"If someone sees our combination, they will be extremely curious, right? A human and a human exuding the aura of a heroic spirit may make other magicians extremely wary."

"I'm supposed to move as a spirit. Didn't you make it so embarrassing just to look cool like a spy?" Bennett complained speechlessly, and he was now transformed into Flat's special watch.

After disappearing from the park, in order to confirm Jack's ability to "become any object", Flatt asked him to change one by one from humans to animals, plants, and even inorganic objects.

After trying to transform into a watch, Flatt fell in love with the appearance of the watch, so he decided to carry the heroic spirit on his body in this form to ensure his own safety. This can be described as ‘personal protection’ in the true sense.

However, doing so is exactly what Frater said, and it may have unexpected effects.

At least based on the knowledge he gained from the Holy Grail, there were very few heroic spirits that could transform into objects and be worn by their masters.

In addition, their combination is so strange, and there is a human with inhuman fighting ability beside them.

No matter which magician sees them for the first time, he will probably feel confused, right?

As long as he wraps his aura around Flatt, maybe even the heroic spirit will mistake Flatt for a 'heroic spirit', and Master Xuanhao on the side is the master.

As we all know, it is often easier to win by getting rid of the master than to decide the winner between the heroic spirits. As long as the heroic spirits are not stubborn, they will probably obey such orders under the instructions of the master.

In that case, fighting would be a bit fun.

Of course, the premise of everything is that the opponent does not know Flatt.

This is difficult in a sense.

Because even in the Clock Tower, this boy was a troubled child who was called the 'Taboo Child of God', and he was considered a well-known figure in the magician industry.

Bennett naturally didn't know this, so he had random thoughts.

However, it is not entirely random, because in the Holy Grail War, battles between magicians are often carried out by remotely commanding heroic spirits. It can be said that there are very few magicians walking on the road as struttingly as Flat.

If only the heroic spirits came, maybe they would be mistaken for the wrong person.

Flatt got off the bed and looked back and forth between the clock that came with the hotel and the watch that Jack had turned into.

"But you are really good, even the timing is very accurate."

"That's what my ability is. Although it will be a 'fake' no matter what it turns into, the function should be the same as the real thing."


Flatt felt a little confused when he heard this. He walked to the sink, blocked the drain outlet with a plug, and started to collect water.

"Practice brings true knowledge. There has been no comparison, and I don't know the difference." Bennett replied, "Speaking of which...what are you doing?"

Hearing the question from Servant Watch, Flatt wet his fingers with water and asked, "Don't you feel anything? Mr. Xuanhao must have felt it, right?"

"Yes." Xuan Hao, who also got out of bed, nodded slightly and watched Flatt's actions with interest. He seemed a little curious about what this young man was going to do.


Bennett was speechless.

He always felt that he was really incompetent as a heroic spirit.

Generally speaking, aren't heroic spirits stronger than their masters in terms of perception or any other aspect? After all, he is a heroic spirit, and the Master is only human no matter what.

From this point of view, their combination is really abnormal.

While Bennett was frustrated, Flatt used his finger to draw a simple magic circle on the washstand mirror.

"There are two loud magical 'noises' moving south."

Hearing this, Bennett's slightly embarrassed voice came from his watch. He finally couldn't help complaining: "Why didn't I feel it?"

"Don't worry about it," Xuan Hao said calmly, "Your current class is a 'berserker', and your attributes will change under the influence of your class. The ability to sense magic and use it to spy on intelligence is not originally The strength of the berserker, have you seen any berserker who needs to find out the enemy's intelligence before going up to fight with them?"

"It makes sense." Bennett seemed to understand.

Flatt didn't seem to think so, jokingly saying: "If you become a radar, you might be able to improve your perception."

"The angle is very strange... Are you really the magician of the clock tower?" Xuan Hao was slightly stunned when he heard this.

Although he already knew that this young man's brain circuit was different after contact, he did not expect that it was even more outrageous than he imagined.

"Don't learn from your Master, Bennett. You will become a bad boy."

"Is that so?" Bennett seemed to understand.

"Huh? That's too much~Mr. Xuanhao~" Flatt chuckled.

While joking, he calmly moved his fingers and finished drawing the magic circle. Then he faced the mirror and whispered something like a mantra. As if in response, the water in the pool began to change.

After the water surface continued to ripple, a picture was reflected.

Seeing the desert reflected on the water, the hands of the watch twisted, and Xuan Hao also raised his eyebrows slightly.

"This is……"

Flatt replied very simply: "There is a magician who is using his familiar to monitor the desert, so I took a peek."


If Xuan Hao and Bennett had 'eyes' at this moment, they would probably look at the young man in front of them in surprise.

"Even if I send my familiar now, it's too late." Flat said nonchalantly.

Even if he is incapable of magic, the Holy Grail System has given him basic knowledge of magic.

And these basic knowledge told him that "peeping at the visual information of other people's familiars" is not something that can be done easily.

If the other party is a beginner who has just learned magic, that's all. But they are here to visit the Holy Grail War, or they are magicians who participate in the Holy Grail War as Masters. How can anyone in their right mind interfere with the opponent's use of magic?

If everyone could do this, then the familiar system would be useless a long time ago, right?

With such doubts, Bennett said: "Can you really do it? No, even if you can do it, is there no danger? Once the other party traces it, our position will be exposed."

"Well - I have taken precautions for this, but I can't guarantee absolute safety... The professor will definitely not be able to trace it, but he will notice something is wrong afterwards and trace it to me... If it is Xiaolu (note : Luvia Zelita Edelfeldt, the daughter of the Edelfeldt family, a famous Finnish magic family, and a student of Lord El-Melloi II) A person of that caliber may cause the magic power to flow backwards. , blow up the whole hotel.”

Flatt muttered worriedly for a while, then regained his composure and continued: "It doesn't matter. If it is exposed, I will sincerely say I'm sorry!"

Seeing Flatt's innocent smile, although Bennett didn't know what fear was, he inexplicably felt a cold wind blowing through his heart.

He whispered something. Although it was not completely correct, it still captured part of the essence of the Master Flat: "I think... you would say the same thing when killing someone, which is a bit scary."

"Yeah, this guy is more interesting than I thought." Xuan Hao on the side commented after hearing this.

"Hahaha, thank you for the compliment." Flat scratched his head, looking shy.

"I didn't praise you..."


Desert area south of Snowfield.

There is a vast desert to the south of the city.

Although it is not as vast as the Colorado Desert or the Arizona Desert, from the city, you still cannot see the end of the horizon. If you step in unconsciously, you will be in danger easily.

In the heart of this desert, they finally met.

There are no forests or cities at all here, only sandy soil and wild grass unique to dry areas scattered around.

Enkidu, the spearman who arrived here first, quietly looked up at the night sky.

Then I saw a golden figure emerging in the sky, and that heroic figure covered countless stars.

The heroic archer wears golden armor and holds an unknown object.

Enkidu knew what the other man was holding.

He also knew that the reason why the other party could float in the air was because of the power of a special treasure.

Of course, he also knew who the other party was.

Heaven and earth—the two heroes are about one hundred and twenty meters apart.

The gaze looking down at the earth and the gaze looking up at the night sky are two completely different gazes, but they have the same height.

The two confirmed each other's presence and said nothing.

But at the next moment, the two of them relaxed their lips almost at the same time and smiled.

They just looked at each other with a calm smile.

It's as if it's enough to confirm the other person's identity as they expect.


At the same moment, on the roof of a building in downtown Snowfield.

In the center of Snowfield, there are rows of high-rise buildings. The nameless stalker is standing on the roof of Crystal Hill, the tallest casino hotel in the world.

Her purpose is to observe the surrounding terrain and search for the scent of people related to the Holy Grail War.

Although this move was too conspicuous, it would be better if it could catch someone targeting him.

With this overly straightforward motive, the stalker stood on the building and observed the situation in the city.

Suddenly, her eyes were cast in a certain direction.

To the south of the city, only the desert horizon is visible.

The stalker did not look away, just staring at the slit between the sky and the earth.

"Hey...has the celebration begun?"

The vampire magician, Jesta, was watching the stalker from the rooftop of another building, and soon noticed something strange.

He is not good at sensing breath.

Despite this, he still felt a breath like electricity running through his back from the south of the city.

This is probably an instinct acquired by immortal beings who have been wandering on the edge of life and death all year round.

The instinct to sense ‘danger’.

From now on, something is going to happen somewhere in the desert.

Jesta had such a premonition based on another intuition different from magic perception. He smiled evilly and whispered softly.

"This war is the red carpet road for me and her. Please... make sure to send us grand fireworks."


The gaze returns to the Snowfield Desert.

The smiles of the two people between heaven and earth are like a signal.

The first to take action was Gilgamesh.

He activated the strange sword in his hand - the Sword of Deviation EA. Let it reveal its true appearance as a Noble Phantasm.

Noble Phantasm.

It can be said that it is one of the concepts that the heroic spirits hold and constitute themselves.

Some are weapons that the hero carries throughout his life, some are part of the hero's body, and some are space treasures that imitate the scenery of the hero's soul. The existence form of the hero varies greatly depending on the heroic spirit.

Gilgamesh has all the treasures, and ordinary treasures will just be thrown into the treasure house by him. But this sword is one of the few exceptions even among the noble phantoms he owns, and it is very valued by him.

However, this sword has no sword inscription.

The so-called "EA" is just a nickname given by Gilgamesh for the convenience of calling it.

If you dig deeper, it might not be a sword at all.

Because it existed long before sharp weapons such as swords and spears appeared on the stage of history.

As early as in the ancient times before humans, or in other words, before the planet appeared, gods transformed pure power into entities and wielded it to open up the world. Such a weapon is simply a treasure among treasures.

It is the beginning of everything on this planet, a divine creature that created the world.

Cutting apart the void creates the sky, piercing the sky returns to nothingness.

This power that symbolizes the beginning and the end can only be controlled by Gilgamesh, who has inherited the gene of God.

Therefore, when Gilgamesh wields the sword with all his strength, it will be classified into this category - the anti-realm Noble Phantasm.

According to the different properties of the attack Noble Phantasms, they are divided into categories such as attacking people, attacking armies, and attacking cities.

When two heroic spirits fight one-on-one, in most cases the anti-person Noble Phantasm is more useful than the anti-army or anti-city Noble Phantasm. But the power of the Anti-World Noble Phantasm far exceeds the level of this relationship and situation.

It can be said that it affects the balance.

Because that is an absolute force that can destroy the entire world.

Regardless of whether the enemy is one person or a group, the Anti-World Noble Phantasm can destroy the world it belongs to.

This is the full power attack unleashed by the Hero King Gilgamesh.

But now, he was going to swing his sword resolutely against just one heroic spirit.

This is not a game, and Gilgamesh has no intention of showing mercy.

He abandoned the pride of a strong man and struck an unreserved blow at Enkidu, the heroic spirit standing on the earth.

This blow was a gift to his oldest and only friend.

It is also the joy of reunion that reveals everything about being a king, a hero, and being Gilgamesh.

"EA, let's sing to your heart's content."

Gilgamesh smiled and said this not to the heroic spirit in front of him, but to the sword in his hand.

The cylindrical sword in his hand seemed to be responding to him, spinning at high speed like a pickaxe while picking up the air.

The swirling wind sucks in more air, gradually forming a small tornado.

Tornadoes overlap each other, creating larger air distortions.

Everything seemed to be concentrated at the tip of the sword and compressed into a ball.

The gas layer has exceeded the physical limit, but it is still increasing in density. It eventually turned into a weapon that tore apart everything and began to devour the entire space.

Sound and light converged in the twisted air, silence and darkness formed a vortex around the sword, and EA began to hum like a creature.

Gilgamesh firmly grasped the hilt of the sword and swung it towards his friend who had just reunited without thinking:

"Enuma - Elish!"

Twisted, cracked.

Everything gathered in front of EA, was compressed to the limit, and was then released together with the slash.

The resulting pressure released created cracks in the surrounding space. The whole world gradually turned upside down and was sucked into the void of the slit.

Who would have believed that just one swing of the sword could create such a scene?

Nothingness poked its head out of the torn space gap and continued to tear apart the surrounding space. Countless cracks are gradually eroding the world.

The sand was torn into clay, and the sky and clouds were in disarray.

All this is like throwing a landscape painting into the shredder, the world is like hell at the moment.

The erosion called Slash crushed the planet while rushing towards the heroic spirits on the ground.

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