A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 744 737. The duplicitous woman

Chapter 744 Chapter 737. The duplicitous woman

Seeing the widened eyes of Nilge who fell next to him, Omaeda Kichiyo got up in panic and kept retreating.

"Die...die, die, die...die!?"

He asked why this guy didn't stop him when he went to help the captain just now. It turned out that he was already dead!


Soon, he reacted...

There is no mistake, it must have been when the captain hit this guy on the head just now.

That gap was enough time for the captain to hit two consecutive 'two-hit kills'!

In other words... the captain has actually been pretending just now! There is even enough energy left to help him deal with his opponents here!

Looking at it this way...it seemed like he was indeed nosy just now...

"I should have said that if your comrades are knocked down, you should know that this is an excellent opportunity. Don't go up to help and try to rescue your comrades. Instead, you should sneak attack from behind the enemy. If the enemy is so powerful that you can't even do a sneak attack. , then you should immediately abandon your companions and run away. This is... the stealth and maneuvering style."

A cold voice came from above.

Omaeda Kichiyo raised his head and stared blankly at the calm-looking Zuihou in mid-air, thinking that in this case... why did you pretend to be knocked away and come to help me? What a duplicitous woman.


"Sorry, Arrancar, for keeping you waiting."

After confirming that Omaeda Kichiyo had no intention of following up, Zhibi calmly came to the embarrassed Ouji and smiled, "Are you ready? I will let you see it next... I was told before. It's 'just that' of stealth and maneuvering tactics, and what is a real assassination, right? No... It doesn't seem right... With your level, you may not have the chance to 'see' my true power."


Ouji clutched the wound on his torso, his eyes full of anger.

The blow just now penetrated his chest and hit his lungs. At this moment, a special mark like a butterfly appeared on his chest.

If he guessed correctly... it was probably the so-called 'two-hit kill' mark.

But that's okay, he won't let this woman attack his chest again.

"Don't underestimate me! I'll show you how powerful I am!"

As he spoke, his body began to expand.

Returning Blade——Huya Swift Wind·Great Sword!

A figure like an upright beast appeared.

Ouji stretched his body, and the bulging muscles on his body kept trembling. Just by looking at it, you could tell that there was terrible power contained in it.

"You shouldn't underestimate my strength, this is my real power! Just watch! I will be stronger than before after returning to the sword -"


"Excuse me."

Accompanied by the sound of blood splattering everywhere, Broken Bee's figure instantly came behind Ouji, with a faint apology in his mouth.

"The battle is over."


Seeing the two overlapping butterfly marks on his chest gradually merging to form a magnificent picture like a blooming flower, Ouji's eyes were full of disbelief, "I obviously..."

"You obviously weren't hit in the same place, right?"

Broken Bee responded calmly, "This question...should you think about it slowly after you get to hell?"


With an unwilling scream, the battle came to an end.

"Very good!!"

Seeing this, Kichiyo Ohmaeda hurriedly stepped forward, "Hey! Captain! You are great! But what exactly is going on? The ability of 'Bird Bee' must hit the same place twice to take effect, right?" Has the ability evolved!?"

"How can it be?"

Broken Bee shook his head helplessly, "Of course I still hit the same place."

"Huh?" Omaeda Kichiyo looked puzzled, "But I see that you just hit that guy with one blow in the chest and the other in the back?"

"I attacked the same spot on his right lung twice from the chest and back. From the beginning, the target I targeted was not the surface of the wound, but the internal organs." Broken Bee explained calmly, "It's not important, it's just... It’s just a small gangster that’s been eliminated...there’s nothing to be happy about, the next step...is the main event.”

As he said that, Broken Bee raised his head with a slight frown.

Ohmaeda Kichiyo also followed her gaze.

On the bone seat in the distance, the old man whom these Arrancars called 'Sir' was still sitting calmly, seemingly indifferent to everything that was happening at the moment, with only indifference and ruthlessness in his eyes.



There was a heavy breathing sound.

Matsumoto Rangiku, who faced Harribel's 'Three Beast Gods' alone, fell into a bitter battle.


A slightly boring voice sounded.

Apache looked at the other two people beside him with some displeasure, "Can I go to the side and take a rest?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Sun Sun turned back to look at her in confusion.

"There is nothing we can do. It's not because this woman is too weak and too boring." Apache looked arrogantly at the panting Matsumoto Rangiku opposite, "Because she simply can't handle the combined siege of the three of us. It's really Yes, didn't you promise before that you would deal with the three of us alone? Hey... I'm not looking down on you. I advise you to call back the little devil over there who is harassing Lord Harribel, right? You two together If you do, you might still have a chance of winning."


Matsumoto Rangiku remained silent and did not answer.

The next moment, her figure disappeared from the spot.

Instant step.

"Hmph. Didn't I say that?"

Apache snorted coldly, looked in the direction beside him, and stretched out his hand mercilessly to repel Matsumoto Rangiku who came over in an instant.

"You didn't even have to fight!"


After being repulsed, Matsumoto Rangiku remained silent.

She waved her hand violently, and 'Grey' had already taken advantage of the gap in her attack to sneak around behind Apache.

"Do you think I'll be fooled by such nonsense?"

Apache didn't look back, and the look on his face became a little impatient.

She casually threw a dummy bullet towards the back, and the enveloping fog was instantly dispersed again.

The next moment, she pursued Rangiku Matsumoto: "With your strength, you can't even deal with me alone, let alone the three of us together!"


Matsumoto Rangiku's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the fist that continued to approach.

The reason why she was so embarrassed when facing these three people was actually very simple. Her 'grey cat' could not cause fatal damage to these powerful Arrancars with hard steel skins. It could only play a restraining role, and it was used When the 'Hare Cat' is first unlocked, it will fall into a passive situation once it gets close. Coincidentally, these Arrancars are very good at close combat.



Just when Matsumoto Rangiku secretly thought that something was not good, the situation of the battle suddenly took a turn for the better.

A blazing flame bomb struck the approaching Apache mercilessly, neutralizing her attack.

"This is……"

Yes, this is undoubtedly the ability of the Kidou-type Zanpakutō, and there are not many people in Soul Society who have such a powerful Kidō-type Zanpakutō.

Matsumoto Rangiku turned her head in surprise.

"Is it you... Hinamori!?"

She was a little surprised when she saw this unexpected figure appearing on the battlefield.


Hearing this name, Hitsugaya Toshiro, who was on the battlefield not far away, was slightly startled.


Fierce slashes took this opportunity to knock him back.

However, the person who wielded the sword didn't seem to bother continuing to pursue while his opponent was distracted, and stopped his movements.

The two stood in the void looking at each other indifferently.

"Just now...your spiritual pressure was messed up." Harribel said calmly.

"What?" Hitsugaya Toshiro didn't seem to understand, his face expressionless.

"Did something happen?" Hribel asked.

"I do not understand what you are saying."

Hitsugaya Toshiro's tone was extremely calm, but his eyes became cold.

"Hinsen... why are you here?"

He was also surprised by Hinamori Momo's appearance, because this girl's mental state had always been unstable and she was obviously not suitable to participate in such a battle.

No...the battle on this side needs to end quickly.

Thinking this way, Hitsugaya Toshiro's movements of swinging his sword became more violent.

The ice spread along the blade and hit Harribel on the opposite side. Although there was no solution, the temperature at this moment was so low that it was suffocating.

"Do you want a quick victory?"

Harribel asked calmly, his eyes did not change in any way from beginning to end, and no expression could be seen on the face covered by the mask.

"Then... you may be disappointed."


"Hinsen...are you okay?"

Looking at Hinamori Momo who rushed over to support him, Matsumoto Rangiku asked worriedly.

"Oh, yes."

Hinamori Momo smiled and nodded.

But Matsumoto Rangiku didn't seem convinced after receiving the answer, and instead looked at the armband on Hinamori Toryo's left arm.

That's the armband of the 'Adjutant of the Fifth Division'.

"Don't worry, Miss Rangiku... I did wear the deputy badge as the deputy captain of the fifth division. But that only means... I am the 'person responsible for managing the members of the fifth division' at the moment, not' A subordinate of Captain Aizen'. That person... is now an enemy of Soul Society, I know this very well."

"Is that so?"

Matsumoto Rangiku closed her eyes and nodded lightly, "I hope you understand..."

Although she said this, she was still keenly aware that Hinamori Momo had not completely escaped Aizen's shadow, because until just now... this girl still called Aizen 'captain'.

But the current situation does not allow us to think about these things.

"Let's go, Hinamori."


"Are you finally done? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The question came from a position shrouded in explosion smoke, "What a boring conversation."

The rotating flying ring broke through the smoke and shot toward the two of them. Apache's figure appeared. It seemed that apart from being a little embarrassed by the blast, there was no serious problem. There was no need for an intermission, so she Even though he was not injured, he had to wait until the two of them had finished talking before attacking, just out of disdain.


Rangiku Matsumoto looked at the ring that was flying towards him, and with a wave of his hand, he gathered all the 'gray mist' that the 'grey cat' had turned into in front of him. Since these mist can hit people, of course they are all solid, but they are scattered. Only then would it feel like it was just gas. At this moment, the gray mist densely gathered together to form a solid defense, instantly deflecting the incoming flying rings.

But the ring flying in the sky did not stop its offensive, but circled around and returned again.

The gray mist that was scattered by the impact was no longer enough to withstand the second attack. Fortunately, Matsumoto Rangiku was not alone at the moment.


Hinamori Momo waved the Zanpakutō that had begun to be released in her hand.


The explosion sounded again.


The flying ring was blown back by the explosive spiritual pressure, spinning rapidly on Apache's outstretched wrist, causing sparks and smoke.

"I see, was the explosion just now the ability of your Zanpakutō? I have never seen you as the vice-captain... But what can even two vice-captains do? They are still no match for the three of us!"


As he spoke, Apache slammed his hands together.

The semi-circular iron rings on her wrists made a crisp sound, and then blades protruded from the rings.

Apache held the sharp iron ring with both hands and called the other two companions to prepare for the real deal.

"Mira Rhodes! Sun Sun! Get rid of them quickly! After this battle, which is like playing house, we have to rush to Lord Harribel!"

"Idiot, who gave you the right to order me?" Mira Rhodes complained, but she still drew her sword.

"You are the one who procrastinates the most, right? You just said you were going to take a rest." Sun Sun also complained, but the look he looked at the two Shinigami became as dangerous as the other two.

The three of them quickly surrounded Matsumoto Rangiku and Hinamori Momo, seemingly preparing for a quick battle.

But just when they were about to take action, something changed suddenly.

"What is this!?" Apache frowned as he looked at the arc of light wrapped around him like a spider web.

As soon as they approached the two people surrounded in the center, the bodies of the three Arrancars were simultaneously restrained by this weird spider web-like arc of light.

"You are good at close combat, so I guess you will choose to get close to us and fight quickly."

Hinamori Momo explained calmly.

"Haven't you ever thought about it? Why is it that you are so much stronger than me, but my attack can still hit you easily? That's because... in order to ensure that 'Feimei' can hit the target, I actually put a lot of pressure on you and Rangiku When the lady was fighting, she used Kidou to hide her spiritual pressure and set it aside... From now on, I have always laid a Kidou net around here, which not only helps me lock in the target, but can also be used as a trap.

But I really didn’t expect that the three of you would come together...

Sorry, please join us - accept the move! "

As she spoke, Hinamori Momo touched the spider web connecting the three people with Feimei's blade, and the fire immediately began to spread along the spider web.


A violent explosion sounded.

The entire net was within Feimei's blast range, and the terrifying spiritual pressure impact instantly submerged the three Arrancars in the net.

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