A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 813 806. Arrogance and the natural Shura field?

Chapter 813 806. Tsundere and the natural Shura field?

"Please... please wait!"

Hearing the urging voice from Ginjo Kūgo behind her, Inoue Orihime quickly turned around and prayed.

It has only been a few dozen seconds since the treatment began. No matter how powerful she is, she cannot completely cure Kurosaki Ichigo. At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo's condition is no longer suitable for continued training.

However, Ginjo Kugo didn't seem to intend to continue giving Kurosaki Ichigo time to rest: "I can't wait any longer. We don't have so much time to waste, Ichigo, can you do it?"


Kurosaki Ichigo got up from the ground with some difficulty, nodded in agreement.

"Wait! Kurosaki!"

Seeing this, Inoue Orihime was a little anxious.

Ginjo Kūgo on the opposite side had already attacked without any explanation.


With the sound of the broad sword cutting through the air, the sharp blade fell towards Kurosaki Ichigo again.

Because of Kurosaki Ichigo's injury, his body had no time to react, and he was about to be hit.

Seeing this scene, Inoue Orihime's eyes narrowed, and she decided not to sit back and watch. She stepped forward to block Kurosaki Ichigo, and reached out to hold the hair accessory that was the medium of her ability. Suddenly, a light curtain blocked the two of them.

"Stop! Inoue! Danger!"

Kurosaki Ichigo immediately became nervous when he saw this scene.

It doesn't matter if he gets hurt, but it would be terrible if Inoue gets hurt as a result.

Knowing that Inoue was injured, that man couldn't just turn the whole world upside down?

Fortunately, he seemed to have underestimated Inoue Orihime's abilities.

Facing Ginjo Kugo's slashing attack, Inoue Orihime's eyes were firm and she had no intention of backing down.

During this period of time, she has also been continuously training her abilities, and she also asked Miss Unohana, the captain of the fifth division of the Soul Society who is best at healing, how to quickly move on the battlefield without being disturbed by the enemy. Complete treatment for a companion?

The answer given by the other party is simple - as long as it is strong enough that the enemy cannot disturb you when you are healing.

That's right, as a qualified 'doctor', you can't just save people. When saving others, you must also have the strength to calm down those who want to take advantage of others!

"Three days to form a shield?"

Ginjo Kūgo looked disdainfully at the light screen blocking him, Inoue Orihime and Kurosaki Ichigo, and mocked, "I heard Chada say this...but you want to use this kind of thing to defend me. 'The gallows'? That's ridiculous!"

As he spoke, the movement of his hand did not stop, and the broad sword continued to swing in the direction of the two of them.


Inoue Orihime replied calmly.

"Where isn't it?"

Ginjo Kūgo disagreed. At this moment, the broad sword had already landed on the light curtain.

However, the next moment, his expression suddenly changed: "!!!"


As the broad sword hit the light curtain, a reflected arc of light came instantly. Ginjo Kūgo subconsciously retreated, but he still took a step slower, and blood blossomed on the right shoulder holding the sword.


This forced Ginjo Kūgo to retreat painfully and distance himself.

"Four-day resistance shield."

Inoue Orihime calmly explained the ability she just used.

This is an ability she has honed in order to maximize her abilities, similar to the 'Destruction Chant' of the Shinigami Kidō.

Except for the 'Lonely Heaven Slashing Shield', all her other abilities will form a light curtain when released, and if she does not chant a spell, it will be difficult for the enemy to determine which type of light curtain it is.

What she was displaying at this moment was not the 'Three Days Shield', but the 'Four Days Defense Shield' integrating offense and defense.

"It explodes at the moment of being attacked, spreading the impact, and automatically rebounds the attack at the same time. As long as it is within my endurance range, the stronger the enemy's attack, the greater the counterattack will be."

"Is it similar to explosive reactive armor? It's so ruthless..."

Ginjo Kūgo covered his wound and looked at the girl in front of him with some shame.

He was too careless and underestimated the power that this seemingly weak girl could unleash.

The power of his blow just now was not small at all, but the opponent's way of resisting it didn't look like he was struggling at all.

"So...where is the limit of your defense?"

"That's not your concern anymore."

Inoue Orihime frowned slightly and warned, "If you don't want to get hurt again, don't continue attacking when I say 'no'."


Seeing the girl in front of him domineeringly forcing Kūgo Ginjo back, Kurosaki Ichigo was stunned for a while.

When did the girl who once needed all of them protect become so powerful?

"Okay, just accept the treatment with peace of mind."

Inoue Orihime seemed to see the confusion in Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes, and explained with a serious expression, "Brother, please feel free to let me stay alone in this world... It's not without reason.

Just believe us. Neither I nor Chado will be a burden to you anymore. You just need to complete the training with peace of mind and regain your strength. "

"That's it..."

Hearing this, Kurosaki Ichigo had a faint smile on his face, "Thank you, Inoue."


Inoue Orihime responded with a smile, and the light curtain of the 'Double Heavenly Return Shield' enveloped Kurosaki Ichigo again and continued the treatment.

Soon, after Kurosaki Ichigo's injuries gradually recovered to a level that would not affect the battle, the treatment was stopped.

"Then... let's continue, Silver City."

With that said, Kurosaki Ichigo once again used the ability of the Full Senjutsu to condense a jet-black sword-shaped spiritual pressure in his hand. Although the form was not stable as before, it seemed that the emergence of spiritual power had almost recovered.


Ginjo Kūgo curled his lips slightly, raised the broad sword in his hand and prepared to fight.


The next moment, the two figures were close again, followed by the sound of swords.

The dark spiritual pressure blade touched the broad sword.

However, this time Kurosaki Ichigo did not seem to intend to choose a head-on fight, but took advantage of the situation to deflect the broad sword swung by Ginjo Kūgo.


After the block was completed, he took a step forward and approached Ginjo Kūgo's open door.


Seeing this, Ginjo Kugo's eyes narrowed slightly.

He saw Kurosaki Ichigo's plan.

Because the 'Cross Gallows' is a huge broad sword, his attack methods are wide open and close. While the attack range is large, the flaws are also wide.

The position close to the front is a blind spot for defense with such a bulky weapon.

Therefore, Kurosaki Ichigo is obviously planning to take advantage of this vulnerability to shorten the distance and continue attacking.

To this, he can only say...

"too naive!!"


In Kurosaki Ichigo's surprised eyes, he saw Ginjo Kūgo's left hand that had never been used before suddenly grasping the section of the 'Cross Gallows' sword that he originally thought was just a decorative handle, and then suddenly The ground pulls back.

Suddenly, the attack range and attack trajectory of the broadsword completely changed.

"Why do you think I added a handle to the sword? Just to eliminate the weakness of the attack range!" Ginjo Kugo chuckled. He released his left hand and swung the blade, and a trace of bright red blood spread on the ground.


Kurosaki Ichigo retreated in embarrassment and distanced himself again. Blood seeped down his ankles and finally dripped on the ground.

In the brief confrontation just now, he was injured again. If he hadn't subconsciously jumped up to dodge, the returning blade would have cut him in half.

But fortunately, he has gradually adapted to the power of the complete art and how to use his physical body to fight.

Although it is far less powerful than the Shinigami power he once had, if he uses it skillfully, he should not have no chance of winning against the Ginjo Kūgo in front of him.

The next moment, Kurosaki Ichigo started running again.

At this moment, he no longer had the power of the Shinigami and was naturally unable to perform Shunpo, but with the help of concentrating the power of the Perfection Technique on the ground under his feet, he was still moving as fast as lightning.

In an instant, he seemed to turn into a dark flash of light and came to Ginjo Kūgo again.

In response, a slightly pleased smile appeared on Ginjo Kūgo's face.

It seems that for the young man in front of him, his companions are the motivation for his opponent to fight.

At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo has gradually become completely different from before. The sharpness of his attacks and various body movements are completely different from before.

It seems that letting Yukio let Inoue and Sadat come in to accompany him in practice was indeed the right choice.

The boy named 'Kurosaki Ichigo' can exert his strongest power when the person he must protect is nearby.



Inoue Orihime sat in the corner a little helpless, quietly watching Kurosaki Ichigo's practice.

At present, it seems that the guy named Ginjo Kugo is quite measured in his actions, and does not really want to kill Kurosaki Ichigo, so she gradually feels at ease.

Next, she only needs to wait for Kurosaki to be unable to hold on any longer before going forward for treatment. By repeating this process, Kurosaki will be able to fully master the 'Complete Realization Technique' soon with Kurosaki's talent.

But...how on earth can we regain the power of the God of Death?

Inoue Orihime has always been skeptical about this.

To a certain extent, the 'Fushen Technique' can indeed temporarily replace the power of the Death God in the battle at this stage when Kurosaki loses the power of the Death God. At least it allows him to no longer have the power to restrain the chicken.

But...does mastering the Perfection Technique really help to regain the power of the Shinigami?

We don’t know the answer. After all, the case involving Kurosaki should be considered unprecedented. This seems to be an experiment for everyone.


Suddenly there were footsteps behind me.

Inoue Orihime turned back in confusion: "Riruka?"

This is the girl she bumped into when she came here, a somewhat arrogant but kind-hearted girl, and most importantly... this girl also seems to be very interested in Kurosaki.

At this moment, Riluka was entering the game space with a dessert box filled with donuts.

Seemingly seeing Orihime Inoue sitting alone in a corner, she asked with some confusion: "Why are you squatting in that place alone?"

"Um...because there is no place to sit here..." Inoue Orihime was slightly stunned when she heard this and answered honestly.


Riluka immediately looked surprised when she heard this. Soon, she raised her head and roared upward, "Xueo, what did you do? Get the table and chairs out quickly! I want to have snacks here! Hurry up. !”

"Huh?" Inoue Orihime was stunned for a moment after hearing this, "Can such a thing be done?"

She suddenly felt like a country bumpkin who had suffered a real loss.

But speaking of which, this space is really powerful. Can the use of Perfection Technique be able to do such a thing?

Not only can he isolate the breath, but he can also create some things at will, including the 'blood bar' on Kurosaki's head, which is impossible to exist in reality. It is simply like... a creator-like ability.

She seemed to be beginning to understand why her 'brother' came to this world, because these unique power systems seemed to be of great help in understanding the laws.

"I don't."

Faced with Riruka's commanding request, Yukio's cold voice came from outside.

" # ! What?" Riluka looked furious when she heard this, "Can you behave like a gentleman? Two beauties are hanging out here!"

"Beauty? I only saw one. What are you talking about?"

"Damn it! You guy!"

The two seemed unable to reach an agreement and began to argue.

"Hey... that... I want to ask you a favor too!" Seeing the two of them arguing, Inoue Orihime asked weakly.


Unexpectedly, Yukio agreed without hesitation.

"Damn it! What do you mean?"

This unfair treatment made Riluka even more embarrassed.

"Riruka, it would be better for you to use the entrusting method." Yukio responded disapprovingly, "Take this opportunity to ask Miss Inoue for advice."

As he spoke, with a flurry of data flow, a complete set of tables and chairs appeared next to Inoue Orihime, and even the tea set on the table was prepared by Yukio.

"Hmph... you guy, wait until I get out and you will look good..." Riluka curled her lips slightly, but seeing that her goal had been achieved, she did not continue to say anything, holding the dessert box as naturally as if she were at home. Take a seat.

But... when she opened the box and took out the delicate-looking donuts inside, ready to enjoy them, the look from the other side made her a little embarrassed to eat.

"Uh...what are you looking at? I won't let you eat anymore..."

Riluka looked at Inoue Orihime's face full of desire and her mouth was about to drool, and a trace of cold sweat broke out on her forehead.



The two looked at each other for a moment.

Finally, Riluka couldn't bear the longing and sincere gaze of Inoue Orihime, so she turned her head and handed over the donut in her hand.

"Just...just one, I won't give you more."


Inoue Orihime was so moved that she almost cried, "Riluka, you are indeed a good person!"


Hearing this, Riluka became even more ashamed. How naive is this girl? Is she a good person if she is being fed?

"Forget it... just eat with gratitude and carefully."


Inoue Orihime obediently agreed, stuffing the donut into her mouth in one bite, and wanted to extend her 'devil's claws' towards the dessert box.

"Hey! Are you listening to me?"

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