A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 864 857 Broken Armor Rope Clothes

Chapter 864 857. Broken Armor Rope Clothes


Above Jinglingting, Lingwang Palace.

Kirinji shouted in the direction behind him, "We are all ready and ready to go at any time. Where are you? Ichigo!"

"I'm fine too."

Kurosaki Ichigo came slowly with a brand new Zanpakutō on his back.

But after arriving at Qilin Temple, he stopped and looked around for a while in doubt.

"What's wrong?" Qilin Temple asked.

Kurosaki Ichigo replied: "Um...didn't you say you were ready? Where is the pillar-like thing from before?"

He remembered that there should have been many pillars used by the Zero Division here before, which were also called ‘Tianzhuhu’, but now there was nothing here.

How is he going to get down?

"There is no such thing."

Qilin Temple replied matter-of-factly, "We would like to use the Tianzhu Chariot to send you back, but we cannot leave the confines of the Spirit King's Palace without the Spirit King's order. You cannot operate the Tianzhu Chariot by yourself, so if you want to go back, you have to Walk back.”

As he spoke, he nuzzled in the direction to the side.

Another member of Team Zero, Shutara Senjumaru, nodded slightly, and then in front of her, in the void leading to the ground, a spiral staircase began to extend downwards.

"Holy shit!"

Looking at the endless spiral staircase below, Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help but curse, "Hiking? How long will it take to walk?"

"It's not far. If you use Shunpo normally, you can get there in about a week." Kirinji replied seriously.

“Are you sure you’re still here after rushing back to Jing Ling Ting after such a long time!?”

Kurosaki Ichigo was speechless for a while, but he also knew that the other party was not joking with him.

After getting to know Team Zero, he knew that what the other party said was true. Without the permission of the Soul King, as the 'King Key', they would not be able to leave the range of the Soul King Palace.

While becoming members of Team Zero, these captains gained abilities beyond ordinary Shinigami and privileges granted by the Soul King, but at the same time they also lost their freedom.

"Well, if I drive with all my strength... it should be much faster, right?"

"It all depends on how fast you are." Kirin Temple said helplessly.

"No problem, speed is my strong point."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked in the direction below and made up his mind, "If you sprint with all your strength, there will always be a way."

"Hahahaha! Good! Very courageous!"

A heroic laughter came from behind.

He is another member of the Zero Division, Monk, Ichibei of the Military Headquarters.

"But... you don't have to worry about whether you can catch up with the battle." The monk said seriously, "Because the Quincy... already launched an attack on the Jing Ling Ting three hours ago!"


"Holy crap! Tell me earlier! You bastards!"

Kurosaki Ichigo's voice came from below.

He had jumped directly from the middle of the spiral staircase.

"What are you talking about? You were still practicing three hours ago, right?"

The monk smiled and shouted downwards.

After recasting the Zanpakutō, Kurosaki Ichigo started special training like everyone else who came to Soul King Palace, in order to become the combat force that could turn the tide of the battle at this time.

But to meet such requirements, the special training time is too long after all.

Now the war has started and they must race against time.

"Where's Ichigo-chan?"

Hikifune Kiryu, who came with a huge rice ball in his arms, asked the other people present doubtfully.

"Here, we just set off." Qilin Temple pointed in the direction below.


Hikifune Kiryu stepped forward quickly and threw the rice ball in his hand downwards.

"Ichigo-chan! If you get hungry during the trip, just eat this!"


Kurosaki Ichigo was slightly startled, turned his head, caught the rice ball and stuffed it into his arms.

He knew that this was a rice ball made by Hikifune Kiryu combined with spiritual pressure, which had a super restorative effect.

"Thank you! Thank you for taking care of me during this time!"

As he spoke, he gathered strength under his feet and stepped hard.

The next moment, he disappeared from everyone's sight like a falling meteorite.

"He's not as impatient as before. This kid has changed a lot."

Looking at Kurosaki Ichigo's back, which was still intact even though he was fast, Hikifune Kiryu sighed with emotion.

"Yes." Qilin Temple also lamented, "He is stronger. Whether it is his heart or his strength, it is clear at a glance."



After the violent roar, Hirako Mako's figure flew out upside down.

"So what if you can't tell up, down, left, and right?"

After liberating her true power, Bambietta Basta smiled sneer at her marriage, full of confidence.

"This little trick is so old-fashioned! Since you can't tell the difference between up, down, left and right, just destroy all directions at once! Use my...'explosion'!"

As she spoke, she was lifted up into the air by a pair of unfolded spiritual light wings, and countless feather-like light spots fell downward from the light wings.

Each of these feathers is a bomb composed of spiritual pressure.

This is her Quincy's Holy Body, the 'critical strike' of the holy letter 'E'!


The explosion sounded again, and the smoke screen immediately enveloped Hirako Mako.

However, when the smoke cleared, she didn't see what she wanted to see.

A burly figure stood in front of Mako Hirako, resisting all the explosions for him.

At the same time, a line of spiritual pressure quickly approached from behind.


Bambietta Basta curled her lips slightly, with a look of anger on her face.

She turned her head sharply and looked at the approaching shadow with contempt, "Vice captain? Do you want to hurt me too!?"

As he spoke, the wings of light waved, and countless feathers shot out towards the attacking figure. These feathers would explode the moment they touched the opponent, leaving no trace of the opponent's body.


The visitor bit the bullet and roared out the name of his Zanpakutō, seemingly trying to use the Zanpakutō's ability to counteract the impending explosion.

But the next moment, Komamura's left formation, which was supposed to protect Hirako Mako, arrived in an instant, at an incredible speed.

"You are too careless! Vice Captain Hinamori!"

Komamura Zuozhen placed the rescued girl next to Hirako Mako and scolded the other party, "There is no way Tobiume's explosion can offset the power of the explosion released by this guy. Leave the rest to me."


Bambietta Basta appeared behind him at some unknown time.

Because Hirako Mako was injured by the sudden explosion of the power liberation, the ability to reverse caress has been released.

"I admit that you are indeed much happier than before. It seems that you have made a lot of efforts to avenge your shame? Captain Puppy. But... this alone is not enough!"


What responded to her was the cold snort from Komamura Zuozhen, and the blade slashing behind her without mercy.


The blade fell short.

Then another violent explosion sounded.

It was a bomb left behind by Bambietta Basta's marriage.

Soon, the smoke gradually dissipated.

The figure of Komamura's left formation was as immobile as Mount Tai. His hard armor was covered with a faint smoke. It seemed that an explosion of this magnitude would not hurt him at all.

"Just a moment~ Captain Puppy."

Bambietta Basta looked down at the Komamura Left Formation below with disdain as if she had received a fun toy.

"Is it really a beast-like intuition that seizes the momentary gap between the hit and the explosion, and uses spiritual pressure and armor to offset most of the damage?

But even so...how far can you stand in the way? "

As she spoke, she vibrated her light wings again, and countless spiritual light feathers fell and scattered into dense light spots in mid-air.

"You can't stop my explosion! I don't attack with spirit particles made into bombs, but the spirit particles I release, every particle will explode!"


Looking at the spiritual light spots covering the sky like stars, Hinamori Momo's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

In this case...even Captain Komamura can't block them all! ?

However, the Komamura left formation in front of her showed no intention of backing down.

"Vice Captain Hinamori! Bring Captain Hirako behind me!"

He roared and stood in front of the two of them, using himself as a shield and remaining motionless as a mountain.


Boom boom——

The deafening explosion instantly submerged the three of them.

"How about it? An explosion of this magnitude shouldn't kill you, right?" Bambietta Basta mocked.

However, when she saw clearly the figure that emerged after the smoke screen dissipated, she froze on the spot.

"Huh? That face...why isn't it a puppy?"

Bambietta Basta looked at the left formation of Komamura with confusion as the armor on his body and the barrel on his head were blown to pieces.

At this moment, the Komamura Left Formation no longer had the face of a ferocious beast, but a human face.

This is the ‘art of humanization’.

It is the secret skill of their human-wolf clan.

The wolf clan is a clan that fell into the animal realm due to the sins committed during life, and cannot completely escape until death, and has been wandering in the Soul Society.

When the chains of sin are temporarily broken, they can return to their appearance before suffering sin and becoming beasts, and gain great strength.

This is the art of humanization.

And to do this, the price required is--sacrifice your heart.

"Swastika - Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King, Broken Armor Cord Clothes!"

Accompanied by the angry roar of Komamura's left formation, a ferocious 'King Ming' appeared in the world.

This newly born Ming King no longer had the seemingly indestructible armor to protect his body, but instead had a ferocious and angry look that gave up everything to fight against the odds.

The gigantic Zanpakutou swung down towards Bambietta Basta in mid-air at the moment Meiou appeared.


Bambietta Basta frowned slightly and avoided the sword swing of this unknown figure.

"Has even the posture of the swastika changed? What happened to you?"

While questioning, she launched a counterattack.

The vibrating light wings waved out countless feathers and fell towards the huge King Ming.

She knew the biggest drawback of this man's swastika, which was that the 'Mingwang' who appeared after the swastika was closely connected to his master. When Mingwang was injured, the master would also suffer corresponding injuries.

With such a huge figure, she was like a heavy target in front of her, and she could hit her at will!


Boom boom——

A series of deafening explosions sounded again.

Smoke filled the air.


However, before the smoke screen cleared, Bambietta Basta was surprised to see King Ming roaring out of the smoke screen unscathed.

"What...is going on? How is it possible!?"

She was sure that all her attacks had hit. Under such an explosion, it was impossible for the opponent to be injured.

"Don't you understand yet?"

Komamura Zuozhen stepped forward with Prince Ming expressionlessly, "The reason I'm afraid of being shattered by your bomb is because... there is life.

And how can a person who has given up his life long ago be afraid of death? ? "

"What's the meaning!?"

"The armor of the King of Heavenly Punishment is his life... The broken armor and rope clothes are... the gesture of King of Heavenly Punishment who has given up his life."

Saying that, Komamura Zuozhen revealed his empty chest.

"This is!!!"

Bambietta Basta's face was horrified when she saw this scene.

The man in front of me had no heart for some reason.

Can a person live without a heart?

The answer is obviously no.

However, the other party did not know what kind of secret technique he relied on to make the corpse move while preserving its will!

She was actually fighting a dead man! ?

"My body is already an empty shell. It is just a tool used to defeat you."

Komamura Zuozhen calmly raised his head and stared at the enemy in front of him, "The secret skill of our clan - the 'Humanization Technique'. By sacrificing your own heart, you can obtain temporary immortality! From the moment you donate your heart, , my posture will first turn into a human and then gradually change completely into a beast! Before that, as long as I still maintain my human posture, I will not die!"

As he spoke, he stomped on the ground.

After getting up, King Ming did the same action.


The huge body jumped up high, as if the earth was shaking.

The shadow that covered the sky shrouded Bambietta Basta's marriage ceremony in mid-air.


Bambietta Basta's eyes showed fear.

too big.

With such a size, even if she dodges with all her strength, she can't escape the opponent's attack range.

"Madman! What on earth do you think!? Isn't fighting just to live!? If you lose, you will die! You fight because you don't want to be killed! Why did you do the opposite! Give up your life to fight? Even if What’s the point of winning!?”

"It's not about giving up your life, it's about risking your life!"

Komamura Zuozhen roared angrily, "This body was given by Genryusai-sama. Since you have to risk your life to protect Joireitei, then why does my life matter!? From the moment I stepped into this battlefield From now on - I'm already ready to wake up!

But a guy like you is really ridiculous!

Without the consciousness of being killed—why would you dare to set foot on the battlefield? ! "

A flash——


There was only a harsh buzz left in the world, which was the sound of the Heavenly Punishment King leaping and swinging his sword.

After abandoning the heavy armor and life, all that was left was an indomitable attack.

The powerful slash was directed towards Bambietta Basta as if it was about to split the entire sky into two, and it was so fast that it was impossible to avoid it.

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