Chapter 464 457. Running

When night falls again, it's time for evil spirits to be active again.

The smell of blood filled the night sky, both from humans and from evil spirits.

As the sword flashed, bright red blood splashed everywhere, and then it turned into flying bubbles and disappeared without a trace. Just like the punishment given by God to evil ghosts, their death means complete dissipation, leaving no complete corpse.

"Ha ha--"

A ghost hunter gasped violently, swung his knife to revive his blood, and then dragged his exhausted body full of scars away from here.

Although tonight's mission was completed, he also suffered injuries that he could not handle on his own.

With every step he took, blood dripped from the wound onto the ground.

" looks like I have to go back to the headquarters to report."

The ghost hunter sighed slightly.

He did not consider going to Butterfly House for treatment first, because although his injuries were serious, they were not fatal. The most important thing now was to report another important thing to the lord - the ghost was getting stronger!

Yes, since the battle in Flower Street, the ghosts that haunt the night have obviously become stronger and stronger.

His level in the Demon Slayer Squad is 'C'. This level is not weak. It can be said that it is very easy to deal with some troublesome imps on weekdays, but in the past few nights, he has felt more and more difficult.

The evil ghosts that appear are getting stronger and stronger, and their frequency is getting higher and higher. This is not a good thing. It always feels like something is about to happen.

His steps were heavy and blood dripped onto the ground. Perhaps because of the injury, his awareness of the surroundings has decreased, and he did not notice the wriggling spherical objects emerging from the ground where he walked.

They were eyeballs that seemed to be rooted in the ground. Countless black hairs connected them to the ground. The eyes of these eyeballs all fell on the back of the ghost hunter. They observed the blood on the ground and squirmed all the way. tailgating.


Infinite city.

The sound of pipa echoed in the silent city.

Naruto played the pipa strings and sat on the tatami. Behind her was a wall that extended infinitely upwards. Her dark hair clung to the wall and spread upwards like an ivy.

The end above is the ground, and the ends of these hairs are connected to her 'eyes'. She uses this method to quietly monitor every move of the ghost hunters who are out and about, so as to obtain the information they want.

Being able to control the huge Infinite City for Muzan to hide in, and having such excellent intelligence gathering abilities, now that the position of Usang no Shou has become vacant, Narume has naturally replaced Hantengu's position as the new Usang no Shou.

Suddenly, the sound of the pipa stopped.


Muzan, who was sitting opposite Naruto, raised his head and glanced at her.

Muzan lay on his back on the sofa, like a spectator who came specially to listen to the geisha's performance.

At this moment, the performance suddenly stopped, and he needed the performer to give him an explanation.

"Sir, I found another person."

Narume respectfully said towards the direction not far in front of her, "Since then, I have mastered every move of nearly 60% of the ghost hunters. According to their movement trajectory, I will soon be able to find the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Corps." It’s there.”

After saying that, she continued to play, and the melodious pipa sound continued. After all, she had no fighting ability, and her task was just to solve the problems for the adult in front of her.

During this time, the adult in front of her was in a very unhappy mood. If she angered this adult again, she knew that she would end badly.

"good very good."

On the sofa not far in front of Naru Nu, Muzan was looking down at the map in his hand.

While listening to Naruko's performance, he looked at the various trajectories marked on the map, and finally a pleasant smile appeared on his face.

"Narume, you have grown far beyond my expectations."

For this useful tool in front of me, I will not hesitate to praise myself.

All the ghosts he sent recently, whether they were lower strings or upper strings, had failed one after another, which made him feel very good. Only Narume, who had just taken over the position of the upper strings in front of him, had completed her task very well. This can be said to be this. It was the only thing that made him feel good in a while.

"Wait, Demon Slayer, I will completely wipe you out of this world this time."

The smile on Wuxian's face only lasted for a moment, and his expression turned extremely cold again.

He looked at the map in his hand, on which traces were outlined with scarlet red lines that looked like blood. Where did these traces converge? No need to guess, there is only the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Corps.

"Sir, do you really plan to take action personally this time?"

After hearing the words of the adult in front of her, Naru asked cautiously.

"Can I still count on you?"

Muzan glanced at her indifferently, his eyes full of sullenness, as if he was very dissatisfied with Naru's question.

If the 'tool' in front of him was not very useful, he would never tolerate one of his ghosts daring to speculate or question his decision.

"Don't dare..."

Naru's hand playing the pipa trembled slightly, she lowered her head and continued playing.

"You just need to follow the orders I gave you and you don't need to worry about the rest. Do you understand?"

"My subordinate understands."

Naruto responded and quickly shut her mouth.

Only the sound of pipa echoed in the infinite city.



Rapid breathing came from Zenitsu's mouth.

He ran as hard as he could.

Speed ​​has always been his strength. Logically speaking, there is probably no human being in this world other than Xuan Hao who can be faster than the current Zenitsu.

There are very few ghosts who can chase him.

But he was running desperately at the moment, as if he would be doomed if he was any slower.

There was no one behind him, and nothing seemed to be chasing him, but at this moment, he felt an unprecedented coldness on his back.

It was not his enemies that pursued him, but time and death.

Dark red blood dripped along the path he ran. He was not injured, so the blood was not his, but left on the person he was holding.

What he was holding in his arms at this moment was the most important person to him in this world.

His teacher is like a grandfather, Jigoro Kuwashima.

Jigoro Kuwashima was the former "Narubashira" of the Demon Slayer Corps. He used the breath of thunder and was very powerful. He lost a leg while fighting ghosts and took a back seat to work as a "trainer".

But even so, his strength is still undoubted. If he encounters an injured ordinary ghost, he can still easily deal with it even if he only has one leg. So why is he in a state of near-death like now?

The reason for this incident has to start with Zenitsu’s damn senior brother ‘Zhouyue’.

Kuwashima Jigoro has two disciples in total, and these two disciples can be said to be problem children.

One is a kind-hearted Zenitsu who has no talent and can only learn the Breath of Thunder I type, and the other... is the senior brother 'Zhou Yue' who is completely opposite to Zenitsu.

Yes, it's the complete opposite. Unlike the kind-hearted Zenitsu, this guy is a complete scumbag.

Zhuo Yue is impetuous by nature and can never calm down when training. He is obviously not a swordsman without talent, but he cannot even fully master the breath of thunder.

There are a total of six sword types in Breath of Thunder. Zenitsu can only learn the first type, but Yu Yue is the only one who cannot learn this simple and pure type because there is no secret to this type and can only be practiced through repeated repetitions. To master, that's all.

This sounds like he is just an opportunistic person. Why do you say he is a scumbag?

Because of his actions and sins in the past and present, they have reached an unforgivable level.

Yue Yue is a person who completely implements egoism and selfishness.

When he was young, he was a homeless orphan who stole to survive. In the most difficult period, he even drank muddy water to survive. This is how his selfish character gradually formed. In order to survive, he could only be selfish. Lee constantly thinks about himself, because for him only surviving is the most important thing. No matter what the process is, as long as he is alive, he will definitely be able to change the status quo.

In fact, if this kind of character is limited to this, it is not unforgivable, but what he did next has exceeded the bottom line of being a human being.

When Yu Yue was about to starve to death, the person who saved him was Yu Ming Yu Yumei, who had not yet become a swordsman of the Demon Slayer Corps.

At that time, Bei Mingyu Xingming was still practicing in the temple. He found the dying Zhuo Yue and brought him back to the temple to raise him.

This is undoubtedly a life-saving grace for Zhu Yue.

But how did he repay it?

The taken-in Yue Yue did not intend to live an ordinary life as a good boy. Even though he had a stable life, he still did not get rid of his habit of stealing.

One day, he was kicked out of the temple by other children because he stole money. That night, Zhuang Yue encountered a ghost on the mountain.

So, in order to save his life and take revenge on the other children, he lured the ghost into the temple.

He didn't feel the slightest gratitude to Ming Yu Xingming who was kind to him, and even wanted to kill him as well. When he sneaked into the temple, he did not hesitate to extinguish the wisteria flower incense burner that Mingmingyu Xingming had placed in the temple, then closed the temple door and took the opportunity to escape alone.

As a result of his series of actions, only one child in the temple survived. At that time, Ming Yu Xingming did not join the Demon Slayer Team. When he discovered that the evil spirits had invaded, it was too late to save the other children. A child was finally saved after he fought with the evil ghost for his life until dawn.

Most humans do not know the existence of ghosts, so the government will naturally not know that the tragedy in the temple is caused by evil spirits.

All they could see were the dead children and the only one present, Mingyu Xingming. This burly man who was born with monster-like powers beyond ordinary people was naturally judged as a sinner and imprisoned for crying out unjustly.

This was the first sin that Zhuo Yue committed. He repaid kindness with hatred and showed no gratitude to the benefactor who saved him.

And then, after learning about the existence of ghosts, Yue Yue chose to become a ghost hunter in order to survive better and have the means to save his life.

So he went to Momoyama, where Kuwashima Jigoro was, to study under him.

This was the beginning of his second crime.

Not long ago, Yue Yue completely broke through the bottom line of being a human being.

During another mission, he encountered the ghost of the first string, Hei Shimo.

Facing such an invincible enemy, the other ghost hunters were easily killed, and only he knelt down and begged for mercy.

In order to save his life, Zhuo Yue completely abandoned the bottom line of being a human being and constantly begged the other party for mercy.

Hei Shimo originally planned to kill him, but the ghost side was now in a position to employ people, and Zhou Yue's determination to become stronger at the risk of becoming a ghost hit Hei Si Mo's point well, so Zhou Yue decided to kill him. Yue turned into a ghost smoothly.

After turning into a ghost, Gogaku felt the pleasure of power, and became more and more arrogant. He did become stronger, and even soon gained the recognition of Onimu Tsuji Mumei (actually there was a real shortage of people), and became a substitute for the fallen demon. The new relationship between Hime and the prostitute Taro Part 6.

But at the same time, because Yu Yue turned into a ghost, Kuwashima Jigoro, who was responsible for cultivating him, was forced to apologize for this.

This was the second crime he committed.

Yue Yue only had himself in his mind, and had never considered the impact of becoming a ghost. No, it should be said that he actually knew it.

As a ghost hunter, of course he knows the rules of the Demon Slayer Squad, and he also knows the character of his teacher Jigoro Kuwashima. He even knows clearly that his teacher will commit seppuku after he becomes a ghost, but he Still no regrets at all.

Zenitsu has always believed that what distinguishes humans and ghosts is never the body but the heart.

Just like Nezuko, even though he is a ghost, he is very cute, but his damn senior brother is hopeless!

If you don’t know how to be grateful and lose your bottom line as a human being, you are no longer worthy of being a human being!

"Kill him, kill him, I must kill him with my own hands!"

Zenitsu kept running while holding back tears.

His heart was filled with anger and murderous intent. This was the first time he had ever been so angry, and the first time he had wanted to kill someone with his own hands.

Because his grandpa is dying!

Kuwashima Cigoro in his arms looked painful and was dying.

Seppuku is a cruel and painful way to die.

Because this method is not suitable for suicide at all, it is difficult to die quickly. Without interfering with the wrong person, this method of suicide can only endure a long and painful process, and then die only after excessive blood loss.

Zenitsu regretted why he didn't complete the task and came back to visit his grandfather immediately. If he had taken a step earlier, he should have been able to stop it.

At the same time, he was also glad that he came back in time, because Kuwashima Jigoro in his arms was not dead yet.

After a simple bandage, Zenitsu hugged his grandfather and started running towards the headquarters.

Because now, Zenitsu can only think of one person who can save his grandfather - Xuan Hao.

"Quick, quick, quick! Faster!"

Zenitsu's figure flashed across the ground like lightning. At this moment, he was racing against death.

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