Chapter 668 661. Arrival

"Ah hahaha - I'm so sorry! If there's nothing else, we'll leave first!"

Although he didn't know where this feeling of danger came from, Mako Hirako picked up Hiyori Sarugaki and ran away without hesitation. Speaking of which, he had no intention of letting this girl take action against the two people in front of him.

"Hey!? Wait..."

Seeing Hirako Mako's actions, Inoue Orihime was slightly stunned and didn't react for a while.

When she reacted and wanted to give chase, she was stopped by Chadota Taihu.

"Stop chasing them, Inoue... You should know that we can't catch up with them at our speed. These two guys are very strong... If they don't want to say anything, we can't do anything to them."


"Mako, you bastard, let me go!" Hiyori Sarukaki screamed and struggled.

In mid-air, Hirako Mako kept gathering footholds under his feet and ran frantically. After running for a long distance, the sense of crisis disappeared without a trace.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The feeling just now was definitely not an illusion.

There was something unknown and terrifying that had just targeted them.

If you do it...

Hirako Mako didn't dare to think further: "Okay! Are you crazy? Our target is Kurosaki Ichigo, don't cause any more trouble! It's not good for us to make too many enemies in the current situation. On the contrary... we More help should be needed.”

Arrancars are extremely dangerous existences. As Shinigami with the power of Hollows, they know this very well. If they want to deal with the Arrancars that are emerging in unknown numbers and with unknown strength, just relying on the power of their Masked Legion is enough. Impossible, which is why they want to win over Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Asshole, who cares!? Let me go!" Hiyori Sarugaki continued to struggle, seemingly not listening at all.


Hirako Mako's heart skipped a beat, she looked at the butt that was being carried on her shoulders, and stretched out her fingers.

Mysterious meaning: Millennium Killing.


Screams echoed throughout the sky.

"Perverted bald man! Didn't I tell you not to poke me there!?" Hiyori Sarugaki shouted angrily, but she who couldn't break free was even more powerless by such a toss. She could only curse a few words. It seems that there is no other way out, "Damn it! If you make me unable to marry, how can you compensate me!"

"It's so noisy! If you talk too much, please be quiet! This is a lesson. If a child is disobedient, he must be taught a lesson! If you continue, I will continue!"

Hirako Mako's tone was extremely serious.


Hiyori Sarugaki was strangely silent.

"I...hate humans."

After a long time, she murmured softly, seemingly calming down, and explained the reason for her impulsiveness.

"I see."

Mako Hirako answered calmly.

"I also hate the Shinigami." Hiyori Sarugaki said again.

"I understand too." Mako Hirako sighed slightly, "So... please be patient a little longer, idiot."


"You're back—Ichigo—"


Under Kurosaki Isshin's enthusiastic elbow greeting, Kurosaki Ichigo fell to the ground uncharacteristically.

"Uh? Why!?"

This made Isshin Kurosaki, the father, look a little confused.

Normally, this kid should have reacted before being attacked and acted like a 'father is kind and son is filial'.

"You...what's wrong with you, Ichigo? Why do you look so lethargic? Did you get dumped by a girl?"


Kurosaki Ichigo got up silently and walked upstairs, "Sorry, I want to stay in the room for some quiet time before dinner."


Kurosaki Isshin became even more confused.

This was really something he didn't expect. Could it be the fault of those gangsters from the Masked Legion? But it doesn't seem right. In his impression, this child should not be stumped by any external difficulties... In this case... it should only be his own problem?

Shaking his head slightly and sighing, Kurosaki watched his son go upstairs and turned around and ignored him.

After returning to the room, Kurosaki Ichigo fell on the bed.

Once he started to face up to the problems in his body, he could no longer deceive himself and others to escape.

In fact, he could hear it all the time.

It was a roar coming from the depths of the soul, like the laughter of a ferocious beast.

The source of this voice was probably the white guy with the same face as himself.

In the previous battle with Byakuya Kuchiki, this guy tried to devour himself, but was driven away.

And from then on, the mask that always came back no matter how he threw it disappeared, and suddenly disappeared.

Kurosaki Ichigo thought that this matter should have been resolved, but in fact he was overthinking it.

The disappearance of the mask was not because he got rid of the mask, but because the power had completely integrated with himself.

That guy is constantly calling him, slowly approaching, not measured in days, but shorter than that, just like the second he is thinking about is closer than the previous second. The scary thing is that he has no idea how much distance is left between them.

The only thing that is clear is... if he continues like this, sooner or later he will be swallowed up just like Hirako Mako said.

"what to do?"

"Dong dong dong——"

Just when Kurosaki Ichigo was confused, the door to the room was knocked.

"Ichigo-nii, can I come in?"

It's his sister, Kurosaki Natsuri.

"Xia Li?"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at his sister who opened the door and walked in with some confusion, not knowing what she wanted to do.

"Please tell me honestly... Brother Ichigo, what are you worried about?" Kurosaki Kari asked.

"What are you talking about? You don't need to worry about this kind of thing."

Kurosaki Ichigo sighed, closed his eyes and replied, "I'm just in a bad mood..."

The next moment Kurosaki Xia Li's question made him even more confused, no, it should be horrified.

"Actually, I already knew... about my brother, you are the God of Death!"


Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes suddenly widened and his pupils shrank.

He didn't understand why his sister knew such a thing and accurately said such a targeted word as 'the god of death'.


Soul Society.

Lingbo Measurement Laboratory, Communication Technology Research Institute, Technology Development Bureau.

Researchers are busy collecting spiritual waves from this world, not letting go of every suspicious wavelength.

"Still no response today..."

"Yeah, it's really tiring... Is it necessary to be so nervous? We are actually required to keep an eye on it all the time."

"That's it - ah!!! There's a reaction!"

"Where? Report quickly!"

Everyone turned their attention to the man who suddenly screamed.

The man looked at the fluctuations on the screen, his whole face covered with sweat: "Coordinate axis 36001400, eastern Karakura Town, Tokyo! Quick! Help me correct it and capture this wavelength !”

Da da da da——

The sound of footsteps and buttons being pressed became a little confusing for a while, and everyone tensed up and began to analyze the data.


At this time, the door of the research room was pushed open.

"What's going on? It's so noisy all of a sudden?"

"Ah! You came just in time! Akikan!"

"Ah?" Ajin was a little confused.

"It's here, go report it!"

The man responded, "It's the Arrancar!"


"Am I...the God of Death?"

Kurosaki Ichigo smiled awkwardly, "What are you talking about? Xia Li. How could there be in this world..."

"Don't pretend to be stupid." Kurosaki Kari planned his lie without hesitation, "I saw it all, more than once... In order to confirm what it was, I asked Uncle Tang Guanyinji, and he told me Of…you are the God of Death.”

! @Y # T @!

Kurosaki Ichigo cursed in his heart and greeted all the Tang Guanyinji family.

Although he knew that this guy was not reliable at all, he didn't expect that he would tell this to unrelated people without any scruples!

! ! ! !

Just when Ichigo Kurosaki was thinking about how to defend himself, a feeling of electric shock suddenly flashed through his mind, and a terrifying amount of spiritual pressure came down from above.

This was an unprecedented amount of terrifying spiritual pressure, more powerful than anyone he had ever felt before.

With such spiritual pressure, even Xia Li, who was far less sensitive to spiritual power than herself, couldn't help but tremble and break out in cold sweat.


Kurosaki Ichigo realized something was wrong.

It is useless to explain the current situation, and it is not the time to explain at all.

He immediately grabbed the Death Agent Certificate placed on the bedside table with one hand and opened the window with the other hand, and the spirit body rushed out of the body: "Sorry, now is not the time to explain!"

Not only Kurosaki Ichigo, but everyone in reality and in Soul Society has noticed this abnormal spiritual reaction at this moment.


"Report from Division 12!"

"An 'Arrancar' reaction occurred in the eastern part of Karakura Town!"

Akin rushed into the first team meeting room and anxiously reported to all the captains who had been waiting here since before.

The silent atmosphere was broken instantly.

After hearing the anxious voice of the visitor, the captains sitting silently in the conference room raised their heads one after another, and some even had excited smiles on their faces.

"There are two in total! Judging from the spiritual pressure, concentration, and stability... they should both be... 'adults'!"


Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, who was sitting in the center, silently opened his eyes, which were closed to meditate.

After roaring for a long time, he slowly opened his mouth.

"Everyone, get ready for action..."



Violent roars sounded in the forest in the eastern part of Karakura Town.

Like a meteorite falling, a deep hole was made on the ground and filled with smoke.

After the smoke dissipated, two figures with sharply contrasting figures, one tall and one short, gradually emerged.

There are hollows on their chests but they are humanoid. The most important thing is that they all wear knives like Zanpakutō on their waists.

There is no doubt that they are the existences that are extremely vigilant in the current world, the Masked Legion, and Soul Society - Arrancar.

"Ah ha? I've been to this world several times before when I was still wearing a mask. It's such a boring place." The burly figure complained, "The spiritual power is so thin that even breathing is difficult."

"Stop complaining...I said it's enough for me to come by myself. It's you who insists on coming with me, Yami." The seemingly short figure said calmly.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry."

Yami apologized perfunctorily while heading up the pothole, because he was more interested in the delicious food that was brought to his mouth than arguing.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know? This hole looks like a meteorite falling, but... there's nothing there~"

The people camping in the woods looked at each other in disbelief at the huge, empty pit in front of them.

They were completely unaware that an extremely dangerous existence was standing in front of them at this moment.

Because ordinary people cannot see and cannot see the reality of this world.

"What are you looking at? Careful, I will suck you all dry?"

But the big guy called "Yami" didn't seem to know these basic knowledge. He just felt that these guys in front of him were annoying, so he opened his mouth and sucked hard.



The screams began to spread, and desperate sounds began to be heard within a few kilometers of the surrounding area, including in residential areas near the woods.

The souls of countless people were pulled away uncontrollably, and finally gathered towards Ya Mi's open mouth.


Yami swallowed the soul he sucked in and exhaled, and couldn't help complaining, "It tastes so bad!"

"Of course..." the short figure beside him said disdainfully, "How can such a low concentration of soul taste delicious?"

"Who told them to keep staring at me?"

"They couldn't see us at all."

"Whatever, I'm just unhappy anyway." Yami said nonchalantly, "By the many people are we going to kill?"

"One, other than that, there is no need to do anything else."

"Oh ho? Among so many people, how about just getting rid of one person?" Yami smiled.

"I heard that in the current world, there are only three people with spiritual pressure that can be considered as combat effectiveness. The others are garbage." The short figure said calmly, "If you are bored, you can kill them all. .”

"Then why don't I be respectful and obey your orders?"

Yami was a little excited and turned his head to look at the woods aside, "But before that, let me see the fun in front of me first, right?"

As he spoke, he slowly walked towards a group of fallen people, because he felt that there were still people alive among these fallen people.

"It's really surprising, there are still people alive?"


Arizawa Ryuki struggled to get up from the ground, but at this moment she seemed to have been drained of energy and strength, her whole body was so weak that she could not move at all.

He could only watch the burly figure mockingly walking towards him.

She looked at the fallen companions around her. They seemed to be no longer breathing, and their chests were not rising at all.

Although I don’t know what the entanglement is about, all of this... is definitely related to the guy in front of me!

"You can still keep your soul intact after my soul sucking? No... not only that, you seem to be able to see me?"

When Yami came to the weak woman, he saw her eyes full of fear.

So he grinned and asked, "right?"

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