the glass into the air.

Taking advantage of the time when the cup fell to the ground, he slowly raised the 'Desert Eagle' with his right hand.

A cracking sound sounded.

Gunshots from both sides rang out at the same time, and the scene became chaotic.

Mai Shutoku took out the pistol from her waist and aimed it at Caesar's head. Everyone knew that to capture the thief first, capture the king. Well, she was the thief, but it didn't matter, it was all the same.

But she was suddenly stunned. Caesar disappeared. The moment the cup fell to the ground, Caesar was no longer where he was.

It seemed that Caesar was a caring gentleman and did not plan to attack the lady first. He planned to deal with the unnecessary people first when the fight started.

Kaiser captured twelve heartbeats of the words spirit Kaname Itachi, and he knew everyone's location very well.

In an instant, he jumped to a high place, but he was not afraid of being targeted on the spot, because he had already fired the gun the moment he took off. When he completed the jump, the target had fallen.

"one two three……"

Caesar murmured to himself. He was counting. The number of times he fired was also the number of times the enemy fell.

Kamaitachi guides every bullet to where it should go, and his bullets will never miss.

"Damn it!" Mai Shutoku cursed secretly. If Caesar didn't fight her now, his body skills would make her unable to aim, which forced her to point her gun at the other minions.

As a result, a very tacit understanding was created. The bosses on both sides cleared their lines of troops in unison, as if they were developing peacefully.

It was so peaceful.

Little guy: Thank you so much!

Blood-red mist splashed in the air, like countless blooming roses, and the 'little soldiers' led by the main force on both sides fell one after another.

All the lights in the Hall of Valor suddenly went out.

The gunfire suddenly stopped, and neither side continued to fire because the excess men had been cleared.

"It seems that you don't intend to make things big. Are you using Frigga bullets?" Caesar heard the heartbeat on the ground, steady and even. The people on both sides were just unconscious, and there were no casualties.

"We are just here to steal things, not to kill people or set fires." Mai Shutoku said nonchalantly.


"The remains of Dragon King Norton."

"Then I think you have no chance." Caesar's voice sounded in the darkness, "The lights will turn on in three minutes. Do you think you can stand by then?"

"Actually, I'm curious, why do you think turning off the lights would be beneficial to you?" Mai Shutoku smiled.

"I don't know your abilities, but if I guess correctly, you probably can't see with the naked eye," Caesar said. "Unfortunately, I don't need to use my eyes."

"No wonder you found us, I probably understand," Mai Shutoku said, "Your word spirit is the 'Kamaitachi', which is really useful in the dark."

Yanling·Kamaitachi, serial number

Effect: The name comes from the wind demon in Japanese mythology. It can enhance hearing and function like radar. Kamamaitachi has a large field and can bring back amplified and precise sounds to the user, and can use it to determine the sound source within a certain range. the orientation.

The shadow in the dark is fatal to opponents who rely on vision, but unfortunately, Caesar's Kamitachi just restrained her shadow. It doesn't matter even if it can't be seen. Kamitachi will become Caesar's eyes and help him. Take control of the entire battlefield.

"But you may have misunderstood. Since it has been exposed, I am not the one who is really going to steal things." Mai Shutoku said, "My purpose now is just to delay time here."

"I know," Caesar said. "According to the surveillance, there are more than 12 intruders. Can you tell me where the others are?"

"One went to church, and the other must have gotten lost." Mai Shutoku's voice revealed helplessness.

"Thank you for your cooperation, madam, I will be gentler next time." Caesar said lightly.

"You are indeed a gentleman, but you will suffer losses if you are careless, brother." Mai Shutoku teased.

Caesar did not reply. Although his expression could not be seen clearly in the darkness, it seemed that he was a little angry at being called brother.

"Let's get started." Mai Shutoku said coldly.

The next moment, Caesar activated the word spirit Kamaita to the extreme, and opened the realm. He controlled the Kamaita to lock onto the heartbeat of the woman in front of him. Unless she could stop her heartbeat, she would not be able to escape his ears.

Caesar was wary of the other party's possible attack at any time, but the other party didn't seem to be in a hurry. Just like she said, she was just trying to delay time.

It seemed that as long as Caesar didn't take action, she would never be in a hurry.

But Caesar seems to be in no hurry either. He is very confident in the defense of the college. His task is just to guard this place. Chu Zihang is in the church. To be honest, even he is not sure that Chu Zihang can deal with him now. So he is not panic at all now, and even wants to observe a moment of silence for the woman in front of him who is going to the church.

But it seems that there is no way to continue like this. If neither of them takes action, it will be endless, which is not in line with his style.

As a gentleman, he should generally follow the rule of giving priority to women, but sometimes men still need to take the initiative.

Two gunshots were fired, and fire burst from the muzzle of the Desert Eagle.

"Bang! Bang!"

There was a knock on the door at the church.

No one responded inside.

The man gently pushed the door open and then closed it again.

The church was empty, only the sound of footsteps echoed in the church.

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