Chapter 236 229. Sakura Knight

"Sakura, let's play together." A message came from the other side.

It's not a question, it seems very arrogant.

But Lu Mingfei understood instantly after taking a look at the ID.

‘Eli Yi’, this is a very strange person, a player who has just joined the game. He saw this guy alone like him, so he often took her to complete dungeons.

It looks like a Japanese girl's name, using a female character.

But Lu Mingfei didn't understand online games. He didn't think these things could represent the true gender, and he didn't know whether the other person was a big man who picked his feet.

"Okay." After receiving the sign-in reward, Lu Mingfei replied calmly to the message, and then controlled the character to start running towards the character mark of 'Hui Liyi'.

‘Sakura’ is his character name, and his profession is knight, which is also an mt. Why did you choose this profession? Because this character resists beatings, a certain boss played games with him in the dormitory. The boss spent money to buy a set of output equipment, and he was the one who was forced to be beaten... Even his name was stolen by the boss. I changed it for him through the keyboard, saying that this name suited his sullen personality.

The knight profession is the most expensive profession in this game, because it cannot withstand damage due to poor equipment, but for him who is holding the hair of a big boss, problems that can be solved with money are not a problem. If he wants, he can even get a set of invincible knight equipment that can defeat the world boss alone.

The role that Eri chose was a priest. Probably because this person doesn’t like fighting and killing, so he chose a career as a milkman. The equipment is average and the amount of milk is average. In addition, Eri is not a strong party, and she doesn’t like to fight with others. She communicates so well that few people in the game are willing to team up with her.

It is very important to consider team cooperation in game communication like this. A disobedient wet nurse may lead to the destruction of the team.

But this doesn't matter to Lu Mingfei, because he doesn't need to communicate with his teammates. Normally, he just gets beaten up and the rest is left to the boss to output, but today is different. There is no boss to guide him today. , and he also has to take others with him. The boss has quit the trap for a long time, but he is reluctant to quit even after paying up...

But fortunately, it’s not impossible to play alone, and it feels quite good to lead new people.

After forming a team, the voices in the team were silent for a while.

"What?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Mission boss, a new fashionable synthetic material has been released. It looks very good. I want it." Eriyi typed in the chat box.

After Lu Mingfei's character arrived at the coordinate point, several haloes appeared on the character, which were buffs from the priest.

‘Eriyi’ obediently threw all the buffs at ‘Sakura’.

The only internal voice was Lu Mingfei's voice. He knew that 'Eri Yi' couldn't speak. It should be said that this person had never spoken before turning on the voice. Although he thought it was strange, in online games, there are also people who don't want to talk. He didn't pay much attention, as long as he could hear him speak.

After following the mission guide to find the boss on the map, Lu Mingfei silently used taunting skills to pull all the monsters to his side, and then began to clean up.

It's just that his profession is a knight, and his output is indeed a bit low. The character in the game is almost the same as himself in real life. The invincible Xiao Qiang just has no output.

This feeling made him unhappy.

"Crit buff, attack buff, defense doesn't matter, I want to send them to heaven."


A soft reply came from the earphones, soft and cute.

Lu Mingfei felt that the fatigue from a busy day had been dispelled. It was a pity that such a nice voice did not speak, and he only whispered softly. He began to believe that the person opposite him was a shy girl.

Wild bosses should usually be fought over by many people, but today those wild players were surprisingly honest.

"Look! Why did the royal knight of the top brother on the list leave his brother and take the girl to fight the boss alone?" A player saw Lu Mingfei cleaning up the mobs and starting to grind down the boss's health, and then turned on the speaker in the server.

These two people are also considered celebrities in the server. One is the "Sakura Knight" used by the top brother, and the other is the weird "Eri Yi".

Regarding "Eri", no one thinks there is anything special about this character. They just think that some burly guy opened a female account to disgust people, and even named her after a Japanese girl.

Because 'Eriyi' never speaks in language, players have questions about her gender. After all, she is a female character in the game. Who knows what she is like outside the screen.

There is always a barrier between ‘Eriyi’ and others when teaming up, so she can’t cooperate well. It’s obvious that she can’t play alone in this type of game.

But the way ‘Eriyi’ is played is hard to understand. When she went online, there was no one to form a team and she couldn't clear her credits. She just went shopping. The key was that she never had to teleport... It seemed like she was looking at the scenery along the way? In the wild, people with residual health would often breastfeed her twice. If it weren't for the wild monsters that couldn't breastfeed, she would probably still breastfeed the wild monsters twice.

This kind of gameplay makes people doubt the gender of ‘Eri Yi’. How can any man play games like this?

"Sakura is cheating on you? Oh, no, she's looking for a cute girl to hang out with?" Strange comments appear on the World Channel from time to time, because the name Sakura makes people think of girls, and the top brother on the list shouldn't be boring enough. Many people mistakenly thought Lu Mingfei was a girl.

"Don't worry, what if one of them is a big guy who picks his feet?"

"No, no, it hasn't been revealed for so long. It's probably a needle."

"It's smaller and the layout is smaller. Maybe the boss likes fencing? If so, I'd like to sign up too!"

"Oh no, brother, aren't you afraid that the bosses will kill you all over the world?"

But it is a pity that none of the speeches on the World Channel were seen by Xuanhao, who was on the first list, because after he paid up and reached the first place on the list, he felt endless emptiness. This game was really boring, so he quit the game.

Lu Mingfei didn't see these comments, because these guys were so good at talking nonsense, and Eliyi was quickly brushed away after typing a few words, so he blocked the channels other than private chats from the beginning.

"Let's break up, everyone, do you think the big guys are looking down on you?"

After defeating the boss, Lu Mingfei traded all the exposed materials to Eliyi, but these things were of no use to him at all.

Eriki gave him three buffs in a row to express her gratitude.

Then she ignored him and went to synthesize fashion. It seemed that fashion had a higher status in her heart.

Seeing Eri Yi playing the game "Nuan Nuan", Lu Mingfei didn't have anything to say. He just thought that this person might really be a girl. It was normal to like this, but it didn't seem to have anything to do with him. It was just a game. That’s all.

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