Chapter 384 377. Butterfly

The night is still dark.

The fire only ignited for a moment and could not illuminate the boundless night.

Maya Kagami looked at the scene in front of her with dull eyes.

Mr. Purgatory wins! He actually punched this ghost's head away! ?

Wait—fist! ?

As if he remembered something, Jia Shenchuan's steps started to move.

How can a fist kill a ghost! ? Even if the fist was wrapped with a chain made of the same material as the Nichirin sword, it would not be able to completely cut open the ghost's head like a sword.

It's useless to hit the ghost's head like this!

And...according to the teacher's speculation, the ghost's true form is actually hidden in its head!

Just as she expected, Shinichiro Purgatory, who tried his best to throw the last punch, also realized this.

He wanted to call Jia Shenchuan behind him for a last strike, but now he had no strength at all, not even the strength to speak.

The whole body fell down weakly as if deflated.

His mouth opened slightly, unable to shout...

But the Kashen River has moved.

Looking at Kagami River rushing past him, Purgatory Shinichiro showed a reassuring smile on his face.

Kagami Kawa Maya's eyes were locked on the head spinning in the air.

At this moment, the head was in pieces, and the hard skin covering it had been completely blown away by the punch just now, revealing the black core hidden inside.

It seems that the core has become a little twisted due to the impact, but it can be clearly seen that it is still squirming.

A tiny claw protruded from the shell.

Kagami Kawa Maya saw it clearly, it was a human shape the size of a palm!

Kito, who was stunned by the punch, finally recovered from the violent impact.

Fortunately, he was prepared.

Being punched to pieces by that monster-like human before, Kito's heart was left with a shadow in his heart, so he worked hard to protect his own body!

Although this damn 'Flame Pillar' is very strong, it is far from reaching the level of that man's perversion. How could this punch really kill him while he was protecting his body with all his strength?

Although it did cause damage to him, it was nothing serious.

The ghost vine struggled to crawl out of the core.

Gotta get out of here quickly! He was getting more and more anxious. He had no time to kill this female swordsman who could "breathe the sun". He couldn't stay any longer. There was only one thought in his mind at the moment - escape!

It's like escaping from the sun.

Even though it was midnight and the sky was dark, he still felt afraid.

Something was approaching him, when he felt the breath of death!

Ghost Teng looked at the ground getting closer and closer, wishing he could dive into the soil immediately.

"Quick, quick!" He anxiously wanted to fall to the ground quickly, but he was unable to control the speed of his fall due to the physical discomfort of being blasted into the air.

He couldn't touch the soil or the trees. Now he was helpless in the air, unable to even use the ghost blood technique.

"What do you want to do!?" Jia Shenchuan stepped forward quickly, the Sun Blade in his hand glowing coldly.

This ghost emerged from the core and headed towards the ground without even looking at her. Was it trying to escape?

"How could I let you escape!"

Jia Shengchuan recalled the way this ghost escaped, drilling holes!

Don't let him touch the ground! How could Mr. Purgatory let go of the opportunity he had worked so hard to create?

"The breath of the sun, the shape of seven, the burst of Yang Hua!"

"Breath of the Sun, Form of Eight, Chakra Sun Flame!"

The slender figure moved forward rapidly, its blade aimed at the palm-sized ghost that fell in mid-air.

She didn't know if this ghost had other methods, and she didn't know if she could kill it with one blow, so using force was the safest way.

The tip of the knife points upward, thrust!

You can't let this ghost burrow into the ground, so you can't slash downward.


Kagami Kawa Maya jumped diagonally upwards, her blade dancing towards the sky, drawing an arc of light like the sun.


The friction between the blade and flesh actually made a metallic sound.

Jia Shenchuan frowned.

Sure enough, just as she thought, this ghost still had a way to save his life.

"Damn human! Get away!" Kito blocked the blade with both hands with a ferocious expression.

The sharp blade was deeply embedded in his bones, and his arm was about to be severed. The density of his body had already reached an astonishing level, and it was impossible for this woman to cut him in two with her strength.

But there was no sense of pride in his heart, because his body was knocked away again!

Kito looked at the woman resentfully, his ability seemed to be seen through, and the purpose of this woman was to prevent him from touching the ground.


He originally wanted to let this woman go once, but now it seems that he can't leave without killing this woman.

"Since you want to die, then I will make it happen for you!"

Oni Teng was extremely anxious. He had to kill this woman with one blow and then quickly escape into the ground.

He flipped around in the air to adjust his posture. The arm that had been chopped returned to its original shape almost instantly, and sharp claws stretched out from his fingertips.

He looked at the woman below with resentment. As long as the woman dared to swing his sword again, he would break the woman's sword and neck!

But before he could make any move, he saw the woman on the ground looking up at him with a smile on her lips.

What are you laughing at? Oni Teng was a little confused.

But soon he felt that the sky behind him seemed to become brighter, and the dawn-like light made him tremble all over, but... it was late at night now!

Before he could turn his head to look, he felt like he was being pinched.


The sound of broken bones kept coming from Xuan Hao's hands.


Kito screamed in pain.

His face was full of disbelief, and in just a moment, the high-density body he was proud of was crushed by this man like a bubble.

It's over.

Oni Teng fell into despair.

He was caught by this scary guy.

His strength was useless in this man's hands, and there was no room for struggle. Even if he bit with his mouth, he found that he could not bite open the man's skin.

What kind of monster is it? It's impossible to win, not even that adult, because compared to that adult, the man in front of him is the real monster!

"Lend me the knife."

Xuan Hao's cold voice sounded like he was sentenced to death in Gui Teng's ears.

He could only watch helplessly as the empty-handed man took the long knife from the hateful woman's hand. Watching the blade slowly approach his neck.

The cold touch, the warm spring, is this death? Oni Teng's face was ferocious, and he felt his body being released, but it was already too late.

Until his death, he still showed no remorse and glanced at everyone present with resentful eyes.

But until his body completely dissipated, no one present paid any attention to his gaze.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Xuanhao came to Purgatory Shinichiro.

The life force in this man was rapidly draining away, and he was about to die.

"No, you came just in time." Shinichiro Purgatory, who was sitting on the ground, showed a forced smile, "Don't feel guilty, it's not your fault."

"But you are going to die." Xuan Hao blamed himself.

"Teacher, you said Mr. Purgatory... is going to die?" Maya Kagami was a little confused.

Mr. Purgatory is obviously still alive and well, right? There were no fatal injuries on his body, he just looked a little exhausted.

Xuan Hao slowly shook his head, "He turned on the markings."

"Patterns?" Kagami Kawa Ayaka then noticed Purgatory Shinichiro's arm.

The ferocious lines were covered with iron chains, which she hadn't noticed just now.

The ‘spots’ only started to appear after the Demon Slayer swordsmen learned the breathing technique from Enichi Tsukuni.

It is said that this is the embodiment of breathing method reaching its extreme, and it is also the embodiment of human beings transcending their limits. It is also a kind of 'curse'.

Swordsmen who have their markings activated usually do not live past the age of twenty-five.

Although Shinichiro Purgatory did not die at the hands of a ghost, he turned on his 'stripes'.

Except for Tsukikuni Enichi, no other swordsman could live past the age of twenty-five after turning on his markings, and this man had already passed that age.

In this case, once the markings are turned on, it means death, and the continuous loss of life force on the body is the best proof.

At the latest before dawn, this man will die completely due to the burden of turning on the markings.

The reason why Xuanhao felt guilty was because this man might not have had to die.

The original strength of this two-stringed ghost was far from that strong. He knew very well that with Purgatory Shinichiro's current strength, he should be able to kill this ghost even without the stripes.

But because of his appearance, this ghost was defeated by him once and gained stronger power from Onimusuji Muzan, which led to the current situation.

"Then what should we do now?" Jia Shenchuan was a little anxious, "Is there really no other way?"

"Just die, what's the point?" Purgatory Shinichiro smiled softly, "As long as my lord and you are still here, the Demon Slayer Squad will still have a future."

The atmosphere suddenly fell into silence.

Xuan Hao frowned, thinking that he might have a way to save this man.

The reason why humans with stripes turned on will die is because their bodies cannot bear the load beyond their limits.

Power comes at a price. Human beings have power beyond their limits, and the price is death.

But there are exceptions.

For example, Jiguo Yuanyi.

Xuan Hao knew that Ji Guoyuan had spots on his forehead since he was born, but he successfully lived to the age of eighty.

What's the difference between them? The answer is that Ji Guoyuan's physical fitness has been different from ordinary people since he was born.

Ji Guoyuan is a "monster" that exceeds the limits of human beings, so he will not die.

So what if humans who turn on stripes have enough physical fitness to withstand this power?

"Maybe there is another way, but I have never tried it. Are you willing to use your body for me to experiment on?"

After understanding the principle of markings, Xuan Hao suddenly asked.

"Uh?" Purgatory Shinichiro was stunned.

He knew the consequences of turning on the markings, and he was also extremely aware of his current physical condition. Unless a miracle happened, it would be impossible to survive tonight in such a fatal situation.

However, he looked at Xuan Hao's serious eyes and knew that Xuan Hao was not joking with him.

"Hahaha... That's okay! It's all death anyway." Purgatory Shinichiro laughed.

"Then...Maya, you leave first."

Xuanhao gestured to Maya Kagamigawa next to him.

"Yes, girl, go and see if the master has escaped safely." Purgatory Shinichiro also nodded.

"Uh... ok." Maya Kagami was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly and left.

She knew that the two men might be conducting some dangerous experiments, and she didn't want her to see them.

After Kagamigawa's figure completely disappeared, Xuanhao turned around and moved Purgatory Shinichiro to lean against the tree.

Now this man's physical condition is as bad as Xuan Hao's, and his whole body is almost in a state of collapse. But unfortunately, not everyone has the power of law to protect their bodies like Xuan Hao, and they will regenerate even if they collapse.

For ordinary people like Purgatory Shinichiro, being able to speak now is already the limit.

"My method is very simple, but of course it is also very dangerous." Xuan Hao looked at the man in front of him seriously, "Maybe you will explode and die. Are you ready?"

"It doesn't matter, it's the same no matter how you die." Purgatory Shinichiro smiled. He was already mortal, what else could he be afraid of?

But he was still curious, what could Xuan Hao do to help him survive?

Although he had long known that the man in front of him was extraordinary, could humans really change their fate against the odds?

"What are you going to do?" Purgatory Shinichiro asked.

"You should have noticed by now that I am not an ordinary person."

Xuan Hao said as he untied the bandage on his arm. The fine black lines hidden underneath looked even scarier than the markings.

Purgatory Shinichiro nodded slowly, how could an ordinary person be so strong?

He had already guessed this, but it didn't matter at all, because he knew very well that the man in front of him could not be a ghost, and even if he was not an ordinary person, they would not be enemies.

Xuan Hao opened his wrist, and the bright red blood was mixed with light gold.

"Do you want me to drink your blood?" Purgatory Shinichiro looked at Xuanhao's movements and was stunned.

He's not stupid, this man wouldn't bleed for no reason, would he?

"I don't even know what kind of power is hidden in my blood." Xuan Hao nodded slightly, "Of course, no one has ever directly drank my blood, and I don't know what will happen, so... ...This is a big gamble. If you win, you will not only survive, but also become stronger. If you lose..."

"It seems there's nothing to lose?" Purgatory Shinichiro laughed, "Come on!"

As he spoke, he opened his mouth and raised his head, and then the blood flowed down Xuanhao's wrist.

Xuan Hao didn't release too much blood, and his cut wrist healed almost instantly.

The blood flowing down passed through the palm and finally only a drop entered into Shinichiro Purgatory's mouth.

He did this on purpose, one drop was enough, because he didn't know whether ordinary humans could bear his blood.

In the world of dragons, he once used his own blood to develop the so-called 'divine blood', and that kind of 'divine blood' can only be used on hybrids after dilution.

There are no such conditions to manufacture that kind of thing now. I don't know if the body of ordinary humans can bear it, so I can only take the risk and give it a try.


Screams of pain echoed in the forest.

"Isn't it really that easy?"

Looking at the struggling Shinichiro Purgatory, Xuanhao frowned.

He seemed to have underestimated the power of his own blood.

But it makes sense. According to common sense, dragon blood is highly poisonous to ordinary people.

When he was an ordinary human being, he accepted the 'God-given blood', but he was so painful that he tore a Dragon King with his hands. He relied on his own immortality to survive.

If it were a ghost, he might be able to survive with his super recovery power, but as an ordinary human without any dragon blood, Shinichiro Purgatory could not withstand such power.

If he didn't do something, this man would die.

Although death was inevitable, Xuan Hao still wanted to try to see if he could be saved. After all, this incident ultimately started because of him. He thought that if it weren't for his appearance, this man might be able to defeat this ghost without turning on the markings.

"Only the second step can be taken."

Xuan Hao knew exactly how to save this man, because the answer had always been within himself.

Just repairing it is useless, because as a human, Shinichiro Purgatory cannot bear the side effects of turning on the markings even if his body is restored to a intact state, and the end result will still be death.

Therefore, he must first use his own blood to raise this man's 'upper limit' as a human being, and then try to mobilize the power in his body to repair this man's body.

If this man could withstand his blood, the problem would be simple, but now it seems that the second step of repair has to be carried out.

Originally Xuanhao did not plan to take the second step, because it would be very dangerous to mobilize the power in the body to repair other people's bodies. Of course, this does not mean that Shinichiro Purgatory will be dangerous, but that he will fall into trouble if he doesn't do it well. In danger.

This method sounds simple. Just mobilize the power of law in the body to repair Purgatory Shinichiro's body.

right? It sounds really simple. This is the power of the supreme law. Let alone saving a human being. If he can really mobilize this power, wouldn't it be simple to save anyone?

According to Xuan Hao's idea, sooner or later he must control this power to save his sister, and now may be the time to take the first step.

"Let's give it a try. The bet may be a bit big this time..." An excited smile appeared on Xuan Hao's face.

He squatted down gently, stretched out his hands to steady Purgatory Shinichiro's trembling body, closed his eyes and carefully felt the power in his body.

He knew that his current ability could not control this power, but there was no doubt that this power was operating all the time.

Because his body is always on the verge of collapse, once this power strikes, he will also be finished.

Although this power cannot be driven, it might be possible if we just use a little bit of 'residual heat'.

Xuanhao imagined that Purgatory Shinichiro was part of his body.

He gradually covered this man with his spiritual power, trying to direct the power towards this man.

Although he knew that this was a very risky method, which might cause the two forces in his body to lose balance and cause him to fall into crisis, he still did it because this was a threshold that he had to cross.

To achieve your goals, you always need to take certain risks. If he could never control this power, he would never be able to save his sister.

So no matter what, this step must be taken! Xuan Hao's expression became extremely determined.

With the guidance of mental power, the power of law in the body seemed to be finally willing to respond to his expectations.

The power of creation began to flow in the direction he wanted. It only took a little bit. It didn't take much power to repair an ordinary body. This is the thought in Xuan Hao's mind. With only a little power, the impact should not be big, right?

But it turned out that he was still too naive.

When he came into contact with Shinichiro Purgatory's body, he discovered that what needed to be done was not just repairing it. Now that Shinichiro Purgatory's entire body was about to collapse, he had to completely reshape this man's entire body!

And this requires more than just a little 'remaining warmth'.

But by the time Xuan Hao realized something was wrong, it seemed to be too late.

When the power of creation began to overflow from him, the power of destruction instantly began to stir like a spring that had lost its suppression.

It chased the power of creation and rushed towards Shinichiro Purgatory.


Xuanhao secretly thought something was wrong.

How can the body of an ordinary person withstand the battle between these two forces?

The power of creation can repair Purgatory Shinichiro's body, but if the power of destruction passes along with it... then this man's body will be annihilated in an instant.

At this moment, Xuanhao's energy was extremely concentrated.

Life or death, destruction or salvation, the fate of the man in front of him depends on his thoughts.

The power of creation can bring this man back to life in an instant, but the power of destruction in the next moment will make this man doomed.

There is only one thing Xuan Hao has to do at this moment, cut off the connection between him and this man the moment the power of creation repairs the man's body, and prevent the power of destruction from continuing to move forward.

There was only a moment of opportunity, and he had to seize it.

Time seemed to be extended to infinity.

When that inexplicable power poured into his body, Purgatory Shinichiro felt only darkness in front of his eyes, and a warm and soft power enveloped his body, as if he was hugged by his mother when he was a newborn. The whole body rose and fell lightly, and the senses gradually became numb and then revived.

When he opened his eyes again, he felt that his whole body was full of strength, and even the old injuries on his waist and abdomen had miraculously recovered.

"This is?"

Purgatory Shinichiro touched his body in confusion.

A moment ago he was still struggling in pain, but in an instant he went from hell to heaven.

Just like Xuan Hao in front of him said, if he succeeds, not only will he not die, but he will also become stronger.

"Xuan..." Purgatory Shinichiro just wanted to raise his head to thank Xuan Hao, but found that something seemed wrong with Xuan Hao in front of him, "What's wrong with you!? Xuan Hao! Xuan Hao!"

Xuan Hao was lying on the ground, as if he was asleep.

In the space shrouded in light, Xuan Hao's soul sighed depressingly.

"Sure enough, it has turned out like this again."

He looked at the surrounding environment. This place was already very familiar to him because he had stayed in this space for fifty years.

He didn't quite know what kind of place it was, but he probably knew that the light that shrouded the surroundings was the creative power that protected his soul.

The light flickered, and there was a vague darkness like death. This is probably the destructive power that has been plaguing him.

These two invisible forces should not have been visible to the naked eye, but he could see them clearly now that he only had his soul left.

Yes, he was trapped inside again.

This force of creation seems to have sensed the crisis of power imbalance, and pulled his soul into this space to protect him at the critical moment.

At this moment, Xuanhao was cut off from his body again.

"At any rate, let me explain the 'future affairs' first before you bring me in..."

Xuanhao looked helplessly at the white light that enveloped him.

The connection between the soul and the body is severed, which is equivalent to death in the eyes of normal people.

He is probably dead now in the eyes of others.

Of course, he was not worried about being cremated because he could not be burned. I just feel like I might be buried again.

"What should we do now?" Xuan Hao was a little troubled.

Originally, he should be able to feel the situation outside, but this time it was completely different from before.

His connection with the outside world was completely cut off!

Now he couldn't feel anything, not even the passage of time, and he didn't know when he would wake up.

"It seems like we are really taking a risk this time." Xuan Hao was a little scared.

I originally thought that just devoting a little bit of strength to save an ordinary person would be no big deal, but I didn't expect the consequences to be so serious.

It's okay now, I don't know how long I will sleep this time...

Now is not the time for him to sleep peacefully!

The Demon Slayer Corps is facing the biggest disaster in hundreds of years. This time the demon attack obviously wants to bloodbath the entire Demon Slayer Corps. What if Demon Slayer Muzan finds out that he has fallen! That guy can't jump to the sky?

But... this seems to be an opportunity. Xuan Hao suddenly thought that he just couldn't find a chance to fake his death. Wouldn't it be nice to die inexplicably like this?

Wouldn't it be just right for him to be resurrected after a while when Oniwu Tsuji Muzan dares to go out?

It's just... Xuan Hao is a little worried about his lovely apprentice and the other members of the Demon Slayer Squad.

"I don't know if they can withstand it?"

He knew that if he was not here, the Demon Slayer Corps would be doomed.

"I hope that guy from Purgatory can have some effect?"

Xuanhao can only place his hope on Purgatory Shinichiro now. The man received his blood and was reborn, only stronger than before.

He thought that this Flame Pillar, which was originally able to fight against the Second Wind, should be strong enough to protect the safety of those people. After all, he guessed that Kibutsuji Mumei was not very strong.

Even if Purgatory cannot completely erase ghosts from this world, it can still protect the Demon Slayer Squad from being exterminated, right? Xuanhao is not sure about this.

Because he knew that when he first met Kibutsuji Muzan, this guy was at his weakest. Now Wu Mei has obviously returned to his peak state and may even have become stronger. The strength gap between the Shangxian Ghost and him is definitely not even a tiny bit.

And he also has a Hei Shimo who is one of the top stringers.

The strength of Hei Shimo is not at the same level as other ghosts on the string. This is a ghost who can use the breathing method, and it is the 'breath of the moon' second only to the 'breath of the sun'.

If he could not decide the life and death of Heishimou with a single thought, maybe Kibutsuji Mukai himself would find Heishimou difficult to deal with.

On a cold winter night, there were snowflakes floating in the air, and the dense snow drifted chaotically between the sky and the earth.

When Xuan Hao opened his eyes again, he was surprised to find that he was not in the tomb.

He was lying on a warm bed at the moment, covered with a thick quilt, and sparks were jumping in the stove not far away.

Xuan Hao sat up with some confusion and found that he was wearing clean white clothes and even a clean bandage inside.

It seems that someone should always take care of his body.

He stood up and looked at the room he was in now.

The air was filled with a faint medicinal smell. It was still a Japanese-style wooden house, with wood from the floor to the display windows, but the bed he was lying on now had a mattress on an iron bed frame.

Wait, mattress? Xuan Hao panicked a little, but he clearly remembered that he didn't have such a thing before he fell asleep...

"How long have I been asleep?"


The wooden door of the room was pushed open.

A short-haired girl with a butterfly hair accessory on her head opened the door and walked in, holding a change of clothes and bandages in her hands.

As soon as she entered the door, the girl was stunned. She looked at the man standing in the room with her mouth wide open.

Then he dropped the things in his hands and ran towards the door, shouting "sister" while running, looking very anxious.

"What the hell?"

Xuan Hao looked at the girl running away in a daze, and touched his face unconsciously.

He's not ugly enough to scare people into running around and calling them family, right?

Thinking of this, he followed slowly.

Of course, I didn't want to scare the girl, but I wanted to ask some questions.

This girl was wearing a black uniform. If he saw correctly, this was the uniform of the Demon Slayer Corps.

The running girl froze in place because the man who was in the room just now appeared in front of her inexplicably. She was completely unable to react, so she was stunned.

"Moxi Moxi?"

Xuan Hao stretched out his hand and waved it in front of the girl's eyes, "Little sister, can you tell me where this is?"

He smiled, trying to sound friendly.

"Ah!" The girl finally reacted and exclaimed.

"Sister! The man who has been sleeping for a long time wakes up!"

Her shouts were so deafening that they could be heard throughout the courtyard.

"Excuse me, sir."

A long-haired girl who also wore a butterfly hair accessory came quickly after hearing her sister's call. She smiled and apologized to Xuan Hao in front of her.

"My name is Butterfly Kanae, the current Hanashira of the Demon Slayer Corps. This is my sister Butterfly Ninja. She may have been a little excited when she saw you suddenly waking up. Please forgive me. After all, you have been...sleeping for a long time. "

Kanae pressed her sister's head and bowed her head to apologize.

The Butterfly Ninja, whose head was pressed, seemed a little dissatisfied when his sister lowered her head.

"Uh...nothing to apologize for."

Xuan Hao waved his hand, "Can you tell me what happened? How long did I sleep...and what happened during this period?"

"'s a long story. Sir, please come sit down with me in the room and talk slowly."

Butterfly Kanae smiled and extended her hand to signal, showing a very respectful look.

After all, she knew that the man in front of her was a very special being.

This is a secret that only the current lord and the pillars are qualified to know.

The Demon Slayer Corps currently has a seriously insufficient number of pillars, but as early as hundreds of years ago during the Warring States Period, there were ten.

And the most important thing is the tenth pillar. It is said that this pillar is the only person besides Enichi Jikun who can defeat Onimushuji Mukai.

Although hundreds of years have passed, people have long forgotten the name of the tenth pillar, but the Uyashiki clan and every pillar know it.

The legendary pillar who defeated Wu Mei was called the "Ming Zhu".

This pillar has always existed and has never been replaced. From the Warring States Period to the present, the only man known as the 'Ming Zhu' is the one in front of him.

"Please have some tea, sir~"

Under the smiling gaze of her sister, Butterfly Ninja reluctantly brought the tea to the man sitting on the chair, his tone full of perfunctory.

"Um...thank you."

The corners of Xuan Hao's mouth twitched. This girl seemed to hold a grudge. His previous actions seemed to scare her.

"Ahem—" Butterfly Kanae coughed helplessly.

"Okay, sister, let's talk, I'll sneak away first."

The butterfly ninja noticed his sister's gaze, so he had to obediently close the door and leave the room, glaring at Xuan Hao before leaving.

Xuanhao could probably understand the meaning in that look, 'If you dare to mess with my sister, I will fight for you'.

Xuan Hao looked at the girl who kept a gentle smile in front of him with some embarrassment. It was getting late, and it seemed not good to have a man and a woman alone in the same room?

But the girl in front of her didn't seem to care about these details.

"Mr. Xuanhao, I'm sorry." Butterfly Kanae said apologetically, "My sister has such a character, please forgive me."

"It's okay, it's okay, I won't be like a child... do you know my name?"

Xuan Hao was a little surprised that the girl in front of him knew his name. He was thinking that since someone still remembered his name, it might mean that he hadn't been asleep for long?

"Yes, Mr. Xuanhao."

Kanae replied with a smile, "I know, you are the 'Ming Zhu' of our Demon Slayer Team. This is a secret that only the lord and other pillars know."

"Secret?" Xuanhao was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

"Yes, Mr. Xuanhao. As for why it is a secret... this is related to the question you asked me before about how long you have been sleeping, but... before I answer, I hope you can be mentally prepared."

As she spoke, Kanae gradually put away the smile on her face and her eyes became a little serious.

"Please...please say it." Xuan Hao swallowed his saliva, thinking to himself, what storms and waves have I never seen in my life? You still need to be mentally prepared to ask about the time? this……

"You have been sleeping for about five hundred years." Kanae said seriously.


Xuanhao couldn't hold himself any longer.

This is a bit outrageous. His total waking time was less than two hundred years! Not even half of that!

"Are you kidding?"

"Huh?" Kanae touched her face in confusion. Could it be that she wasn't serious enough?

"Sorry, Mr. Xuanhao. I'm not very good at speaking seriously, but I'm not joking."

With that said, Butterfly Kanae's face returned to its normal smile.

"Really?" Xuanhao still couldn't accept the reality.

"Really." Kanae smiled helplessly.

"All right……"

Xuan Hao sighed helplessly. Although he felt that a long time had passed and was prepared for it, he did not expect that five hundred years had passed.

What happened in the past five hundred years? Those people I once knew...are probably all gone, right? Trapped in the power of the law, he could not feel the passage of time in the outside world at all. He could only calm down and comprehend the power of the law. Unexpectedly, for him, in the blink of an eye, the entire world outside had changed.

Thinking Xuanhao suddenly felt a little sad, "Can you tell me what has happened in these years?"


Butterfly Kanae nodded slightly.

"Five hundred years ago, the Demon King Onimu Tsuji Mukai sent people to bloodbath the Demon Slayer Corps. At that time, almost all the bases of the Demon Slayer Corps were captured by the Twelve Demons. The pillars also suffered heavy casualties. Only the ones who protected the lord at that time were Master 'Yanzhu' survived..."

"Well, I know everything up to this point." Xuan Hao nodded lightly, "So what happens next?"

"At that time, Lord Flame Pillar Purgatory Shinichiro was supposed to die after turning on his markings, but at dawn, he miraculously survived..."

When Butterfly Kanae spoke, she couldn't help but look at the man in front of her.

The attack that year was the biggest disaster since the establishment of the Demon Slayer Corps. There were very few people left in the entire Demon Slayer Corps, and they had to hide for a long time.

If it weren't for the surviving 'Pillar of Flame' Purgatory Shinichiro and the 'Breath of the Sun' Maya Kagami who desperately guarded the inheritance of the Demon Slayer Corps, perhaps today's Demon Slayer Corps would have become extinct.

And Butterfly Kanae knew that in the records passed down by the lord's family, the two people who saved the Demon Slayer Squad back then were inextricably linked to the 'Ming Zhu' in front of him.

One is the ‘Flame Pillar’ who was supposed to die but was saved by this man, and the other is this man’s apprentice.

"After the Demon Slayer Corps continued, people originally wanted to bury you and the sacrificed pillars together, but Flame Hashira Purgatory Shinichiro-sama and your disciples firmly believed that you were not dead. Even though people at the time thought you were dead. Because you have neither breathing nor heartbeat, but they still firmly say that you are still alive. They firmly believe that you will wake up one day, and that will be the day when ghosts will be wiped from this world forever."

"Is this so?" Xuan Hao couldn't help but sigh in his heart.


Butterfly Kanae smiled, "The lord at that time also believed in this, so every head of the Ubuyashiki clan later ordered the pillars to guard your body secretly. The lords all firmly believed that they had defeated Kibutsuji You, the innocent one, are our hope.

Later, as time passed, the pillars who looked after your body discovered that your body had not decayed no matter how long it took, and everyone began to believe that maybe you really were our hope. "

"Hope? So you've been waiting for me to wake up? It's been five hundred years of waiting?" Xuan Hao sighed, feeling a little sorry for the people of the Demon Slayer Team.

These people regarded him as hope and waited for five hundred years.

"Yes," Kanae answered truthfully, "but until you really wake up, we are still skeptical. After all, it has been five hundred years."

"This is normal." Xuan Hao expressed understanding.

"But I think...even so...your immortal body still gives us the strength to fight, making us believe that one day no ghost will come in the future."

Butterfly Kanae's eyes suddenly became a little erratic, "Perhaps the pillars for hundreds of years have pinned such hope on themselves and were able to persist in fighting."

"Uh... that's an exaggeration." Xuan Hao scratched his head, "You don't have to comfort me like this."

He looked at the girl in front of him. This girl seemed not to be good at lying. These last words were probably made up by the girl herself to comfort him, an old man who had been sleeping for hundreds of years.

"Ah..." Kanae smiled awkwardly after being exposed, "Actually, it's not a comfort. Apart from the comfort element, I'm very serious!"

The girl's eyes became determined.

A hopeful future will come one day, at least that's what she thinks. She always believed that people can survive only because they have hope.

"Uh..." The corners of Xuan Hao's mouth twitched, excluding the element of comfort, are you serious? These words sounded quite hurtful, but the girl didn't seem to have any ill intentions. Forget it, he didn't need comfort anyway.

"Oh, by the way!" Kanae seemed to remember something, "My lord once said, if you really wake up, I hope you can go see him! My lord knows more things than me, so it should be helpful to you." "

"Well, no problem." Xuan Hao nodded lightly.

He really should go meet the current master of the Demon Slayer Corps, because killing Muzan Demonbutsuji requires careful planning.

Now he can't easily appear in the sight of ghosts.

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