Chapter 206 199. The strength is acceptable

yes! Who the hell said that humans and dragons would never die? Kassel Academy? Lu Mingfei clearly remembered that he was an ordinary high school student before coming to the academy. Things like slaying dragons had nothing to do with him, right?

Even after entering Kassel College, he only thought about paddling. When did he start to think that there is no end to death between man and dragon? It seems that the environment a person is in can really affect people's judgment.

Of course he understands the principle that those who are not members of our own race must be united in their differences. Let alone aliens, even if they are the same human beings, there are very few people who can understand each other. Otherwise, why would there be so many wars in this world.

The immortality between humans and dragons is nothing more than the same principle.

But in the man in front of him, Lu Mingfei seemed to see a different path.

What is this man's purpose? He is not afraid of dragons. It seems that there is no difference between humans and dragons in his eyes. Whether they die or not has little to do with him, and there is no such thing as saying that they will never stop fighting. If someone really wants to fight Xuan Hao to death, Lu Mingfei thinks... Xuan Hao will definitely not be the one who dies.

Then the situation of never ending will not exist from the beginning. This is the effect of absolute power.

How did the war end and how did the world become peaceful? For such a simple question, Lu Mingfei finally understood deeply that the simplest answer was the deterrence of force. Let the other party not dare to fight, and fight until the other party admits defeat, and the world will naturally become peaceful.

Just like the country he is in now can be so peaceful, not because humans can finally understand each other, but because his country has strong military support.

Come to think of it, it’s really a ‘nuclear peace’!

The man and the dragon in front of him were enjoying the fight, their fists were touching their flesh and their claws were bleeding.

"Dong dong dong——"

Norton's beating dragon heart was like a war drum, and the violent sound echoed throughout the world. At this moment, the river bank had become a battlefield for ancient gods and demons.

The heartbeat was getting faster and faster, like lightning and thunder. Norton felt that the load on the dragon body was increasing. He forced the dragon body to use all his strength, which had already exceeded the body's original strength.

But he still couldn't keep up, couldn't keep up with the fist of the man in front of him.

If it weren't for his rich combat experience, there would be no room for him to fight back at this moment. Such a high-intensity battle has brought Samson's dragon body to the limit.

And the fighting method of the man in front of me is completely inhuman! No, it should be said that even the Dragon Clan would not fight in this way. This is completely a way of giving up defense and risking one's life, just's like he won't die at all!

Norton raised his sharp claws and stabbed at Xuan Hao, but Xuan Hao's speed was even faster on the ground! If he was willing to dodge, Norton wouldn't even be able to touch the corner of his clothes, but this man seemed to be getting more and more excited at the moment, and the smile on his face became more and more crazy, and he didn't even bother to dodge such an attack.

He just turned sideways and let Norton's sharp claws scratch his flesh, splattering blood.

In Norton's sight, it was as if the man was approaching himself.


He couldn't understand this kind of fighting method. He could obviously avoid it, but he willingly let himself get hurt. Does it mean that if you can't feel the pain, you don't have a sense of agency? Are you really playing a game?

His sharp claws left deep blood marks on the man's body, and blood flew everywhere, but the man became braver and braver as he fought.

Xuan Hao tilted his head slightly again, and the claws left scars on his cheeks. The claws scratched his face and brought out splashing blood lines. The pain and blood stimulated his nerves and made him extremely excited. He stretched out his tongue to lick He licked the splattered blood with a slightly ferocious smile on his face.

How long has it been since he experienced the feeling of fighting like this? Although the opponent in front of him is not strong enough yet, he can gradually feel the excitement when he deliberately increases the difficulty for himself. This kind of game is really wonderful!

If he didn't kill before because of Xia Mi's request, then now, he feels that such an interesting guy should really stay, even if he is just a sandbag.

Unable to wait for Lu Mingfei to be shocked, he saw the muscles in Xuan Hao's arms bulged, and the bloody mist erupted, coming! This guy can be even stronger!

Isn't he afraid of beating the opponent to death with one punch? Lu Mingfei felt bitter, hell, he would try his best to cause trouble for him and let him breast him. It would be difficult, right? If you fight like this, two more breasts won’t be able to withstand it!

Through the battle in front of him, Lu Mingfei understood one thing deeply. The man in front of him was invincible!

He just heard this conversation between a man and a dragon. What does "no one has been able to match him in a hundred years" mean? Is this human talk?

Now Lu Ming has to believe even if he doesn't believe it. This man did not lie to him. Maybe his great-grandfather was beaten to death by him, but it shouldn't be a big problem. Anyway, he doesn't know who his great-grandfather is. It's so filial piety. .

And in his opinion, Xuan Hao was not a bad person. At least the battle in front of him made him understand that he was a real warrior who enjoyed fighting. Presumably, his great-grandfather would fight with him, and either die gloriously as his opponent, or seek death himself.

But it has nothing to do with Lu Mingfei. From today on, this is his big brother. If he hugs this thigh, he still can't walk sideways?

Norton suppressed the horror in his heart. As a Dragon King, his recovery ability is very strong, but it has almost reached its limit. Moreover, there is still an inexplicable power in his body to forcibly repair his body, but the repair speed is far slower than the damage suffered!

The man in front of him is getting stronger as he fights. It seems that every time he is injured, he will become stronger. Moreover, the rhythm of his attacks is so hearty that he can't stop. Each punch is more ridiculous than the last. If he continues like this, he will soon be unable to hold on. .

No, we must disrupt his rhythm and fight back! Norton danced his dragon body and swung his sharp claws like blades towards Xuan Hao.

Norton has already thought about how to deal with this man. He wants to flap this man directly into the air. He does not believe that this man can move freely in the air without wings, so the rhythm will be disrupted.

He could rely on his size advantage to take the lead in attacking when the man fell. His size determined the attack range. With his huge dragon body, even if he didn't jump and just stood on the ground, he could hit targets suspended in the air.

But the next moment, Norton felt ridiculous. This was unscientific!

The human in front of him received his claw attack head-on, and stood motionless on the spot, as steady as Mount Tai. His power, which could send a mountain flying, could not shake this human at all!

"The strength is acceptable." Xuan Hao's mouth curved with pleasure.

Norton was suspicious of Long Sheng after hearing this. Why did I strike with almost all my strength, and I actually got a comment of 'fairly powerful'? What kind of monster is this! Even the four great monarchs who are the same as him are unable to receive a blow from the opponent head-on without any defense and remain unscathed. Although his current state is incomplete, the man in front of him is clearly just a human body!


There was a cracking sound.

Norton couldn't tell whether it was the armor on his dragon arms shattering or the sound of the man's bones breaking.

He just stared in horror at the man in front of him who blocked his claw attack with his arm, and for a moment he forgot his next move. It seems that there is no next step. All his plans have been ruined. It should be said that they have been impossible to realize from the beginning! This man cannot be defeated with normal thinking!

Even this ancient flame king has never seen a human being like this in his long years.

Xuan Hao used his arm to forcefully block the dragon claw.

What he said was indeed a compliment.

Because under the powerful power of the giant dragon in front of him, the bones of his arms were shattered, and what was broken was only the armor covering the body surface.

If it had been anyone else, his arm would have been destroyed by this blow, and his combat effectiveness would have been greatly reduced after losing his arm. Unfortunately, the person Norton met was him.

The sharp claws cut through the skin of the arm to the bones, but failed to completely cut off the bones. They only left deep cracks on them, and these cracks were healing at an alarming speed.

Blood overflowed from the wound and dyed the claws stuck in the wound red. Norton was surprised by the crazy fighting style of the man in front of him. The opponent seemed not to have considered the consequences of being unable to block the blow, so he just blocked it forcefully. Didn't he think that if he couldn't block his arm, he would be cut off directly?

Just when Norton was about to retract his arm, he was surprised to find that his dragon claw was grabbed by Xuan Hao. The powerful force made him unable to move, as if an ancient giant had strangled his wrist. But this guy was not a giant at all. More like an ant that can lift an elephant.

Xuan Hao's arm recovered in an instant, and he held Norton's paw, his smile even wider.

Running up the arm, clenching his fist, the muscles of his right arm expanded. The sandbag-sized fist broke through the wind barrier and left a cone-shaped cyclone in the air. With brutal power, it hit Norton's dragon head.

In the split second between life and death, Norton reacted, tilted his head, gritted his teeth, and prepared for a violent blow.

This punch hit, and the armor on the dragon's head shattered, red dragon blood sprayed into the sky, and the broken dragon teeth flew out. Under the powerful impact, Norton was almost beaten to a concussion and lost consciousness. Fortunately, at this moment, his body Not the dragon head, but the human body above the dragon head.

This punch almost blew off his dragon head.

He finally understood why this man asked him to 'grit his teeth' before and wished him good luck.

The entire face of the dragon head became bloody and bloody. Such injuries could not be repaired quickly with his remaining physical strength. Even the inexplicable power began to weaken. He understood that this was the power gained by overdrafting his life, and what he was overdrafting now was the body of this next-generation dragon.

Norton realized that this dragon body seemed to have really reached its limit. After all, it is just a dragon body of the next generation, but under the influence of his power, it has forcibly broken through its original strength. It is a miracle that it can persist until now.

Xuan Hao looked at Norton who was beaten motionless and wondered, is this going to work? He hasn't had enough fighting yet, no, little brother, he clearly didn't intend to fight at the beginning. He said he would sit down and talk first, but in the end he had to fight.

Now it's good, the fight has started, the real fire is coming, I just got into the state, you said you don't want to fight? What's going on? Didn't you want to fight yourself, and now you want to regret it?

Norton looked at Xuan Hao's eyes as he stared at him, and seemed to understand the meaning in his eyes, with a trace of helplessness on his lips.

It seems that there is no way to see Constantine again, maybe it would be good to die in battle like this and never have to wake up again.

"Thank you, Samson."

He caressed the broken body of the dragon beneath him. This tribesman would follow him on the battlefield again even if his life came to an end.

"Now, follow me through the final battlefield!"

The monstrous flames suddenly ignited, dyeing the entire night sky red, as bright as the rising morning glow.

The river began to surge again and turned red. Several rays of light and shadow broke out of the water and rushed into the burning flame seeds at high speed.

With Xuanhao's eyesight, he could clearly see the few rays of light and shadow flying out, which were the broken Seven Deadly Sins.

He looked at the fire quietly and could feel a powerful force brewing inside, which made his blood boil.

The fire was burning, gradually covering the entire huge dragon body, and a pair of blazing golden pupils lit up in the flames.

In the surprised eyes of Xuan Hao and Lu Mingfei, the dragon body was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it was melting.


A steady voice came from the fire. The voice was full of majesty, but it made Lu Mingfei feel familiar.

"Lu Mingfei." The figure shouted.

"Uh?" Lu Mingfei finally realized. Isn't this the voice of Old Tang?

"Stop it, your mumbling voice is annoying."

"Fuck!" Lu Mingfei looked at the figure walking out of the fire in surprise, "Are you Old Tang?"

The flames dissipated suddenly, and a majestic figure stepped out of the remaining flames.

That was a king born from the fire, wearing green armor and carrying seven swords of judgment. He was no different from the general on the battlefield that Lu Mingfei had seen in his hallucination before. That face was extremely familiar to him. If it wasn't Old Tang's face, what could it be? It's just that the scornful look on his face is definitely not what Old Tang can have.

This is a king, a true king, the king of bronze and fire.

At this moment, Norton has returned to his human form. It is not a rebirth from the ashes, it is just a restoration of his human form. He has already appeared in the human form. There is no time for him to re-form a cocoon and condense his dragon body. The fire just now was used by him to recast his armor. with the seven deadly sins.

The armor he is wearing at this moment is the remains of Samson, and he will embark on the final journey with the last of his tribe.

"That's it?" Xuan Hao was a little depressed.

He thought that Norton, who was so big, was trying to hold back some big move, but this was the result? He clearly felt that the Norton in front of him was weaker than before, and the power condensed in the fire seemed to be short-lived.

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