A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 620 613. Bald, squinted, old man

Chapter 620 613. Bald old man with squinting eyes

When did it start? that person……

For some reason, such a question suddenly flashed through Chadata Taihu's mind.

It seems that from the first time I saw him, he always looked indifferent.


"what's your name?"



"No, it's Chad."

"Well, it doesn't matter."

Kurosaki Ichigo was lying on the ground covered in bruises and said indifferently.

"By the way, you're really tall...for a junior high school student."


Chadota Taihu looked at his figure and answered calmly.

"You are wearing our school uniform, right? It's strange, why have I never seen you..."

As he said that, Kurosaki Ichigo covered his aching head.

There was a warm feeling on my hand, which was bleeding.

He seemed to have never seen this burly and unusually built guy before him. Plus, his head was dizzy, and he even felt like he was in a trance.

After all...how could there be such a 'hero'-like guy who would go out of his way to rescue a guy who looked like a 'bad' guy at first sight?

"I just transferred to this school today...I'm in Class F, second grade."

"Ah? A transfer student! Wait, isn't this just our class?"

Kurosaki Ichigo stood up with his knees in a daze.

It turns out I wasn’t dreaming.

Transfer student? No wonder...

"Hiss - it hurts! Forget it, no matter what, thank you for your help."


Sadatora was a little surprised to see Kurosaki Ichigo standing up like this.

After all, not everyone has an extraordinary physique like him.

The orange-haired classmate in front of him suffered a heavy blow to the head and was badly bruised. Logically speaking, it wouldn't be surprising if he fainted.

"Are you...already okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Kurosaki Ichigo wiped the blood that blocked his vision with a calm expression.

"Really? I see you were badly repaired by them...your head is bleeding."

"Tsk, where are they? I'm obviously the one repairing them, right!?"

Kurosaki Ichigo patted the dust on his body with a displeased look on his face, "Damn it, if there wasn't a guy with a rock who attacked from behind, I would have killed them long ago."

"Is this...school violence?"

Sadatora was a little confused, "I didn't expect to see such a scene when I first came to Japan..."

He looked at the man lying on the ground.

These people were wearing the same school uniforms as them, but they seemed to be older than the boy in front of them.

"Are these seniors? Did you mess with them?"


Kurosaki Ichigo replied calmly, bent down to pick up the backpack that had fallen on the ground, and prepared to leave here as if nothing had happened, "I didn't do anything, they just didn't like me."

"Don't you like it?"

"Because I'm special compared to them."

Kurosaki Ichigo pointed at his bright orange hair, "Most of the guys who will become bad guys just want to be in the limelight. They just can't bear to see me being more limelight than them, that's all. After all...my hair The hair is just too conspicuous.”

As he said that, he glanced at the big guy and said, "I think you should be about the same as me, right?"


Chadata Taihu was stunned, "Does this mean I will also be subject to school violence?"

"Who knows..."

Kurosaki Ichigo smiled indifferently, "Anyway, you should be careful. People who stand out like us will always be jealous. But don't worry, you helped me, and I will help you when the time comes. "


Chadu Taihu was stunned.

He looked at the figure leaving with his backpack and felt that this person was so strange.


Suddenly, Kurosaki Ichigo stopped.

"What's wrong?" Chadu Taihu was a little confused when he saw the other party turning around.

"Of course he's gone! Why are you still hanging around? Chad."

Kurosaki Ichigo urged angrily, as if the two of them were best friends who had known each other for a long time.

"It's Chadu..."

Chado Taihu followed with some hesitation. This guy clearly had his own name mixed with his own, and... he didn't even know what this guy's name was.

But...it seems like this is the first time I have seen a guy like this who can talk to me calmly and without a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Are you really okay? It seems like you can't walk steadily."

"Stop blabbering. It's just a small problem."

Kurosaki Ichigo pouted.

"Since they're targeting you because you stand out...why not dye your hair back?"

Chadu Taihu asked hesitantly.

"Huh? I'm born with this!"

Kurosaki Ichigo replied angrily, "Besides, why should I dye my hair for these people's opinions?"

Kurosaki Ichigo felt very unhappy when he mentioned this.

He inherited this hair from his mother, and he wouldn't dye it even to death.


Chadu Taihu nodded slightly.

He looked at Kurosaki Ichigo's indifferent expression and his eyes that were incompatible with the expression on his face.

Such a firm look... can never be possessed by an indifferent person.

Although he didn't quite understand it, he thought that this person might have the same 'glory' that he couldn't give up, so he was so stubborn, right?


"Huh...is this a dream?"

Soul Society, Seireitei.

In a warehouse where sundries are piled, on top of a mountain of boxes, Taihu Chawatari wakes up leisurely.

"To have such a dream... I feel like I am getting old..."

He sighed and patted his face to wake himself up quickly.

"Da da da da da-"

The sound of rapid footsteps kept ringing nearby.

"Is there anyone over there!?"


"Okay! Keep searching!"

“It’s time for this warehouse!”

"Second shift, go search the back!"

Someone is coming, it's the gods of death who are checking the warehouses one by one.


Upon hearing the sound, Chadu Taihu slowly climbed up from the pile of debris and looked at the wooden door that made the noise with a calm expression.

"Fortunately, I woke up early. If I was awakened by such a noisy sound... I would definitely be in a bad mood today."

As he spoke, spiritual power burst out from him, and the 'giant's right arm' slowly appeared.


He clenched his fists and headed towards the warehouse door, his bones creaking.



Another figure flew out from the direction of the warehouse door.

Just a moment later, there were already piles of reapers lying on the ground in front of the warehouse door.


They were all bleeding and moaning in pain.

From the moment the warehouse door is opened, this warehouse seems to have become a 'boss room'.

The Shinigami who rushed in seemed to be lining up to be beaten. They were thrown out one after another, with an interval of no more than two seconds at most, without exception.

Finally, after a long time without Death entering again, the sound of steady footsteps came from inside.

Chadata Taihu clenched his fists and walked out of the warehouse calmly, observing the surrounding situation as he walked.

After confirming that no one was standing except himself, he slowly squatted in front of a relatively lightly injured Shinigami, reached out and picked up the other person's collar and asked politely: "Excuse me, where is the Palace of Confession?" place?"

"Confession... Palace of Confession?" Perhaps he was frightened, the person being asked stuttered a little.

"Yes, I asked someone before where Rukia Kuchiki was, but he only mentioned the 'Confession Palace'... You don't want to be like him, do you?" Sadatora said calmly, "I I don’t know the way, but if you know it, please tell me.”

"Okay... okay, okay!"

The man's voice was extremely trembling, and he raised his finger and pointed at the white tower in the distance, "That's it... right there! Looking from a distance, there is a white tower over there! That's the Palace of Confession!"

"I see...what a coincidence..."

Chadoo raised his head and looked over.

He was originally aimless, so he prepared to go to the most conspicuous place, but he felt a little uneasy halfway, so when he met the enemy, he asked where Rukia Kuchiki was. After all, their purpose here was to save Kuchiki Rukia, everyone should go there.

But I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. It turns out that the most conspicuous place is the Palace of Confession...

It was as if... they were clearly waiting for someone to call them over.

"Thank you very much."

Gently loosening the collar of his collar, Chadu Taihu thanked him and turned to leave.

"No...it's okay! You're welcome!"

The shinigami, who was trembling with fear, looked at Sadatari's leaving figure.

When he saw this man leaving without any precautions, as if he didn't take him seriously at all, his body suddenly stopped shaking.

"Hahahahaha - you actually turned your back to the enemy! How stupid!"

He stood up quickly with joy, holding his Zanpakutō in his hand and slashed towards the back of Sadat Taihu.


A clear voice sounded.

The god of death was stunned.

"How... how is it possible!?"

He looked at the Zanpakutō he had slashed at this man, and his heart almost stopped beating in fear.

He originally thought that the reason this man was so powerful was because of his strange right hand, so he only needed to cut other places.

But... the Zanpakutō that was slashing at the opponent's back was actually bounced away!

Is this guy still human? ?

As if he had seen a ghost, he fell to the ground and crawled backwards crazily.


Chadota Taihu felt the touch coming from behind and turned his head in confusion, "Did you just... do something?"

"No...no, no, no, no!"


Chadota Taihu scratched his head, turned around and continued towards the direction of the white tower.


Chadu Taihu walked towards the direction of the Confession Palace with steady steps.

I don't know if it was his imagination, but it seemed that there were suddenly fewer Deaths chasing him.

He has been advancing slowly like this since yesterday, in order to attract more firepower for his companions. Therefore, it can be clearly felt that the number of Shinigami chasing them seems to be decreasing, and the quality is beginning to slowly improve.

Well, it's all the same to him. People below the level of captain seemed to pose no threat to him.

Because he once asked that man before leaving Hueco Mundo: Is my level considered strong in Soul Society?

The man's answer was: As long as the oldest-looking guy doesn't take action, no one should be able to kill you. In short, if you encounter an old guy with a bald head and narrow eyes, it's best to take Orihime and stay away.

"Bald, squinted...old man...is this a description of a strong person?"

Although he was a little confused, according to what the man said, Chadata Taihu thought that as long as the person standing in front of him was not such an old man, there should be no problem.

It doesn't matter even if he can't reach the Palace of Confession. If he can attract a few more powerful guys, his mission will be completed.


"He's here...it's a traveling accident."

The direction of Chadu Taihu to the Confession Palace passed through the management area of ​​the Eighth Division.

The deputy captain of the Eighth Division, Ise Nanao, held a briefcase in his hand and looked down through the window at the figure slowly coming this way, frowning.


Lazy moans came from the floor nearby.

Kyōraku Shunsui, the captain of the Eighth Division, was lying leisurely on the floor in the room with his legs crossed, a bamboo hat on his face, and his normal face was smacking his lips from time to time.

There were pies and sake on the side, and it didn't look like someone was on duty here at all.

"Oh my, it's here so soon... The footsteps seem quite calm."

He complained as he took off the bamboo hat that was covering his face, "Really, it looks like I can't continue to fish."

"Do you really...want to take action yourself?"

Ise Nanao asked hesitantly.

"There's nothing we can do. This is old man Yamamoto's order, and it must be carried out..."

Kyōraku Shunsui stood up and straightened his clothes slowly, picked up two Zanpakutos from the knife holder on the side and put them on his waist, with a look of helplessness on his face, "Although we don't care, there are always people who don't want these travel disasters to happen. If the trouble continues, the big shots hate it when something happens and they are embarrassed.”

"Then there's no need for you to take action personally... It's just a single-handed travel disaster. It's enough for me to deal with it..."

Before Ise Nanao finished speaking, she felt a trance in front of her eyes.

The captain, who was still sorting his clothes with his back to her, was now in front of her, his stubble-covered face almost touching hers.

"You can't say that... What if I let my lovely Nanao go to fight and get injured? (^_-) No one can hurt my Nanao." Kyo said Le Chunshui stretched out his rough hand to touch Qi Xu's cheek, but was mercilessly slapped away by the other party's briefcase.

"Captain, are you sick again?" Ise Nanao looked helpless.

"Oh... you are also extraordinarily indifferent today! I just like this about you! (^_-)" Kyoraku Shunsui covered his hand that was a little painful from being slapped and backed away with a smile.

"I understand...Stop talking and go!"

Ise Nanao's face was slightly red and she started to chase people away.


Jingraku Shunsui shrugged helplessly, then left a smile and turned to leave, "Oh, don't worry, I will be back soon. After all... this is just a farce."

As he spoke, he straightened his head, and after Nanao couldn't see his expression, his eyes gradually became serious.

Farce...that's right.

But the boy who came this time... seems a bit difficult to deal with, right?


Tap tap tap tap——

Rushing footsteps sounded on the stairs leading to the Penitence Palace.

Kurosaki Ichigo looked around while running.

"Very good...no one has found me yet."

He looked towards the top of the stairs. The Palace of Confession was still some distance away from here. It seemed that after going up from here, he still had to walk for a while to get there. He just hoped that no difficult opponent would come up before that.

Unfortunately, things often backfire.

When he first stepped onto the last step, or to be precise, when he emerged from the step, an indescribable and powerful sense of oppression instantly enveloped him.

"This...this is..."

Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

He knew this feeling, it was the feeling of being enveloped by someone else's spiritual pressure.

But that’s too outrageous, right?

Who is this exaggerated spiritual pressure?

He looked around, but saw nothing except the tall buildings standing nearby.

But this spiritual pressure that seemed to be able to suffocate him was real.

The powerful spiritual pressure coming from nowhere made him almost breathless.


At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo only had this thought in his mind.

He took heavy steps and felt sweaty just from running.

The most frightening thing is that no matter how hard he runs, he can't get out of the envelope of this spiritual pressure, and he doesn't seem to be able to distance himself from the owner of this spiritual pressure at all.

It was as if a cold knife was always on his neck, following him no matter how fast he ran.


"Hey, he's finally here!"

Excited sounds came from high up.

A ferocious figure like a monster stood on a high place and looked down at the running Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Orange hair... height-height Zanpakutō! You can't go wrong!"

An excited smile appeared on Zaraki Kenpachi's face.


"Is that you? Kurosaki Ichigo?"

A chilling voice sounded in Kurosaki Ichigo's ears.

Kurosaki Ichigo was stunned, feeling as if the back of his neck was being licked by poisonous snakes.

He turned around suddenly, but there was no one behind him.

A powerful spiritual pressure pressed down on his shoulders from top to bottom as if falling from the sky. Feeling such terrifying spiritual pressure, Kurosaki Ichigo twisted his neck stiffly and looked up.

He saw the devil-like face sticking out from the eaves of the tall building, looking down at him ferociously.

However, the next moment, this face disappeared.


Kurosaki Ichigo's pupils suddenly contracted.

He felt something coming to his back, but his body had no time to react.

"What's wrong?"

Doubts sounded.

Kenpachi Zaraki stood behind Ichigo Kurosaki with his eyes wide open, and asked softly with a slightly puzzled look on his face, "How can you stare over there? I don't think you are looking down on me, right?"


Violent murderous intent surged out.

Kurosaki Ichigo was slightly stunned and looked at his chest.

Obviously nothing happened, but at that moment he felt like someone had stabbed his chest with a knife.

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