Chapter 224 217. Home kid

Chu Tianjiao leaned quietly in the shadow of the corner, but Lu Mingfei seemed to be completely invisible to this person. This person was like a ghost hidden in the cracks of time, with no sense of existence. Under normal circumstances, no one could catch him. Owner of 'Time Zero'.

In Chu Tianjiao's eyes, Lu Mingfei's actions at this moment were very funny. He touched the huge thing in front of him, but he didn't know what he was touching. It seemed that he thought he touched the wall? Is it because it's too dark here?

Lu Mingfei knocked on the wall. He always felt that something was wrong, because the sound of knocking on the wall was strange and the feel was wrong.

Just when he was wondering, a light suddenly turned on high on the rock wall, illuminating the top of his head, flickering like an old street lamp in the corridor in a horror game.

Lu Mingfei raised his head stiffly. He didn't believe there were any voice-activated street lights here. Even if there were, he had knocked on them so many times before and there was no response. Why did they turn on at this time?

He tried his best to look towards the flickering lights high up, but the position was too high and he couldn't see clearly, but he always felt like a light was approaching him?

The solid wall suddenly began to shake, and the ground under Lu Mingfei's feet was shaken again? Lu Mingfei felt a little dizzy, as if he was at the center of an earthquake and couldn't stand.

Lu Mingfei's face became increasingly ugly because he realized that it was not an illusion and that the light was indeed approaching him.

The surrounding walls were shaking, and fine dust fell off due to the vibration. The dust was filled with dust, but Lu Mingfei saw the dazzling light in the dust.

This is not a lamp! It's a huge vertical pupil!

Lu Mingfei's back was dripping with cold sweat, and his huge eyes came to the top of his head, looking at him curiously. The flickering light was the blinking of this huge creature!

It was so big that it almost occupied the entire space. It was hidden in the darkness and integrated into the space, like a huge wall. It was sleeping here. Lu Mingfei was not aware of it at all just now, and even Knocking on it.

Now it's fun, waking people up. Lu Mingfei felt a little weak in his feet, and he even forgot to raise the gun in his hand.

This was not the first time he had seen such a thing as a dragon, but this was the first time he had seen such a huge dragon, and at such a close distance.

Compared with Norton's half-finished dragon body, this is the perfect posture of a real ancient dragon. This kind of oppression is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

Lu Mingfei's mind is now blank. Who am I? where am I? What am I going to do? He even forgot about his fear, because at this moment, the ferocious, majestic, and sharp appearance of a prehistoric relic appeared in front of him. This is a real dragon king, a dragon king with a dragon body!

There were no words that could describe the majestic body of the dragon that Lu Mingfei saw now. It was obviously a reptile, but it was far more beautiful than any reptile. This was probably the most perfect posture in the world. It was profound and majestic and awe-inspiring.

It wasn't until the giant dragon opened its eyes and stared at him that Lu Mingfei could see clearly. This behemoth had deep blue-black scales all over its body. The earthquake was just because the giant dragon changed its posture, as if it was sleeping. The person who was woken up turned over to see which cutie had disturbed it.

The giant dragon opened its huge mouth slightly, and the warm air sprayed on Lu Mingfei's face, but he no longer had the intention to smell whether the breath smelled bad, because this face full of bony protrusions had a monarch-like expression. Majestic, it was looking down at Lu Mingfei.

The low dragon roar seemed to pierce his eardrums. Lu Mingfei squatted on the ground holding his head and covering his ears. He felt that his heart was about to stop beating. It wasn't that he didn't want to run away, but his legs were weak.

Damn it, slaying a dragon? What about Tu Ni Ma? Lu Mingfei doubted that anyone could really face such a presence and still have the courage to draw a sword?

He didn't know that such a sense of oppression would be difficult for even a mixed race to bear. Now that he was able to observe what this giant dragon looked like and even complain about it, he was already far better than most mixed races.

Lu Mingfei suddenly felt his feet empty, ‘It’s over! 'Suddenly this thought arose in his mind.

The giant dragon pinched his collar with two fingers and lifted him up. He put it in front of his eyes and looked at him carefully. Lu Mingfei miraculously found a curious look in his huge golden pupils.

But the huge mouth and the sharp teeth exposed made his scalp tingle.

"Brother Long! I don't like food!" Lu Mingfei danced and struggled in mid-air. From his perspective, the giant dragon seemed to treat him as a snack, crunching every bite.

Chu Tianjiao, who was hiding in the dark, covered his face and shook his head helplessly.

See, he just said that this giant dragon doesn't need human protection at all, right? He felt that Lu Mingfei was the one who should be protected. What if the baby dragon ate him and got a stomachache? The boss won't blame him, right?


A gunshot rang out, and Lu Mingfei finally remembered that he still had a gun in his hand, but this was his last bullet. And it's of no use.

This alchemy bullet hit the dragon's face, leaving only a trace of sparks and not even a shallow mark. It's over, we failed to penetrate the enemy's armor. Lu Mingfei was in despair.

"It's so itchy." The dragon's deep voice sounded.

Lu Mingfei saw it scratching its face with its other paw, as if taunting him mercilessly.

Then the dragon stretched out its paw and gently removed the pistol from Lu Mingfei's hand and held it in his paw, as if playing with a new toy.

"Is this a new toy?"

Under Lu Mingfei's bewildered gaze, the dragon carefully put him down, stretched out its claws and pointed at the silver revolver it was holding carefully.

"Uh?" Lu Mingfei was completely confused.

Who can tell me what the situation is now? He carefully looked at the giant dragon in front of him, and the dragon was also looking at him, as if waiting for his answer.

"Yes...yes." Lu Mingfei's voice was a little low. He couldn't say that he was using a weapon to kill you, right?


The revolver was overwhelmed in the dragon's hands, and despite its care, it shattered.

"Sorry, I broke your toy, don't hit me..."

Lu Mingfei looked at the giant dragon in front of him in surprise. Its dragon-snake-like long neck cautiously retracted. It pushed the pistol in front of Lu Mingfei, its huge claws carefully dug the ground, and finally retracted into the corner. Inside, its head was lowered, almost at the same level as Lu Mingfei, like a child who had admitted his mistake. There seemed to be some grievance in those huge eyes?

Al? Lu Mingfei was flattered, Brother Long, what are you talking about? I'll hit you? How dare you?

He didn't dare to move or speak. He felt that the dragon was probably teasing him. The book said that many wild beasts had the habit of playing with their prey when hunting. The most tragic prey was not directly killed and eaten, but was played to death. This giant The dragon must have been lonely. He had to play with the rations he finally brought to his mouth before eating them. Anyway, he wouldn't be full, so it was best to make the best use of them.

Are dragons beasts? But intelligent creatures like this generally despise lower creatures, right? There seems to be nothing wrong with playing with him. Lu Mingfei looked at the giant dragon in front of him warily, although he knew that vigilance was of no use.

He tried to call Lu Mingze, but this damn naughty kid actually lost his temper at the critical moment! I don’t know if it’s because I treated him as a tool before, so I’m having trouble now. The story of the boy who cried wolf is really not fun at all!

The giant dragon suddenly moved again, and it seemed to Lu Mingfei that it was preparing to get up and swallow him in one gulp.

But after the giant dragon in front of him got up, he saw something incredible.

Under the belly of this giant dragon, there are all kinds of snacks and an old TV. Aren't you afraid of crushing them?

In Lu Mingfei's puzzled eyes, the giant dragon was rummaging for something under its belly. It looked like Doraemon rummaging for props in his dimensional pocket. Unfortunately, this guy was not a robot cat, but had the appearance of a head. A ferocious dragon.

But this look? Lu Mingfei was stunned. He suddenly felt that the giant dragon's eyes were as docile as a domestic cat, but this cat was too fat.

The dragon seemed to have found something. It cautiously approached Lu Mingfei and stretched out its claws. Lu Mingfei could clearly see what was in its claws. It was a bag of potato chips.

It is really difficult for such a big man to do such delicate work... Lu Mingfei suddenly felt like this.

"I'll pay you for the potato chips, don't be angry."

Is this an apology? Lu Mingfei was confused. Whose good boy is this? This beast-like thing is really good at playing. Are dragons really so polite?

Seeing that Lu Mingfei was motionless, the giant dragon approached Lu Mingfei with its long neck and slowly opened its mouth.

Lu Mingfei was so scared that he closed his eyes, and then he felt a tingling sensation all over his body. Not to mention it was quite comfortable, like an acupuncture massage all over his body.

He felt as if he was not dead. He opened his eyes and saw the dragon slowly retracting its black tongue covered with barbs. Was he being licked just now?

What is the principle? Lu Mingfei was a little puzzled that so many barbs didn't hurt him. Biology is really amazing. I forgive him for not studying biology well in high school. He didn't understand why those animals with barbs on their tongues didn't lick the wounds when they licked their cubs. .

"Don't be angry, let's play?" The dragon's deep voice sounded.

"Um..." Lu Mingfei was a little confused, was he being cute?

He felt like he was seeing a kitten that had knocked over a vase, licking its owner's hand and begging for forgiveness, and even going the extra mile to ask for a reward?

Lu Mingfei covered his face, not knowing how to express his current mood.

Chu Tianjiao also covered his face, my God, someone finally came to take over his job! You don't know how boring it is to play with this naughty kid. Chu Zihang is much more fun than this.

Chu Zihang: Are you going to scold me again?

"Okay... okay?" Lu Mingfei said with a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

He looked up and down at this majestic dragon. There was no connection between this majestic appearance and its behavior at the moment. Who would have thought that this kind of prehistoric beast that could scare people to death for several streets could actually be pulled out? So well-behaved? Just like a child with an undeveloped mind.

But Lu Mingfei didn't doubt the power of the giant dragon in front of him at all. There was no need to doubt it. The sky-blocking size alone was enough to explain everything.

He was now thinking about whether to have a good relationship with this giant dragon, lest it remember that he was food when it got hungry. As for the academy’s dragon-slaying plan? Go to hell!

He didn't think that he could pierce the dragon's scales with his bare hands or the set of toothpick-like swords.

After Lu Mingfei agreed with it, the giant dragon carefully took out the TV hidden under its belly and placed it in front of Lu Mingfei and it, as if it wanted to share it with him.

This is obviously one of its most important toys. Lu Mingfei can tell that it seems to cherish it very much. It handles it with care and always protects it in its arms.

The light from the screen illuminated the dark scales, giving off a dark luster. Lu Mingfei could not see his face clearly on the scales.

He sat obediently next to the dragon, who rested his chin on the platform. This scene is like two figures, one large and one small, lying on a big bed. They turn off the lights and watch TV, which is warm and harmonious.

Somehow, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt that this feeling might not be bad. He remembered that he used to be locked in the room alone, turn off the lights, and sit in front of the computer. It felt surprisingly good to have someone with him like this now. Well, although this guy is not human.

A heat wave suddenly rolled up in the tunnel. Lu Mingfei felt a burning sensation on his back and turned his head subconsciously.


The dragon's deep roar exploded in the tunnel. It was an angry roar. It was the first time Lu Mingfei heard such a roar from this dragon, full of hostility. No, this is what it should look like. The stupid look before was really funny.

"Brother Long, don't get excited, I haven't done anything!" Lu Mingfei was startled and curled up.

The dragon spread its wings, and its claws grabbed Lu Mingfei and pulled him and the TV in front of him, protecting him under its wings. Well, Lu Mingfei understood. This guy just wanted to protect his toys, and he probably did the same. of.

The tunnel not far away was dyed red, and the light suddenly filled Lu Mingfei's eyes. It was fire.

With the blazing and high-temperature flames sweeping across, Lu Mingfei, who was under the dragon's wings, was not harmed at all, but the dilapidated old TV could not withstand the high temperature and could be said to be completely scrapped.


Lu Mingfei heard the dragon roar again, this time, it sounded a little aggrieved.

What is this thing called? Lu Mingfei was a little confused. It was like a stay-at-home kid who was playing with friends at home and suddenly an unreasonable adult came in and not only beat him up, but also smashed his toys. This made Lu Mingfei feel a little guilty.

Because they not only want to fight it but maybe also kill it.

A bright light rushed out from the tunnel. It was a burning knife. Lu Mingfei saw the naked figure holding the long knife.

Isn't this the Chu Zihang he has been thinking about so much?

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