A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 407 400. Research on Zhu Shi

Chapter 407 400. Research on Pearl World

This is Miss Zhushi's mansion, a medical clinic hidden in an unknown place.

In the previous riot on the street, although Tanjiro subdued the man who was transformed into a ghost by Mukai, there was no way to solve the riot afterwards.

Fortunately, Ms. Zhu Shi appeared in time and used her blood ghost technique "Blood Confusion·Visual Dream Fragrance" to disrupt the sight of ordinary people and calm the man who turned into a ghost.

The appearance of Tamashi made Tanjiro know that besides Nezuko, there were other ghosts in this world who would not harm humans, so he

Accepted the invitation to come to the mansion.

He thought that if it was a special ghost like Miss Tamashi, she might know a way to turn Nezuko back into a human.

Tanjiro followed Yushiro into the back room.

He found that Zhu Shi was busy taking care of the woman who was bitten by a ghost on the street.

"Are they okay?"

Tanjiro asked worriedly, because the woman lying on the bed was unconscious and looked haggard.

"It's just a skin injury, nothing serious."

Jushi responded gently, "But her husband who turned into a ghost is a bit pitiful. He can only be kept in a cell to prevent him from hurting others."

It needs to be locked up... Then it seems that Miss Tamashii can't turn ghosts into humans?

After listening to Tamashi's words, Tanjiro felt a little disappointed, and the hope he had finally raised was poured cold water on him again.

But what he can now confirm is that Miss Tamashiro and Yushiro beside him are really kind-hearted ghosts, because now they endure the hunger for flesh and blood to treat the injuries of humans.

"I'm really sorry to trouble you," Tanjiro expressed his gratitude to the two of them sincerely, "If you two hadn't appeared, I really don't know how to handle the situation just now."

The situation on the street just now was too chaotic. He could only try his best to suppress the man who turned into a ghost, but in the eyes of others, his actions were completely incomprehensible. The police who came even thought they were fighting and wanted to kill him. Pull away.

If Miss Zhushi hadn't taken action in time, the situation would have been even more chaotic. The worst-case scenario would have been for the ghost to break free and injure many pedestrians on the street.

"You are Welcome."

Tamashi stood up and led Tanjiro and Nezuko to the reception room.

After entering the room, Nezuko lay on the tatami obediently, staring at the chandelier on the ceiling in a daze.

Tanjiro sat across from Tamayo and Yushiro, and the atmosphere was somewhat silent for a while.

Finally, Zhu Shi's gentle voice broke the silence, "You haven't had time to introduce yourself yet? My name is 'Ju Shi', and this child is 'Yoshiro'."

She extended her hand and pointed at Yushiro, who was sitting next to him with a disdainful look on Tanjiro's face.

"My name is Kamado Tanjiro, and this is my sister Nezuko."

Tanjiro also introduced himself and his sister politely.

Zhu Shi nodded slowly, but Yushiro beside her didn't seem to like the young man in front of her.

"Yushiro, be polite." Zhu Shi frowned.

"Yes! Lord Jushi!"

Oshiro could only reluctantly look at the young man in front of him due to the expression on his face.

This guy actually said that ugly girl is the most beautiful? What a joke! Miss Mingmingzhushi is the most beautiful! He could only have room for Miss Zhu Shi in his heart, so he was incompatible with this young man who had a disagreement with him.

"Why did Ms. Tamashi invite me here?" Tanjiro asked with some confusion.

"Because I feel...you are special."

Tamashi looked at Tanjiro's appearance carefully.

She recognized the earrings on this young man's ears, and the most important thing was, "You were facing someone who had turned into a ghost, but you didn't draw your sword to kill him. With your strength, you should be able to easily deal with the person who just turned into a ghost." It's human, but from the beginning to the end you didn't seem to think about drawing the knife, but tried to help him."

"Yes, I thought it was over before..." Tanjiro nodded awkwardly.

If it hadn't been like this, he wouldn't have been so distressed at that time. It was clear that the other party had turned into a ghost. If it were another ghost hunter, it would be the right thing to kill him with a knife and quickly evacuate the scene. As for the subsequent commotion, he would not consider it at all. Within the scope, someone will be responsible for handling it.

This is the meaning of the existence of the Lord and the Anbu.

But he still chose to help this person who had just turned into a ghost, because this person was the same as Nezuko and had never eaten a human. He thought there was still hope.

But the reality was not as simple as he imagined. When he calmed down afterwards, he realized that he seemed to have done something wrong.

Although this ghost did not eat people, he had already hurt people. For a bloody ghost, he failed to make the correct judgment and made things more troublesome.

If the teacher found out about this, he would be beaten, right?

"I never thought I would meet someone like you, Miss Zhushi..."


Zhu Shi looked at the hesitant young man in front of him with soft eyes, "There is nothing to worry about. As you can see, I am indeed a ghost. It's just slightly different from ordinary ghosts. I have made many modifications to my body and now It has escaped the control of Muzan Kibutsuji, and can survive normally even without eating people, and only needs to drink a small amount of human blood."

"Drink human blood? This..."

"This is a desperate move."

Miss Zhushi's eyes became a little dim, "Although I also thought about researching a way to turn ghosts back into humans, I unfortunately failed. Only needing a small amount of human blood to survive is the limit of what I can do now. , of course, we will not directly harm humans to obtain blood, we are just using blood transfusion as an excuse to purchase some blood from some people who are struggling."

With Ms. Tamashii's personal admission, Tanjiro once again confirmed that Ms. Tamashii really did not have a way to turn ghosts back into humans, otherwise she would have used it on herself.

However, this was still an alternative. He was thinking that if he couldn't find a way to turn Nezuko back into a human in the end, perhaps accepting this transformation would be much better than remaining a man-eating ghost.

Tanjiro soon shook his head and rejected this method.

He must let Nezuko turn back into a real human.

"Miss Zhuyo, is there really no way to turn ghosts back into humans?"

Although he knew it was a bit unrealistic, Tanjiro still wanted to ask, "You just said that this method is the limit of what you can do now? So...is there still a chance?"

Looking at Tanjiro's anxious look, and looking at Nezuko who was rolling around and playing on the tatami, Tamayo probably understood the purpose of this young man's anxiety.

But now she still can't promise anything to Tanjiro.

"I'm sorry, I can't give you a definite answer, because this matter has never been discussed before. I think you, as a swordsman of the Demon Slayer Squad, should also know that humans who are turned into ghosts by Muzan have never been There is no example of changing back, but..."

"But what?" Tanjiro moved closer excitedly.

"Boy! Stay away from Lord Jushi!"

Yushiro pushed Tanjiro away with some grumpiness.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I got excited." Tanjiro quickly apologized.

"It doesn't matter." Tamashi smiled and forgave Tanjiro, then looked at Yushiro gloomily, "Yoshiro! If you bully him again, I will never forgive you!"


Yushiro replied seriously, Miss Tamashi looks so beautiful when she is angry!

"I understand your excitement...you want this child to turn back into a human, right?"

Tamashi looked at Tanjiro and Nezuko tenderly.


Nezuko rubbed her little head obediently against her brother.

Tanjiro reached out and caressed his little sister, who was like a child.

"Although there has never been a precedent, some things may not be absolute."

Tamayo explained seriously to Tanjiro, "You should also know that the only one in this world who can turn humans into ghosts is Muzai Onibatsuji, right?"


Tamashi pointed at Yushirou on the side and said, "But this precedent has been broken. The person who turned this child into a ghost... is me."


Tanjiro looked at Yushiro with some surprise.

"Don't get me wrong! I became a ghost voluntarily!"

Yushiro glared at Tanjiro angrily, "Don't confuse Miss Tamashii with something like Muzai Kibutsuji!"

"No...I didn't mean that!" Tanjiro waved his hands.

"Humph!" Yushiro looked questioning.

"Yushiro!" Zhu Shi was about to get angry again.


Yushirou covered his mouth with a 'pop' sound, and also blocked his mouth with a talisman he found from somewhere.

Tamashi sighed helplessly, and then explained to Tanjiro, "Although turning humans into ghosts and turning ghosts back into humans are two completely opposite things, they must be related. Although Yushiro is I am the only successful one in hundreds of years, but it can be considered an important step. Yushiro is probably the ghost closest to humans, and he requires less blood to survive than me."

"Then what's next..." Tanjiro was a little excited.

"Yes." Zhu Shi nodded lightly, "My research is still continuing. One day I will find a way to truly turn ghosts back into humans, but this process may be very long."

"..." Tanjiro was a little disappointed, and the hope he finally found seemed to be dashed again.

The life of a ghost is very long. Miss Tamashii spent hundreds of years unable to find a way to turn a ghost back into a human. He thought that he might not have the chance to see Nezuko turn back into a human with his own eyes.

"There's no need to put on that expression." Yushiro glanced at Tanjiro with some displeasure, "Ms. Tamashii called you here just to ask for your help to speed up the progress of the research!"


Hearing that he might be able to help, Tanjiro instantly became energetic again.

"Yes, in order to study how to turn ghosts back into humans, I need to investigate the blood of as many ghosts as possible. I came to you because I want to ask you for two things."

Jushi's expression became serious.

"First, your sister looks very special. I have never seen a ghost like her who overcomes the desire for human flesh and blood by her own strength, so I hope you can agree to my research on your sister's blood."

"That's no problem." Tanjiro agreed without hesitation.

He could smell the smell emanating from Zhu Shi at this moment. It was a serious and reassuring smell. Zhu Shi did not deceive him, but asked him seriously.

"Second, I hope you can collect blood from ghosts that contain more Kibutsuji Mukai's blood as much as possible for my research."

Having said this, Zhuyo sighed slightly, "You know, we are ghosts and cannot deal with the Demon Slayer Corps and Demon Slayer Corps at the same time, so this matter can only be left to the trustworthy Demon Slayer Corps swordsmen. Do it.”

"In other words, we believe you."

Although he was a little reluctant, Yushiro continued what Miss Tamashi said.

"Don't get me wrong! Miss Jushi trusts you, so I have no choice but to believe you!"


Tanjiro was slightly stunned.

It was the truth, Yushiro said it was the truth, he could clearly smell the smell of 'hate' and 'suspiciousness' from Yushiro, and Yushiro did not hide his dislike and suspicion towards him at all.

"The more blood a ghost gets from Kibutsuji Mumei, the stronger it will become. It is not easy to collect blood from them. My request may be a bit difficult. If you are not willing, you can choose to refuse."

After saying that, Zhu Shi stared quietly at the young man in front of him and fell into deep thought.

She has been researching for hundreds of years, and she deeply realizes that it is unrealistic to kill Muzan Kibutsuji or find a way to transform back into a human just by relying on her own strength, so she asked for help from humans again. .

She knew it was a very risky move, but she still chose to believe in the boy in front of her.

Because for some reason, she seemed to be able to feel a familiar figure in this young man.

Following the country's fate? No, it’s not just Jiguoyuanyi...

Zhu Shi has always been very concerned about the identity of this boy, because this boy not only wore the earrings that Enichi Jiguo once wore, but also exuded another scent that impressed her deeply.

Whether it's the earrings or the smell, she can't go wrong.

Because the medicine she researched using the blood of the man named Xuan Hao is still sealed in this mansion.

Speaking of which, the man named Xuan Hao was the one she thought had the best chance of helping her kill Muzan Kibutsuji, but to her dismay, this guy disappeared inexplicably.

Later, she reluctantly tried to use the blood left by this man to develop a method to fight Wuhan, but the final result ended in failure.

Although this medicine will cause unbearable severe pain, as long as you can survive it, you will break through the bottleneck and become stronger.

If used on humans, it will most likely cause pain to death, but such pain cannot kill ghosts.

So Jushi came to the conclusion that this was a useless potion.

This kind of medicine must not be used on ordinary humans and Kibutsuji Muzan.

Because even if ordinary humans can survive using this potion, they still cannot defeat Wuhan, and Wuhan will become more difficult to deal with if he gets this potion.

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