A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 195 188. Go back to where you came from

Chapter 195 188. Where did you come from, go back to where you came from

The Three Gorges Reservoir on the Yangtze River was known as Kuimen in ancient times.

On a drizzly night, the rainwater flowed finely on the ground, like a thin layer of gauze, but at this moment it was mixed with a shocking red color. Even the moon reflected in the sky was dyed red by this red.

The lone black figure staggered towards the shore of the small island in the center of the river. His body was covered with scars, and blood flowed down from the wounds, followed by the rain, and finally merged into the river.

The black shadow did not scream in pain or show a painful expression because of the injury. He just looked at the river silently, and the raindrops fell on the water, causing fine ripples and ticking sounds.

It reminds people of many years ago, when this small island in the middle of the river was still a mountain, he was standing here, looking at the distance like the 'Kuimen' opened by miraculous craftsmanship, but his brother was still by his side at that time.

The black shadow stretched out his hand toward the water, and the ancient spirit chanted in his mouth. The blood flowing into the river in his body seemed to resonate and began to boil.

The entire river surface seemed to be ignited and began to boil. Countless bubbles began to rise from the bottom of the water. The raindrops in the sky turned into wisps of white smoke before they hit the water. The entire river surface was suddenly filled with thick smoke.

Ships waiting to pass through the lock on the river can only be temporarily anchored. When visibility suddenly decreases, the ships cannot sail for safety reasons.

In the center of the river invisible to humans on the boat, lava-like light flows around the small island in the center of the river, which seems to have become a volcanic crater.

The boiling of the river became more intense, and hot white mist rose into the sky. There was thunder in the rain, but no lightning was seen, because this was not a real thunder, but the sound of a giant thing jumping out of the water and exploding.

The river surface was torn apart by huge force, and dozens of tons of scalding water surged into the sky, and then fell with the rain.

People on the moored boats only felt that the rain seemed to be getting heavier, accompanied by lightning and thunder, but they could not see the center of the river shrouded in mist in the distance.

The dark, majestic figure bathed in the boiling precipitation. The rain fell, but it dispersed around this huge figure. They quickly evaporated into the mist, making the surrounding fog thicker, but they did not dare to approach this terrifying figure. The figure is a creature that cannot be described in words.

It broke out of the water from the bottom of the river, raised its head to the sky and let out a thunderous roar. The voice sounded a little sad, like it was laughing or crying.

It slowly lowered its head and brought it close to the black shadow at the water's edge, its eyes full of nostalgia and awe.

The figure looked at the behemoth in front of him. Its body was covered with black scales. These scales should have been indestructible, but at this moment they were full of scars. A ferocious crack on it extended from the heart to the spine. If the wound was not deep enough, Perhaps enough to cut off its entire spine.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have imagined that such a majestic creature would be injured like this. It was originally a terrifying existence in various myths. Its power is out of reach for humans, and even in certain In some legends, they are equal to gods! It is a proud dragon, but at this moment, its edge seems to have been shaved off.

After staring for a long time, the black shadow stretched out his hand towards the giant dragon and stroked its face with the ancient bronze mask. From its not-so-bright golden eyes, he saw grievances.

He reached out and stroked its face gently, as if to comfort it.

"Samson, it's been two thousand years...I'm back," the shadow said softly, "But, who hurt you like this?"

The giant dragon let out a low roar, "My king...who can let you be injured?"


The black shadow reached out and grabbed the iron ring on the dragon's mask, as if he had grasped strength and dignity again!

"I am willing to dedicate this broken body to my king, and fight with him to bring peace to the world!"

The giant dragon raised its head and roared angrily at the sky. The black shadow stood on the dragon's head with an expressionless face, but anger was flowing in his golden eyes.

A shrill roar sounded on the river, and the dragon's long tail slapped the water. A gap opened in the water again. The dragon's head drew a perfect arc in the night sky. With a black shadow, it got into the gap and headed towards Swim to the city deep under the water below.

The water surface returned to calm after a while, leaving only circles of huge ripples, indicating that a huge creature once existed here.

"What is this sound?" The people on the ship began to panic. They had never heard such a roar before. It sounded frightening and trembling. It was the pressure from the soul. "Let's get out of here quickly..."

There was a thick fog in front of him, as if a man-eating monster would emerge from it at any time, and the voice coming out of it was full of sadness, as if it was heartbreaking. People began to panic, and no one wanted to stay here for a long time.

The gates of the Three Gorges Reservoir are temporarily closed.

The sound of helicopter propellers sounded in the sky, and the alternating red and blue lights in the distance tore through the thick fog. Patrol ships on the waterway surrounded the entire reservoir, and silhouettes of people ran down from armored vehicles on the road. They surrounded Around the reservoir, they wore uniforms and uniforms, set up a cordon throughout the reservoir, and evacuated all the crowds within a short period of time.

They were all well-trained and performed the tasks at hand with expressionless faces. They evacuated the crowd, raised the alarm, and then stood ready, like a group of warriors who were ready to die, staring at the river, holding guns in their hands, and never retreating.

Perhaps it was because of the badges on their uniforms or the firearms they held in their hands that no tourists had any objections to their behavior. Maybe some people would guess whether there was someone smuggling here or something like that, but looking at these No one dared to go up to the soldiers who were waiting for him to ask.

In a short period of time, the entire Three Gorges Reservoir area was sealed off. Except for certain people, not even a fly could fly in. No one has carefully observed that in addition to wearing armed police badges, these police officers also have another mark printed on them, which is a surrounding dragon. It is not a Western 'lizard', but a real Chinese dragon.

"Report! The area is sealed off, please give instructions!"

On the ship, a middle-aged man in military uniform reported to the intercom. He was the on-site commander of this operation, but the tasks he received were only to seal off the area and evacuate the crowd. He was well aware of the importance of this task and did not get the command from above. No one here can act rashly.

"Thank you, nothing happens. Just stay where you are," a somewhat lazy female voice came from the other end of the intercom, "Guard every place. Except for the personnel who have ordered you before, the rest of the people who are close to you will be guarded." Warned 3 times, if the warning is invalid, he will be executed on the spot.”


The middle-aged man answered with a rich and powerful voice.

He adjusted the communication channel and issued instructions to everyone.


They are not ordinary police officers, but "dead soldiers" watching over this country. Faced with everything that threatens this country, no matter who or what the other party is, they will not take a step back. They are all the people who have ever been. The descendants of the soldiers who did not return from the expedition, this is the will passed down by their ancestors for hundreds of years.

Today is the first time it is so serious. Everyone knows that maybe something big is going to happen, but they are not worried about failure, because they just need to follow the order, because as long as that person is there, it is impossible will fail.


Far away in the control room of the airport, Coke cans and potato chip packages were placed everywhere. Su Enxi hung up the communication and stretched. At this moment, she was only wearing a loose shirt. The entire airport control room seemed to have become her. dormitory, although she has only been here for less than a day...

She sat on the bed wrapped in quilt, listening to the surveillance screen boredly. Yes, she moved the bed to the airport control room.

Today the entire airport announced a temporary suspension of operations.

In order to ‘welcome’ ‘guests’ who come from afar.

On the surveillance screen, the entire airport was deserted.

All visitors and service staff were evacuated.

There was only a red cordon set up by armed police officers a hundred meters outside the airport.

At the gap in the cordon, a black Hongqi car was parked. If Lu Mingfei were here, he would have discovered that this was the same car that came to pick him up at the cinema before.

Armed policemen guarded the entire airport with guns. The only gap was the red flag car. The door of the car was open. The red carpet in front of the door was spread all the way to the airport entrance, as if they were waiting to welcome some important person.

Passers-by could only watch from a distance, wondering if the prime minister of any country was visiting China and needed such a serious welcome to ensure his safety?

"Why haven't you come yet..." Su Enxi looked impatiently at the surveillance of the airport's landing track, "I've been waiting here early in the morning. Can these guys be more punctual?"

The roar of 'Sleipnir' filled the sky.

This is the private plane of President Angers. This modified Gulfstream is currently flying towards the Chinese airport carrying the elite commissioners of Kassel College participating in the 'Bronze Project'.

They did not receive a "closure notice" about the airport because it was a temporary decision and no one was notified. Only the people around them knew that the airport was suspending services today.

Therefore, Kassel College still thinks that the airport is operating normally, because the pilot has contacted the airport command and obtained permission to land. How can the aircraft flying in the sky think that the airport that allows normal landing is now closed?

The Gulfstream settled smoothly into the airport tracks.

"finally reached……"

Lu Mingfei stretched out. After flying for several hours, he felt a little sore in his back. Although this was a luxury private jet, it was a pity that he was a boy. There were quite a few female commissioners participating in the mission this time. , Zero, Shutoku Aki, Nono, and Susie were all there. He couldn't compete with the girls for a comfortable position, so he had to huddle on the sofa next to him for a few hours.

It's too soft. He is a "cheap" person. He is used to sleeping on hard beds and lying on hard sofas, and is not used to such soft and high-end products.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Lu Mingfei followed the large group off the plane and found that they all stopped walking, not knowing what was going on.

"Something is wrong." Caesar frowned, "It's too quiet."

Yes, the airport is too quiet at the moment. This is an airport! How could it be possible that there wasn't even a plane taking off? No, this is not the most extreme thing. Caesar started the speech detection and found that there was no sound or anyone around him. The entire airport seemed to be still. He even suspected that they had landed in the wrong place.

"There's no one there...isn't this normal?"

"Yeah." Professor Manstein nodded. He was the teacher leading this mission. "This is an international airport. There can't be no people here. We haven't received a notice of airport suspension. Moreover, since we can respond to our landing application, , which proves that someone is commanding here."

"But where are the people?" someone asked,

As if in response to his question, the airport's PA suddenly sounded a harsh noise.

"Hey Hey hey?"

After the sharp noise, a lazy female voice came from the radio.

"Dear guests, I'm sorry, there was something wrong with the broadcast. It took me a long time to adjust it before I could speak."

Although the female voice was apologizing, no one could hear the slightest apology in her tone.

"This...isn't it an airport announcement?" Lu Mingfei was confused. He remembered that when he took a plane before, the airport announcement was not like this. This boy is not so unprofessional... Shouldn't he be bilingual in Chinese and English and use polite words?

What's going on at the airport today? Is it possible that he could still be hijacked? Who is so brave?

“First of all, it’s my honor to welcome you all to visit China.”

As if Lu Mingfei's internal complaints had an effect, the female voice said politely.

But the next sentence caught him by surprise.

"Then I hope you can go back and forth from wherever you are."

The female voice became cold and commanding, leaving no room for questioning.

"What the hell!" Lu Mingfei looked confused.

Not only Lu Mingfei, but everyone in Cassel College looked confused.

What kind of logic is this? The first sentence is still welcoming, and the next sentence is directly expelling guests.

Don’t they all say welcome to China?

"If you are coming to China just for fun, then we are very welcome," the female voice continued indifferently, "but I don't think the equipment you are bringing is for tourism."

Lu Mingfei was stunned. One thing he said was true. They all carried alchemy equipment from the equipment department, as well as a metal box with the World Tree emblem carried by the specialist door at the back. None of the things inside could pass the security inspection. dangerous goods, otherwise I wouldn’t fly on a private plane.

Logically speaking, Principal Angers should come to the airport to pick them up, but now something unexpected seems to have happened.

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