A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 200 193. Xuan Hao: It’s so hard to pick up girls

Chapter 200 193. Xuan Hao: It’s so hard to pick up girls

The dark green river was filled with blood, but it did not spread with the current.

Complex patterns slowly emerged on the giant bronze door, which were ancient dragon inscriptions. An inexplicable sound of chanting sounded in the silent deep water. The bronze human face moved, and it opened its fangs again. mouth, a pair of bronze eyes lit up with a golden glimmer, revealing greed and bloodthirsty.

A vortex formed in front of its mouth, swallowing up the blood that filled the river. The bloody vortex spread on the door, and the blood dyed the alchemy matrix red along the lines.

The giant bronze door began to tremble, and Xuan Hao heard the heavy sound of gears turning, with some frustration, like the sound of a war drum. The giant door slowly opened, and water began to pour in along the gap.

The entire giant door is like an all-devouring abyss, and its powerful attraction will swallow up everything outside.

Xuan Hao stood motionless at the door. He looked at the opened giant bronze door and then looked inside. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything. If he had known better, he would have brought a searchlight.


He sighed and walked slowly into the Bronze City, as if he was going to a friend's house, unhurriedly.

When he walked into the door, the bronze door seemed to have a sensor, the sound of mechanical gears sounded again, and the door slowly closed.

Xuan Hao glanced back, looking at the gap that was gradually closing, feeling the darker light around him, without any fluctuation in his heart. He just wanted to ask why such a big house was not equipped with light bulbs.

Just as he was complaining, the bronze sculptures on both sides lit up. They were two rows of ferocious-looking sculptures. Lights were lit in their eyes, illuminating the road in front of Xuan Hao, a long staircase. He knew where it was going, but it didn't matter. There was no place in this world that he didn't dare to go.

Follow the stairs all the way up to a height where water cannot reach. Logically speaking, this city is under water. No matter how high it is, there is no place where river water cannot reach. However, there is no water here, and there are even oxygen. The only explanation is that this is the Nibelung of the Dragon King. The return of the king activated the Nibelung roots in this city, returning it to what it was a thousand years ago.

There are lights burning high up, there are bronzes in all directions, and the stairs are still going up, as if there is no end.

Xuanhao took a breath of the air here, which was full of the unpleasant smell of copper, and frowned. In his impression, the Bronze City was originally a maze, but now the city seems to have changed. It has put down all pretense and turned the avenue into a maze. Place it in front of guests. It's like telling the people who break into this place that the king has returned and there is no need to hide it.

But this is clearly the Dragon King's palace, but there is no glorious palace at the end of the stairs, but an ordinary-looking room. Except that the material is made of bronze, it is no different from the ancient houses, and it even looks a bit simple.

Xuanhao pushed open the door of the room, the light dispelled the darkness, and everything in this small house came into view.

Illuminating the darkness is a small oil lamp, made of the same bronze material. It is shaped like a palace maid kneeling on the table, holding the lamp in one hand, and the sleeve of the other hand is gathered above the lampshade.

"It seems like this is indeed the Dragon King's palace."

Xuanhao looked at the palace lantern in front of him and muttered to himself.

It's just that this palace lantern should have been extinguished a thousand years ago, but it is still on now. Someone has returned.

There was a piece of yellowish rough paper on the desk, and the writing on it was clearly visible. Unfortunately, the paper was wetted by a few tears. The places where the teardrops fell turned into dust and scattered, and no one could see what was written on it.

Xuan Hao seemed to be able to see that not long ago, there were people sitting here crying, recalling their past, and then burst into tears.

He walked around the room, observing everything here carefully.

He reached out and touched the two robes hanging on the wall. The pieces of silk instantly turned into dust. Thousands of years have passed, and everything has turned into dust.

Thousands of years ago, two people lived here. They were brothers. They lived a peaceful life here. One was writing at the desk, and the other was pouring water for him and watching him.

In spring, the sun is very bright, and they will go out and stand by the river to watch the river view. In winter, they will huddle in the house, light a fire, and sit around to keep warm... The elder brother likes the younger brother very much, and the younger brother relies on the older brother very much. They will not be lonely together. .

"Humans and dragons are just children of the world from the beginning." Xuan Hao whispered, "It's a pity that this world has never been fair."

He pushed open the window facing the back of the room, which was now covered with white silk threads.

This is the dragon's cocoon. These threads spread from the window toward the backyard, broke through the courtyard wall, and then began to fall, falling into the endless abyss. He left all the good things in the light, and then chose to fall into the abyss of darkness.

That man was very strong, and it was impossible for Constantine to beat him. Constantine was already dead, and died in the hands of humans. In front of this human being, he didn't even have the ability to take back his bones.

The younger brother was killed.

The younger brother who had been with him for endless years died.

How many years have they been together? He couldn't remember clearly. He only remembered that he had promised his brother that they would cross the ice field together, raise the battle flag again, and return to his hometown.

This is their fate, the so-called fate of abandoning the clan.

Death is not terrible, it is just a long sleep. Before they can devour the world, instead of traveling a long distance, it is better to sleep peacefully. They will wake up eventually, no matter how many times, until they meet again.

But now we can never see him again. Constantine didn't have time to form a cocoon and he really died.

My brother has been sleeping forever and will never wake up again. That stupid kid thought he would devour him until he died!

Norton's eyes were full of anger, it was humans who caused all this!

He wants revenge, but he doesn't have enough power.

And the loyal servants who had followed him knelt in front of him. Samson, the servant who had followed him on the battlefield, looked at his king. It could feel the anger in the king's eyes, and it was also angry.

Samson's huge body knelt on the ground, covered with scars, and the deepest crack spread from the heart to the back. These were all caused by humans. The blood on his body kept flowing unstoppably, and life gradually drained away from him. Just about to die.

"King, please allow me to lend you a final helping hand." Samson's eyes were filled with determination.

Norton stroked its head, "Then let's destroy this world together and then go to hell..."

"My lord, I am willing to die with my king."

Norton was speechless as the flames ignited on his body. The hot body melted the bronze mask on Samson's face and melted directly into his head, becoming one with it.

He has no time to wait anymore. Normally, it takes hundreds or thousands of years to form a cocoon. This place has been discovered by humans. If he wants revenge, he can only regain his power by relying on this method. This is the fastest recasting. Dragon body method. He only needed to make cocoons to repair Samson's bruised body, which was much faster than making cocoons himself.

After the repair is completed, he can control Samson's dragon body to fight!

Deep in the abyss, on a huge throne, a huge cocoon is forming at the moment. Countless white threads fall from high places and gather on the throne to form this constantly trembling cocoon. It beats like a heart.

In the silent abyss, one can hear its heartbeat as heavy as a war drum, strong and powerful.

The sound of the war drums was slightly sad, vaguely mixed with a low voice.


This is the sound coming from the cocoon, it is the elder brother calling his younger brother's name.

In the cocoon entangled with countless thin threads, there is a man growing on the dragon's head. He has his eyes closed tightly, his face is ferocious, but he cannot stop the tears from falling.

When he opened his eyes, there was only anger in them.

He woke up too late, and when he woke up, Constantine was no longer visible.

He still remembers the fire falling in the sky. It was Constantine's flame, falling like a meteor and finally extinguished.

The fire burned the cocoon, and he stared at the heights, where he and his brother once lived, but his brother would never be seen again.

At this moment, the king on the throne has awakened.

Norton opened his dazzling dragon eyes in the darkness, and the flames burned away the cocoon surrounding the dragon's body.


A huge roar echoed in the Bronze City, signaling the king's return.

He was always staring at the heights, where was the place where he left his last memories, but at this moment, the human beings he hated stood there!

He knew very well the identity of the person who came, whether he was one of the culprits who killed his brother, or the man who took away his brother's bones.

What is this man doing here? Needless to say, they must want to kill him, humans are all enemies!

Huge wings spread out behind the dragon's body, with a faint glow of fire flowing on them. He wanted to drive this human out. How could there be a human standing where he and his brother once lived?

Xuan Hao sat silently in the courtyard of the hut, with his spear flat on his lap, listening to the roar of the dragon coming from the depths, with no emotion on his face.

He knew that the master here had really woken up. He didn't have to do anything but wait quietly. The master would come to welcome the guests.

The entire Bronze City began to tremble, and as its master woke up, it started to move again.

Xuan Hao was surprised to find that his head was empty. Golden dragon characters appeared on the bronze barriers. The roar of the dragon continued. The ancient spirit of words awakened the entire city. The bronze walls slowly opened to form a huge Hollow, light shines down from above, like a road to the sky.

A powerful wind rose from the abyss in front of him. The wind was blazing and the air temperature became scorching.

Immediately afterwards, a huge body rose from the abyss. It vibrated its wings, filled the sky with fire, and looked down at the humans in the courtyard.


The heartbeat like a war drum resounded throughout the silent space, and the light shone on the dragon's body, as if the god had descended, and the war drums were the heavenly soldiers beating to welcome him.

But this 'god' didn't bring his heavenly soldiers, he was the only one here.

At this moment, the fire light illuminated the entire space like day. It was the red lotus karma fire brought back by the king who returned from the abyss, burning everything in the world.

The overwhelming flames brought endless heat. The giant dragon flapped its wings and slapped the scorching air on Xuan Hao's face. The scorching heat even made him squint his eyes slightly.

The majesty of the sky is pressing down from the sky. This is a real king. Ordinary people can only kneel down.

The flaming king in the sky stretched out his huge dragon body. He not only repaired Samson's dragon body, but also strengthened it. The dragon body at this moment was bigger than what Xuan Hao had seen before, more than five feet from beginning to end. Ten meters, it is not covered with dense scales, but armor made of bronze!

Thousands of years have passed, and the king personally went to war and once again put on his armor. This armor was indestructible! The authority of bronze and fire is vividly displayed on his dragon body at this moment.

The man on the dragon's head has now merged with the dragon's head. He is also covered in cyan armor. He carries a pitch-black box on his back. Seven sharp blades are inserted into the box. They are the power to judge sins that he forged with his own hands - —The Seven Deadly Sins.








The seven deadly sins and seven swords can be used together to activate the most powerful alchemical realm - crime and punishment.

Its initials are a medieval Latin word 'saligia', meaning 'seven deadly sins'.

The ancient Hebrew text translated into Chinese characters on the Bronze Purgatory Seven Deadly Sins Sword Box is "The blood of all kings must end with the sword." It means that judgment will come.

Alchemical field - crime and punishment: insert lust and gluttony into the kneecap (you will repay the transgression with pain), cut off the dragon scales on the head with greed, penetrate the eyes with laziness and cut the bridge of the nose (you will repay the arrogance with eyes), With arrogance and jealousy, he cut off the root bone of Dragon Wing. The arrogance penetrated the bone spurs and nailed him to the ground. Jealousy penetrated the back of the Dragon King's head, leaving only the hilt outside (you must repay your betrayal with blood). The sword of the sword broke into the dragon's head. The back and the horse-cutting sword penetrated the dragon's back, reaching out towards the dragon and speaking the holy words of final judgment: "On the day I return to the world, all the rebels shall die!"

It is rumored that this is a weapon forged by the King of Bronze and Fire to judge his seven brothers, but it has never been used. The greater effect is actually 'deterrence', but I didn't expect that the Dragon King picked up this set of swords for the first time, but... It is used on humans.

The sound of swords fighting was accompanied by the dragon's roar. This set of sin-condemning sharp blades seemed to sense the master's emotions and was also eager to try. They trembled in the sword box, as if there were hearts beating in the sword box, not just one, but seven. , the seven swords are beating first, eager for the master to pull it out, seven different sounds are mixed together, like singing a war song, wanting to kill the prey in front of them.

In the flames, the surface of the sword box became hot, and dark red patterns lit up, like its blood, and its beating heart was sending its violent blood to Norton's body.

"Ah this..."

Xuan Hao looked at the alchemy gun in his hand, and then at the 'Seven Deadly Sins' in Norton's hand. It's unfair. Xia Mi wanted him to be merciful, so he didn't bring Kungunir, but the other side did. You want to hack him to death with a "sacred weapon", what does it mean to use your life to pick up girls? It's so hard.

Thanks to: Niu Lanshan, modest and honest person, quabr for the reward

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