"I always believe that human beings have value."

In a space where only consciousness exists, Hercules said firmly to the man in front of him.

The man just nodded slightly and said nothing: "But didn't you say... that you would save mankind in your own way? For example, win this duel and then pray to the gods."

"Yes, that was indeed my plan before I realized what the being in front of me was." Hercules scratched his head and said with a naive smile, "But after seeing him, I changed my mind."


"Because what I want to save is humanity itself." Hercules replied matter-of-factly, "What's the point of just preventing the gods from their destruction? Such a thing... I have done it a long time ago."

"So...why did you do this?"

"I just want to gamble on the possibilities of human beings." Hercules smiled, "Is this 'evil' bred by human beings? Is this how you see Him?"

"No, in my opinion, He, like humans and gods, is just a child of the world." The man shook his head lightly.

"Yes, I think so too." Hercules' eyes changed firmly when he heard this, "So, I chose to entrust the 'future' to him. Come and witness it for me... I always firmly believe that I His 'justice' is correct. He will definitely choose who he will be based on his own will."

"But if you do this, aren't you worried that mankind will have been destroyed before that time?" The man smiled teasingly, "After all, without the protection of you as a 'god', without your intercession to the gods, mankind would have How to survive under judgment?”

"Uh... Hahaha..." Hercules smiled awkwardly, "Okay, okay, I'll put away my haste, so don't hold on to this... In short, the future of mankind, I leave it to you, my like-minded friend."


"Where...is this?"

In the same space where only consciousness exists, a confused voice sounded.

"Are you awake?"

As if hearing this voice, a figure suddenly appeared in the space.

He asked with some confusion towards the shapeless shadow in front of him: "So what should I call you? Jack the Ripper? Elizabeth? Vlad III? Or... Alcides?"

"I...I don't know...but I seem...not them?"

Shadow's tone was still confused, but for some reason, even though he was as confused as before in the ring, he didn't look like he was out of control and about to go berserk. On the contrary, he was unusually calm.

"So...who am I?"

"Someone asked me to tell you, 'This is up to you to decide.'" The visitor said calmly, "Look at your chest, you already have the 'human heart' at this moment, the rest... is just a matter of choosing what to do. What kind of 'person' do you want to be?"

"This is..." Shadow looked at the faintly beating heart in the black mist on his chest in surprise. For some reason, he had the urge to burst into tears. Unfortunately, he didn't have a specific form now.

"It's warm, isn't it? This is 'love'."

The man smiled and said, "Take it well and go find it. I will help you and witness."

"Who are you?" Shadow asked confused.

"Xuan Hao." Xuan Hao replied calmly, "Your 'father', friend of Hercules."

"Father?" Shadow was a little confused.

"It's okay to have doubts. One day, you will understand the meaning." Xuan Hao didn't pay attention to Shadow's doubts. "Then again, have you decided what your name will be?"

"Bennett?" Shadow blurted out almost subconsciously.

"Really? Can you tell me the meaning?" Xuan Hao asked with interest.

"I don't know..." The shadow shook his head slightly, "It just told me that this is my name, and I am the 'blessed person'."

"I see, what a great name."

Xuan Hao nodded slightly when he heard this, "Then, take your blessings and embark on your journey."

"Going on a journey...where?" Bennett was confused.

"Don't worry, I told you I would help you."

Xuan Hao said matter-of-factly, "But...before that, I would like to ask you to do me a small favor. It makes sense for us to help each other, right?"

"What?" Bennett was even more puzzled.

"Since you are the product of human will in this world, theoretically speaking, you should be able to connect or feel everyone's thoughts, right?"

Xuan Hao asked, "I want to ask you to help me find someone. I don't know if I can find him."

What he wanted to find was naturally the fragments of Xuanya's soul scattered in this world.

He has been around the heavens these days, and has not found any gods that have the fluctuations of his sister Xuanya's soul fragments. Through the method of elimination, it seems that the only possibility left is that the host of the soul fragments is a human being. .

And if it was a human, he thought, maybe he could help find clues through the product of human will in front of him.

"What kind of person?" Bennett asked.

"Does it mean you can find it?" Xuan Hao was a little surprised.

"I don't know...but you can give it a try..." Bennett answered with some uncertainty.

"I think this should be very simple for you. In short, try to find people with very special thoughts first. For example, there are two thoughts in one soul." Xuan Hao thought for a while and suggested.

"Such a person shouldn't exist, right? No...wait..."

Bennett originally wanted to deny it, but as he spoke, he frowned slightly, as if he felt something.

"I seem... to have found such a person."

"What's her name? Where is she now?"

"It seems to be called... He Qiong?" Bennett said uncertainly, "But now she seems to be no longer in the human world, but there was a trace of her thoughts in my consciousness, which seemed... to be cut off. Thoughts.”

"He Qiong?"

Xuan Hao was slightly stunned when he heard the name.

In his impression, there was only one person who could match this name. No, to be precise, it should have been a human being.

That was He Xiangu among the "Eight Immortals", who had now left the mortal world and become an immortal.

"It seems like there's a bit of trouble now..."

For a moment, Xuan Hao felt that things were a little difficult to handle.

Because the western heaven of this world seems to be isolated from the eastern heaven, he has not yet finished analyzing the structure of this world and cannot use the law of creation to create a door to the heaven.

And if you go directly in the current state, you may not be able to get through the Nantian Gate.

"Hey... forget it, let's take it easy for now..."

After thinking about it for a while, Xuan Hao decided to put aside the idea of ​​recycling this soul fragment for the time being. After all, he is still suppressed by the will of this world. The world here in Nao Nao is not bad. After all, there is no one who can fight within his sight. nothing. And who knows the situation in heaven? Maybe a monkey sent over there could make the Western gods cry for father and mother here, let alone other more powerful ancient gods and Buddhas.

Maybe the reason why the will of the world wants to isolate the East and the West is to protect these useless gods?


Looking at Xuanhao talking to himself, Bennett was a little confused.

"Nothing, thank you anyway, your clues are very helpful to me."

Xuan Hao smiled and said, "Let's solve your problem first. What kind of person do you want to be?"

"No...I don't know..." Bennett shook his head in confusion.

"Your 'don't know' is because you don't understand the concept of 'what kind of person' at all, right?" Xuan Hao asked, "In other words, all you understand is the 'malice' thrown by human beings."

"Probably..." Bennett answered uncertainly.

"Well, first let's start by understanding humans."

Listening to this answer, Xuan Hao defaulted to the other party's affirmation, "When it comes to noble human qualities, I already have some clues. Anyway, come with me first..."

With that said, Xuanhao exited the consciousness space and came to the Hall of Valor where Brunhilde was.

"Mr. Xuanhao, you are finally here! Regarding the candidates for the next battle..."


Brünnhilde seemed to have cheered up from the sadness of Hercules' sacrifice in the last battle. As soon as she saw Xuan Hao's arrival, she stepped forward to discuss the candidates for the next battle, but he was merciless. stopped.

"Uh?" Brünnhilde was confused about this.

"Three wins and one draw. With such a record, you shouldn't need my help anymore, right? Don't tell me that winning three of the next nine games will be so difficult for you." Xuan Hao looked at him with speechless eyes. Valkyrie said, "Anyway, you can try it on your own first. I suddenly have something to deal with."

"Um...is there anything more important than the survival of mankind?" Brynhildr's mouth twitched when she heard this.

"This is Hercules' command."

Xuan Hao explained naturally, "As for the 'evil of mankind', I am going to take him somewhere to find himself, as Hercules said, to witness what kind of 'person' he will become in the end."

"This..." Brünnhilde didn't know what to say for a moment after hearing this, "Then... when can you come back?"

"I'm not sure, but if I'm lucky, I might be able to come back before the end of Ragnarok, and I might be able to bring in suitable candidates for the battle."

When he mentioned this, Xuan Hao couldn't help but curl his lips.

"Anyway, I'm here to say goodbye."


Brünnhilde's face was filled with helplessness.

After all, if the man in front of her had already decided to leave, there was no way she could stop him.

"Before leaving, let me analyze the summoning array here."

With that said, Xuan Hao walked towards the summoning array in the center of the Hall of Heroes, which was used to summon heroic spirits.

As he stepped onto the formation, a faint light emerged under his feet.

The densely packed words floated up from the ground as if they came alive, flashing before Xuan Hao's eyes.

Soon, he recorded these formation patterns, made some changes that did not affect the operational logic, and re-engraved them on the altar.

"Okay, if you really can't beat it, you can try to use this summoning array to call me. If nothing happens, I can probably sense it."

Xuan Hao said lightly, then took a step towards the void, and his whole person suddenly disappeared into this world.

Although most of his power is suppressed by the will of this world, he wants to leave this world, which cannot be stopped by the will of the world. It should even be said that it is expected by the will of the world.

After all, if the world is compared to the body of the world's will, then it would be terrifying to think about letting him, a dangerous character, stay in his body.

As for what Xuan Hao did before leaving, it was actually just a simple imprint of the law.

He retained the power of his law in Brynhildr's summoning circle.

The power of law is the only power that Xuan Hao currently has that can transcend the world. If nothing else happens, if Brunhilde summons him in this world, he should be able to sense it in other worlds. Then you can follow the coordinates and return here again.

Of course, the premise is that nothing unexpected happens.

In short, this is a bold attempt. If it succeeds, he will be able to go back to wherever he has been.

Closer to home, after leaving this world, where will Xuanhao go in the next world?

That's right, this time he did not follow the guidance of his soul and resign himself to fate to go to a completely unknown world, but prepared to determine his own destination.

This is why he memorized the summoning circle used by Brynhildr to summon heroic spirits.

When he mentioned heroic spirits, Xuan Hao would subconsciously think of a world where heroic spirits not only ran around, but also seemed to often gather in crowds to fight.

He thought that if he were there, Bennett might be able to learn some valuable qualities from those proud heroes, and by the way, he could also come into contact with all kinds of human beings, and truly understand the nature of human beings, and maybe even the nature of the world. Researched it clearly together.

"In short, they are both summoning formations for summoning heroic spirits... there must be something in common, right? Let me listen... who is calling?"

Xuan Hao hummed while wandering in the gap between the worlds. He closed his eyes and listened carefully to the call from somewhere in the world.


The truth sometimes destroys the falseness of the world, but it cannot erase the 'truth' of 'falseness is here', even with the help of the power of the Holy Grail.

The city is a veritable ‘gap’ perched on a dark wilderness.

It is not an 'isolation zone' between day and night, light and darkness, but a 'harmony zone' composed of the same type of things. It is like a dividing line. Although it is not as distinct as magic and magic, it is enough to distinguish the two. Foreign body of man or beast.

In other words, the boundaries of this city are blurred, as if the colors of dusk and dawn are blended together. It is not a clear dividing line, but a black center point formed by the final mixture of various brightly colored pigments.

This is exactly the character of the city ‘Snowfield’. ()

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