A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 840 833. Fear derived from instinct

Chapter 840 833. Fear derived from instinct

Soul Society.

Byakuya Kuchiki and Renji Abarai are locked in a bitter fight.

Blood continued to flow down his injured arm.

He stared at the woman in front of him, frowning slightly and not daring to move rashly.

The Ace Nott they faced was given the letter 'F' by Yhwach, and the ability it symbolized was 'Fear'.

An ordinary god of death would be tortured to death by the fear in his heart as long as he received one blow from her.

At this moment, Ace Nott can turn everything around the person hit into fear, and her poison called "fear" is contained in the spiritual arrows.

She can turn everything in the person she is hit into fear. Once infected by her 'venom', even a breath may become a fatal factor.

Kuchiki Byakuya also seemed to realize that there was something wrong with the attack of the woman in front of him.

The opponent's ability was very strange. He clearly felt that something was wrong after he was hit by the opponent's attack, but he could not detect what was wrong specifically.

"You seem to have noticed it?" Ace Nott sneered and asked Kuchiki Byakuya, who had a serious look in front of him, "There seems to be nothing wrong with thinking that this is a 'poison', but its essence is far from being a 'poison'. Comparable.

Try to think back, right?

You become the captain, become stronger day by day, and defeat the enemy overwhelmingly. Is that a feeling you have forgotten for a long time?

The most important feeling in life is fear. "

"Captain is... afraid?"

Renji Abarai on the side was slightly stunned when he heard the incomprehensible words of the woman in front of him.

Do not make jokes……

In his opinion, even if he died in battle, his facially paralyzed captain should die with no expression on his face.


Ace Nott on the opposite side didn't think so and continued: "Should I say he is worthy of being the captain? He can still resist the 'fear' and not be completely swallowed up.

If it were an ordinary God of Death, if he took one of my arrows, he would be terrified, scream and go crazy, and finally die of unbearable suffering.

This is the ability brought by the word ‘F’ given to me by Your Majesty.

'Fear', for a person infected by this power, everything in his world will be transformed into fear. At this moment, if you take a step towards the enemy, your life will be in danger; or if you hold a knife, if you pull out the knife, if If you swing the knife and cut it down... what serious consequences will it bring?

Sound, memory, and even breathing should all be scary things to you right now, right?

But it's amazing that you can still stand now, holding onto your fear by clinging to your will. "


Kuchiki Byakuya was silent, holding the sword in his hand and stepping forward.

At least judging from his movements at this moment, nothing strange was found. He didn't seem to be in fear as Ace Nott said.

However, in the face of Kuchiki Byakuya's attack, Ace Nott refused to dodge, and seemed to be convinced that his ability had worked: "But it is only a surprise, and it is far less than 'fear'. Deep in your heart, there is also Already..."


What responded to her was Kuchiki Byakuya's calm voice.

He had already arrived in front of Ace Nott and swung his knife at her mercilessly.

To him, the other party's words sounded extremely ridiculous.

Because fear is bound to arise as long as you are in battle.

And after experiencing life and death several times, he had already overcome that fear.

Just like Renji Abarai believes, even death is not a 'fear' to Byakuya Kuchiki.

However, they seemed to ignore Ace Nott's words.

Her ability is to turn 'everything' into fear.

Of course, Kuchiki Byakuya has overcome the fear of death, and he himself believes that nothing in this world can scare him.

He never suppresses his fears, but instead embraces them in battle to gain the strength to defeat them and move forward.

Mere fear... wasn't scary to him.

But in fact... Byakuya Kuchiki ignored one thing.

Sometimes the thing that touches people's hearts the most is not just death.

The meaning of "turning everything into fear" means that the beauty hidden deep in his heart can also be turned into fear.

‘Everything’, of course, includes everything he has ever owned.

Just when the long sword was about to fall on Ace Nott, a face suddenly flashed in Kuchiki Byakuya's mind.

It was a face that was no different from Rukia's.

But he could tell at a glance that this was not Rukia, but the love of his life, Kuchiki Rukia's sister, Kuchiki Hijin.

He was confused as to why he saw Fei Zhen's face at this time.

But soon, he understood.

The face of the beloved in front of him suddenly began to decay and fade away as if it had experienced countless years.

The beauty that was once disintegrated in this moment.

For him, this was the most fearful thing deep in his heart.

At this moment, Kuchiki Byakuya felt a little shaken in his heart.

But what surprised Ace Nott was that the opponent continued to swing the blade in his hand, which forced her to take a half step back to avoid the sharp edge.

"It seems that's not enough." As he spoke, Ace Nott strengthened his power.

In Kuchiki Byakuya's mind, a face flashed again.

This time it was Kuchiki Rukia's.

The reason why he was able to transcend Haizhen's death was because Rukia was still there.

He once swore to Feizhen that he would protect Lucia at all costs.

However, at this moment, Kuchiki Rukia's smiling face gradually turned corrupt and collapsed in front of him.

At this moment, Kuchiki Byakuya was completely shaken.

Of course he knew it was an illusion. However, under the influence of Ace Nott's power, his mind began to think about the worst-case scenario.

At this moment, Soul Society is being attacked by many powerful guys like this.

Can Rukia handle it?

Just this question made him fearful.

He was not afraid of death, but he was afraid that he could not protect Rukia.


At this moment, Ace Note's arm mercilessly penetrated Kuchiki Byakuya's chest.

"Deserves praise."

She commented lightly on the man in front of her, "Although I don't know exactly what you saw, it seems that you have overcome a lot of fear before you came to me.

It's a pity...you still lost to fear in the end.

Fear can be overcome with experience. The more powerful people are accustomed to fighting, the more likely they will make such mistakes. "Fear with reason" is easy to get rid of...it can be overcome with will and experience. The feeling of something approaching fear can be erased simply by removing its source.

But the 'real fear' is inexplicable.

It's not a feeling but an instinct.

We...cannot escape from our instincts.

You must be afraid... because you instinctively want to do something, right? "

As he spoke, Ace Nott lowered his eyes and raised his arms, preparing to give the man in front of him the final blow.


At this moment, Kuchiki Byakuya roared.

He was at the end of his rope and could no longer care about so much.

The Senbonzakura in his hand began to turn into light spots and scatter.

Swastika - Senbonzakura Kageyan.


Ace Nott was slightly startled.

Did he suppress his fear with anger?

The man in front of her gave her too many surprises.

But it's all in vain anyway.

In front of her, the man in front of her had no chance of winning.

The star medal flashed in her hand, and the next moment countless cherry-colored blades scattered in the air seemed to be drawn towards the star medal and were absorbed.


The next moment, cherry-colored petals were flying in the air again, but this time, their target was their original owner.

Blood burst out everywhere on Kuchiki Byakuya's body, and countless small wounds almost turned him into a bloody man. He could no longer support his body and fell to his knees.

"How stupid."

Looking down at the man in front of him, Ace Nott murmured lightly, "But this can be considered an unexpected gain. It can take away your swastika in the end."

As she said that, she slowly took back the star medal that had sealed Kuchiki Byakuya's swastika in her hand and looked in another direction.

The person in front of her has lost her ability to fight, and another person is attacking her.


Renji Abarai was extremely angry when he saw the scene in front of him. He roared and swung the knife at the woman in front of him with all his strength, "Return the captain's swastika!"


Along with the violent roar, Kuchiki Rukia, who was also facing the enemy in another place, was slightly startled.

Because at that moment, she could no longer feel Kuchiki Byakuya's spiritual pressure.

In this case, either the other party is dead, or the other party's spiritual pressure is so weak that it cannot be sensed.


In her anxiety, she even forgot that she was still facing the enemy, and ran palely in the direction where her spiritual pressure disappeared.

However, this move seems to have happened what Byakuya Kuchiki was worried about.

“Leaving your back to the enemy in battle?

Are you looking down on me? "

A slightly sullen voice came from behind Rukia Kuchiki.


Kuchiki Rukia reacted and turned her head blankly.

But it was too late.


Shebimaru slashed at the arm that Ace Nott raised to block, but as before, under the opponent's strange defense, his knife could not hurt the opponent at all.

The next moment, cherry-colored petals instantly enveloped Ace Nott.

It was Byakuya Kuchiki who stood up unsteadily from the ground again.

Although the swastika was taken away, he could still use the swastika.

"Are you still alive? You are really tenacious."

Ace Nott remained calm and composed in the face of the lingering cherry blossoms.

I saw her gently waving the hand holding the star medal, and the scattered petals were instantly swallowed up by the larger cherry-colored torrent.

In front of 'Swastika', 'Shijie' was completely unable to resist, and was completely swallowed up in an instant.

The next moment, the surging cherry-colored wave hit Renji Abarai and Byakuya Kuchiki at the same time.

Blood spurted out from all parts of their bodies at the same time.

Abarai Renji kept retreating and finally stabilized his figure. At this moment, half of his body was almost stained with blood.

Kuchiki Byakuya's situation was even worse. He suffered two consecutive attacks from the swastika, and it was already a miracle that he was alive.

At this moment, he finally fell to his knees and was completely unable to move.

But what is surprising is that he still holds Senbonzakura tightly in his hand: "Renji...Rukia..."

"What kind of will can make you so persistent?"

Ace Nott looked down at Byakuya Kuchiki calmly.

Listening to the other party's muttering, she seemed to understand something.

"I see, is it your will to protect your companions? How stupid."

Saying that, she waved her hand again, and the cherry-colored wave surged towards Byakuya Kuchiki. This time, it would be a decisive blow.


Looking at Kuchiki Byakuya who was about to be swept away by Senbonzakura's swastika, Abarai Renji roared anxiously.

He raised the Shebimaru in his hand without hesitation and tried desperately to swing the sword.

However, the next moment, a huge force from the side instantly caused him to fly out.



The burly figure fell behind Ace Nott, still holding the shattered blade of Shebimaru in his hand.

This is another Quincy of the Knights of the Star Cross, 'S' (Hero, Superstar), who was previously trapped under the ground by Byakuya Kuchiki - Masko Do Maskulin.

He threw down the fragments of the Zanpakuto blade that he had crushed in his hand, his eyes full of contempt.

"Idiot... The way that boy was excited just now, he must be preparing to use the swastika."

Seeing this, Ace Nott helplessly scolded the man behind him, "These gods of death are very smart and know that we can take away the swastika, so unless they are so emotionally excited that they lose their minds, it will be difficult to take away the swastika. It's not easy." The opportunity was wasted by you like this..."

"Ah? What?" Masco do Masculin was a little confused, "Didn't it mean that only the captain can use the swastika?"

"Go back and take a closer look at the information His Highness gave you..." Ace Nott shook his head slightly, looking helpless.

"It doesn't matter, let's end it quickly."

As he spoke, Masco do Masculin raised his fist again.


Senbonzakura's blade also shattered at this moment.

At the same time, Kuchiki Byakuya, who suffered a heavy blow, also flew out and hit the wall. The entire dented wall was stained red with his blood, and the scene looked extremely tragic.

The three spiritual pressures disappeared almost at the same time.

"Byakuya, Rukia, Renji..."

Feng Qiaolou Juro calmly looked up into the distance, with sadness flashing in his eyes, "Are you also defeated?"

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at the enemy in front of him.

The suppressed anger in his sad eyes completely exploded.

"You guys... don't even think about going back alive."

Also angry is Kurosaki Ichigo, who is trapped in the world.

Although his voice could not be transmitted through the communicator, he did not hang up the phone because Akon was still constantly reporting on the current war situation in Soul Society.

And when he heard that 'the spiritual pressure of Kuchiki Byakuya, Kuchiki Rukia and Abarai Renji disappeared', his whole person became violent.

"Give it to me—break it!"

In his rage, he didn't even notice that the spiritual pressure on his body seemed to have changed slightly.

And it was this subtle change that allowed Zangetsu to finally break through the prison in front of him.


With the sound of breaking, Kurosaki Ichigo finally broke free from the 'prison'.

He clenched his teeth, his figure kept flashing in the passage, and sadness flashed in his eyes: "You can't die... You can't die... I will protect you!"

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