A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 749 742. Xuan Hao: Don’t misunderstand

Chapter 749 742. Xuan Hao: Don’t misunderstand

The concentrated spiritual pressure shone on Ulquiorra's fingertips.

Kurosaki Ichigo's body was once again overwhelmed by the flash.

But this time, after the smoke cleared, he was unscathed.

Zangetsu in his hand seemed to easily resist the blow and dodge. This made Ichigo Kurosaki feel relieved as if he had taken a reassurance. Ulquiorra was indeed very fast, but he did not perform a return attack. His current strength alone could no longer hurt him.


Ulquiorra seemed to realize this, and silently began to distance himself from Ichigo Kurosaki.

He stepped on the outer wall of the palace and began to climb upwards. Such an abrupt move made Kurosaki Ichigo mistakenly think that he was preparing to escape.

"Don't run!"

Kurosaki Ichigo chased after him without hesitation, "Damn it...where do you want to go!?"

The two figures were chasing each other on the vertical wall. This towering palace reached straight to the 'sky'.

Soon they came to the end of the 'man-made dome'.


With a distant roar, a hole was opened in the artificial dome, Ulquiorra rushed out of the "sky" and Kurosaki Ichigo followed closely behind.

"here it is……"

Looking at the dark night sky outside and the high-hanging crescent moon, Kurosaki Ichigo was slightly startled.

"Above the 'sky' of Xuye Palace..."

Ulquiorra explained calmly, "First of all, the top four existences among the 'Ten Blades' are generally prohibited from being 'liberated under the sky.' Secondly, the domain that protects you ends here. If you are in Here...if you die, you are really dead."


Hearing this, Kurosaki Ichigo's pupils shrank sharply.

Although I had guessed that this sky was the reason why they ‘won’t die’, I didn’t expect that it was actually like this.

Knowing this truth, Kurosaki Ichigo had to become nervous.

From this moment on... this is a life and death showdown in the true sense.

"Lock it down..."

A cold voice came from high up. Ulquiorra stood under the high moon, condescendingly looking down at Kurosaki Ichigo below.



There was a breaking sound.

Kuchiki Rukia held her Zanpakutō in her hand and looked solemnly at the chopped skeleton soldier in front of her.

She had clearly split it into two, but the next moment the skeleton soldier would appear in front of her again.

"What's wrong?"

Contemptuous questioning came, and Ludoben, who was held up high by the dead wood, condescendingly mocked the few people below who were surrounded by skeleton soldiers.

"Can't you hold on anymore? The ability of this 'Skeleton Tree' that is almost like a 'god'... is to continuously create a loyal 'Skeleton Army'! Endlessly, until the enemies in sight are completely submerged!"


The sound of swords fighting continued to be heard.

Rukia Kuchiki, Renji Abarai, and Taihu Sadatora were surrounded by a tide of skeleton legions. They tried to break through these sieges, but no matter how many times the skeleton soldiers in front of them were destroyed, they would still be destroyed even if they were blown into dust. Once again, it grows out of the dust like a tree, with an endless stream of life.

Looking at the three people who were besieged, Ludoben said with a little pride and a little resentment in his tone, "Hmph... I got this creator-like ability from Lord Aizen, but I still can't enter the 'Ten Blades'" , you, a group of bastards who can't even defeat me, want to move forward and challenge the 'Ten Blades' guarding the palace? I really don't know how high the sky is! Not to mention——"


A deafening roar came from above, and the entire Xuye Palace seemed to tremble with it.

In the middle of speaking, Rudoben raised his head in confusion, and happened to see the scene of Ulquiorra breaking through the 'sky'.

"Oh! Oh!! This is... Lord Ulquiorra!"

He prayed in the direction of the sky like a pilgrim, "Lord Ulquiorra broke the sky! He is so powerful!!!"


Suddenly, terrifying spiritual pressure poured down from the hole above.


Kuchiki Rukia and others looked at the hole in the artificial sky with some worry.

It was a terrifying spiritual pressure that they had never seen before. Just a part of it seeping down from the gap gave them this suffocating feeling.


"Block it - 'Black Winged Demon'."

The dark wings covered the sky and the sun, and against the backdrop of the high-hanging moon, Ulquiorra's figure slowly soared into the sky.

The spiritual pressure in his hand condensed into substance and turned into sharp thorns.

"Don't panic."

Seemingly seeing Kurosaki Ichigo becoming a little nervous after hearing that this was a real battlefield where life and death could be decided, Ulquiorra reminded calmly, "You can't relax, you have to tense your nerves all the time and stay vigilant." .otherwise……"

During the words, the voice suddenly came closer. The sharp thorn has arrived in front of Kurosaki Ichigo, and life and death are just around the corner.


Ichigo Kurosaki gritted his teeth and looked at the approaching sharp thorn in surprise, his eyes suddenly glaring.

Dark spiritual pressure spurted out from his body, and he was able to block the blow at the last moment.


The two figures passed each other, and the mask on Kurosaki Ichigo's right face shattered. Blood continued to flow from the broken gap in the mask, and the exposed right eye looked extremely solemn.

"Did you use 'Crescent Moon' without hesitation?" Ulquiorra asked calmly, "It was really a smart decision. If not... your head would have been stepped on by me at this moment."



Facing Ulquiorra's calm words, Kurosaki Ichigo had no intention of continuing to talk nonsense at this moment, and could only breathe silently.

The guy in front of him was already slightly faster than him, but now Gui Renhou was so fast that he almost couldn't react! At that moment, if he slowed down just a moment, his head would really be chopped off.

'Hollow' is already Kurosaki Ichigo's last resort at this moment, but even in this state, there is still an absolute strength gap between him and Ulquiorra after returning to the blade.

"Your 'virtual' weakness is too obvious..."

Ulquiorra looked at Kurosaki Ichigo's horrified eyes and stated calmly, "The strength after 'hollowing' has increased significantly than before, and the mask lasts longer than before. , but the mask seems to be more easily broken... It seems that the sudden increase in power in a short period of time is not 'perfect', and your body has not had time to adapt to this powerful force.

What a pity...You are obviously no match for me now.

And here... you have no chance to find a 'chance of victory' through resurrection again.


Kurosaki Ichigo. "

As he spoke, Ulquiorra's figure flashed closer again, and the sharp thorns of spiritual pressure condensed in his hand stabbed Kurosaki Ichigo's heart mercilessly.


"Brother...that guy Ulquiorra, who secretly imprisoned Miss Orihime...and even took Ichigo Kurosaki outside the sky, do you want me to teach him a lesson?"

In the restricted room deep in Xuye Palace, Nilu looked at the surveillance screen on the TV and asked Xuanhao who was eating popcorn as if chasing after someone.

"No need, Xiao Wu did a good job," Xuan Hao replied matter-of-factly, "The 'Immortal Body' is indeed a good thing. It can make people stronger quickly, but if it makes people unable to feel 'death' ', it will only become a shackle on the 'road' in the end. He did a good job in pulling Kurosaki Ichigo out without punishment, and even as a reward.

As for Orihime...it's better to let her be unable to move temporarily, otherwise she will definitely rush over as soon as she sees Kurosaki Ichigo being taken 'outside the barrier'. Wouldn't that be boring? "

"But... what if Kurosaki Ichigo really dies?" Nilu asked with some confusion.

"Death? Don't get me wrong... I never set up such a barrier to protect him..."

Xuan Hao shook his head helplessly.

Where does the wall hanging with the halo of the protagonist Kurosaki Ichigo need additional protection mechanisms?

He is just worried about the safety of other children. After all, although the direction of the world has not changed, there are still many subtleties in the details. For example, at the moment, the team of Ichigo Kurosaki and others is missing Orihime Inoue. A wet nurse who could 'cure' other than 'die'.

In the original world line, many crises for this group of people were saved thanks to Inoue's ability.

The barrier placed in Xuye Palace was originally only used to absorb the dead 'souls' to prepare for the reconstruction of the world in the future, but because he was worried that the children in the protagonist group who lacked key figures would not be able to withstand it, he was considerate. The 'resurrection' service has been added, giving these friends a chance to die a few more times...oh no, a few more chances to make a comeback.

It would be very touching if my friends knew about it.


"Inoue...so you are here."

After realizing that he could not keep up with the movements of Kurosaki Ichigo and Ulquiorra, Ishida Uryu gave up and joined the battle.

He has never forgotten the main purpose of coming to Hueco Mundo.

That's right, find Orihime-san... and if possible, go to that man.

Finally, in the deepest part of the main hall of Xuye Palace, Ishida Uryu found Inoue Orihime on the throne.

But Orihime Inoue looked a little strange at this moment.


She sat on the throne with her mouth closed and kept struggling. She couldn't speak or leave the throne. She obviously had no restraints on her body, but she seemed to be tied up by something.

"Why are you stuck here?"

After two arrows broke the barrier around the throne, Ishida Uryū asked with a slight frown.

He thought that with Inoue Orihime's identity, no one in Hueco Mundo would dare to do such a thing to her.

In fact, he thought wrong. There is indeed such a person who likes to dance on the 'death line'. Yes, it is Aizen. What's more, Aizen has his subordinates who are almost absolutely obedient to his orders and will execute everything. Arrancar, such as Ulquiorra.

As an Arrancar, Ulquiorra obviously doesn't know how to use Kidō, so such a control barrier is naturally not arranged by him. This is indeed the order left by Aizen when he left, asking him to temporarily let their beloved Her Highness the Princess watched the 'performance' quietly, because if it ended too quickly here, it would affect Aizen's plan in the present world.

Therefore, Inoue Orihime was naturally trapped here. As far as the result is concerned, Aizen did bet on Xuanhao's psychology, and his painstaking efforts to commit suicide were not in vain.

Xuan Hao was temporarily satisfied with having such a 'confidant' who could understand his thoughts.

Aizen is not only a good 'boss', he can also be a good 'employee'. Because he is actually extremely 'pure'. As long as he can satisfy his desires and see the scenery from 'high places', this guy has nothing more to ask for.

Of course... there are not many 'bosses' who can meet the conditions of such an ambitious guy and make him willing to work. Xuanhao just happened to be satisfied.

"I was trapped here by Mr. Ulquiorra... At that time, he just asked me to sit on the throne and rest and wait for you, but I didn't expect that there were restrictions on it..."

Inoue Orihime's thoughts were exactly the same as Ishida Uryu's. She firmly believed that as long as her brother was here, no one in Hueco Mundo would dare to embarrass her, so she got tricked out of nowhere.

"By the way! How is the situation outside now? Are Kurosaki and the others okay? Why are you the only one here? I saw Mr. Ulquiorra take control of me and leave... Could it be... "

A series of questions were thrown at Ishida Uryu from Orihime Inoue's mouth like a barrage of questions.

This made Uryu Ishida blush, but it also dispelled his first concern. Inoue was still the same Inoue, and there was no change after coming to Hueco Mundo. This girl had always cared about them, but she was trapped in I've been here so I haven't been able to show up.

"Everyone else is still entangled with the Arrancars... Ichigo... the guy you mentioned just now got onto the 'artificial sky' of this Xuye Palace. Judging from the spiritual pressure, that The guy is quite strong...I wonder if he can handle it..."

Ishida Uryu explained Inoue Orihime's problems one by one, "But it shouldn't be a big problem, right? After all, we don't know why, but we all became 'immortal' after coming here."


Listening to Ishida Uryu's description, Inoue Orihime's face suddenly turned pale.

If she remembered correctly, when Mr. Bailegang introduced the facilities of Xuye Palace to her, he once mentioned the use of the 'artificial sky' above. This was originally a prop used by Aizen to monitor the entire Xuye Palace. Later, in order to cope with the casualties that would occur in this trial, my brother added an experimental 'returning soul field' to it. In other words... only under this false sky, Kurosaki Ichigo Only by waiting for others can you maintain your 'immortality'.

This is just a functional area, so it has no defense and does not need defense. After all... Under normal circumstances, which Arrancar dares to destroy the 'sky' here at will?

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