A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 548 541. Xuan Hao: Fight for me, or disappear into thin air

Chapter 548 541. Xuan Hao: Fight for me, or disappear into thin air

"Come on, big guy!"

Hun looked at the centipede-shaped void that was charging towards him fiercely and shouted loudly.

But if you look carefully, you will find that his legs are actually shaking uncontrollably.

This was because he was afraid, and the reason was very simple, because he knew that he could not defeat this Hollow at all.

The one in front of me is a Daxu that is close to the level of Achiukas. Even an ordinary God of Death would have a hard time dealing with it, not to mention that he is just an experimental modified soul with no combat experience. Even if he is a professional What if he was born to fight? After he was created, he has been locked in that broken pill and never seen the light of day. How can he get any practical experience from this!

But Daxu doesn't care about this. It just wants to tear the guy in front of it to pieces, because this guy just stepped on its mask!

There is no need to say more about what the mask means to Xu. Although this guy is too weak to crush his mask even if he steps on it a few times, such behavior is a naked provocation. In short, it has now been Totally angry.

If Hun knew what this Xu was thinking, he would probably scream injustice. He swore that he never meant to step on someone's face, but his ability was to strengthen his lower limbs, and when this Xu jumped over just now, its face was closest to him. It's just the most convenient place to step on.


No, Hun stepped on Daxu's biting face again.

But this time, he did not rely on the opponent's impact to retreat toward the rear. Instead, he stepped directly on the virtual giant body and rushed toward the rear along the thick body.

He stepped hard on Daxu's body with one foot after another. While running, he tried to crush the hard skin on the opponent's body, but unfortunately his strength was still a little weak.


Daxu twisted his body crazily, trying to shake off the soul from his body.

"Damn it!"

Hun grabbed the opponent's armor and cursed.

With a human body, even if it was strengthened by him, it was still impossible to cause substantial damage to such a big void. Although he had expected such a result, he was still a little unwilling to do so.

"No, we can't let it continue to cause trouble here!"

Daxu twisted its body crazily, and the ground began to shake due to its riot. The surrounding walls all collapsed under the impact of this huge body. In the eyes of ordinary people, this was like a sudden earthquake.

The school became noisy, and when they realized that an 'earthquake' was coming, the students evacuated the school in an orderly manner under the guidance of their teachers. Earthquakes in this country are very frequent, so they generally do not cause too many casualties, but these People didn't know that what they were facing this time was not an earthquake, but something even more terrifying.

It was definitely the wrong choice to step out of the building and be exposed to Kyon.

Looking at the crowds of people pouring out one after another below, Hun gritted his teeth and climbed up from Daxu.

He stepped on the opponent's body fiercely, as if to make the virtual creature feel pain, "Hey! Big guy! If you have the ability, come and bite me!"

As he spoke, he turned around in a circle. After confirming the direction, he jumped off Daxu's huge body and ran towards a sparsely populated place. While running, he didn't forget to slap his butt and taunt him.

And everything he did was seen by Xuan Hao, who was standing high above.

Gathering the spirits at his feet, Xuan Hao stood high in the sky where no one could see him, calmly looking down at everything that was happening.

In the distance, Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki were fighting Hollows, and Soul was currently guiding the Hollow chasing him to escape in the completely opposite direction.

"Should it be said that it is indeed a created soul? It is so pure that it makes people feel distressed..."

Xuan Hao sighed and looked at the transformed soul that led Daxu to a deserted place alone.

This is an extremely pure soul, perhaps because it has been locked in a pill since its birth, so its purity has not been contaminated by anything.

Even if you resent those who created it, it cannot change its good nature.

As for seeming a little lustful? It’s just the purest instinct! Is this a problem? It doesn’t count!

All in all, Xuan Hao was very satisfied with the performance of this soul.

A perfect experimental subject.

"Are you good at strengthening the lower limbs?" He chuckled and looked at his soul while running. While muttering, he stretched out his hand to draw something in the air.




Although he had run as hard as he could, there was almost no cover in the route taken by the soul to prevent innocent people from being involved, and Daxu's huge body was so high that his escape route could be seen at a glance.

The countless tentacles growing on the side of Xu's body are constantly extending like sharp spears piercing the ground. Faced with such intensive attacks, no matter how fast the soul is, it will inevitably be hit.

He took a breath of cold air and dragged his injured body towards the woods not far away. Only when he got there could he find a glimmer of hope.


Finally, Hun leaned against a tree, and the sound of trees being crushed kept coming from not far away. He knew that it wouldn't be long before he would be found by that guy.

But at this moment, he was extremely calm and knew that what he should do was to regain his strength as soon as possible and then hold on longer.

If nothing else happens, the God of Death will definitely come to save him after he has eliminated his opponent.

"But...can I really hold on for that long?"

Hun smiled bitterly and stood up. The body was scarred.

He regrets a little. To be honest, he doesn't know what kind of hero he is trying to be. Those guys who have nothing to do with him, what does it matter if they die?

But when he reacted, he had already done so...

(Kurosaki Ichigo: You are amazing, you are noble, and you use my body as a hero!?)


The huge body pressed down hard, knocking down a large tree.

Before that, Hun stamped on the ground violently and sent his body flying backwards.

His figure turned his back to the ground and flew rapidly towards the distance as if flying.

But the spreading shadow shrouded him faster than he could retreat.

Hun raised his head and saw the tall and upright body. For the first time, he felt that he was really small.

This Hollow might be able to crush him just by relying on its weight.

Compared with the behemoth in front of him, he may be an insignificant 'ant'.

"Ant? It's such a disgusting word for him."

Unconsciously, a self-deprecating smile appeared on Hun's face.

He suddenly remembered that he seemed to have never escaped the fate of being an 'ant'. The ant's ending was to be crushed to death without any care, and he was the same.

The Soul Society issued a destruction order to the transformed soul not long after he was created, and his death date was set the day after he was created.

While in the pill, his soul trembled with fear every day. Seeing that the number of companions around him was getting smaller and smaller, he was afraid that one day he would end up like these unlucky guys.

Fortunately, he managed to escape from the warehouse that was about to be destroyed by mixing it with other pills, but he was always afraid that if he was discovered one day, he would be ruthlessly killed.

The fear has never dissipated in his heart, and he has never been able to control his own destiny.

Just like now, even if it escapes the fate of being destroyed, it will still be crushed like ants.

"It's so...exhausting..."

Finally, the soul seemed to be tired and stopped running away.

He stood there, raised his head, and looked up at Daxu, who was gradually approaching him, with an apologetic smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, Death, I can't seem to save your body..."

He was ready to accept his impending death.

"Think about it...it seems like I should have died a long time ago..."

Hun murmured to himself and smiled. It had actually been a long time since the 'death date' set by those people. From a certain perspective, this seemed to be an escape from the cruel fate.

"I have saved many people now..."

"I should have died a long time ago. Not only am I not dead now, I have also saved many people... I was not destroyed by those hateful bastards, but I died as a hero. After all, I should have earned something, right!?"

He kept saying some incomprehensible words, as if he was asking Daxu in front of him, as if he were asking the blind God, as if he was trying to convince himself to accept death calmly.

"But why...I still feel unwilling..."

Tears burst out of Soul's eyes. Although it was on Kurosaki Ichigo's face, he was crying like an aggrieved child, childish and pure.


The violent wind pressure fell from the sky, and he saw the virtual creature rushing towards him. This time, he had no ability to escape or dodge, not only because his body had reached its limit, but also because he was almost desperate.

He had almost seen his own end, with his body being crushed and his soul being devoured, as if he had never existed before, dying alone and miserably.


The sudden sound was deafening, falling like a thunderbolt from the blue, exploding in front of the soul.

But it wasn't because that one fluttered to the ground.

Something crashed down, hitting the soul and the void.

The huge shock wave originated from the place where the thing fell. The turbulent air waves spread in all directions, seeming to divide the entire world. Daxu, who was sprinting, could no longer move forward, and Hehun was also forced by the strong shock wave. retreat.

"If you don't want to, then crush it!"

Along with the unknown object, there was a sound that seemed to be able to penetrate the soul. No, it could really penetrate the soul.

Hun stared blankly at the body flying upside down in front of him. It was Kurosaki Ichigo's body.

The strong impact pushed his whole body away, and even pushed his soul out of the body. This was simply unbelievable, but it really happened at this moment.


Kurosaki Ichigo's body fell to the ground and stopped moving after losing his soul.

Hun stood blankly in the open space, looking at his hands and feet in the state of his soul with a confused look on his face.

"How is this going?"

He had no idea what was going on.

Logically speaking, even if he was excreted from the body, he should still be in the state of a pill, but now... he actually came out of the pill!

Can physical shock alone break him out of the cage-like pill? Obviously impossible!

"What happened?"

He raised his head and looked towards the direction where the impact had spread.

After the smoke dissipated, he saw a figure standing in the pothole. The surrounding ground had cracked due to the violent impact just now, and the figure stood on the ground as motionless as a mountain.

This is the shadow of a young man. The breeze is blowing the broken hair on the young man's forehead. The sunshine in the sky illuminates those dull eyes. No, Hun takes a closer look and realizes that the faint golden light is not from the sun. Reflection, but the color of the pupils themselves!

"This...this is..."

Hun subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch the figure.

There is no doubt that this is a body without a soul.

In other words, he can lean over it!

And his intuition told him that the body that fell from the sky was extremely powerful. From the dent in its face, it could be seen that the body's toughness was absolutely extraordinary.

If he had this body, he could defeat the Hollow in front of him!

"This Kurosaki Ichigo's body is quite strong."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Hun turned his head in shock and saw the person who came behind him at some unknown time.

It was the human who caught him at school!

"You...you are..."

Soul asked in surprise as he looked at the man playing with Kurosaki Ichigo's body.

In fact, you don't need to ask him to know that this man who appeared here calmly has absolutely nothing to do with everything that just happened.


I saw that the man used some method to easily erase all the scars on Kurosaki Ichigo's body, and then stood up and looked at him.

golden eyes…

Looking at the pair of eyes that were the same as the soulless body, Hun subconsciously took a step back. Although the appearance was completely different, there must be some connection between them.

"Who...are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am."

Xuan Hao stretched out his hand and pointed behind Hun.

At this moment, behind the soul is the body he created. It is a hybrid body, specially designed for fighting, and equipped with multiple speech spirits. Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to call it an artificial dragon king's body.

The 'Nibelung' plan was a plan that he had come into contact with when he was still in the world of "Dragon". This was an almost impossible plan because the human soul could not be corroded by dragon blood like this. You can still maintain your sanity to a certain extent, but now this body has no soul, so naturally there is no such problem.

"Make your choice now!"

He looked at the transformed soul in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Fight for me, or fade away?"


Facing the strange question from this man who suddenly appeared, Hun silently looked at his soul body which was gradually becoming transparent.

He was forcibly stripped away, so his power is gradually dissipating. If he doesn't find a suitable body in time, he will disappear into thin air just as the man said.

So...isn’t there no choice? ?

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