A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 738 731. Are you repenting properly?

Chapter 738 Chapter 731. Are you repenting properly?


Kira Izuru ran on the roof around the pillar with an expressionless expression.

There was nothing he could do, his enemy was too cunning, and after returning to the sword, Abhirama actually grew wings!

The God of Death can move in mid-air, but he needs to be distracted and pay attention to the position of the foothold set under his feet. Of course, the opponent has wings and will be much more flexible than this method of movement.

Facing such an enemy, he was running away like a rabbit being chased by an eagle. Abhirama, who occupied the commanding heights, certainly had the advantage.

In this case, it would be foolish to limit the battlefield to that small pillar, and Kira Izuru's mission was to protect the pillar from being destroyed, so he chose to move the battlefield to lure the enemy away. Go to the nearby buildings. This is not a real Karakura Town anyway. It doesn't matter even if these buildings are destroyed.


Wild laughter came from behind, indicating that pursuit was imminent.

Kira Izuru heard the sound and turned around: "The Thirty-nine Binding Paths - Round Gate Fan!"


A round light shield was formed in front of Kira Izuru after the Abandoned Chant and the Binding Path, but almost as soon as it was formed, a seemingly light feather hit it, and the light shield shattered in response.

The strong impact made him retreat awkwardly for a while before he could stabilize his body.


Ridiculous laughter came from top to bottom. Abirama was hovering high up with his wings vibrating. He had a hawk-like face and a figure like the legendary 'Garuda'. This is where he returned to the sword. Form 'Air Combat Eagle'.

"Are you going to be unable to withstand this? Kira Izuru! You are really bad! But... in front of my 'Air Combat Eagle', you can only do this."

Abhirama explained proudly, "Don't think that my wings are just ordinary wings...it can break everything it touches! It is a steel wing that is as heavy as a rock!!"

"Are steel wings as heavy as rocks..."

Kira Izuru murmured after hearing this, his expression on his face did not change, and he seemed not to be surprised at all.

"So what? Wings... are for flying after all."

"What? Is there any countermeasure you can't do? Impossible! Hahaha!" Abirama smiled confidently, condescendingly, "Occupying the sky is equivalent to dominating the world! Weak people can't touch the sky! Of course. You can’t touch me!”

"Broken Dao No. 58..."

Kira Izuru didn't bother to argue, he chanted and twirled the blade in his hand, preparing to use Kidō again.

"Khotan Lan!"

He raised his hand and pointed the rotating blade towards the sky, and a tornado-like strong wind swept upward.


Facing the strong wind, Abirama snorted coldly.

"Do you think that since they are wings used for flying, it is useless to fight off the tornado? Naive!!! How can such a move work! I have already said it! These are steel wings that are as heavy as rocks! It's just a storm! It can What can I do!?"

As he spoke, he flapped his wings violently, instantly shattering the oncoming wind.

But when Abirama looked at the ground again, Kira Izuru's figure had disappeared.


He snorted coldly and looked around. Occupying the commanding heights, he had a clear view of the surrounding environment. It was impossible for the opponent to escape the pursuit of his eyes, which were sharper than the eyes of an eagle.

"Always hiding, come out!!"

With just one glance, he saw the opening on the roof of the building. This opening was not there just now. Kira Izuru must have entered the building to avoid his eyes.

But this doesn't bother him at all!

"Hungry Wings Cannon!"

Countless feathers flew out like sharp swords as he continued to flap his wings. The heavy feathers hit the roof and broke through the ceiling effortlessly.


"Tsk." Kira Izuru kept moving and dodging in the corridor, "It's really troublesome..."

He found that he shouldn't have entered such a narrow place, he was too passive.

So the next moment he decisively broke the window and came out.

The most important thing now is to close the distance... After all, his Zanpakuto is only useful if it hits.

Boom boom boom——

Countless wings continued to fall like raindrops, destroying everything in Kira Izuru's path.


Seeing Kira Izuru's flexible figure constantly dodging like a mouse, Abirama became angry, "Don't even think about escaping! Do you want to distance yourself and buy time to find a countermeasure? I won't let you do it!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his eagle-claw-like hand and scratched the tattoo-like mark on his chest, causing blood to splash everywhere.

This behavior seemed like self-mutilation, but with a tragic roar, a pair of wings grew out of his back again.


The wind roared, and Abirama's figure with an extra pair of wings disappeared instantly.

His speed has at least doubled from before.


Like a hunting eagle, Abirama swooped straight towards Kira Izuru's position, and the sound of hitting the ground was deafening.

"Hmph, can you still run away this time!?"

After slowly getting up, Abirama looked down at Kira Izuru who was struggling to get up from the ground through the diffuse smoke and dust.

"With my speed, you have nowhere to escape. Now that my legs have been disabled, just fight me head-on!"

"Thank you so much..."

Kira Izuru said as he got up from the ground, "Come here with such enthusiasm."

Not only was it Abhirama's illusion, he seemed to hear the smile in the other person's words.

"It was really difficult to deal with your long-distance attacks. I have been thinking about how to get close to you and cut you...because my knife...even if it hits something that leaves the body, it will have no effect. "

"Hmph. I don't understand what you're talking about."

Abirama looked down disdainfully at Kira Izuru, who was holding a weird-shaped Zanpakuto in his hand.

"What can a knife of that shape cut?"

This is a hook-shaped Zanpakutō. What is puzzling is that the direction of the blade is actually towards the inside. That is, if you swing it normally and slash at people, it will not hurt them at all. You can only hook it when you pull the hook hard. break something.

"Yeah...my knife is not meant for cutting things."

Kira Izuru raised his head and smiled.

"Raise your head, "Wabisuke"!"

As the words fell, Hajime's Zanpakutō ability was instantly activated.



In Abirama's surprised gaze, one of the wings behind him suddenly became extremely heavy and crashed to the ground with his body.

The terrible weight made it difficult for him to balance his body and stand up.

"How is this going!?"


Overlapping trembling sounds resounded, and Wabisuke's blade lightly tapped Abirama's wings again.



Abirama was lying on the ground, his heavy wings forcing him to remain in this posture. Even if he wanted to see the face of the person in front of him clearly, he had to raise his head and look up!

"Everything that is cut will double in weight. The second time it is cut it will be doubled, and the same thing will happen if it is cut a third time. This is the power of my Zanpakutō 'Wabisuke'. At that moment just now... you Guess how many times I knocked on your wings?"

Kira Izuru stood calmly in front of Abirama, with a slight curve in the corner of his mouth, "I heard that your wings... are as heavy as rocks? How about it? Can you still fly now?"

The wings that could not fly became a burden, and the battle ended when the blade of 'Wabisuke' touched Abirama's wings.

"You actually use such a trick! Damn it..."

Abhirama tried his best to stand up, but the heavy wings made him unable to do anything. Now he could only support the ground with his hands. Once he moved away, his whole body would be pressed to the ground and allowed to be slaughtered. Even if he wanted to commit suicide You can't even break your wings.


There was some confusion in Kira Izuru's tone.

"Ah, I understand. Remember that before the battle started, you kept clamoring for me to join your ceremony to encourage each other and beat each other upright? If that is what a real warrior should do... Then I'm sorry, I'm completely Incomprehensible."

As he spoke, he showed the article on his shoulder: "The team flower of the Third Division is 'Marigold', and the language of the flower is 'Despair'. This is the persistence of the Third Division. Fighting is not about looking like a hero, nor is it about being happy." ...The battle must be full of despair, darkness, fear...and misery. Then people will be afraid of fighting and choose ways to solve problems that avoid fighting."


Abirama raised his head and glared at Kira Izuru, but the cold blade hooked around his neck the next moment made him afraid to continue speaking.


"You should listen carefully when others are talking."

Kira Izuru continued expressionlessly, "I think my Zanpakutō is the Zanpakutō that best fits the philosophy of the Third Division. The weight of the target struck by it will continue to stack up, and in the end the opponent will be unable to do so." Bearing the weight and lying on the ground like you are now. In the end... you will stick your head out as if to apologize. So now... you who like to fight so much... have you really repented?"

"wait wait wait!"

Abirama's heart trembled when she saw the gloomy look on Kira Izuru's face.

"You obviously like fighting so much, and you obviously claim to be a warrior, but you are afraid of death?"

Kira Izuru asked ruthlessly, and the hand holding the knife slowly moved upward.

"How ironic."



"What's the matter? Vice-captain!? It seems that your physical strength is quite exhausted? Can you withstand it?"

After knocking Hisagi Shuhei back with a single blow, Fendal looked at him panting slightly, and said sarcastically, "It's obviously a battle of the same level between 'vice-captains', but why does it look like you are the only one being drained of your energy?" Woolen cloth?"


Hisagi Shuhei adjusted his breathing gently and did not speak.

"Haha, what on earth is going on? You are the only one who is so embarrassed when fighting me who is also using the 'Vice Captain' level of strength. Needless to say, I think you should know what this means, right?" Fen said. I sneered.

"Can you...can you stop being so verbose?"

Hisagi Shuhei replied helplessly, "I know what you want to express, it's just that... my strength has not reached the standard of a 'vice-captain'."

"correct answer."

Fendal chuckled, "I am confident that I can control my own power extremely accurately. If my estimate of the strength of your Gotei 13 team is correct, the strength I am using now is indeed the standard of a 'vice-captain', and You are so embarrassed, of course you are unqualified. Unless... I made a mistake in my estimation? You guys in Team 13 are weaker than I thought? Hahahahaha——"

"Whatever you think. Just...can you please don't call me vice-captain?" Hisagi Shuhei said calmly, "I said it from the beginning...I am Hisagi Shuhei."

"Then I'm really sorry."

Fendal raised his head and sneered, "It's rude of me. Speaking of which...it would be rude to only let you state your name by yourself. I will tell you this out of mercy. I am Lord Balegang." My subordinate, Fendal Kylias, is the one who killed you."

"Kill me..."

The expression on Hisagi Shuhei's face remained calm, and he repeated irrefutably.

It should be said that his expression has never changed since the beginning of the battle.

Fendal looked at this calm look and was very unhappy: "Okay, I have lost interest in you. I followed your etiquette and reported my name. Next, it is time to end this battle with a huge disparity in strength. .”

"Carved on the surface of the water - the sting knife flows off."

As he spoke, the blade in Fendal's hand merged with his arm, and pairs of crab claws, one large and one small, replaced the blade and became his weapon.

"Is this your Arrancar's 'Returning Blade'?" Hisagi Shuhei asked calmly.

"Correct answer. It seems you know a lot, right?"

"Isn't collecting intelligence necessary before the war? Just like you know our power system very well."

"Ha, since you already understand, you should also know that you can't defeat me after returning to the sword, right?"

Fendal's figure disappeared as he spoke.

The next moment, the sharp giant crab claws cut towards Hisagi Shuhei.

"Just accept your death!"

"Hibiki, right? But it doesn't look as fast as my Shunpo."

After dodging the blow, Hisagi Shuhei said calmly.

"Correct answer, I didn't expect you to be quite capable? You can actually catch up with my speed, but if you think this is my limit, you are totally wrong!" Fendal chuckled, his figure Close again.

"He keeps saying 'the answer is correct' and it's annoying." Facing the oncoming figure, Hisagi Shuhei complained expressionlessly.

"When people are alive, they have to face a series of difficult problems. Sometimes if you make the wrong choice, you will pay the price with your life."

Fendal smiled and explained, "You are so stupid, you shouldn't be able to understand, right?"

"So you are trying to say that I am still alive when I am fighting with you... just because I gave the 'correct answer'?"

Hisagi Shuhei waved his sword expressionlessly.



Fendal stared at the retreating scenery beside him in astonishment, his eyes full of confusion.

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