A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 77 71. Rainy Night and the Sound of Bangzi

Chapter 77 71. Rainy Night and the Sound of Bangzi

At the University of Tokyo, a girl and the boy she loved moved out of the school and rented a small house.

This is a shabby apartment.

The house was not very big, and it didn't even have air conditioning, TV, or water heater, but the girl didn't complain at all.

Because she loves him.

The two agreed to get married after graduating from college. To achieve this goal, they worked hard together, working part-time while preparing their graduation thesis, and at the same time looking for opportunities at various job fairs in order to save a little more money.

One day, the girl fainted on the roadside, and the boy took her to the hospital anxiously.

The doctor told him the good news, the girl was pregnant.

But for the current situation of the two of them, this news is not something to be happy about, because they have not even solved their food and clothing problem...

The two returned home in silence.

The girl touched her belly that had not yet swollen: "How about aborting it..."


The boy's eyes showed great determination: "Don't worry, leave everything to me, I will definitely make money and marry you!"

But this is nothing short of a fantasy. In a place like Tokyo where land is at a premium, even a manure-carrying job is still squeezed out of people's heads. Why should he, a student who has not yet graduated, compete with others? It was crazy for him to want to earn enough money to get married, buy a house, buy a car, and support a family in a short period of time.

The sky was gloomy, as if weeping.

The boy sat in front of the window, lit a cigarette alone, and stared out the window blankly.

"It's going to rain. I'll go out. You don't have to wait for me..."

The girl sat in front of the bed helplessly and watched the boy leave.

Every time, he said this every time, he left like this every day, and then came back late at night with a face full of exhaustion.

Late one night, the girl was awakened by sparse sounds. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the boy was holding a knife in his hand - the only fruit knife in the house.

She didn't dare to say anything and continued to pretend to be sleeping.

At dawn, the boy sat in front of the window again, smoking alone. His eyes were condensed, as if he had made up his mind.

Opening the door: "Don't wait for me, I'll be back soon..."

But he did not come back day or night.

The girl waited until she fell asleep. She dreamed that the person she loved was chopped with blood by gangsters on the street. She woke up suddenly, and there was lightning and thunder outside the window.

Someone knocked on the door, and she opened the door in surprise without thinking. But she looked left and right, but she didn't see anyone outside the house.

The gloomy rainy day separated heaven and earth, seeming to separate her from the boy. She had no choice but to continue waiting.

It was dawning again, and the boy opened the door, holding the breakfast he bought for the girl in his hand, his face full of fatigue.

"Where have you been?" the girl asked worriedly.

"My friend has something to do, please let me help." The boy forced out a smile, but the bloodshot eyes didn't look funny at all.

The girl noticed his pants were covered in mud and asked him to take them off to take a shower.

The boy was indeed very tired. After taking a bath, he fell on the bed and fell asleep.

She also saw a bit of imperceptible scarlet on the sleeves of the boy's clothes. It was blood red and shocking.

She covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming, and washed the clothes carefully so that no one could see it!

In the evening, the boy woke up from his sleep.

He sat on the bed with his head in his hands. He looked too tired and his head was still groggy.

"What...did you do?" the girl asked cautiously.

The boy was stunned for a moment, and then replied calmly: "Nothing...just doing a favor for a friend..."

Immediately afterwards, he put on his clothes again and prepared to go out. He didn't know if it was really urgent or if he was avoiding the topic.

But at this time, it was already getting dark. What could the boy do when he went out?

Still the same sentence: "Don't wait for me...I'll be back soon..."

The girl looked at his leaving back with tears.

This time, the boy came back really quickly...

His face was full of joy: "I made money!"


"One million, a whole million, it's already arrived in the account! We will get married soon!"

The girl covered her mouth and couldn't believe it. What she felt in her heart was definitely not joy, but fear. What on earth did the boy do? How is it possible to make so much money in such a short period of time?

She began to leave the small world with a bulging belly and go out to find out the news.

Someone told her that the area was not very safe and she should be careful. There have been two murders in the school next door.

In addition, the corpse was in a very miserable state of death, as if it had been eaten by a wild beast, with its chest pierced by sharp claws!

The girl thought of something and recalled the blood stains on the boy's clothes, and her face turned pale.

She was frightened, worried and anxious. When she heard that the police were questioning her nearby, she hurried home.

The neighbor is a charming middle-aged woman who lives alone. The girl often sees her smoking at the door. Unexpectedly, she was there this time, and she happened to bump into her.

The woman looked at the girl who hurried back and asked with a smile: "You are back in such a hurry? What happened?"

"Um...ah, no, no!" the girl answered vaguely, lowering her head to look for the keys, not daring to look at the woman.

The woman looked at the girl with interest and said with a smile: "Did your boyfriend run away with someone else?"

"No..." The girl's face was stiff and she quickly squeezed out a smile: "How is that possible!"

The woman did not continue to ask further questions and returned to the house alone.

The girl heard the sound of music coming from the neighbor's house. It was a funeral song. The sad melody of this song seemed to be piercing her heart.

She sat quietly in the room waiting for the boy to come back.

It was evening again, and the boy finally opened the door.

She fell into his arms and cried.

"What's the matter? Honey." The boy asked, touching her head gently.

"You...don't do anything stupid!"

"Don't worry...it won't happen..."

It rained again that night, and the knock on the door woke the girl up from her dream. The girl heard a strange sound outside the door, like a banging sound mixed with the rain? She got up from the bed in panic, put on her pajamas, and looked out through the window.

It was the female neighbor who was knocking on the door one by one, like a madman. Her long skirt was soaked by the heavy rain and wrapped around her legs. Her soaked hair was stuck to her forehead, but she had a smile on her face, which made her laugh. That elusive smile...

The next day, a strange man wearing a mask told the girl: "This woman is a madman. She will knock on the door every time it rains. Don't open the door!"


The other party smiled mysteriously: "The screams will wake up the evil spirits. Only the ghosts know what she will do."

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