Chapter 580 573. The final arrow

"Are you kidding? This thing is obviously not something we can deal with, right!" Uryū Ishida was a little embarrassed.

"You're kidding!"

Kurosaki Ichigo rushed out with his Zanpakutō in hand, and the spiritual energy in his body was like a flood that could not stop gushing out, "I still have a family to protect! How can I be afraid of such a ghost?" !?"

"What a... complete idiot."

Ishida Uryu looked at Kurosaki Ichigo who rushed out without saying a word, and for some reason there was a struggling expression on his face.

Soon, his trembling hand stopped trembling, and the spiritual bow in his hand became more solid.

Ishida Uryu knew exactly why his hands were shaking.

Because he is afraid.

The sudden appearance of Daxu reminded him of a scene many years ago.

That was the scene where his master faced five Daxu at the same time.

At that time, he was just like now, so scared that he huddled in a corner and did not dare to move.

Facing an enemy many times stronger than yourself, how can you fight until the very end without fear?

After listening to Kurosaki Ichigo's words, he seemed to understand somewhat.

He finally understood why the master fought against five powerful Hollows even though he knew they were no match...

Because he was nearby at the time!

Yes, in that battle, Master fought to protect himself.

After thinking about everything clearly, Ishida Uryu felt that the question "Will Master forgive me for being timid at that time" was completely meaningless.

I have never blamed myself, so how can I forgive?

So, what to do now? Do you still need to ask?

The best reward for that time is to have the courage now and fight with all your strength!

Prove that you have grown up.

He has said goodbye to his timid self and has become a qualified Quincy.

This is what Master wants to see! ?

"He is indeed an idiot."

Ishida Uryu looked again at Kurosaki Ichigo who rushed out without saying a word, but at this moment there was a faint smile on his face.

Stupidity is contagious, and so is courage.

The spiritual energy in the air began to gather around him, and he kept thinking about everything his master had taught him.

Power is emerging continuously.

"Although they both use spiritual power to fight, Uryū, you have to remember that the fighting methods of Shinigami and Quincy are completely opposite. Shinigami use the spiritual power released by their own souls to use Zanpakutō. To show up and fight against the virtual is to fight with the inner strength.

The Quincy concentrates the spiritual energy existing in the atmosphere, wraps it with its own spiritual power, and presents it as a spiritual weapon to fight against the void, that is, it uses external power to fight. "

"In other words...the higher the concentration of spiritual energy in the air, the stronger our combat effectiveness will be!"

Ishida Uryu's eyes were burning with fighting spirit.

He believed that he would never lose to anyone at this moment.

Because this is the perfect battlefield prepared for him!

The dead Xu Tongtong turned into spiritual power floating in the atmosphere. Although it was chaotic, it was not impossible to use it.

Condensate, wrap.

As the spiritual power continued to gather, the spiritual bow in Ishida Uryu's hand became larger and larger.

"Not enough...not can't kill that hollow one at this level!"

He gritted his teeth and continued to increase his strength.

At this moment, Daxu has completely stepped out of the black hole.

The spiritual power that this Xu has just absorbed is countless times more than the spiritual power he has condensed now. This kind of spiritual power alone is not enough for the opponent to eat. Even if he wants to rely solely on spiritual power to burst the opponent, it is only a drop in the bucket. Bar?

"Hurry up, faster!"

Ishida Uryu's forehead was covered with sweat.

He was trying to gather all the spiritual power in the surrounding air and use the spiritual power of the entire city to deal with the big void in front of him.

Although he also knew that he might not be able to withstand such a huge force, and his life or death was uncertain with this arrow, but now it seemed that this was the only way.

And fast!

You must dare to complete the preparations for this attack before that idiot Kurosaki Ichigo is killed by Daxu, otherwise you will have no chance.

However, what surprised him was... he didn't seem to be in such a hurry?

Because that boy Kurosaki Ichigo is surprisingly tougher than him!

What's happening here! ?

Ishida Uryu looked at Kurosaki Ichigo who was confronting Daxu in surprise.

The spiritual power overflowing from that guy's Zanpakutō can be described as terrifying!

Could it be that he also borrowed the spiritual power around him?

No, Ishida Uryu quickly rejected the idea in his heart.

The unusually large amount of spiritual pressure in Kurosaki Ichigo seems to be...his own!

This guy's soul is sending out excited fluctuations as if it's been affected by the huge spiritual power in the air. This is resonance! Just like the iron sand buried in the sand is attracted by a powerful magnet, the spiritual power in Kurosaki Ichigo's body is gradually being awakened due to the influence of the external environment.

What shocked Ishida Uryu was...

The accumulated amount of buried 'iron sand' may be larger than that of 'magnets'!


A buzzing sound that seemed to penetrate the soul resounded in the sky, and crimson light condensed in Daxu's mouth.

That's a false flash.

Because of the concentration of spiritual power around it, the virtual flash of this great void condenses surprisingly fast!

For a moment, Ishida Uryu even felt that everything was over.

But this desperate false flash was resisted by Ichigo Kurosaki with his Zanpakutō!

"What a monster!"

Ishida Uryu couldn't help but have a smile on his face covered in cold sweat.

Because it seems like they have no chance!

Kurosaki Ichigo can hold back this great void, and all he has to do now is concentrate on concentrating his spiritual power.

"No need to worry... Yes, no need to worry, just like Master said, I... still have time!"

But the next moment, Ishida Uryu suddenly felt an electric shock-like feeling flash through his body.

"What...what's going on..."

His body suddenly became stiff, heavy, and immobile.

Soon he realized why.

The spiritual power in his hand was still gathering, and the spiritual bow pointing to the sky was still growing, but he himself had reached his limit.

Yes, this is his limit.

Although the Quincy can borrow the spiritual power in the atmosphere to fight, there is a limit after all, and that limit depends on the amount of spiritual power that can be wrapped by the total amount of spiritual power it possesses.

After the previous battle, his spiritual power had been depleted, but now at this critical moment, he finally reached an unsurpassable limit.

"Is this... the end?"

Ishida Uryu clenched his teeth, his eyes full of unwillingness.

Now there was a desperate fact before him.

Although he has reached the limit, his spiritual power is still gathering here, and the feeling of powerlessness and despair seems to become heavier with every additional point of spiritual power. He knew that if he didn't shoot this arrow quickly, the final result would be that he would be exploded by this violent spiritual power.

The spiritual power condensed in his hand is huge enough, and he still has the strength to shoot this arrow.

But this level will definitely not kill Daxu in front of him.

"Sure enough... still can't win? No, I can't escape anymore."

Ishida Uryu's eyes became determined.

He was still condensing his spiritual power, even if he knew that he would be burst in the end, he still continued.

This time he didn't plan to continue escaping, and had even made plans to die together.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious..."

In a daze, Ishida Uryu seemed to hear a slightly helpless voice.


He felt as if his hand holding the spiritual bow was gently lifted by a pair of old and strong hands.

"Son, I told you that you still have a long road ahead, so there is no need to rush for success..."

The flashing light of the Annihilation Cross that turned into a spiritual bow in Ishida Uryu's hand seemed to become more dazzling, and vaguely, the figure of an old man seemed to overlap with the young man.

In the hands of that old shadow, the huge spiritual bow began to be compressed and restrained.

The incorporeal spiritual bow that should have been condensed by spiritual power was almost compressed into an entity at this moment. It was a bow that seemed to be carved from blood-colored amber.

The spiritual outfit appears - Bow of Destruction·Setting Sun.

"Look carefully, this arrow is the last thing I can teach you."

The old man's voice rang in Ishida Uryu's ear.

His body moved.

It was like returning to his childhood when the master held his hands and taught him step by step how to bend a bow and set an arrow.


The red bow was covered with cracks, as if it might break at any time.

But the overlapping gazes of the two men, one old and one young, were unwavering. They stared at the target in the distance, as if they only had the target in their eyes, and they would not waver at all even if the world collapsed.


The bowstring was finally tightened just before the longbow shattered.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and the burning arrows connected the sky and the earth.

The red line stretched in the sky mercilessly penetrated Daxu's pale mask, but the other party seemed to have no time to react.

It wasn't until the red light and shadow gradually disappeared in the air that dense cracks began to appear on the ferocious pale white mask. This arrow penetrated the center of the big void's eyebrows, and traces of fragmentation continued to spread from the small holes where the eyebrows were penetrated.

"Is this...the final power of the 'Last Quincy'?"

On the high building, Urahara Kisuke looked at the almost solid red spiritual bow and sighed.

Even though he was so far away, he could still feel the fiery fluctuations emanating from the spiritual bow, a force that seemed to burn life and soul.

Condensing spiritual equipment is something that every Quincy can do, but creating a real 'bow', he has never seen any Quincy do it.

They were obviously bows and arrows with condensed spiritual power, but the spiritual power was condensed to a terrifying degree. Although it existed only for a short time and almost shattered and dissipated the moment the Hollow was defeated, this... was simply like It was a 'miracle' created out of thin air.

Whether it is the ability to create bows and arrows that can allow a weak Quincy like Uryu Ishida to instantly kill a Great Hollow that is several levels stronger than itself with one arrow, or the creation of something out of thin air... this is obviously not an ordinary Quincy. The teacher can do it, right?

Urahara Kisuke narrowed his eyes slightly, becoming suspicious of this. He didn't believe that the old Quincy man, who was not very powerful, could achieve this step.

"Who knows?"

Xuanhao just smiled softly at Urahara Kisuke's question.

"Oh...well, it seems it's my turn to deal with the aftermath."

Seeing that Xuanhao was unwilling to answer, Urahara Kisuke could only sigh helplessly.

He looked at the two teenagers lying on the ground far downstairs and felt that these two children were so lucky to have such a big man protecting them. Even if they fell on the street with all their strength, they didn't have to worry about any danger. Unlike a hard-working adult like him, who has been reduced to a tool and has to do things cautiously and treading on thin ice.

"But this time, the trouble is a bit too big... In normal times, it's a small quarrel. Maybe someone in Soul Society deliberately hides it and doesn't notice it. But this time, no one can cover the sky with one hand. In Soul Society, There will definitely be some action over there, what are you going to do?"

"What does Soul Society want to do... is none of my business?"

Xuan Hao stood up slowly, dusted himself off, and said nonchalantly, "As long as you don't touch the people around me, everything will be fine."

"That's it..."

Urahara Kisuke smiled softly.

He actually wanted to ask if he counted as the person next to him, but he seemed a bit embarrassed.

Well, he admitted that it wasn't that he wasn't thick-skinned enough, but that he was afraid of being slapped to death if he asked.

"Speaking of which people count as the people around you..."

Urahara Kisuke murmured, but the person in front of him had already disappeared.

So he turned his attention to Orihime Inoue and Yasutora Sadatori who had already anxiously rushed downstairs to check on Ichigo Kurosaki and Uryu Ishida.

All these people seem to be? It seems that there will be another Kuchiki Rukia added.


Urahara Kisuke was not sure whether his idea was correct, because he couldn't figure out this man's action pattern at all.

Especially since this man's previous concern for Inoue Orihime had obviously exceeded the limit of 'friend'. When Inoue Orihime fell, the murderous intent emanating from that man made him feel that the whole world was about to end.

"Forget it, I have to have a good relationship with these little guys in the future..." He felt that his career as a profiteer was over.


Soul Society.

There was only a faint light in the center of the dark circular conference room.

There were dozens of shadowy figures with unclear faces sitting on the seats around them.

They are the sages and judges in the forty-sixth room in the center.

And not long ago, they received a secret report:

‘Secret mobile report to Central Room 46, found a missing person and a major violator.

Her name: Kuchiki Rukia’

At this moment, a man with a stern face stood in the only light in the center of the conference room.

The man had an expressionless face with his eyes closed, waiting for the trial quietly like a prisoner on trial.

If Rukia Kuchiki were here, she would probably be able to recognize it at a glance. This is her cold-hearted and warm-hearted brother, Byakuya Kuchiki.

"Captain Kuchiki, are you sure you can handle this matter?"


Finally, Kuchiki Byakuya opened his eyes. He answered without hesitation, but there seemed to be no emotion in those cold eyes.

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