A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 489 482. Zanpakutō? Reiatsu?

Chapter 489 482. Zanpakutō? Reiatsu?


There was a whistling sound.

The thick smoke and dust were dispersed instantly.

Shiba Jinbei, who was being carried on Xuanhao's shoulders, was dumbfounded as he watched the man in front of him pump his fist.

"Ah...it looks like my soul is quite hard~"

The man slowly retracted his fist, and after confirming that it was intact, he said something incomprehensible.

Just now, this man punched away Daxu who was trying to swallow his soul, and then moved his fist back. The thick smoke spread in the direction of his wave like a stirred wind and cloud.

When the smoke dissipated, Xuan Hao stepped forward and moved the rubble on the old man's body.

"Are you okay?"


The old man replied weakly.

"Thank you, big brother!"

The boy threw himself into the old man's arms.

"Young man...have you...become a god of death?"

Looking at the young man in front of him with a smile and wearing a death tyrant uniform, the old man finally had some sparkle in his eyes.

"So be it."

Xuanhao chuckled and threw down Shiba Ryuhei on his shoulders, "Hey, captain, do your job."


Shiba Jinbei hasn't recovered from what just happened.

What just happened?

Oh, right!

He was suddenly picked up by this guy, and he quickly arrived at the place where the virtual invasion was taking place. As for how fast? Anyway, it’s much faster than the average Shinigami using Shunpo!

Why mention ‘Shunpo’ specifically? Because if he didn't feel wrong just now, this guy didn't use 'Shunpo'!

What the hell, what a monster! ? You can achieve that speed just by running! ?

And then... he punched Daxu's mask into pieces?

Shiba Jinbei felt that his entire outlook on life was shattered.

Where can a Shinigami fight like this? Is the Zanpakutō on your body a decoration? ?

He had 10,000 doubts in his heart, but now it seemed that this was really not the time to talk nonsense.

"Hurry up, Captain."

Because the guy behind him saw that urging was useless and kicked him in the butt.

"Hey hey hey, I'm the captain!"

"I know."

Xuanhao was perfunctory.


Shiba Jinbei sighed.

It was really difficult for him to start treating others before his own injuries were healed.

"What are you going to do?"

While treating the dying old man in front of him, Shiba Jinbe turned to the man behind him who was gearing up and asked.

"Of course I have to play with it properly~"

Xuan Hao chuckled and turned around.

He is very excited now.

Because he found that even without a physical body, he seemed to be very hard in his soul state.

But this seems to be a matter of course. After all, with the protection of the power of law, nothing can really hurt his soul.

Zanpakutō? Reiatsu? None of this seemed important to him.

Because he felt that as long as he was reckless enough, he could dissolve everything in front of him just by the collision of souls!

"Oh, by the way, please protect them both."

Xuanhao, who took two steps out, seemed to remember something and turned back to say something to Shiba Jinbei behind him.


After hearing this, Shiba Jinbei turned to look at Xuanhao's back in confusion.

Soon, he understood why this man reminded himself to protect these two ordinary souls.


The angry roar was deafening.

The air waves set off blew away the surrounding ruins. Without his protection, ordinary souls would not be able to stand at all.

The knocked down Daxu quickly got up, and then angrily rushed towards the god of death who shattered its mask.

Masks are particularly important to Hollow. Before evolving into Vastod, as long as the masks were damaged, it meant that they could no longer grow, so now it is extremely angry, so angry that it wants to tear the death in front of it into pieces immediately!

And then……


There was a heavy breathing sound.

Everyone was stunned.

Because this heavy breathing sound like a ferocious beast did not come from the huge Daxu, but from the man in front of him moving his arms.

Along with this man's breathing, it seemed as if the spiritual power of the entire space was being affected and began to tremble.

A confused Shiba Jinbei couldn't understand how a person who seemed to have no spiritual pressure at all could affect the spiritual power fluctuations in Soul Society, but something even more incredible to him was yet to come.


Daxu's huge body appeared, and it once again opened its huge mouth as deep as a black hole, trying to swallow the death in front of it.

However, Xuan Hao on the opposite side showed a bright smile in the face of the strong wind.

"Well done!"

In an instant, the direction of the wind changed.

Under Shiba Jinbei's stunned gaze, his fist made contact with Daxu's body that was rushing toward him.


The dull blast-like sound made people's hearts tremble.

In an instant, powerful fluctuations spread from the center of the great void to the surroundings. The stronger wind than before almost made the unprepared Shiba Jinbei almost lose his balance.

He hurriedly protected the old man and the young man beside him, but his eyes did not dare to move away from the man in front of him.


Outrageous, so outrageous.

Because of this punch, Daxu's entire body exploded in an instant, and no larger remains could be found except for blood.

Blood rain fell from the sky, and the man was bathed in scarlet blood, as if a god had come.

"This...this is..."

Shiba Jinbei couldn't describe his current mood.

The Daxu just now was undoubtedly dead.

But it was neither purified by the Zanpakuto nor erased by the Quincy, but was forcibly blasted into spirit children.

The Death God relies on the Zanpakutō to kill Hollows, and the Zanpakutō itself is also a form of existence of the soul. If killing a Hollow with a Zanpakutō means cutting off a soul with a soul, then this man himself is an extremely sharp 'sword'.

This was the first time he had seen such a violent method. No, it should be said that he simply couldn't understand it.

He couldn't feel any spiritual pressure from this man. Souls without spiritual pressure were generally just ordinary souls. But what's going on with this weird power? There is no spiritual pressure, just pure violence, a collision of souls that is simply incomprehensible.

He originally thought that the guy who was able to deal with Kin'emon who was guarding the gate was arranged by that stinky old man, which meant that this guy was able to sneak into the Gotei 13 through his connections, but since it was the old man's wish, he didn't bother to care.

But now he found that he was wrong.

"Damn it, old man Yamamoto, what kind of monster did you find?"

Shiba Jinbei's whole body was in bad shape.

He made a mistake.

This kid is not a guy who needs protection, but a real monster.

"How about it?"

Xuanhao suddenly asked.


Shiba Jinbei was stunned.

"What...how was it?"

"Now, do you believe I can make you stronger?"


Looking at the bright smile on the face of the man in front of him, Shiba Jinbe felt a chill on his back for some reason.

"How about... you become the captain?"


Central Room 46.

This is the highest judicial body composed of forty sages and six judges summoned from all over Soul Society.

Responsible for enforcing the judgment of the god of death and souls that violate taboos.

Its orders are absolute, and there has never been a case in the past where once the verdict was overturned.

There is an inviolable and completely off-limits area in the deepest part of the Seireitei.

The residence of the members of Room 46, the "Qingjing Pagoda Julin", and the intelligence concentration center "Dalingshu Corridor" are also in this area.

This is a forbidden area for Soul Society. Even high-ranking officials are not allowed to enter this area without permission.

And today, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni came here.

He was informed to go to Central Room 46.

As for the reason...

"Perhaps the matter has been exposed?"

The old man with a cane sighed as he walked. He was clearly sighing, but there was a faint smile on his face.

That's right, it seems that the matter of him inserting a dangerous person into the Gotei 13 without telling everyone was exposed... To be honest, he didn't expect it to be exposed so quickly.

"Do you know what you did? Captain Yamamoto."

As soon as he entered the conference hall, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni heard such questions from the sages.

"I know, that kid seems to be doing pretty well."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni stood in the center of the hall with a cane, like a sinner undergoing trial.

But his performance was not nervous at all, and even seemed calm and composed.

"Huh...are you doing well?"

Someone smiled and said, "Almost the entire 45th district of Rukongai West was razed to the ground. You did a pretty good job, didn't you?"

"If I remember correctly...it was almost completely destroyed by the void before it was razed to the ground, right?"

Faced with the question of the sage's yin and yang, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni chuckled, "And when Rukongai was destroyed, not a single Shinigami arrived on the scene before the child arrived."


The sage was stunned for a moment, "This is because... because the other divisions are busy guarding the Seireitei and dealing with Hueco Mundo's problems. As you know, Captain Unohana has not returned to Soul Society until now. "

"This... doesn't seem to be the reason for 'us' as the God of Death not to act, right?"

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni squinted his eyes slightly, still with a faint smile on his face.

But anyone could tell that he was not in a good mood at the moment, because the temperature of the entire conference hall was rising at a perceptible speed.

"Um...Captain Yamamoto, please calm down first."

Some people can't stand it any longer.

After all, the old man in front of him is the strongest person in Soul Society for thousands of years. If he really wants to get angry, no one who comes here will be able to withstand his anger.

"We just want to remind you, this... child you are talking about? He may be dangerous..."


Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni sighed.

The temperature in the conference hall finally dropped slightly.

"Gentlemen, I think this old man like me is not an old fool. As I said, he is just a child. Is...is there any problem?"

"No...since you said so, there must be no problem."

The sages looked at each other, with beads of sweat hanging on their foreheads. It was unknown whether it was due to the heat or something else.

No one can question the loyalty of the old man in front of Soul Society to Soul Society, and they will not have any doubts about this.

This time I invited this old man here just to confirm something.

This soul that suddenly appeared was so special that it could even be labeled as 'dangerous'. After all, they had never seen anyone without spiritual pressure able to exert such a powerful strength before. This was simply contrary to common sense!

It’s normal to be afraid of the unknown.

And the most important thing is that this kid is not native to the Soul Society! Even becoming a Shinigami does not guarantee loyalty to Soul Society.

If he is allowed to grow up...

Therefore, they wanted to confirm whether the old man in front of them could really control the other party.

Now after receiving the old man's reply that 'the other party is just a child', they finally felt relieved. It seemed that their Captain Yamamoto was full of confidence.


After walking out of the forbidden area, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni sighed softly.

"A bunch of guys who can only talk on paper..."

He secretly cursed the stupidity of these so-called wise men.

These guys only saw that the man had no 'reiatsu', but they failed to see the essence of the problem.

This world is made up of spiritual children, and the intensity of spiritual pressure is equal to the intensity of strength. This is indeed true...

But there are always exceptions to everything.

"That's...the transcendent..."

The old man's helpless voice was filled with a bit of happiness.

The reason why people can't sense the spiritual pressure on Xuan Hao is actually very simple. It's not that he really doesn't have spiritual pressure, but that they don't have the ability to sense it.

His realm has already surpassed that of everyone, just as the existence of the second dimension cannot interfere with the existence of the third dimension. As long as they do not lower themselves, existences of lower one dimensions cannot feel his spiritual pressure.

And Yamamoto Genryu Saishigekuni didn't feel it at first. It was just during a meditation that he seemed to briefly touch a higher realm by chance, and at this moment, he felt Xuanhao's existence.

An existence that is superior to all Shinigami, Hollows and Quincy, they cannot offend him no matter what.

Therefore, he has been following Xuan Hao's wishes and doing "flattery" actions, but this is also to protect the peace of Soul Society, which is really helpless.

For Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, as long as he can protect Soul Society, everything will be worth it.


"Captain? Not interested, I'll let you continue to be the captain."

After returning to the Fourth Squadron station.

Xuanhao had no interest in Shiba Jinbei's proposal and rejected it outright.

Being a captain is a troublesome job, especially being the captain of the Fourth Division, especially in times like this.

The Gotei 13 is only a medical supply unit. It's still a war. Do you really want to be the captain?

"Let's discuss this issue that will make you stronger, shall we?"


Shiba Jinbei nodded obediently, but he still looked like a half-department captain.

But it seemed that he couldn't blame him, after all, he had just been frightened.

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