A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 314 307. Yuan Zhisheng feels miserable

Chapter 314 307. Yuan Zhisheng feels miserable

"And this!" Miyamoto Shio opened another report, "This research report was originally subject to further confirmation before being released to you, but now that the family's crisis is imminent, I think I have no time to continue research. "

"This is information collected by the survey ship we sent before the headquarters sent people to Japan."

Miyamoto Shio pointed to a somewhat blurry black and white photo projected on the giant screen. It was a picture taken by the survey ship they sent before the Japan Trench was bombed. It was just like what Xuan Hao saw when he dived into the Abyss. The situation was the same. The Lenin no longer looked like a sunken ship. Instead, it was wrapped in weird muscle tissue, forming a huge flesh cocoon. The blood-red blood vessels were rooted in the seabed and seemed to have merged with it.

"Before, we thought this was the embryo of a god, but later we found out that we were mistaken. This is indeed the embryo of an ancient dragon, but it is not a 'god'." Shizuo Miyamoto looked serious, "The resurrection of a god requires a lot of energy. Nutrients, the embryo cannot be mixed with the groups of corpse guards. It is more likely that this ancient dragon embryo and the group of corpse guards are sacrifices prepared by someone for the resurrection of the 'god'! This is a planned conspiracy. A long bloody sacrifice!"

"Are you saying that after a long period of preparation, even spanning decades, someone silenced the Lenin there in order to awaken God?" Nanami Sakurai frowned. If this is true, then this person is too terrible. For decades, everything was prepared behind the scenes, and the eight Sheqi families were not aware of it! If the Kassel Academy's scientific research ship hadn't captured the dragon's heartbeat at sea, perhaps by the time they noticed it, Japan would have been destroyed.

"Yes, this incident is definitely not an accident," Shizuo Miyamoto looked a little nervous, "According to the Japan Seismological Agency's report, Japan's geological structure began to gradually change 20 years ago, and the sleeping volcanoes suddenly became active at this time. Earthquakes occur frequently. In 1995, the Great Hanshin Earthquake had a magnitude of 7.2, with a death toll of approximately 6,500 people. In 2004, Mount Aso erupted. Before that, it had not erupted for hundreds of years, and it was in Japan. In the few days after the God's Burial Hall was bombed, Mount Fuji also began to become active. Perhaps the resurrection of the God is not far away... And if it revives, where will it be?"

"Japan..." Yuan Zhisheng said in a deep voice, "This is the hometown of God!"

"I speculate that the most likely place for it to appear is here." Miyamoto Shio pointed to the crater of Mount Fuji. If the embryos in the divine burial place are just sacrifices, then the magma below will be a channel for transporting nutrients to the 'god'. Mount Fuji is the main conduit of magma, and the bottom is five kilometers deep into the ground. If the god resurrects underground and wants to return to his hometown, this is the best exit. "

Everyone shuddered. If the 'god' really revives in Mount Fuji, then the entire Mount Fuji will inevitably experience the largest explosion in thousands of years. Don't think about it, it will also be a doomsday scene, maybe not' If God takes action himself, the whole of Tokyo and even Japan will sink.

"Who is the person who wants to awaken the gods?" Genichiro Ryoma asked.

"Who else besides the fierce ghosts? Dad said that that is the path of evolution they long for. The only way to evolve into a pure-blood dragon is to use the blood of gods." Yuan Zhisheng said in a deep voice, "The reason why I I will ask the head of the Miyamoto family about the recent abnormalities in Japan. He feels that the fierce ghosts have been too quiet recently, which is not like their style at all. My father previously deduced that they would intervene in the mission of the 'God Burial Hall' because the 'gods' are buried there. , Logically speaking, if this is really the case, it is impossible for them to do nothing, but can you see the shadow of the fierce ghosts in this incident?"

"I didn't see it..." Fuma Kotaro shook his head.

"Then there are two possibilities. One is that they already knew that there was no 'god' buried in the 'God Burial Hall', so they did not participate. The other is..."

"The sacrifice has been completed and the god has awakened. There is no need for them to go to the 'God's Burial Hall' anymore. They don't even care that we destroyed it, because there are only corpse guards and empty shells left there!"

"Damn it! So maybe the 'god' has revived?" Ryoma Genichiro asked loudly, "Don't all the fierce ghosts have brains? They actually dare to wake up the 'god'!"

Cold sweat broke out on everyone's forehead. They knew the identity of the 'god' very clearly, because everyone here had its blood flowing in their bodies. It was a supreme existence, a supreme being even more terrifying than the four monarchs! Its power is second only to the Black King Nidhogg!

Once the white king wakes up, in this world where the black king does not exist, it will be invincible, and no one can suppress it!

"Anyway... we don't have much time left." Inuyama He was a little helpless, "There is no essential difference in whether the Sheqi family was destroyed by monsters or gods."

They are now in a dilemma.

"The fierce ghosts have probably resurrected the god. The reason why it is so quiet now may be because the god has just been resurrected and has not yet awakened. When it accumulates enough power, it will be finished." Shizuo Miyamoto analyzed, "But now we We have to face not only God, but also that monster-like man..."

"Perhaps... he can be our turning point?" Ryoma Genichiro seemed to have thought of some good idea.

"Are you saying you want him to help deal with God?" Inuyama He shook his head slightly, "The reason God is a God is because no one has ever seen its true power. We only know that it is superior to all other dragon kings. But that's just a guess. Maybe its power is far more terrifying than we imagined. Let's not talk about whether Xuanhao can deal with it. Even if he can, he can't help us. He can just watch us and God first. Injuring both sides and then slaying the dragon, this is probably a scene that everyone wants to see, right? Whether it is Cassel or the Gattuso family... maybe they are just waiting for that moment by not taking action now. "

So what exactly to do now?

Several family heads looked at each other, unable to come up with any solution. This matter has long been beyond their capabilities. It should be said that it is beyond the scope of human strength. Perhaps the only person who can solve this dilemma is the legendary savior, right?

Their eyes invariably looked at Yuan Zhisheng, who was sitting silently on the main seat.

Although it is very helpless, the eight Sheqi families need a 'savior', and there is only one person in the entire Sheqi family who is capable of shouldering this responsibility.

Only the current patriarch who inherited the ‘Emperor’s Blood’, no, even he was unable to withstand this heavy burden. Everyone knows this very well.

After all, the Emperor is still a human being, and humans cannot defeat God.

All they could do was wait for the young man to make his decision.

If he is unwilling to bear this burden that is beyond his capabilities, no one here has the right to blame him.

But if he chooses to bear it, then there is only one thing they can do - follow him to the death.

Yuan Zhisheng stood up slowly. He had no choice. The justice he insisted on in his heart forced him to not retreat. He had to stand up! Stand up and protect the entire family, protect Eri...

Even if he doesn't have the ability, he still has to resist, because only if he stands up can the Sheqi family hold on to their slim hope.

"Master Inuyama, I have a favor to ask of you." Yuan Zhisheng bowed towards the old man.

Inuyama stood up and returned the greeting. He saw the consciousness in Yuan Zhisheng's eyes, "I must do my best."

"Xuan Hao's property 'Gao Tianyuan' is within your jurisdiction. Please always pay attention to the trends there. If Xuan Hao appears, contact me immediately," Yuan Zhisheng said, "I will be responsible for communicating with him, if possible If so... I will try to get Eri Yi back, and then I will ask you to take care of Eri Yi..."

"I know that you have always been opposed to dad's approach because of the family behind you. Now you can prepare the people in your family and the descendants of other families of the Sheqi Eighth Family. If it comes to the last moment, please take them with you. leave."

"Hi." Inuyama He was stunned for a moment, then responded in a deep voice.

No one present had any objection to Yuan Zhisheng's decision. The arrangement he made now was just to leave a way out for the eight Sheqi families. Even if he planned to send Eri away, they would no longer object at this moment. His brother had already risked his life and planned to die with the eight members of the Sheqi family. Shouldn't he leave his sister alive? And whether Eri Yi can come back is still unknown.

"The rest of you, follow me to launch a war against the fierce ghosts, uproot them, and find the people hiding behind the scenes! Find it before the god wakes up and kill it! No objections?" Yuan Zhisheng looked around. Looking at the remaining four family heads, his voice was firm and unyielding, "We used to not launch a war against the fierce ghosts because we couldn't bear to see the blood of the clan members, but now this reason has disappeared... If there is no blood now, the entire family will be destroyed, everyone." What you have to do now is to accompany me to the battlefield and die generously when necessary!"

"The Feng Demon family will follow you to the death!" Feng Demon Kotaro stood up and bowed towards Minamoto Chisheng.

"The generals of the Ryoma family will follow your horse to the death!" Ryoma Genichiro stood up.

"The Sakurai family will follow you to the death!" Even Sakurai Nanami, a woman, did not hesitate.

As the head of the family, they naturally have to take the lead, and they have already prepared to die. With the head of the Inuyama family preserving the continuation of the family, they have no worries.

Of course, no one chose to blame this old man who was preparing to live a life of elusiveness.

Because this arrangement of Yuan Zhisheng is the most reasonable. Whether it is to fight against the fierce ghosts or against the 'gods', finance, technology, manpower, and arms are all indispensable. The four of them just cover these fields. Compared with The customs of the head of the Inuyama family are changing in this situation.

Useless in war. Responsible for monitoring Xuan Hao's actions may be the only contribution he can make, but it is also essential.

And sometimes it takes more courage to keep a person alive than to let him die. No one among them knows what it means to endure humiliation and bear the burden better than this old man.

The Eight Sheqi Family is the Supreme of the Underworld. The Supreme has the supreme pride and dignity. Ever since Mr. Masamune led the Eight Sheqi Family to regain their dignity twenty years ago, they have never been willing to let go of this hard-won dignity. They are the descendants of 'gods', with ancient, noble and violent blood flowing in their veins. This is the power given to them by 'gods'. Most of them are not willing to let go of this honor. Even if it is stupid, they will I prefer to live proudly.

But they all know that the entire family is so extreme and they always need a sober person.

The head of the Inuyama family is different from them. They all know what kind of humiliation this old man has experienced. War, Angers, and even Xuanhao now trample the dignity of this old man under his feet, but no matter how much insult he receives, he chooses to endure it silently.

You can imagine what kind of situation the remaining remnants will face if the eight Sheqi families are destroyed. This old man will have to shoulder a burden heavier than death.

After the meeting, the entire conference hall was unusually quiet and dark.

The other family heads have already left here, only Yuan Zhisheng is still sitting silently in his original position.

Sakura and Crow were waiting outside the door.

They were very sensible and did not disturb Yuan Zhisheng, because they all knew that Yuan Zhisheng probably needed silence more than they did.

Yuan Zhisheng quietly stroked the saber on his waist. Since he took over the position of head of the family, in addition to the original ancient sword named Spider Kiri, there is an extra rib on his waist. These two knives can be used in battle. This is the most suitable number of knives for the emperor to fight. There is almost no hybrid that can withstand his violence.

Of course, there may be other uses besides this.

He gently stroked his ribs and pulled out the blade a few inches, and the cold light illuminated the side of his face.

"What an ugly face..." Yuan Zhisheng looked at his own face reflected on the sword quietly and pushed the sword into its sheath.


The crisp sound of swords echoed in the conference room, covering up the sighs.

He poured himself a glass of whiskey and slowly walked to the window to look at the night view.

Genji Heavy Industries was very tall, but standing high and condescending did not bring him the slightest sense of relief.

Downstairs is still a colorful and prosperous city, and I don’t know how long it can last?

Traffic flows like fireflies slowly on the city's elevated roads, and there is a scene of bright lights all around. He is very afraid that these lights will go out at the next moment, just like the hope in his heart being ruthlessly extinguished.

The white feathers of the bird were dyed pitch black in the dark night, so dark that no trace of its original color could be seen, just like all the justice, fairness, hope and future in his heart had long been invisible.

It was a seagull trapped in the city. It should have been flying freely in the endless sky over the sea.

But now it has been dyed into pitch black, hovering fearfully in the steel city, and it is unknown when it will fall back into the abyss.

A flying bird is trapped in this glorious false maze with no way out, let alone a tortoise? Yuan Zhisheng thought that he would never be able to crawl back to his own puddle. Maybe he would have to wait until he died, and a seabird would take his body back to a certain seaside.

Yuan Zhisheng walked out of the conference room a little tipsy.

Sakura and Crow came over. They were a little worried when they looked at Yuan's naive appearance. This man had never locked himself in a room and drank alcohol like this.

They looked at Yuan Zhisheng who was walking out of the conference room and leaning on the railing in a daze, and they were worried that he might not be able to think about jumping down from here.

Sakura gestured to the crow, then turned and left. If she wanted to talk, it was easier for men to talk to each other. Although she was also worried about Yuan Zhisheng, no man should be willing to let a woman see his weak side.

"Don't give up on yourself, boss. Nothing is impossible. Aren't you still going to France to sell sunscreen? The goal is right in front of you. When we finish this job, we will work together..." Crow also leaned on the railing.

But he closed his mouth as he spoke, because he felt like he said the wrong thing again. The words didn't sound like comfort, but more like setting a death flag.

"Although I said I was going to France to sell sunscreen, I never said I would take you with me..." Yuan Zhisheng smiled slightly and sighed. He knew that the crow wanted to comfort him, but what can you expect from a gangster? Comforting?

"Why is this? Boss, don't you want us anymore?" Crow looked hurt, "We are your retainers. We will follow you wherever you go. Don't even think about getting rid of us..."

"Okay, okay, you are not suitable for comforting people. Don't worry, I won't be confused..." Yuan Zhisheng looked at the crow speechlessly, "It's as if we are sure that we are finished."

"Sigh... If I had known better, I would have let Miss Ying come to comfort you." Crow took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms, pulled one out and handed it to Yuan Zhisheng, "Sure enough, women have to do this kind of thing to comfort people. I heard When a man is sad, he just needs to throw himself into the arms of a beautiful girl and cry."

"..." Yuan Zhisheng reluctantly took the cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath.

The two of them leaned on the railing quietly and smoked, without saying another word.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent. Crow scratched his head in frustration. He was not good at comforting people. After all, all he did was physical work such as digging holes to bury people or pouring cement. To comfort them, he would point a gun at their noses. Please don't cry. I'd have known better than to show off in front of Miss Ying. Is it too late for someone else to comfort the boss now?

After a long silence, the cigarette burned to the end.

Yuan Zhisheng blew out a smoke ring, and the thick smoke covered his face. After it dissipated, the face that was slightly red from drinking was gone, leaving only the expressionless face full of majesty that he usually wears at work. s face.

Yuan Zhisheng is not a very serious person in private, but once he enters work, he will always put on this 'mask'. People in high positions must always maintain the necessary dignity, especially those in the underworld like him of. Of course, he usually would not show such a posture to the confidants who are following him, but if he doesn't show some dignity now, he feels that these three living treasures will not be relieved...

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